Game #2828004

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+41 X
+2 TS

96% | 1706 X | 1578 TS

+36 X
+8 TS

94% | 1696 X | 1508 TS

+14 X
+2 TS

88% | 1573 X | 1445 TS

+51 X
+2 TS

65% | 1328 X | 1380 TS

+16 X
+26 TS

52% | 1343 X | 1208 TS

-42 X
-2 TS

98% | 1787 X | 1563 TS

-32 X
-2 TS

90% | 1515 X | 1541 TS

-21 X
-4 TS

85% | 1485 X | 1472 TS

-27 X
-2 TS

65% | 1308 X | 1397 TS

-19 X
-2 TS

61% | 1292 X | 1384 TS

Chat log

00:00:05chodaboy hahahahahahaaha
00:00:14BT VOKEEER
00:00:17BT tubic
00:00:17chodaboy HAHAHAHHA
00:00:17BT rubic
00:00:17Knaitti tuuppla mumblee
00:00:17DeduXserS wat ban?
00:00:17chodaboy sd
00:00:17DeduXserS sd
00:00:19taraN miks ei päästy samaa
00:00:20taraN :s
00:00:25DeduXserS koska mul 3 kaverii tääl :D
00:00:43Jensefar some1 tb and ill dazzle?
00:00:44taraN häh
00:00:44chodaboy get veno
00:00:45chodaboy tiny
00:00:46Knaitti gimme veno
00:00:47taraN ketkä :D
00:00:53Suzuki.Carry sure
00:00:54Suzuki.Carry i can tb
00:00:55DeduXserS Choda , knaitti
00:00:56Jensefar btm gard carry
00:00:57WantedZip for u knaitti
00:00:58taraN CHODA
00:00:59taraN LOL
00:01:00Jensefar hard*
00:01:00DeduXserS on mun personal bitchei
00:01:01taraN :DSDD
00:01:01creeeeeee go tb suzuki
00:01:02Knaitti ty
00:01:05DeduXserS ne huoraa aina
00:01:06creeeeeee he goes dazzl then
00:01:10creeeeeee hope no 1 gets it
00:01:10chodaboy LOL TARAN
00:01:10Jensefar get me dazzle then
00:01:11Suzuki.Carry dazzle
00:01:21Knaitti mumblee dedu
00:01:23DeduXserS kuha huijasin
00:01:26taraN mite jaksat pelaa ton kaa
00:01:29DeduXserS knaitti on ainut mun kaveri täält
00:01:30taraN no sitä minäki
00:01:31taraN DD
00:01:38taraN toi o kauhein kurdi gc:l
00:01:40chodaboy me tiny?
00:01:40Knaitti what ywa want wanted?
00:01:41chodaboy or me veno?
00:01:42chodaboy -hhn
00:01:43chodaboy -di
00:01:45Knaitti im veno
00:01:51WantedZip get me wd
00:01:58WantedZip -swap 5
00:01:58Knaitti -swap 2
00:01:59Knaitti -clear
00:02:05chodaboy me tiny?
00:02:11Jensefar ill get bird asap
00:02:12Knaitti u cm
00:02:38Knaitti fblood top?
00:02:53DeduXserS let's take fb top
00:02:53DeduXserS y
00:03:10Jensefar so care for fb top
00:03:16chodaboy dedux
00:03:17chodaboy go mid
00:03:21DeduXserS nono :P
00:03:22taraN took rune
00:03:23BT ss
00:03:25chodaboy we can fb alone
00:03:30taraN hes maybe invis
00:03:38DeduXserS no u cant :D
00:03:40creeeeeee got no heal
00:03:44Jensefar ss
00:03:45creeeeeee atm
00:03:55creeeeeee mid + top ss
00:03:57DeduXserS go
00:04:32Jensefar still ss
00:04:59chodaboy veno go bot
00:06:22BT ss
00:06:27Jensefar brno btym
00:06:47DeduXserS kidding me twice miss
00:07:41chodaboy get lock
00:07:58taraN care
00:08:00taraN cm i think
00:08:01taraN or someone
00:08:02Jensefar cant reall out harras them
00:08:02taraN went
00:08:03taraN mid
00:08:37Jensefar ew need gang btm
00:08:52chodaboy wtf
00:08:53chodaboy are u doing?
00:08:54taraN gj
00:08:55chodaboy stay back
00:09:07taraN lsave
00:09:12taraN salve
00:09:29Jensefar gj
00:09:40taraN salve?
00:09:41chodaboy leme have one bottle
00:09:50taraN ty
00:09:55BT c00l veno
00:10:02creeeeeee ss 2
00:10:03Jensefar ss
00:10:03creeeeeee again
00:10:15creeeeeee nvm
00:10:16creeeeeee they top
00:10:37Jensefar can we kill?
00:10:40Suzuki.Carry y
00:11:22chodaboy OMFG
00:11:25chodaboy veno
00:11:28chodaboy go needrep urself
00:11:30Knaitti y i come with 200 hp
00:11:32Jensefar ss
00:11:38chodaboy why the fuck do u come?
00:11:38BT ss
00:11:46Knaitti thgouht tiny tosh m
00:11:50Knaitti but he didnt
00:11:51Jensefar re mid
00:12:11BT :DDDDDDDD
00:12:13BT WHAT
00:12:14chodaboy get wr
00:12:22Jensefar again
00:12:24Jensefar try
00:12:41taraN ult him
00:12:52WantedZip veno suck
00:12:53WantedZip big time
00:13:00Knaitti what to do there?=?? :D:D:D
00:13:18taraN :D
00:13:31DeduXserS gettin rune down
00:13:39DeduXserS coming with haste
00:13:46DeduXserS cask next
00:13:48DeduXserS when u see him
00:14:00Jensefar ss
00:14:02Jensefar care
00:14:24taraN lol
00:14:25taraN 3x midas
00:14:26taraN .DD
00:14:26DeduXserS Team midas
00:14:50Suzuki.Carry dazzle can you get wards
00:15:35chodaboy wait
00:15:53taraN items on ground
00:16:00taraN dazzle
00:16:06Jensefar kk
00:16:11chodaboy WHY DONT U FUC KING HIT
00:16:14chodaboy ff
00:16:31chodaboy wards
00:16:35Jensefar go?
00:16:56WantedZip cm ?
00:17:01WantedZip u told me to buy wards +
00:17:02WantedZip ??
00:17:09BT godlike
00:17:13DeduXserS why u cant toss veno to ? teror
00:17:18chodaboy i have no fucking money
00:17:20chodaboy and ur not carry
00:17:21chodaboy yeah
00:17:29Jensefar omw top
00:17:36Suzuki.Carry ¨need more
00:18:42chodaboy ur banned
00:18:42chodaboy tiny
00:18:45Knaitti worst tiny ever
00:18:47chodaboy ur fucking retarde
00:19:21DeduXserS GO MORON?
00:19:23chodaboy JNUMP
00:19:41Jensefar omw
00:19:46taraN how did arrow hit you
00:19:46DeduXserS wlock wtf :_D
00:19:46taraN ?
00:19:48DeduXserS so bad arrow
00:19:51creeeeeee i know
00:19:53Jensefar go
00:19:59creeeeeee clicked space
00:20:01creeeeeee accidently
00:20:04creeeeeee accidently
00:20:05DeduXserS :DD
00:20:11Jensefar come
00:20:12creeeeeee so it moved screen to hell place :D
00:20:16DeduXserS yy
00:21:09chodaboy POMFG TINY
00:21:14Jensefar farm top
00:21:18Jensefar gave u tp
00:21:40chodaboy ganking with tiny
00:21:42taraN yritit dedu viel arrowaa mut
00:21:42taraN ;D
00:21:44chodaboy is like ganking alone
00:21:47chodaboy fucking retarded pussy
00:21:50DeduXserS nii mut cancelasin
00:21:51taraN oisin varmaa juossu siihe
00:21:52DeduXserS 3x
00:21:54DeduXserS en tiedä miks
00:22:01chodaboy tower
00:22:44chodaboy TINY HO
00:22:46chodaboy NOOB
00:23:26Knaitti ff
00:23:27Jensefar lol
00:23:27chodaboy tiny leave
00:23:28WantedZip Ff
00:23:34Jensefar wjhat a grave
00:23:36chodaboy what the fuck are u doing really?
00:23:39DeduXserS tb freefarming vs 5x gank heroes?
00:23:39DeduXserS :D
00:23:43DeduXserS how is that possible
00:23:54chodaboy cause tiny cant play
00:23:57DeduXserS i know
00:24:07chodaboy JUMP NOW
00:24:23taraN :<
00:24:41taraN tsss :D
00:24:58Jensefar atleast lanes are pushed :d
00:25:16creeeeeee and tb is just getting farm :)
00:25:22creeeeeee so np at all
00:25:34taraN we're all getting fat
00:25:35chodaboy place some wards
00:25:36taraN thanks to midas
00:25:37taraN <3
00:25:37taraN :D
00:25:40creeeeeee xD
00:25:43creeeeeee midasss ftw
00:25:44creeeeeee :D
00:25:47Suzuki.Carry uyes pro item
00:25:59creeeeeee if getting it fast then ye
00:26:02Suzuki.Carry bujt you got it fast i suppose
00:26:17DeduXserS miks sulki midas?
00:26:26Jensefar come def
00:26:38taraN pro iteimi
00:26:43Jensefar come
00:26:49Jensefar care
00:26:49creeeeeee careee
00:27:10chodaboy nice vneo
00:27:42taraN phew
00:27:43taraN D:
00:27:56taraN homo
00:28:01DeduXserS moro paskoille
00:28:12taraN meh i lost meka recipe .ds
00:28:21taraN oh well
00:28:23taraN ill get a new one
00:28:23DeduXserS annoitte wardin kana
00:28:27Jensefar actiave
00:28:29Jensefar tp
00:28:29Yuriko I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:31Jensefar tb
00:28:32chodaboy I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:28:36chodaboy wp tiny
00:28:38chodaboy i must say
00:28:57taraN activate
00:29:05DeduXserS hävitää 3:lle midakselle
00:29:06creeeeeee 2 chickens xD
00:29:09Jensefar gem on mirana?
00:29:36Jensefar actibate
00:29:38Jensefar cjockl
00:29:41taraN tää yuriko tekee jokaselle herolle lothar :D
00:29:48chodaboy just ff
00:29:48DeduXserS ja se on paska joka herol
00:29:52Knaitti eise mute pysy hengis
00:29:54chodaboy no point deduz
00:30:02DeduXserS i know
00:30:11chodaboy TINY JUMP NOW FFS
00:30:13Jensefar go
00:30:54DeduXserS inf of doom
00:30:57Knaitti dazzle hp?
00:31:47chodaboy I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:00Knaitti I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:32:33chodaboy just ff pls
00:32:36WantedZip I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:33:56Jensefar wp guys
00:34:01chodaboy why not ff?
00:34:02Suzuki.Carry wp all
00:34:12Suzuki.Carry i just farmed while you won 4v5
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