Game #2824145

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-13 X
-11 TS

62% | 1429 X | 1237 TS

-41 X
-2 TS

58% | 1300 X | 1338 TS

-28 X
-2 TS

45% | 1173 X | 1303 TS

-47 X
-6 TS

30% | 1090 X | 1262 TS

-28 X
-9 TS

19% | 1041 X | 1189 TS

+15 X
+2 TS

89% | 1576 X | 1446 TS

+3 X
+4 TS

68% | 1445 X | 1293 TS

+48 X
+2 TS

46% | 1124 X | 1361 TS

+47 X
+9 TS

17% | 1008 X | 1199 TS

+54 X
+29 TS

3% | 887 X | 1001 TS

Chat log

00:00:11Jonnija ill be going
00:00:12Jonnija the hero
00:00:14Jonnija u know
00:00:16Allistysmies k
00:00:16Jonnija -clear
00:00:16Jensefar -clear
00:00:16Flex- hmm
00:00:16Jonnija :D
00:00:16Flex- ban phoenix then
00:00:16Jonnija shit
00:00:16Jonnija anoying heroes
00:00:16Jonnija actually
00:00:16Flex- damn
00:00:16Flex- this pool
00:00:16Flex- counter
00:00:16Flex- pudge
00:00:16Momdsiw imba heros
00:00:16Flex- like EZY
00:00:16Momdsiw any1 want anything?
00:00:16Jonnija well they
00:00:16Jonnija are
00:00:16Flex- its not a smart pick dude
00:00:16Momdsiw ban phoenix
00:00:16Jonnija all horrible
00:00:16Jonnija players
00:00:16Jonnija D:
00:00:16Jensefar yy
00:00:16Jonnija ill go kunkka
00:00:16Jonnija then
00:00:16Flex- we got the worst 3
00:00:16Jonnija i guess
00:00:16Flex- get me furion
00:00:16Flex- then
00:00:16Jonnija phoenix
00:00:16Jonnija kk
00:00:16Momdsiw furion or es
00:00:16Jensefar bala
00:00:20Jensefar any1 es?
00:00:23Momdsiw any1 want anything?
00:00:29oo0OoO0oo naix
00:00:29Allistysmies it's solo for furi and kunkka then, i'm going woods
00:00:32oo0OoO0oo for me
00:00:33Jonnija k
00:00:34Jonnija good
00:00:39Flex- niax..
00:00:40Flex- ofc
00:00:41Flex- :D
00:00:44Jensefar u want mid with pudge='
00:00:46Jensefar ¨?
00:00:50Momdsiw y
00:00:52Jensefar k
00:00:55Firoga naix <3 <3 <3
00:00:59Flex- -swap 1
00:01:01Flex- ffs
00:01:02Flex- aXE
00:01:04Jonnija -swap 2
00:01:05Momdsiw need some support
00:01:05Flex- IDIOT
00:01:07Thug krob ?LoL
00:01:10Momdsiw es and tide maybe
00:01:11Jensefar some1 dazzle
00:01:16Allistysmies yeah okey, k
00:01:17Momdsiw what you think you play?
00:01:18Flex- no krob
00:01:19Jensefar and come btm
00:01:21Thug mis siis
00:01:22Firoga dazzle or es?
00:01:23Marhalt pick dazzle
00:01:24Marhalt i can
00:01:31Jensefar dazlle rather
00:01:35Flex- we need a bot lane
00:01:36Firoga late
00:01:36Flex- puick
00:01:37Flex- tide
00:01:38Flex- and rhasta
00:01:45Flex- ...
00:01:46Flex- -hhn
00:01:49Thug rhasta v6i tidew?
00:01:53Jonnija tide
00:01:53Allistysmies tide ehkä
00:01:54Flex- tide
00:01:54Jonnija easier
00:01:59Flex- tide dazzle
00:01:59Jensefar god
00:01:59Flex- bot
00:02:06oo0OoO0oo let me mid
00:02:08Jensefar weaver zeus top
00:02:10Momdsiw no
00:02:13Jensefar ¨
00:02:15Jensefar pudge mid
00:02:16Flex- sprout + wirlwind
00:02:18Flex- should be nice
00:02:22Jensefar es
00:02:24Momdsiw you do good with es
00:02:29Flex- dazzle bot
00:02:31Momdsiw if hge can block
00:02:33Flex- and try get mecha
00:02:37Flex- but WARDS
00:02:40Flex- most important
00:02:54Jonnija flex- try ganging a bit
00:02:58Flex- i will
00:02:58Jonnija but avoid any suicidial
00:03:00Jonnija situations
00:03:03Flex- i cant
00:03:12Jonnija if u die with furion at start
00:03:14Jonnija it sets u back
00:03:16Jonnija awfully
00:03:18Firoga rune
00:03:19Flex- idd
00:03:49Jensefar ss
00:03:52Marhalt ill
00:03:53Allistysmies warded
00:03:58Allistysmies no pulls here
00:04:59Allistysmies yea yea
00:05:12Jonnija ss
00:05:13Jonnija Asd
00:05:13Jonnija mid
00:05:14Jonnija care
00:05:27Flex- wtf
00:05:29Flex- really
00:06:21Jonnija ss
00:06:23Jonnija re
00:06:27Flex- coming top
00:06:29Momdsiw furi miss
00:06:40Allistysmies coming top
00:06:49Momdsiw dd furi bot care
00:07:17Thug fuck naix maan
00:07:32Momdsiw furi sitll miss
00:07:44Flex- pudge
00:07:45Flex- ss
00:07:51Momdsiw ill top
00:07:57Firoga oom
00:08:01Flex- let him
00:08:08Marhalt wake up
00:08:33Jonnija ss
00:08:34Jonnija shaker
00:08:51Flex- ss pudge
00:08:54Firoga eat
00:08:55Allistysmies too late
00:08:57Allistysmies was woods
00:08:57Momdsiw already atye
00:08:58Momdsiw tangho
00:09:47Flex- mana
00:09:48Jonnija ah ur oom
00:09:48Flex- lmao
00:09:53Flex- needed 0
00:09:55Flex- 10
00:10:03Firoga oom
00:10:05Jensefar ss
00:10:18Marhalt me b
00:10:20Marhalt mana
00:10:34Thug down miss2
00:10:38Thug 1re
00:11:02Jonnija epic gj
00:11:02Flex- pudge toop
00:11:05Allistysmies gj indeed
00:11:32Flex- told ja
00:11:41Momdsiw care furi
00:11:45Thug es siin
00:11:57Allistysmies esson baariin, esson baariin
00:12:31Flex- ss pudge
00:12:53Momdsiw lal
00:13:08Jonnija tide
00:13:08Jonnija metsa
00:13:09Jonnija mine
00:13:19Momdsiw :D:D
00:13:22Momdsiw How fial
00:13:24Flex- well played dude
00:13:26Flex- Well played
00:13:49Allistysmies lyl
00:13:49Firoga noob zeus
00:13:51Firoga blind
00:13:52Flex- push mid
00:13:57Flex- we got
00:14:00Flex- 2 pults
00:14:06Jensefar ye he's pretty bad..
00:14:20Momdsiw their last pik were 3%?
00:14:31Momdsiw fucking 2-8 stats
00:14:34Firoga i know him
00:14:40Jensefar we need wards
00:14:48Flex- need dust
00:14:53Flex- coming
00:15:15Momdsiw fuck this
00:15:19Marhalt oom
00:15:20Momdsiw we hav eno team play
00:15:35Momdsiw -ii
00:16:03Flex- wtf?
00:16:04Momdsiw our fp dont even carry tp
00:16:09Allistysmies ?
00:16:14Flex- didnt wanna steal dude
00:16:17Jonnija np
00:16:18Allistysmies well who cares
00:16:24Flex- he needs that farm more than me
00:16:34Flex- pudge top
00:16:35Jonnija u got dagon?
00:16:40Flex- no daggon
00:16:41Jensefar some1 up
00:16:53Allistysmies k
00:16:57Jensefar up chick
00:17:05Flex- pudge mid
00:17:20Allistysmies tower
00:17:21Momdsiw def top tower
00:17:22Momdsiw guys
00:17:40Momdsiw ¨:D
00:17:42Momdsiw why not sutn
00:17:43Momdsiw him
00:17:46Momdsiw i thought you will sutn
00:17:52Firoga it's ok
00:17:54Allistysmies f00ck
00:17:55Firoga ww will kill
00:17:56Allistysmies 8()
00:17:57Flex- np
00:18:00Momdsiw its not ok if you cant stun
00:18:08Jensefar axe
00:18:09Jensefar b
00:18:10Jensefar b
00:18:11Jensefar b
00:18:11Jensefar b
00:18:11Jensefar b
00:18:14Jensefar ffs
00:18:35Flex- how bad are they
00:18:35Momdsiw zeus fucking join us
00:18:36Momdsiw sotp farming
00:18:37Flex- if axe is working
00:18:44Firoga he's meganoob
00:18:45Allistysmies why wouldn't it work
00:19:02Momdsiw wont be playing bronze for a long time
00:19:11Jensefar ff
00:19:17Jensefar our last pick too retarded
00:19:23Momdsiw and naix farming woods
00:19:26Momdsiw when theres lines to famr
00:19:27Allistysmies cant' be as good as you
00:19:38Flex- pudge had many fails :D
00:19:41Momdsiw :D
00:19:45Jensefar well
00:19:51Momdsiw Check the team score still
00:19:53Jensefar i use all my money on tp's and fling
00:20:01Allistysmies and compare it to what it could be
00:20:07Jensefar flying
00:20:11Firoga zeus u know dota?
00:20:19Momdsiw zeus doing notning
00:20:23Momdsiw he never speaks and solos
00:20:30Momdsiw have he even ultied evne once?
00:20:34Momdsiw Oh first
00:20:38Allistysmies 2nd
00:21:14Jonnija oom
00:21:22Allistysmies get em
00:21:23Allistysmies dagger
00:23:32Momdsiw have dust?
00:23:32Jensefar he tps
00:23:33Momdsiw vs him
00:23:52Allistysmies lal
00:24:05Flex- lmao
00:24:06Flex- :D
00:24:09Momdsiw ^^
00:24:12Flex- the first thing
00:24:15Flex- you did right all game mate
00:24:22Momdsiw fbed you
00:24:22Jensefar i farm top
00:24:30Flex- es fucked up0
00:24:33Flex- but he got lucky
00:24:36Marhalt dd bot
00:24:49Marhalt take
00:24:50Marhalt dd
00:25:05Flex- Hahahaha
00:25:07Flex- i knew it :D
00:25:36HiZo ,ff
00:25:37HiZo ff
00:25:55Allistysmies hey
00:26:09Allistysmies i'll need to refuel
00:27:11Flex- back
00:28:28Momdsiw I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:30Firoga I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:35Allistysmies keep going
00:28:36Allistysmies finish it?
00:28:41Marhalt me b
00:28:41Jonnija was shopping
00:28:42Momdsiw go ff
00:28:59Allistysmies lul
00:29:21Flex- shit
00:30:11Flex- es dust
00:30:14Jonnija k
00:30:21Allistysmies who wants to carry gem
00:30:23Flex- 2 dumb to use it though
00:30:29Jonnija :D
00:30:44Allistysmies i'll take it, then
00:30:45Flex- go rosh dude
00:30:46Allistysmies go mid?
00:30:52Allistysmies go rosh then
00:30:56Jonnija no need for rosh?
00:30:59Allistysmies go bot? go rosh? go mid?
00:31:05Allistysmies rosh'n'bot?
00:31:18Flex- gush him
00:31:23Marhalt dd
00:31:36Flex- i take
00:31:40Allistysmies be my guest
00:31:52Allistysmies mid mid
00:31:53Allistysmies bot mid
00:31:54Allistysmies mid bot
00:32:08Jensefar base
00:32:18Momdsiw 'type ff
00:32:49Flex- brb
00:33:06Jensefar I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:10Allistysmies gg
00:33:37Jensefar I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:56Thug lol
00:33:57oo0OoO0oo xD
00:33:58oo0OoO0oo I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:59Jensefar ff it guys
00:34:06Jensefar es please
00:34:13Firoga alredy
00:34:14Firoga did
00:34:15Firoga I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:18Jensefar pudge then
00:34:19Jensefar I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:21Momdsiw I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:21Marhalt oom
00:34:22Momdsiw did
00:34:22Jensefar we only need u
00:34:24Momdsiw thi zeu
00:34:25Jonnija [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:34:25Jonnija [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:34:25Jonnija [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:34:25Jonnija [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:34:25HiZo I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:25Momdsiw s
00:34:38Flex- end it
00:34:40Jonnija ah
00:34:41Jonnija ffed
00:34:43Flex- ye
00:34:49Jonnija 14-013
00:34:49Jonnija :D
00:34:51Flex- ye
00:34:52Flex- not bad
00:35:00Flex- wanna get banned weaver/
00:35:14oo0OoO0oo try it
00:35:20oo0OoO0oo go fuyck your self
00:35:25Allistysmies k
00:35:30oo0OoO0oo iam at fountain
00:35:31Allistysmies gg
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