Game #2793629

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-21 X
-2 TS

100% | 2037 X | 1760 TS

-47 X
-2 TS

87% | 1496 X | 1526 TS

-5 X
-2 TS

68% | 1386 X | 1343 TS

-46 X
-3 TS

70% | 1277 X | 1447 TS

-27 X
-2 TS

56% | 1234 X | 1381 TS

+44 X
+3 TS

98% | 1763 X | 1612 TS

+45 X
+3 TS

89% | 1637 X | 1433 TS

+12 X
+3 TS

88% | 1519 X | 1496 TS

+29 X
+3 TS

64% | 1342 X | 1393 TS

+27 X
+7 TS

65% | 1340 X | 1359 TS

Chat log

00:00:00Knaitti [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... Bad3vil with 96 seconds.
00:00:08Bad3vil thanks
00:00:08verybad nice pc
00:00:08Buugi -ah
00:00:08Buugi -rd
00:00:08verybad rd:tä kehii
00:00:08N2xy -ap
00:00:17Idx hey
00:00:17Knaitti -clear
00:00:17Vangelis ban
00:00:17Vangelis ns
00:00:17Vangelis so
00:00:17Idx get me phoenix please
00:00:17N2xy gim ephoenix
00:00:17Vangelis we
00:00:17Vangelis get
00:00:17Knaitti lycan banniin
00:00:17Vangelis lycan or phoenix
00:00:17Buugi k
00:00:17Buugi lycan
00:00:17Vangelis or
00:00:17Vangelis ban
00:00:17Vangelis weaver
00:00:17Vangelis ?
00:00:17Vangelis weaver pretty imba as well
00:00:17N2xy ns also here
00:00:17Vangelis sylla
00:00:17Vangelis also there
00:00:17N2xy ns fucks weaver phoenix :D
00:00:17Bad3vil phoenix ?
00:00:17Buugi not rly
00:00:17Buugi manta or euls
00:00:17Buugi and u fine
00:00:17N2xy a bit
00:00:17Idx phoenix cant be fucked
00:00:17Momdsiw fiinix
00:00:17Knaitti voin pelaa venon
00:00:17Buugi tsepe
00:00:17Buugi ban
00:00:17verybad wat
00:00:17Vangelis tsepeliin
00:00:17Vangelis ban
00:00:17Sepetos bannaa sä
00:00:17Buugi bannasin just
00:00:17Momdsiw Lycvani bannas jo
00:00:17Sepetos -phoenix
00:00:19Buugi any1 weaveR?
00:00:21Vangelis weaver
00:00:22Vangelis you
00:00:23Vangelis take
00:00:25Bad3vil get tiny
00:00:25Vangelis WEAVER
00:00:26taraN momsi ei pääse hikoilee
00:00:27Buugi any1?
00:00:29Vangelis taek weaver
00:00:29taraN phoenixil
00:00:29Vangelis now
00:00:32Momdsiw lal
00:00:42Vangelis n2xy
00:00:44Vangelis carry
00:00:45N2xy sup
00:00:47Bad3vil bala =
00:00:48Bad3vil ?
00:00:50N2xy tiny hea carry ktll
00:00:51N2xy ;)
00:00:55Vangelis give me
00:00:56Vangelis rexx
00:00:57Vangelis someone
00:01:02N2xy weaver is still fine?
00:01:05Vangelis y
00:01:06N2xy agaisnt slard
00:01:06Vangelis pick
00:01:07Vangelis weaver
00:01:11Vangelis pick weaver ns
00:01:11Bad3vil im ana and im a bot
00:01:13Vangelis ns
00:01:15Bad3vil i can banna very hot
00:01:15Knaitti otanko wr?
00:01:16Knaitti jaa
00:01:22Knaitti -swap 1
00:01:23Knaitti -clear
00:01:23Sepetos -swap 4
00:01:26Bad3vil yakiro bane ?
00:01:27Bad3vil gogogo
00:01:32Vangelis ff
00:01:34Sepetos jakiro or bane is nice
00:02:06Sepetos bane top
00:02:09N2xy maybe twin bot?
00:02:10N2xy dunno
00:02:11Vangelis no
00:02:14Vangelis i pull
00:02:14verybad go top
00:02:15Vangelis i make
00:02:17N2xy oki
00:02:17Vangelis double pull!
00:02:21Vangelis anyways
00:02:21Vangelis i ff
00:02:23Vangelis all my heroes
00:02:24Vangelis take
00:02:26Vangelis so lame
00:02:39N2xy fuck their heros
00:02:41N2xy realy
00:03:01Momdsiw just go linken + refresher
00:03:03Momdsiw so you have double linken
00:03:06N2xy xD
00:03:10N2xy and ulti
00:03:13Momdsiw y
00:03:18N2xy imba shit
00:03:22Momdsiw does refresher work on sk?
00:03:30N2xy ye i guess
00:03:31Momdsiw never seen
00:03:36N2xy no point
00:03:37N2xy :D
00:05:04Momdsiw rex low
00:05:11Sepetos MIDMSISS
00:06:09Sepetos botrune mby
00:06:11Buugi miss ns with rune
00:07:13Idx mida vittu n2ks
00:07:13Momdsiw tower down soon
00:07:19Sepetos midmiss
00:07:19Sepetos tiny
00:07:20Sepetos caRE
00:07:21Sepetos rune
00:07:27N2xy valesit arvutasin
00:07:58Momdsiw oom
00:07:58Sepetos flyin
00:08:06Buugi miss mid
00:08:08Idx just ge tthe tower
00:08:09Buugi care bot
00:08:12Buugi re
00:08:33Momdsiw we push twr?
00:08:46Idx its liek 180hp left
00:08:49Momdsiw y
00:09:14verybad b
00:09:16Sepetos tiny invis
00:09:17Sepetos B
00:09:20Buugi ns missing
00:09:21Buugi care bot
00:09:22verybad -ma
00:09:22Bad3vil 3top
00:09:26Buugi its night time
00:09:42Bad3vil ss top
00:10:19Sepetos 1200range pugna
00:10:20Sepetos nice
00:10:49taraN go ulti
00:10:53Bad3vil pugna ?
00:10:56taraN either one
00:11:19Momdsiw oisit tuun antanu
00:11:20Momdsiw tujun
00:11:28Buugi et pyytäny
00:11:31Buugi ja olu full inva ni en jaksanu
00:11:33Buugi ns bot
00:11:34Buugi carte bot
00:11:47Buugi ns bot
00:11:48Buugi care bot
00:12:20Buugi ns mid
00:12:20Buugi care mid
00:12:51Buugi defense
00:13:23Buugi ss ns
00:13:39Momdsiw huoih
00:13:41Momdsiw oisit stunannu
00:13:43Momdsiw aikasemmi
00:13:49Buugi piti tappaa veno
00:13:52Buugi se me ni just fogii
00:15:10Buugi ota huikkaa koht
00:15:17Momdsiw j
00:15:18Momdsiw sec
00:15:19Buugi ja tapetaa
00:15:51Momdsiw onnistu
00:15:57Momdsiw creepist pomppu
00:16:09Buugi push now
00:16:12Buugi bala not ngiuht
00:16:14Buugi day
00:16:22Bad3vil oom
00:16:26Momdsiw kaikil muil menee taas kehnosti :D
00:16:33Sepetos dont fight so much when its day
00:16:54Bad3vil cd ulti
00:17:40Bad3vil how i smleed that
00:17:43Buugi pause segga
00:17:44Sepetos hei mitä?
00:17:44Sepetos 5
00:17:44Sepetos 4
00:17:44verybad piti olla segga
00:17:44Sepetos 3
00:17:44Sepetos 2
00:17:44Sepetos 1
00:18:25Bad3vil -afk
00:18:39Momdsiw why pick weaever when slard on pool :O
00:18:48Buugi ei se oo mikää countteri
00:18:50Buugi weaverille
00:18:54Momdsiw ns slarda
00:18:57Momdsiw tuhoo sen täysi
00:19:18Buugi tp cd
00:19:22Buugi deffed bot
00:22:10Buugi ns inc
00:23:46Bad3vil dd
00:24:16Buugi help pugna
00:24:49Buugi tower mid
00:25:36Buugi ns inc
00:25:36Buugi care
00:25:46Buugi smoke
00:25:49Buugi top
00:26:04Buugi decre
00:26:08Bad3vil lets go ?
00:26:37Sepetos puhutaa hikoilust
00:26:38Buugi go
00:27:48Buugi tp
00:27:48Buugi tp
00:27:52N2xy cd
00:27:52Bad3vil crazy play by crazy slard
00:27:54Buugi k
00:28:05Buugi skukuchi? :;D
00:28:08Vangelis he
00:28:09Vangelis just
00:28:12Vangelis sukuchied
00:28:14taraN im a man of action
00:28:14Vangelis before lapse
00:28:16Buugi ah
00:28:16Buugi k
00:28:19Bad3vil ^^
00:28:28Bad3vil full player action
00:28:33Momdsiw -ii
00:28:35taraN aye
00:29:02Momdsiw pitää vissii euli tekasta
00:29:11N2xy see mäng on kurb :p
00:29:15Vangelis on jah
00:29:16Vangelis sa feedid
00:29:17Vangelis :D
00:29:22N2xy pole veel kordagi rashu saanud
00:29:25N2xy kyll nüüd saan
00:29:26N2xy :D
00:29:30Sepetos -ms
00:29:31Momdsiw I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:34Vangelis I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:36Idx I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:57Momdsiw oho
00:30:58Momdsiw olin tabbed
00:34:07Vangelis go finish
00:34:08Vangelis ?
00:34:11Bad3vil why ?
00:34:15N2xy I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:19Vangelis I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:27Idx n1 n2xy
00:34:31N2xy xD
00:34:37N2xy pean sc2
00:34:40N2xy tagasi minema
00:34:41N2xy pelama
00:34:41N2xy :D
00:34:43N2xy see on märk
00:34:50Sepetos wait next night :o
00:34:51Vangelis sc2
00:34:52Vangelis noobi
00:34:53Vangelis mang
00:34:53Idx sign from the greater ones
00:35:02N2xy yup
00:35:26Idx just cut the crap and lets get it straight
00:35:33Idx how many of you guys are gonna play diablo 3
00:35:38Bad3vil reuse chick
00:35:41N2xy me
00:36:47taraN voitasko finishaa ei noil oo mitää gearii ei levui
00:36:49taraN ei yhtää mitää
00:37:44Idx sa rohkem ei tee jah
00:37:48N2xy ei tea
00:37:54N2xy olene modeist
00:41:20Vangelis chaaarge!
00:42:22verybad salee tuut siihen just ku painan blinkkii
00:42:33Knaitti :E
00:43:00Idx somehow managed to win a 4v5
00:43:02Idx fight
00:43:06Buugi 4v4
00:43:10Buugi bala with aegis was top :D
00:43:23Idx yea i ment that we were 5
00:43:28Buugi u were 4
00:43:46Idx oks
00:44:17Idx hah
00:44:26Momdsiw aih se vähä iskee
00:45:59Buugi oisin forcennu :<
00:46:02Momdsiw aih
00:46:04Sepetos -ms
00:46:04N2xy mul suht alhe skoor.. kõik on 1-d
00:46:06N2xy :D
00:46:09Momdsiw käännyin stunaa oottelin jotai säkää
00:46:11N2xy ainult üks üks on puudu
00:46:17N2xy killide juurest
00:46:17N2xy :D
00:46:21Idx sa ei oska oma ühtesi paigutada lihtsalt
00:46:25Momdsiw perus statsia porukal
00:46:27N2xy xD
00:46:45Idx gg wp
00:47:05Buugi vittu sä tankkaat D:
00:47:12taraN kyl
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