Game #2854329

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+42 X
+1 TS

88% | 1529 X | 1492 TS

+32 X
+1 TS

76% | 1384 X | 1448 TS

+19 X
+46 TS

NEW | 1094 X | 1093 TS

+63 X
+55 TS

NEW | 1095 X | 1020 TS

+36 X
+70 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

-50 X
-1 TS

97% | 1698 X | 1622 TS

-22 X
-3 TS

44% | 1172 X | 1290 TS

-40 X
-2 TS

36% | 1030 X | 1364 TS

-58 X
-25 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

-15 X
-25 TS

NEW | 945 X | 985 TS

Chat log

00:00:09Puppetmaster is roof banned here too?
00:00:14jakkihirki no
00:00:17Zlo think no
00:00:17Nickless im third best
00:00:17jakkihirki but maybe
00:00:17Nickless thats bad..
00:00:17Frontschwein they will bann it now
00:00:17Taharua what?
00:00:17Puppetmaster and the timeout rule??
00:00:17Norrebro ¨fuck u taran
00:00:17taraN what timeout rule
00:00:17Puppetmaster -gameinfo
00:00:17Zlo lol
00:00:17Zlo lol
00:00:17jakkihirki there is no such thing
00:00:17Puppetmaster you can pause game whenever you want?
00:00:17Puppetmaster and unpause?
00:00:17taraN theres no specific rule about pausing - its just about manners
00:00:17Zlo so stuoid
00:00:17Nickless not good
00:00:17MaAkoXYma ZLO!
00:00:17Puppetmaster ah, its ok
00:00:17Zlo y?
00:00:17taraN if someone wants to remove pause they can
00:00:17jakkihirki roof
00:00:18taraN if someone wants to be nice and let you pause
00:00:20jakkihirki d
00:00:20Puppetmaster !stats
00:00:20taraN go ahead
00:00:20Norrebro bs
00:00:23taraN usually people here are mannered enough to let you pause but some people are assholes
00:00:24jakkihirki anyone want aa?
00:00:36Puppetmaster like everywhere
00:00:37Norrebro now stop talking fags
00:00:38Nickless i cant pick if i dont see the pool i had to set it
00:00:48taraN anyone want aa?
00:00:51Nickless and i paused again
00:00:58Nickless what to take
00:01:02jakkihirki pick some supports
00:01:04jakkihirki like aa?
00:01:04Puppetmaster i really dont
00:01:16taraN guys
00:01:16Taharua i will take necro if noone take it
00:01:17taraN get
00:01:19taraN aa good
00:01:20taraN and
00:01:21taraN lesh
00:01:22taraN or
00:01:23taraN pugna
00:01:24taraN or ogre
00:01:24jakkihirki please dont
00:01:25Puppetmaster can lesh
00:01:26taraN ogre actually best
00:01:27Zlo i brista
00:01:28Puppetmaster i love ogre
00:01:30Taharua why ?
00:01:33Frontschwein me bot ok ?
00:01:34jakkihirki nerco sucks balls
00:01:37taraN im bot too
00:01:43jakkihirki necro*
00:01:48Norrebro pugna sven top
00:01:52Norrebro or pugna ogre
00:01:53Puppetmaster me chicken?
00:01:54taraN yeah svens a good pick too
00:01:55Nickless where do i head to
00:01:55taraN yup
00:01:59taraN youre chickenboy
00:01:59Frontschwein puppetmaster u have to buy chick u know ?
00:02:01jakkihirki come top
00:02:10Norrebro pugna top
00:02:12jakkihirki clock mid
00:02:13MaAkoXYma aa
00:02:14MaAkoXYma go top
00:02:16Zlo ty
00:02:16taraN no
00:02:18taraN aa is with me
00:02:19Norrebro i decide
00:02:21jakkihirki let team dotaleague go bottom
00:02:22Nickless you know who vasilij zajcev was guys?
00:02:23Taharua me mid?
00:02:23Frontschwein :p
00:02:24Norrebro and i say pugna top
00:02:25taraN captain decides lanes
00:02:28jakkihirki sniper
00:02:29MaAkoXYma than ban me
00:02:32jakkihirki russian
00:02:34Norrebro ok
00:02:34taraN ok
00:02:38taraN ban coming your way
00:02:38Nickless y but he was a real person
00:02:41taraN after game :)
00:02:41MaAkoXYma np
00:02:49jakkihirki clock goes mid
00:02:50Taharua what?
00:02:50Frontschwein lol me top then?
00:02:50taraN lets go top
00:02:50Zlo gl hf
00:02:50jakkihirki not necro
00:02:51Norrebro this is not dl
00:02:52Puppetmaster kinda weired health bars
00:02:52taraN lets go top
00:02:55taraN go bot
00:02:56taraN ogre
00:02:57Taharua i top ?
00:02:58Nickless vasilij zajcev killed most people in ww3 with sniper rifle
00:02:59Norrebro we know admins
00:03:00jakkihirki you go bottom
00:03:01taraN ¨aa
00:03:02taraN come
00:03:02MaAkoXYma I am not from dl.
00:03:03jakkihirki :DDDDDDDDDDDD
00:03:03taraN aa come
00:03:06MaAkoXYma And I know admins too.
00:03:06Nickless :)
00:03:06Frontschwein ?
00:03:07Norrebro and u get ban here
00:03:07Zlo it was only a movie
00:03:10taraN youll get banned
00:03:13jakkihirki maybe ww2 :D
00:03:15taraN sorry to say this :)
00:03:16Nickless it was an adaptaion
00:03:19Puppetmaster you pull or i?
00:03:22MaAkoXYma You can.
00:03:25Nickless y
00:03:27Nickless ww 2 :D
00:03:31Norrebro ss
00:03:34Norrebro re
00:03:34Nickless true story
00:03:40Frontschwein there are always morons like him tt
00:03:52taraN yup
00:04:50taraN go soon
00:04:55Puppetmaster no hotkeys ftw
00:04:55Taharua what a noob
00:04:55Zlo =)
00:05:03taraN go?
00:05:08Zlo chill
00:05:12Puppetmaster why arent my hotkeys working?
00:05:13Taharua no chill
00:05:13Frontschwein hmm
00:05:50Taharua big noob here
00:05:52MaAkoXYma dont wait next tiem
00:05:53MaAkoXYma =/
00:05:54Frontschwein let them come
00:06:03Puppetmaster rly cANT play without shortkeys
00:06:18Norrebro ss
00:06:33Puppetmaster ok dudes, help me
00:06:39Puppetmaster how to put on my shortkeys?
00:06:48taraN hello
00:06:48taraN aa
00:06:49taraN :DD
00:06:55Frontschwein tt
00:06:55taraN jäine kaveri tää aa
00:07:03Frontschwein hahaha
00:07:03taraN :<
00:07:07Nickless wp man
00:07:11taraN be awake next time >.<
00:08:09Norrebro ss
00:08:23Norrebro care top
00:08:29taraN hes lvl 6 btw
00:08:46xargan ss
00:08:51Norrebro up chicken
00:09:01Taharua gj
00:09:05taraN spell him asap
00:09:12taraN fuck
00:09:14Taharua run
00:09:16taraN wd
00:09:48Norrebro upgrade chicken
00:09:49Norrebro plz
00:10:06jakkihirki cask
00:10:09jakkihirki aa
00:10:31Frontschwein need b
00:10:34Norrebro ss
00:10:40Nickless make room for tangos
00:10:42xargan ss
00:11:08taraN invis clock
00:11:08taraN :)(
00:11:35Taharua .....
00:12:00taraN gj
00:12:17jakkihirki en taida pelata pronssia enää koskaan
00:12:27taraN joo
00:12:56MaAkoXYma go necro
00:13:15Nickless pugna?
00:13:24jakkihirki noh hyvä sun on sanoa kun voitat pelin
00:13:33taraN no oon hävinny 5x putkee sen takii ku tiimi on paskaa
00:13:36taraN et :D
00:13:44jakkihirki Ei se mua liikaa kiinnosta
00:13:55Norrebro go down aa
00:14:22jakkihirki bone coming top
00:15:00Taharua ancien?
00:15:23Norrebro inc
00:15:32Frontschwein FFS OGRE
00:15:36Frontschwein -.-
00:15:48Frontschwein how long u want to wait ?????????
00:15:50Puppetmaster i rly cant play without hotkeys
00:15:55Puppetmaster i need ages to spell
00:16:23Norrebro orchid rdy :P
00:16:26Nickless go naix
00:16:27taraN fast
00:16:27Frontschwein lol
00:16:35Puppetmaster rly nice
00:17:10Zlo curse lvl?
00:17:22taraN tss
00:17:23taraN :D
00:17:23Nickless 2
00:17:25Frontschwein xD
00:18:38taraN stun?
00:19:16Frontschwein nbice lbocks
00:19:26jakkihirki okey
00:19:34jakkihirki lets write ff all chat
00:19:39Frontschwein gj
00:19:42Zlo ff
00:19:46jakkihirki dont wanna play with you guys anymore
00:19:48jakkihirki ever again
00:19:53Taharua r
00:19:54Taharua r
00:19:54Taharua r
00:19:55Taharua v
00:19:55Taharua b
00:19:55Taharua b
00:19:56Taharua b
00:20:48jakkihirki borreno too good palyer
00:21:37Taharua we need to gang
00:21:39jakkihirki only 7more minutes
00:21:40Zlo lol
00:21:41Taharua together
00:21:45jakkihirki we need to forfeit
00:21:47Zlo it is over
00:22:13jakkihirki too good for me
00:22:27Nickless -ff
00:22:30Nickless ff
00:22:48jakkihirki you can ff
00:22:51jakkihirki at 25min
00:22:54Taharua slow
00:23:23jakkihirki säkin oot niin hyvä pelaa taran
00:23:27jakkihirki ai että
00:23:29taraN tänks :D
00:23:58jakkihirki tuut vaa ja ownaat
00:24:11taraN älä ny jaks sait paskan tiimin turhaa raivoot siit mulle
00:24:19jakkihirki oot vaa nii hyvä pelaa
00:24:26taraN sarkasmisi ei pure muhun
00:24:31Puppetmaster playing without hotkeys sucks
00:25:32Norrebro divine 22 min classic
00:26:35jakkihirki kato nyt
00:26:37jakkihirki vittu oot hyvä
00:26:55taraN :DD
00:27:25Taharua wait tower
00:27:52jakkihirki now
00:27:54jakkihirki 10s
00:27:55Taharua someone dust
00:27:56jakkihirki then all
00:27:59jakkihirki write ff
00:28:00jakkihirki all chat?
00:28:04Taharua no
00:28:05Puppetmaster rosh?
00:28:06jakkihirki yes
00:28:08taraN taken
00:28:08jakkihirki this is over
00:28:09xargan I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:10MaAkoXYma dead
00:28:10jakkihirki I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:28:10Zlo I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:28:18Norrebro end
00:28:19Zlo I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:28:20Zlo I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:28:37jakkihirki necro
00:29:02jakkihirki its not that hard
00:29:05Zlo I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:29:05jakkihirki you should try it
00:29:09Zlo how
00:29:11Zlo to ff
00:29:14jakkihirki you done it already
00:29:17Zlo k
00:29:17Taharua all of you big noob
00:29:21jakkihirki really
00:29:23Taharua my team
00:29:24MaAkoXYma you pro
00:29:25jakkihirki just fucking write forfeit
00:29:27taraN you suck
00:29:30Taharua not i am not pro
00:29:37Taharua you waited for ff
00:29:42taraN youve gotten 5 kills with your ulti
00:29:44taraN congrats
00:30:25jakkihirki cant you just get that ice thingy
00:30:32Taharua -ma
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