Game #2798270

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-33 X
-2 TS

98% | 1718 X | 1579 TS

-6 X
-2 TS

88% | 1464 X | 1532 TS

-48 X
-2 TS

85% | 1534 X | 1420 TS

-9 X
-2 TS

82% | 1447 X | 1453 TS

-2 X
-5 TS

66% | 1364 X | 1355 TS

+35 X
+2 TS

97% | 1708 X | 1557 TS

-26 X
+2 TS

95% | 1685 X | 1523 TS

+6 X
+3 TS

92% | 1582 X | 1531 TS

+50 X
+2 TS

60% | 1233 X | 1420 TS

+46 X
+1 TS

53% | 1238 X | 1336 TS

Chat log

00:00:05Bra~ nice
00:00:09Bra~ fatboy paluks
00:00:10infect vahetasite mu mercuryga ära. Lamersid !
00:00:20Bra~ see oli vältimatu
00:00:21Mercury tark valik
00:00:21infect ma saan aru jah :D
00:00:21infect mercury, sa ole vait onja
00:00:21DeduXserS pudge
00:00:21infect sulle putru ei anta
00:00:21WANKmaster rubic
00:00:21Bra~ tra
00:00:24Bra~ pede dedu
00:00:34Bra~ jaa
00:00:39Bra~ empatia slark
00:00:43Bra~ dont feed plz
00:00:44N2xy sup
00:00:45N2xy oo
00:00:47N2xy mis
00:01:00Bra~ head pickid
00:01:00N2xy hea et just ülesse panin :D:D
00:01:02Lawok PLEASE
00:01:03Lawok someone bane
00:01:04DeduXserS -swap 2
00:01:05Lawok i go razor
00:01:09Empatia -swap 1
00:01:11Bra~ dedu tiny
00:01:13Bra~ nice
00:01:14Lawok couse sleep + dmgsteal is SICK
00:01:15WANKmaster :d
00:01:15Bra~ ff
00:01:15Lawok lane combo
00:01:16DeduXserS -ii
00:01:16DeduXserS -es
00:01:18DeduXserS -water green
00:01:18Bra~ ff at 25
00:01:20N2xy mis seal viga?
00:01:21DeduXserS -weather moonlight
00:01:25WANKmaster naix
00:01:26N2xy midagi erilisti pole.. :D:D
00:01:26WANKmaster läheb
00:01:27WANKmaster :D
00:01:29Lawok choda / infect, come lane with me with bane elemental
00:01:35N2xy standard tiny
00:01:37N2xy :D
00:01:43Bra~ ma metsas
00:01:46Bra~ kuni 25-ni
00:01:46Bad3vil aba ?
00:01:47Lawok we are bot then
00:01:53Empatia get something to pull with :O
00:01:55WANKmaster abba hea
00:01:55Bad3vil kotl ?
00:01:55WANKmaster last
00:01:56WANKmaster jah
00:02:02Lawok luna slark top :o
00:02:04N2xy lähme boti
00:02:05chodaboy -hhn
00:02:06chodaboy -di
00:02:07WANKmaster naix alla
00:02:10WANKmaster koos gyroga
00:02:13N2xy yup
00:02:18N2xy mania sureb
00:02:20N2xy pudgega
00:02:21Bra~ ma metsas
00:02:26chodaboy -hhn
00:02:27N2xy jaja.. 50 hp
00:02:27chodaboy -di
00:02:27N2xy :D
00:02:32chodaboy u or me pull?
00:02:34Empatia u
00:02:40DeduXserS slark lvl 6 = gg
00:02:40infect they will ward
00:02:42infect top
00:02:43WANKmaster kuradi
00:02:44WANKmaster abba
00:02:47chodaboy y
00:02:48WANKmaster vaata et sa ikka meid healiks
00:02:48N2xy ?
00:02:48Empatia go
00:02:48WANKmaster eks
00:02:48infect btw
00:02:50Empatia come
00:02:50Bad3vil ?
00:02:51Empatia come
00:02:51Empatia come
00:02:52Bad3vil english
00:02:54Bra~ HEAL US
00:02:56WANKmaster just heal us
00:02:56Empatia we must stop this nonsense
00:02:56Bra~ FAGGOT
00:02:59infect :D
00:03:02Bad3vil relax and manner up
00:03:04Bra~ not urself
00:03:05Bra~ FAGGOT
00:03:09Bad3vil relax wannabe
00:03:11N2xy never heal naix.. he doesnt need it
00:03:26N2xy tiny ja bane
00:03:27N2xy ooo
00:03:28infect lawok
00:03:28infect soz
00:03:48Bra~ razor bane ikka
00:03:50Empatia pull big
00:04:12Empatia b
00:04:13Empatia let them push
00:05:22Empatia lentok
00:05:22Empatia ana
00:05:25Empatia ¨pealse
00:05:25Bad3vil oom
00:05:26Empatia flying
00:05:37Empatia tangos?
00:05:42Lawok sleep
00:05:47infect mana
00:05:48Empatia ty
00:05:59Bra~ gg
00:06:01Bra~ sa kutu
00:06:06Bra~ lol
00:06:11N2xy kuidas?
00:06:21Bra~ nad läksid sust taha poole
00:06:22Bra~ noobid
00:06:30N2xy raxor sai insta stun
00:06:31N2xy niikuini
00:06:32N2xy :D
00:06:40Bra~ tal leach peal ju
00:06:42Bra~ sul
00:07:06Bra~ wards any1?
00:07:16Bra~ nows a good time
00:07:22Bra~ ok no
00:07:27Bad3vil reuse chick
00:07:42Bra~ -ii
00:07:51Lawok spam it ;<
00:07:52Empatia wtf
00:07:57WANKmaster kus
00:07:57WANKmaster kana
00:07:58WANKmaster on
00:07:59WANKmaster ?
00:09:04N2xy ss2
00:09:05N2xy kle
00:09:07N2xy re1
00:09:13chodaboy haha
00:09:36N2xy oom
00:09:41DeduXserS -ms
00:09:44Empatia -ms
00:10:05chodaboy i come mid
00:10:05chodaboy gank
00:10:23Bra~ care bot
00:10:28Bra~ nvm
00:10:28chodaboy wait
00:10:42Bad3vil s
00:10:43Bad3vil 2
00:10:47chodaboy gj
00:10:48WANKmaster no
00:10:48WANKmaster ok
00:10:50WANKmaster mingi vitt
00:10:50chodaboy didnt mean to steal
00:10:50WANKmaster on mid
00:11:09Bra~ tiny rune to
00:11:10Bra~ p
00:11:17Bra~ u dead
00:11:22Bra~ okok
00:11:29Lawok sleep
00:11:32WANKmaster naix
00:11:32infect y
00:11:33WANKmaster tule
00:11:35N2xy man suht krub
00:11:36Bra~ oot
00:11:37N2xy mana
00:11:39infect b
00:11:40N2xy ulti
00:11:42N2xy on
00:11:46Bra~ omw
00:12:38Lawok -ms
00:12:41Bra~ b abba
00:12:54WANKmaster warde
00:12:55WANKmaster vaja
00:12:57Bra~ mhm
00:13:10infect missle
00:13:12Empatia fight
00:14:05Bra~ rakett
00:14:12N2xy unistada võid
00:14:15Bra~ k
00:14:23N2xy pole mana ju
00:14:25N2xy nüüd on
00:14:26N2xy :D
00:14:28Bad3vil omw naix
00:14:29Bad3vil go
00:15:07Bad3vil oom
00:15:24N2xy jummal
00:15:33Bra~ jummal?
00:15:38N2xy nad koguaeg siin passivad
00:15:39N2xy .D
00:15:46Bra~ jep
00:15:47Bra~ 25 ff
00:15:56Empatia -ms
00:16:23WANKmaster vennad gankivad meid selliste herodega kihtsalt
00:16:24Empatia flying?
00:16:25WANKmaster no mida vittu
00:16:28Empatia anyone?
00:16:28WANKmaster 0 wardi meil
00:16:29WANKmaster kõva
00:16:33WANKmaster dead
00:16:54Bra~ HELP
00:17:23chodaboy haha
00:17:26chodaboy shouldnt have gone there
00:17:26DeduXserS wtf avalacne
00:17:27DeduXserS :D
00:17:43chodaboy bane farming
00:17:45chodaboy imba shit
00:17:51infect u all dead
00:17:53infect imba shit
00:18:03N2xy lets kill bane..
00:18:07N2xy i try rocker
00:18:30chodaboy i eat naix
00:19:03N2xy edasy kil
00:20:00Bad3vil b
00:20:09Lawok atro sleep first
00:20:28N2xy lol
00:20:39Bad3vil not lol
00:20:40Bad3vil go in
00:20:41Bad3vil man
00:20:50N2xy pani tähele ikka
00:20:51N2xy :D
00:20:56Bra~ mida?
00:21:02N2xy algul kõndis mööda
00:21:03N2xy tiny
00:21:04N2xy :D
00:21:06chodaboy get naix
00:21:36chodaboy bane useless
00:21:37chodaboy SLEEP?
00:21:45Bra~ u dead
00:21:46Bra~ gg
00:21:57chodaboy shit bane
00:21:58chodaboy u suck
00:22:08infect i didnt need sleep
00:22:12infect no point in wasting it
00:22:13Bra~ TINY MID
00:22:24infect others woudltn have been able to do dmg to rzr
00:22:27infect and when sf came
00:22:29infect i slept him
00:22:37infect because he had the onyl aoe to damage rzr
00:22:38infect idiot
00:23:25Bra~ kaua võib afk olla?
00:23:35chodaboy tower
00:24:18N2xy tulevad midi
00:25:39N2xy abba
00:25:40N2xy lkets kill
00:28:03Bra~ -cs
00:28:04Mercury 0 towers -.-
00:28:08Bra~ I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:11Bra~ go ff
00:28:11WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:22chodaboy got bkb
00:28:24chodaboy lets go win
00:28:33N2xy tuli img
00:28:34N2xy df
00:28:34N2xy gdfs
00:28:35N2xy sfdg
00:28:35N2xy ds
00:29:25WANKmaster ei saaa aru mina sellest värgist
00:29:35WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:37WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:37WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:37N2xy mis
00:29:38WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:38WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:39WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:49WANKmaster kuidas mingi luna ja slark meid gankivad
00:29:53WANKmaster nii lamp nagu
00:30:34Bra~ asi on selles et dedu on nii palju meid tapnud
00:30:38Bra~ et nad on ka farmi saanud
00:30:55WANKmaster dedul läks algus jumala vittu
00:31:03Bra~ mhm
00:31:18N2xy aga nad tulid ju mitu kord nelja viiekesi boti
00:31:19Bra~ sitad herod meil
00:31:21N2xy me olime kolmekesi
00:31:35Bra~ I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:38WANKmaster I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:41WANKmaster just forfeit
00:31:42WANKmaster this game
00:31:45Mercury ootab 30 min ära
00:31:49Mercury vähem -x
00:32:03WANKmaster keda sügab
00:32:05WANKmaster see x
00:32:06WANKmaster jumal
00:32:08Bra~ jeap
00:32:21DeduXserS -ms
00:32:35DeduXserS :D
00:33:31Bad3vil I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:35Mercury I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:37N2xy xD
00:33:39N2xy ty
00:33:40N2xy tiny
00:33:43DeduXserS nope
00:33:59WANKmaster chodaboy lihtsalt
00:34:00WANKmaster :d:d
00:34:02WANKmaster naljaklas
00:35:17chodaboy =D
00:35:27N2xy abba
00:36:22DeduXserS _D:D_
00:36:38DeduXserS -ms
00:36:40chodaboy go top
00:37:12Lawok lets end
00:37:13Lawok g2g
00:37:18DeduXserS sex :S
00:37:35chodaboy come razoe
00:37:50Bra~ -cs
00:38:07infect getting hex
00:38:36chodaboy napteam
00:38:38chodaboy wtf are u doing
00:38:44chodaboy gj
00:38:45chodaboy noob
00:38:53infect luna, u went in 1 vs 5
00:38:56infect and u call us nub
00:38:58infect :D
00:39:08chodaboy u suck
00:39:09chodaboy dick
00:39:11infect u too
00:39:11Bad3vil its lost
00:39:12infect dick
00:39:14Bra~ y
00:39:15chodaboy cant even play 2 click ban
00:39:16Bad3vil we never win till min 50
00:39:29infect i ahve 4 clickable items dude
00:39:31infect and 4 spells
00:39:34chodaboy haha
00:39:34infect i count 8
00:39:36infect luna is way easier
00:39:39chodaboy u suck so hard
00:39:40infect just click ulti
00:39:41infect and lothars
00:39:43chodaboy is luna easier
00:39:44chodaboy ok
00:39:46infect and u stil lmanage to die
00:39:48infect with lothars
00:39:49infect come on
00:39:55chodaboy ?
00:39:59chodaboy u saw it
00:40:03infect when u went in base
00:40:07infect agaisnt 5
00:40:16infect ur bkb isnt that awesome that u can kill 5
00:40:16chodaboy yeas
00:40:17infect alone
00:40:19chodaboy and u saw
00:40:26chodaboy that i used lothar for like 3 sec
00:40:31chodaboy then turned back on naix
00:40:31DeduXserS rosh
00:40:32infect i saw u dieng like a nab
00:40:32chodaboy nobfuck
00:40:35DeduXserS luna
00:40:41chodaboy stfu go end
00:40:42chodaboy WITH %
00:40:44chodaboy 5
00:41:15infect haha
00:41:16infect again
00:41:18infect 1vs5
00:41:21infect u r such a nab
00:41:25chodaboy infedct
00:41:29infect nub
00:41:30infect stfu
00:41:32infect dont write
00:41:32chodaboy ur one of the worst players in gc
00:41:35chodaboy u standing mid
00:41:36infect nop
00:41:37chodaboy farming with bane
00:41:43chodaboy pls check the replay of this game
00:41:45chodaboy u fucking cunt
00:42:46chodaboy -ms
00:43:42Bra~ cmon
00:43:44Bra~ pane ff ära
00:43:45Bra~ I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:16chodaboy haha
00:45:36Lawok -ms
00:45:59WANKmaster :D:d.d
00:45:59DeduXserS :D
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