Game #2809020

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+21 X
+2 TS

92% | 1588 X | 1534 TS

+25 X
+2 TS

80% | 1438 X | 1451 TS

-16 X
+1 TS

78% | 1483 X | 1374 TS

+8 X
+2 TS

57% | 1284 X | 1337 TS

+38 X
+7 TS

44% | 1191 X | 1266 TS

-31 X
-1 TS

94% | 1659 X | 1525 TS

-52 X
-2 TS

91% | 1670 X | 1409 TS

-32 X
-6 TS

65% | 1345 X | 1365 TS

+11 X
-2 TS

49% | 1263 X | 1255 TS

+34 X
-2 TS

43% | 1094 X | 1366 TS

Chat log

00:00:00Stunsq [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... infect with 46 seconds.
00:00:13taraN tulkaa gamebank
00:00:16Zemirk melko voimakas pooli
00:00:18Empatia kanava 4
00:00:19Stunsq ollaa jo
00:00:19Lawok anyone wisp?
00:00:19Lawok it counters furiong
00:00:19Allistysmies jos ette muuta keksi niin ottakaa se rylai vaikka tänne
00:00:19Lawok which he will pick
00:00:19infect tere creo !
00:00:19Empatia k
00:00:19Empatia varmaa koitan maginaa
00:00:19Empatia furion
00:00:19creeeeeee heihei
00:00:19Allistysmies jees
00:00:19infect am ban
00:00:19Mercury nop he wont
00:00:19Lawok am
00:00:33Lawok anyone SD
00:00:39creeeeeee i can sd
00:00:41Lawok anyone UD?
00:01:10Lawok pick me wisp
00:01:12creeeeeee get us necro tauren krobe ftw
00:01:14Empatia -swap 3
00:01:15creeeeeee mkay
00:01:16Stunsq -swap 1
00:01:21Lawok -swap 1
00:01:22creeeeeee -swap 1
00:01:24Lawok -swap 3
00:01:25Stunsq krobe for meh
00:01:25Allistysmies pelaakko itte vai haluakko jotaki
00:01:27Allistysmies k
00:01:37Allistysmies -swap 3
00:01:40Lawok creeeeeeee mid
00:01:41Stunsq -swap 5
00:01:48Lawok dk top
00:02:06Lawok dk bot
00:02:08Lawok sk and me top
00:02:19infect krobe ja ud on värdjad
00:02:23infect :(
00:02:25infect tahtsin slar
00:02:29infect pede võttis ära
00:02:31Mercury dk sul stun?
00:02:34infect jah
00:02:37Zemirk (|)
00:02:40Mercury proovib fb
00:02:45infect dav
00:03:01infect krobe bot
00:03:27infect krobe
00:04:39Empatia gj
00:06:47Mercury kill ud
00:07:10Mercury stun
00:07:50NeverbACKdOwn omg
00:07:51NeverbACKdOwn so bad
00:08:42taraN älä mee pullaa kokoaja
00:08:43Lawok upg
00:08:45taraN en voi farmaa
00:08:46Allistysmies jaaha k
00:08:47Allistysmies kk
00:09:05Empatia sd inc top
00:09:11creeeeeee mid miss
00:09:17Zemirk -ma
00:09:28Allistysmies top miss
00:09:29Allistysmies 2
00:09:29Empatia SD
00:09:31creeeeeee kill bot
00:09:34taraN varo
00:09:35taraN midis
00:09:48creeeeeee he survived
00:09:49creeeeeee wtf
00:10:25creeeeeee i purge 1
00:10:26Lawok upg. already
00:10:34taraN tango
00:10:51creeeeeee gj
00:10:53Lawok cree upgrade
00:11:38Empatia mid miss
00:11:40Allistysmies top miss
00:11:53infect wardid
00:12:08Allistysmies b
00:13:11taraN kill dk maybe
00:13:23Empatia b
00:13:27creeeeeee halpp
00:13:28creeeeeee bot
00:13:58Empatia tank
00:13:59Empatia dirgfe
00:14:24Empatia wtf dirge?
00:14:34NeverbACKdOwn spellls cd
00:16:14Empatia wtf
00:16:16Empatia MITÄ TEET?
00:16:37Empatia miksi
00:16:40Empatia annoit sen sunderaa?
00:16:49Empatia ....
00:16:49Allistysmies miks kysyt
00:17:10creeeeeee sb will come top mby
00:17:21taraN undying
00:17:21taraN wake
00:17:22taraN the
00:17:23taraN fuck
00:17:24taraN up
00:17:26creeeeeee with 3 we can
00:17:36taraN youre really playing bad
00:17:39NeverbACKdOwn sry
00:17:45NeverbACKdOwn arsenal just scored
00:17:50NeverbACKdOwn watched goal
00:18:17taraN def
00:18:48Empatia junglaan pari min
00:19:25Zemirk -ma
00:19:47creeeeeee ? :D
00:19:54NeverbACKdOwn push top?
00:19:56Empatia gj gj
00:20:41NeverbACKdOwn b
00:21:37infect ss everything
00:22:29Lawok voiko mun ultia jotenki disablee
00:22:30creeeeeee OH god
00:22:31Lawok mul meni cd
00:22:34Lawok ja ainaki 4 sekkaa
00:22:35Lawok ei vaa telenny
00:22:40Empatia stunnasin :O
00:22:40creeeeeee that tomb...
00:22:44Empatia en tiedä toimiiko
00:24:14Empatia b
00:24:15taraN b
00:24:48Allistysmies oom
00:25:04Allistysmies ei jessus
00:25:37taraN hävittii ku ei mul oo gearii eikä tappoi
00:25:56Lawok lets gather
00:25:57Lawok and get towers
00:26:02infect bot
00:26:04infect tier 1
00:26:44Allistysmies b
00:26:47Empatia fight
00:27:27NeverbACKdOwn CRITTT
00:27:33NeverbACKdOwn fuck this really
00:29:45Mercury one by one -.-
00:29:52taraN ehm
00:29:54taraN nice ripå
00:30:00creeeeeee why not take the tomb down?
00:30:11taraN neverback down if you just healed ne earlier
00:30:26NeverbACKdOwn i have no mana
00:30:27NeverbACKdOwn dude
00:30:29taraN yeah
00:30:29NeverbACKdOwn i would
00:30:29taraN but
00:30:30taraN you used
00:30:30NeverbACKdOwn if i could
00:30:31taraN soulrip
00:30:33taraN on sk
00:30:36taraN or something like that
00:30:37NeverbACKdOwn je
00:30:38taraN when you can heal
00:30:40NeverbACKdOwn that was bad
00:30:41NeverbACKdOwn i know
00:30:42taraN its 25% more effective
00:30:45taraN when you HEAL
00:30:46taraN and nto dmg
00:30:47taraN and enemy
00:30:48NeverbACKdOwn kk
00:30:52taraN because of spell res
00:31:00taraN so its always heal > dmg unless its some important frag like tb
00:31:05NeverbACKdOwn k
00:31:08NeverbACKdOwn any1 makes meka?
00:31:10NeverbACKdOwn or i will ?
00:31:13NeverbACKdOwn 'got pipe
00:31:25NeverbACKdOwn is any1 going for a meka?
00:31:32Empatia me
00:31:32NeverbACKdOwn guess no
00:31:32taraN do it
00:31:33infect when tomb down
00:31:34NeverbACKdOwn aa
00:31:37infect let's just b ?
00:31:40NeverbACKdOwn ok i wont do it then
00:31:42Lawok sure
00:31:45Empatia get more hp
00:31:45Mercury can kill tomb in 4 sec
00:31:48NeverbACKdOwn k
00:31:48Lawok k
00:31:50creeeeeee yea
00:31:51Lawok focus it just
00:31:52NeverbACKdOwn or ac mby ?
00:31:55creeeeeee just focus it
00:31:56creeeeeee + ud
00:32:03Allistysmies top i guess
00:32:52Lawok purple
00:32:53Lawok i take u
00:32:54Lawok with me
00:32:58NeverbACKdOwn ffssssss
00:33:08Allistysmies gg
00:33:08Allistysmies I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:33:11taraN I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:33:13Empatia why must you run to tb?
00:33:45infect rax
00:34:26Lawok joo kyl toi stun ottaa
00:34:31Lawok kai
00:34:34Empatia mju
00:34:52Lawok need mid rax
00:35:04infect why mid
00:35:43taraN -ms
00:35:47Lawok i get shiva
00:35:48Lawok with chick
00:36:46Zemirk y
00:36:50taraN take rosh?
00:36:54Allistysmies vois koittaa
00:37:02Empatia kill
00:37:02NeverbACKdOwn b
00:37:04creeeeeee fjoocus ud
00:37:05creeeeeee and tomb
00:37:37Allistysmies jaha
00:37:37creeeeeee the fuck they all there
00:37:39Allistysmies ei paljo kyselly
00:37:43Allistysmies 1500 humahti että nauku vaan
00:38:30infect rosh
00:38:31infect mercy
00:38:38infect jäta
00:38:39infect ükj
00:38:51infect lifesteal
00:38:52infect lolz
00:38:57Allistysmies mitä ajattelit tehdä
00:38:57Empatia smoke
00:39:04Mercury v6ta sk
00:39:11creeeeeee rege
00:39:15creeeeeee sk
00:39:16creeeeeee come
00:39:17creeeeeee get rege
00:39:19Zemirk y
00:40:06Mercury halb
00:40:13Lawok how did no one die there
00:40:15Allistysmies oho..
00:40:17NeverbACKdOwn som1 tp?
00:40:18NeverbACKdOwn and def?
00:40:20infect no freaking idea
00:40:22Allistysmies i do
00:40:25creeeeeee cuz all focused different
00:40:28Mercury bad focus i guess
00:40:31infect ud focus is idiotic
00:40:34Lawok focus cm slardar?
00:40:34infect we need to focus tomb
00:40:36infect and then slar
00:40:40NeverbACKdOwn rax
00:40:41Zemirk mvy focus weak cm etc
00:40:45Lawok slardar + cm
00:40:48Zemirk tomb first ofc
00:40:48Lawok tomb first ofc
00:41:05infect done die
00:41:07Empatia rax
00:41:08Empatia and out
00:41:08infect dont
00:41:09infect go
00:41:11Empatia tomb
00:41:16Empatia b
00:41:17Empatia b
00:41:17Empatia b
00:41:17Empatia b
00:41:18Empatia b
00:41:18Empatia b
00:41:18Empatia b
00:41:20Empatia no losses
00:41:29NeverbACKdOwn what should i build
00:41:29NeverbACKdOwn ?
00:41:30NeverbACKdOwn hot?
00:41:38NeverbACKdOwn or ac ?
00:41:39NeverbACKdOwn or what
00:41:40Empatia hot blademail
00:41:41NeverbACKdOwn shiva?
00:41:42NeverbACKdOwn k
00:41:44Empatia shiva too
00:41:45NeverbACKdOwn i go for blademail
00:41:45Zemirk smoke woods?
00:41:46NeverbACKdOwn or shiva
00:41:47NeverbACKdOwn ?
00:41:49Lawok y
00:41:50infect y
00:41:52Empatia blademail is cheaper soo
00:41:53taraN blade
00:41:54Empatia oh
00:41:56Empatia you have 2k
00:42:02Allistysmies paits joo, vois kans blademailin
00:42:10Empatia tee ghosti
00:42:14Allistysmies no seki
00:42:39Empatia fight
00:42:43Empatia they 3
00:42:55Empatia b
00:42:59taraN b
00:42:59taraN b
00:43:46Empatia fuck
00:43:49Empatia need 50
00:43:53Empatia to buyout
00:43:54Empatia ..
00:43:56infect mid
00:43:57infect go
00:44:02infect bot
00:44:03infect then
00:44:04infect bot
00:44:12infect grrr
00:44:23Allistysmies kappas vaan
00:44:25Empatia .DD
00:44:26Allistysmies lyl
00:44:31Empatia ton takia eivät saanet raxei
00:44:31Empatia :D
00:44:34Allistysmies jep
00:44:34taraN deny
00:44:43Allistysmies oli niin ku kalat kuivalla maalla
00:45:03NeverbACKdOwn go for a smoke gank ?
00:45:08taraN yeah
00:45:09taraN we should
00:45:17Lawok who goes pipe
00:45:18Lawok ffs
00:45:23NeverbACKdOwn just push the lanes lil bit
00:45:25infect wisp usually goes
00:45:27infect meka and pipe
00:45:30Lawok not.
00:45:31NeverbACKdOwn and gather fgor smoke
00:45:34infect double heal
00:45:36infect on meka
00:45:54Allistysmies ei perkele
00:45:58Empatia y
00:45:59Allistysmies huh
00:46:04taraN guys
00:46:06taraN they got wisp
00:46:08taraN just so you know
00:46:11creeeeeee now terror has no metamorph
00:46:13creeeeeee imo dont go
00:46:17infect b
00:46:22creeeeeee wait for meta cd
00:46:29NeverbACKdOwn pipe and tomb on cd :S
00:46:34Empatia np
00:46:36Empatia tb no ulti
00:46:51taraN short cd on ulti
00:47:13Mercury w8 for rosh?
00:47:14infect just pressure
00:47:18infect somebody has to def top
00:47:46Allistysmies koska roosa spawnaa
00:47:53Mercury we have to def mid
00:48:03Empatia chekkaan kanal
00:48:06Empatia roosan
00:48:13creeeeeee hide sk
00:48:18creeeeeee dont show dd
00:48:21creeeeeee pus mid
00:48:21NeverbACKdOwn go
00:48:21creeeeeee fast
00:48:24Allistysmies wait
00:48:25Empatia ei tarvi
00:48:26creeeeeee bait or sth
00:49:03Zemirk focuses?
00:49:09Empatia b
00:49:10infect none
00:49:10infect :d
00:49:49Allistysmies oom
00:49:54Mercury rosh is back
00:50:01taraN rosh up
00:50:02taraN get it
00:50:05infect got ac
00:50:12taraN we got -armor
00:50:13Lawok i got heart
00:50:15Mercury butter or mkb?
00:50:15Lawok rege, get items
00:50:16Lawok smoke
00:50:16Lawok go
00:50:17Zemirk soon bkb
00:50:18creeeeeee bot good farm
00:50:27creeeeeee def bot
00:50:27Zemirk i can
00:50:38Lawok dont go alone
00:50:38Lawok ffs
00:50:40Mercury butter or mkb?
00:50:45Empatia rosh
00:50:46Empatia quick
00:50:48Lawok butter
00:50:52taraN target him
00:50:53taraN uindying
00:50:58Lawok BACK BOT
00:50:59Lawok FFS
00:51:17Mercury .,.
00:51:32Allistysmies joo-o
00:51:35Allistysmies no buyout on
00:51:38Allistysmies jos tarvii
00:51:38Empatia juu
00:51:39taraN ei tarvi
00:51:39Empatia ei hetää
00:51:49infect wait sk bkb
00:52:17Zemirk 300
00:52:25creeeeeee we cant go anyway
00:52:31infect nop
00:52:59creeeeeee b
00:52:59creeeeeee b
00:53:09infect now wait
00:53:10infect for sk
00:53:22Zemirk focus?
00:53:24taraN ¨bbkb
00:53:25taraN for me
00:53:27Allistysmies kk
00:53:30Allistysmies oo varovaanen
00:53:30infect hmm
00:53:31infect tomb
00:53:33infect and necro ?
00:53:35Zemirk tomb maiden slar?
00:53:38Zemirk necro?
00:53:39Zemirk k
00:53:39Lawok tomb slardar maiden
00:53:43infect k
00:53:56Lawok wait top
00:54:01Zemirk y
00:54:09Lawok ok mid
00:54:18creeeeeee tule
00:54:59NeverbACKdOwn gg:)
00:55:22taraN well
00:55:23taraN they got
00:55:25taraN 50k more cashd
00:55:27taraN than we do
00:55:29NeverbACKdOwn jup
00:55:39Allistysmies gg
00:56:17Lawok gg
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