Game #2780197

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-12 X
-2 TS

91% | 1575 X | 1514 TS

+0 X
-3 TS

90% | 1546 X | 1481 TS

-49 X
-2 TS

89% | 1481 X | 1545 TS

-14 X
-2 TS

84% | 1415 X | 1510 TS

-40 X
-2 TS

59% | 1300 X | 1339 TS

+24 X
+11 TS

93% | 1651 X | 1464 TS

+52 X
+4 TS

90% | 1512 X | 1533 TS

+24 X
+2 TS

89% | 1578 X | 1437 TS

+31 X
+3 TS
69% | 1398 X | 1360 TS

-3 X
+3 TS

72% | 1320 X | 1430 TS

Chat log

00:00:18Laier tylsä pooli
00:00:20Lawok shiaaaat
00:00:20Lawok kurdipelit ftL
00:00:20Lawok ban am
00:00:20Suzuki.Carry yees ¨how is mercury under me?
00:00:20Suzuki.Carry what you gonna play guys?
00:00:20Laier dazzle vaa ja gg
00:00:20Empatia void
00:00:20Mercury haxs
00:00:20Lawok skeletor! by me then
00:00:20Suzuki.Carry am
00:00:20Mercury nop by me
00:00:21Papaya obsi good
00:00:25Mercury i get better teams
00:00:27Papaya could play it ok so u wanna by chick
00:00:34vilu doubt it goes
00:00:36Mercury onlt 170 gold
00:00:36McNabb that good too
00:00:37Empatia ya
00:00:38vilu but take it
00:00:39Mercury no biggie :D tru dat
00:00:43vilu we go for stuns first
00:00:44Empatia i 0could go veno
00:00:45Papaya can u vilu?
00:00:48Papaya i can veno
00:00:50Laier obsi veno/sk imo
00:00:51Lawok carry u mid or meh
00:00:52Papaya obsi veno es stroooong
00:00:57Empatia im giving es to laier
00:00:58Soulyah sk mid
00:00:59Soulyah houh
00:01:00Soulyah :D?
00:01:03Lawok ?
00:01:03Papaya vilu take obsi or veno
00:01:04vilu i was going sandking
00:01:05Lawok done it many times
00:01:06Laier take obsi veno
00:01:06Suzuki.Carry lets see all heroes
00:01:07Papaya dont need renee are u goning to lagg this game?
00:01:22Empatia -swap 2
00:01:29Papaya now wd and sk
00:01:33Suzuki.Carry dual mid imo
00:01:34Papaya and easy win
00:01:36Suzuki.Carry sk + stunner
00:01:40Lawok yeah
00:01:43McNabb or dazzle
00:01:44Suzuki.Carry get wd
00:01:45Lawok kunkka solo top?
00:01:45Suzuki.Carry best i go where?
00:01:46Papaya ya
00:01:48Papaya wd or dazzle
00:01:50Suzuki.Carry im solo top
00:01:52Papaya ...
00:01:52vilu -swap 5
00:01:52Lawok k
00:01:55Laier -swap 2
00:01:57Mercury dazzle or wd?
00:02:01Lawok dazzle
00:02:01Empatia -swap 5
00:02:02Suzuki.Carry either
00:02:03Lawok with me mid
00:02:05Suzuki.Carry works
00:02:06McNabb me veno bot
00:02:07Lawok kunkka thd bot
00:02:08McNabb o
00:02:09Laier -swap 1
00:02:11McNabb o
00:02:12McNabb o
00:02:14McNabb or
00:02:17Empatia es sk bot
00:02:26Lawok this is so going to pwn
00:02:33Lawok easy heroes everyone into ggnes pwness
00:02:36McNabb es can u pull?
00:02:37Papaya dont get why we have clock
00:02:40Lawok soul go bot
00:02:47Papaya but i guess he stacks kinda nice with obsi im where again?
00:02:51Laier cog and our set
00:02:53Suzuki.Carry bot
00:02:54Suzuki.Carry kunkka
00:02:55Lawok ALL BOT k
00:02:56Suzuki.Carry also
00:02:59Empatia we just took mass gang + mass stun
00:03:02Suzuki.Carry soulyah bot
00:03:06Papaya and fat carry
00:03:07Papaya got good team
00:03:51McNabb noly 1 bot
00:04:00McNabb 2
00:04:04Papaya dazz mid
00:04:35Papaya dual mid
00:04:36Papaya need gangs
00:05:32McNabb just pull all the time
00:05:36McNabb and we are good
00:05:54Papaya ss
00:06:51Papaya ss2
00:06:53Mercury sk
00:06:55Mercury rege
00:07:01Laier sk can you watch the game pls
00:07:06Mercury go take
00:07:30Papaya ss
00:07:52Empatia need chicks here
00:07:55Empatia so i can come mid gang
00:07:57Soulyah no
00:07:59vilu zeus
00:08:00vilu miss
00:08:06McNabb ss kunkka
00:08:15Suzuki.Carry ss
00:08:15Suzuki.Carry venom
00:08:18Laier oom :/
00:08:20McNabb y
00:08:22McNabb pull
00:09:17Papaya b
00:09:23McNabb ss
00:09:27Laier ss bot2
00:09:35Laier re
00:09:50Laier wtf you are doing
00:09:51Soulyah wp
00:09:55McNabb blocked:-/
00:10:01Laier doesnt mean you have to go suicide if i sutn
00:10:35Soulyah ss
00:10:48Lawok AKPOADSi09as i09ads
00:10:50Empatia :DD
00:10:52Lawok pwnt
00:11:04McNabb ss
00:11:45Laier cant sk really watch the game?
00:11:53Laier they dive to tower and you do nothing:/
00:12:04McNabb i was dead?
00:12:05Lawok TP
00:12:08Lawok idiots
00:12:10Laier you was pulling creeps
00:12:36Papaya zz
00:12:39Papaya we got SANDKING
00:12:41Papaya EARTHSHAKER
00:12:44Papaya NOOBS
00:13:09McNabb can and gank
00:13:33Empatia sk
00:13:34Empatia es
00:13:38Papaya sk es
00:13:41Papaya useless noobs
00:13:50McNabb fu
00:13:56Papaya no fuck YOU
00:14:29Laier care bot
00:14:37Laier oom
00:14:51Papaya ff
00:14:52McNabb noob
00:15:00Soulyah ulti
00:15:01Papaya the noob is u DINY
00:15:07Papaya leaving lane first time minute 11
00:15:10Papaya go bnet plz
00:15:22Soulyah vilu
00:15:25Soulyah why u so penis?
00:15:50Laier pro
00:15:56Papaya stfu noob
00:16:11Laier failedm y lasthit and couldnt do it by urself
00:16:14Laier and call me noob after taht
00:16:20Papaya dd clock ruined it
00:16:24Soulyah bot all
00:16:28McNabb lol
00:17:39Suzuki.Carry gj all
00:17:44Lawok sick win
00:17:44Soulyah imba war
00:17:44Lawok :d
00:17:45Soulyah :D ye bot mostly me
00:17:46Lawok ye :D leo said ye to me
00:19:33Lawok IMABNESS
00:19:33Soulyah choked o my smoke lol wtf items leo?
00:19:42McNabb look how much u suck :D
00:19:47Papaya xD
00:19:52Lawok :o
00:19:54Papaya you pick gang heroes
00:19:56Papaya and dont gang ¨never seen that build b4
00:20:03Papaya and then tell carry he sucks after he has 0 farm all game
00:20:04McNabb need boots to gank
00:20:09Papaya no U DONT
00:20:11Papaya U NEED SKILL
00:20:14Papaya and u dont have that
00:20:22Papaya or u saying u need 10min to farm 500g?
00:20:22McNabb 0-5 obsi:D
00:20:32Empatia you
00:20:32Papaya ofc 0 5
00:20:32Empatia dont
00:20:33Empatia need
00:20:34Papaya what u expect
00:20:36Empatia no fucking mana boots
00:20:42McNabb stfu
00:20:50Papaya just accept u are noob scum
00:20:54Papaya and will never get better
00:21:13vilu bansih?
00:21:16Lawok :P
00:21:22vilu you can banish yourself when he bolts
00:21:28Papaya #cd
00:21:30vilu k
00:21:33Papaya u mastermind
00:21:36Papaya not first time obsi
00:21:41Laier looks like it
00:21:42Laier ;)
00:21:45Papaya says lane es
00:21:59Papaya nvm i shut up now
00:22:06Papaya seen u guys play for years and you never get better
00:22:10Papaya senseless
00:22:11Suzuki.Carry care
00:22:12Soulyah they come here
00:22:20Soulyah def?
00:22:23Laier funny coz started last month:)
00:22:26McNabb 1 year ago i was 40%
00:22:36Papaya u still play like 40
00:22:55Papaya seen bnet noobs gang earlier than min 10
00:23:02Empatia es
00:23:03Empatia sadn
00:23:05Empatia come with us push iot
00:24:09Laier emmä tiiä
00:24:10Soulyah ppl top caught mid way so had to tp out
00:25:00vilu sandking ^SUZUKI
00:25:03vilu good farm i presume?
00:25:18McNabb need dagger before i can do any good
00:25:21Papaya rofl
00:25:21vilu no
00:25:21Empatia fuck
00:25:21Laier :DDD
00:25:22Empatia you
00:25:23Papaya need bots
00:25:25Papaya need dagger
00:25:27Papaya what a noob
00:25:28vilu you just stick with us
00:25:28Papaya haha
00:25:38vilu you need nothing
00:25:42vilu just
00:25:43vilu come
00:25:43vilu with
00:25:44vilu us
00:25:56Mercury b b
00:26:11Empatia STUN
00:26:16Empatia YOU FUCKING DICK
00:26:16Lawok ME WINS
00:26:29Papaya ff timer is 25 right
00:26:37Empatia y omw glyph+ ?
00:27:10Soulyah mana
00:27:22Soulyah mana
00:27:23Soulyah plz
00:27:47vilu teamfight
00:27:48vilu now?
00:27:49vilu obs got ult?
00:27:52Laier go
00:27:56McNabb no ulti
00:27:59Papaya kidding
00:28:03Papaya ?
00:28:11Suzuki.Carry go skele
00:28:17Mercury all 5
00:28:28Empatia come
00:29:32Soulyah ära
00:29:34Soulyah nii
00:29:34Soulyah tee
00:29:35Soulyah ..
00:29:38Soulyah :D juusto
00:29:49Empatia I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel] sk dd
00:30:22Lawok i need to reg first
00:31:12Soulyah gg
00:32:19Lawok phonme
00:32:40Empatia :DD
00:33:12Empatia just go over there
00:33:13Empatia :O
00:33:15Empatia with stun
00:33:26Empatia I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:30vilu mitä sä oikein kävit miettii?
00:33:54Soulyah into gg? go mid?
00:34:13Soulyah top
00:34:15Soulyah olo
00:34:16Soulyah kill
00:34:17Lawok phone..
00:34:17Lawok still mom?
00:34:25Soulyah go
00:34:40McNabb I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:59Lawok ok mid ok mid
00:35:30Soulyah ..
00:35:32Laier 400 daggerii
00:35:47Lawok smoke
00:35:47Suzuki.Carry 'or rosh
00:35:51Soulyah go rosh
00:35:54Soulyah i guard
00:35:55Lawok smoke
00:35:56Lawok into it
00:36:00Suzuki.Carry have it?
00:36:02Laier b
00:36:11Soulyah i stay awat to combi them
00:36:21Lawok zeus?
00:36:54vilu you stole my cloak?
00:37:02Papaya you stole my staff
00:37:03Papaya ?
00:37:05vilu i didnt
00:37:16Papaya where is it
00:37:19Soulyah od is fat
00:37:19Soulyah xD
00:37:25vilu how should i know?
00:37:34Papaya u took it before
00:38:01Laier sk why you ultialone
00:38:02Laier >.<
00:38:18Papaya sao where is it
00:38:20McNabb cause i dont care with this game.. noob team
00:38:26vilu i have no clue, you took it
00:38:30Lawok ADSADSDAS jakir > tWr
00:38:40Papaya well got replay
00:38:41Papaya enjoy ban b
00:39:33Soulyah i was stuck lol
00:39:40Mercury yeh srry bout that
00:40:15Papaya why dont u just tell me where it is vilu
00:40:21vilu what is?
00:40:21Suzuki.Carry need bird?
00:40:23Lawok y
00:40:27Papaya my forcestaff
00:40:29vilu you took to cloak, i have no clue where it is
00:40:31Papaya that you stole
00:40:40Papaya i sae you take it on your hero
00:40:42Papaya saw
00:40:54Lawok i need
00:41:01Papaya so either give it or get banned lol this animation cant cast anything
00:41:42Lawok asd
00:42:38Empatia I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:52Papaya I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel] jak owns twrs :D dazzle and jakiro imba :D
00:45:04Laier I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:08McNabb I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:35Empatia lawok alatorni
00:45:44Lawok [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:44Lawok [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:44Lawok [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:44Lawok [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:45:44vilu I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:09Laier banrequested UUUUH SO SCARED
00:46:43Laier ggwp
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