Game #2775494

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-53 X
-1 TS

96% | 1767 X | 1454 TS

-34 X
-1 TS

59% | 1253 X | 1374 TS

-7 X
-2 TS

44% | 1207 X | 1242 TS

-27 X
-17 TS

NEW | 1096 X | 1220 TS

-28 X
-9 TS

24% | 1077 X | 1207 TS

+30 X
+3 TS

84% | 1425 X | 1512 TS

+19 X
+2 TS

74% | 1364 X | 1434 TS

+26 X
+5 TS

51% | 1276 X | 1256 TS

+54 X
+5 TS

41% | 1125 X | 1304 TS

+28 X
+38 TS

NEW | 1086 X | 1055 TS

Chat log

00:00:04WTGD storm lanaya doom
00:00:06DrouGluiN sd rly?
00:00:10NeverbACKdOwn pugna riki tech
00:00:10Jonnija balanar qop naga
00:00:10Flex- i got ogre and pudge
00:00:12Soulyah pick imba heros
00:00:13NeverbACKdOwn i go riki
00:00:14aquatic lion troll biggie
00:00:15Yib clock sniper meepo
00:00:15Soulyah pugna
00:00:16DrouGluiN chen cent na
00:00:17Soulyah v2ga hea
00:00:18Soulyah vs strom
00:00:20NeverbACKdOwn ma ei oska seda
00:00:20Yib i mean
00:00:20NeverbACKdOwn väga
00:00:23Yib krobe
00:00:27DrouGluiN anybody want
00:00:28Flex- jonnija
00:00:29DrouGluiN anything?
00:00:30Flex- what did you have?
00:00:31NeverbACKdOwn aga tavai
00:00:32DrouGluiN or ill go cent?
00:00:32Soulyah pugna on vaja..
00:00:33Soulyah nice
00:00:33NeverbACKdOwn sitta kah
00:00:34Yib clock sniper krobe
00:00:36Jonnija balanar qop and naga
00:00:37Jonnija siern
00:00:41LetItBe clinkz zeus wisp
00:00:41Soulyah pick krobe
00:00:49LetItBe anyone want wisp?
00:00:51Yib me
00:00:54Soulyah no wosp
00:00:56Soulyah sucky hero
00:00:57NeverbACKdOwn dont take it
00:01:05Soulyah take
00:01:06Soulyah krove
00:01:07Flex- how we gonna lane this shit ? :D
00:01:08Soulyah and zeuz
00:01:08Yib better than clinkz and zeus...
00:01:10Jonnija ench woods?
00:01:10Flex- -repick
00:01:10Soulyah we nuke them
00:01:12Soulyah to death
00:01:12Yib k i play krobe
00:01:22Jonnija ench?
00:01:24DrouGluiN ench
00:01:24DrouGluiN ?
00:01:27DrouGluiN storm is mid
00:01:28Flex- droug
00:01:28DrouGluiN ..
00:01:29Flex- just camp
00:01:33Soulyah lakki vaja selle teise pickiga mul
00:01:35Jonnija wtf
00:01:36WTGD ench is forest
00:01:36Flex- enc
00:01:37Jonnija we gonna have
00:01:37Soulyah :D
00:01:37WTGD :D:D:
00:01:38Jonnija to ban
00:01:38Jonnija that
00:01:40Flex- you go their forest
00:01:40WTGD D:D:D
00:01:40Jonnija noob..
00:01:47Flex- sperr
00:01:49Soulyah me oleks 20min ja baasis olnd
00:01:50DrouGluiN ench
00:01:51Flex- go sentinel forest
00:01:51Jonnija i am afraid he is unresponsive nobo
00:01:51DrouGluiN ..
00:01:52WTGD ta teab
00:01:53WTGD ta teab
00:01:54WTGD ta mate
00:01:56DrouGluiN aa kk
00:01:56Flex- kk
00:01:57Flex- -hhn
00:02:09LetItBe harrasi krobe siis kui viitsid
00:02:12LetItBe sul parem range
00:02:18NeverbACKdOwn troll pull
00:02:18Yib english
00:02:21LetItBe harras
00:02:22Flex- noob
00:02:23NeverbACKdOwn firrst
00:02:26LetItBe have better range
00:02:28Soulyah Oi mis blok
00:02:54Jonnija go pull
00:02:56Flex- kk
00:03:27Soulyah tee tobi
00:03:28Soulyah gg
00:03:43Soulyah teen
00:03:49Soulyah oleks fb saand
00:03:58Flex- need magic dicks
00:04:08Jonnija kill
00:04:15Soulyah oii
00:04:26Jonnija go
00:04:29Flex- kk
00:04:35NeverbACKdOwn troll
00:04:36NeverbACKdOwn pull
00:04:48Soulyah tra see pedekas
00:05:03Yib core?
00:05:05Yib bs
00:05:07Yib shivas?
00:05:11Yib van
00:05:18Soulyah vang
00:05:19Soulyah pipe
00:05:20Soulyah shivas
00:05:24Yib k
00:06:04Yib ff s
00:06:05Soulyah ma ei saa ma saan gangi enchil
00:06:06Soulyah tra
00:06:27LetItBe hmm
00:06:37WTGD ss
00:06:38WTGD mids
00:06:53Soulyah ss
00:06:57Jonnija oom
00:07:14NeverbACKdOwn laaag
00:07:23DrouGluiN bot tower gonna fall
00:07:27Flex- np
00:07:47Soulyah päris võimalik pela
00:07:54DrouGluiN bot tower so dead
00:07:56DrouGluiN never gank
00:07:57DrouGluiN :D
00:07:58DrouGluiN haha
00:07:59Yib miss ogre
00:08:07DrouGluiN would have killed 4 times now
00:08:21DrouGluiN wont tell miss nvm
00:08:25DrouGluiN dont care
00:08:49Soulyah mid is nagned
00:08:52Soulyah 6 times by now
00:09:45LetItBe tra kyll
00:09:47LetItBe mis mäng
00:09:56Soulyah DD:
00:10:11NeverbACKdOwn krobe take top
00:10:16NeverbACKdOwn wait for me
00:10:27Flex- push bot
00:10:38Flex- ill dive
00:10:39Flex- if needed
00:10:47Jonnija lol
00:10:49Jonnija 3 top
00:11:19Flex- b
00:11:19Flex- now
00:11:35LetItBe inc
00:11:40LetItBe kill top
00:11:41LetItBe go
00:11:42Flex- wards
00:11:54NeverbACKdOwn 4 mid
00:11:55Yib treads/phase
00:11:57LetItBe ytlesin ju tain
00:12:11DrouGluiN lol
00:12:11Flex- nice :D
00:12:12NeverbACKdOwn gg
00:12:13NeverbACKdOwn ....
00:12:15Soulyah "kill top"
00:12:16Soulyah ?!?!?!?!?!?
00:12:35Flex- wait
00:12:36Flex- droug
00:12:39Soulyah def top
00:12:41Soulyah k6ik
00:12:41Flex- go
00:12:43DrouGluiN ?
00:12:45Soulyah all come top
00:12:47Soulyah need to win a fight
00:12:48Flex- my stun first..
00:13:01LetItBe b mid
00:13:01LetItBe b mid
00:13:11Soulyah ttle top
00:13:11Flex- wait for me...
00:13:47LetItBe krobe u suck
00:14:01Flex- cmon ...
00:14:03Yib shut up
00:14:07DrouGluiN get the tower pls :P
00:14:16Yib u are the lvl5 guy here
00:14:18Flex- dude
00:14:19Flex- no illus ?
00:14:21LetItBe ok:D
00:14:37Jonnija not
00:14:38Jonnija deniable
00:14:49aquatic does basher work on troll ?
00:14:53Soulyah no
00:14:55Flex- you needed us ?
00:14:58LetItBe help plant wards
00:15:07NeverbACKdOwn def mid
00:15:36Soulyah def top
00:15:37Soulyah again
00:15:42Soulyah all plz
00:16:03LetItBe no stun ><
00:16:14Soulyah i cant tank lol
00:16:15Soulyah 700hp
00:16:17Soulyah krobe
00:16:47DrouGluiN fuck
00:16:48DrouGluiN :D
00:16:49Yib hello
00:16:49Flex- lol
00:16:51DrouGluiN no dagger
00:16:52DrouGluiN again..
00:16:53DrouGluiN -.-
00:17:02Soulyah b
00:17:05DrouGluiN lost more than gained
00:17:09DrouGluiN thus pointless -.-
00:17:27Soulyah b
00:17:27LetItBe b
00:17:28Soulyah plz
00:17:45Yib cary tps..
00:17:48DrouGluiN pls
00:17:53DrouGluiN ty
00:19:17Soulyah uskumatu
00:19:18Flex- 5-22
00:19:19Flex- :D
00:19:22Soulyah tra see ench sittus pela öra
00:19:45aquatic enc?
00:19:50Soulyah ganged me
00:19:51Soulyah 24/7
00:19:52aquatic teise syy ?
00:19:52Flex- drpouig
00:19:58aquatic sina rikkusid
00:20:01Flex- we knew that alrdy..
00:20:02Soulyah ?
00:20:10DrouGluiN what?
00:20:11Flex- they all there
00:20:20Flex- wait here
00:20:43Yib nice fuckign block
00:20:45Yib why u go there
00:20:50Yib they were coming
00:20:50Yib omg
00:20:59Flex- go bot
00:21:03LetItBe njah
00:21:08LetItBe counterime 30 minini ära
00:21:09LetItBe siis ff
00:21:09LetItBe :D
00:21:20DrouGluiN ..
00:21:46Yib what time can we ff
00:21:50LetItBe 25
00:22:00DrouGluiN cant believe im missing blizzcon finals for this..
00:22:17Soulyah wp ench
00:22:45Flex- no
00:23:00Flex- heal us
00:23:01DrouGluiN well technically not missing..
00:23:02DrouGluiN gonna watch
00:23:12Soulyah come
00:24:17LetItBe twr mid?
00:24:41DrouGluiN lol
00:24:43DrouGluiN love this sf
00:24:43DrouGluiN :D
00:24:54DrouGluiN frustration
00:24:58Flex- idd
00:24:58DrouGluiN kills even the best players
00:25:12Flex- i remember him calling us 3 noobs
00:25:21Flex- in a game where he played the worst potm i ever saw
00:25:22Soulyah :D
00:25:24Flex- missed all arrows
00:25:24Soulyah one
00:25:27Soulyah just one game
00:25:29Soulyah i do bad
00:25:32Flex- no
00:25:35Soulyah and now u got shit to talk
00:25:36Flex- this is the 3rd one in a row
00:25:39Flex- i see you suck ass
00:25:53Flex- you miss 30 arrows in a row
00:25:55Flex- and whine top us
00:25:56Soulyah and im stil 05% and ur 40
00:25:59Soulyah 95%
00:26:20DrouGluiN 50 but w/e
00:26:24DrouGluiN if u were talking to flieh
00:27:21Flex- saved bird!!
00:27:22DrouGluiN love me standing there? :D
00:27:26Flex- ye
00:27:31DrouGluiN whell
00:27:33DrouGluiN :D
00:27:39Flex- no luck on multicasts
00:27:40Flex- at all
00:27:46Jonnija whats ur
00:27:47Jonnija mc stats?
00:27:47DrouGluiN defines a great ogre
00:27:48Jonnija -st
00:28:06Flex- you have to admire
00:28:09Flex- the farm i gave jonnija
00:28:11Soulyah just
00:28:13Soulyah def at base
00:28:15Soulyah lets see what happends
00:28:29Soulyah maybe they start diving and do stupid shit
00:28:36DrouGluiN 69 cs! :P
00:28:41LetItBe nah
00:28:43LetItBe they take rosh and gg
00:28:52Soulyah b
00:29:08Flex- go rosh?
00:29:13Yib I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:22DrouGluiN who tanks?
00:29:23Yib i dont have X to spare lol
00:29:26NeverbACKdOwn go rohs
00:29:26DrouGluiN :D
00:29:26Flex- you
00:29:29LetItBe nah
00:29:29DrouGluiN ..
00:29:29Soulyah dont go
00:29:30LetItBe def at base
00:29:30LetItBe imo
00:29:31DrouGluiN buy me a salve
00:29:31Flex- lmao
00:29:33Flex- nice build
00:29:39Soulyah ye
00:29:48Flex- coming
00:29:51Yib 1mm next lvl
00:30:03WTGD ??
00:30:04Flex- LD
00:30:09Flex- i wanted it
00:30:17DrouGluiN thnx :P
00:30:22Flex- np
00:30:40Soulyah no
00:30:44LetItBe base
00:30:46DrouGluiN ..
00:30:53Soulyah FINAL STAND
00:31:29DrouGluiN Seems like nope
00:31:31DrouGluiN :D
00:31:36Soulyah this hate on me
00:31:39Soulyah wont let me sleep tonight
00:31:51NeverbACKdOwn take mid
00:31:51NeverbACKdOwn twer
00:32:15DrouGluiN lol jonn..
00:32:22Jonnija mis
00:32:23Flex- told ja
00:32:25DrouGluiN leiad aega
00:32:27DrouGluiN ward tapp :D
00:32:30Jonnija ofc
00:32:33Jonnija kes mind ikka tappa jugleb
00:32:38DrouGluiN troll
00:32:39DrouGluiN tegi mulle
00:32:40DrouGluiN 1-0
00:32:50Jonnija sa paberist poiss kh
00:32:52Yib we dotn have any chance do we?
00:32:53DrouGluiN :D
00:32:53Soulyah they lost aegis too?
00:32:56DrouGluiN sucht
00:32:56aquatic y
00:32:57NeverbACKdOwn jup
00:32:58Soulyah we have
00:33:00Soulyah 5% chance
00:33:03Soulyah :D
00:33:07Jonnija tra see et pugna mu v6rgu disableda saab
00:33:08LetItBe thats a chance
00:33:09Jonnija ei meeldi mulle
00:33:12LetItBe must go
00:33:13Yib hmm
00:33:16Yib take a look
00:33:19Yib the wells
00:33:23Yib are gettin mana
00:33:24Yib lol
00:33:37Soulyah troll needs bkb
00:33:39Soulyah so do i
00:33:43Soulyah hope they keep pushing
00:33:44Soulyah and dying
00:33:59Jonnija messing up keys constantly
00:34:01Jonnija havent played
00:34:02Jonnija new naga
00:34:22Flex- need centaur mby?
00:34:31Jonnija zzz
00:34:33Jonnija cunttard
00:34:34Jonnija com
00:34:36DrouGluiN :D
00:35:08Soulyah :D
00:35:24Jonnija need vision :D
00:35:30LetItBe fucker has radi
00:35:30DrouGluiN vikings
00:36:08Soulyah b
00:36:13Flex- daang
00:36:13Jonnija ffs
00:36:13Jonnija they
00:36:15Flex- this might take a while
00:36:16Jonnija are still afraid
00:36:17Jonnija of us
00:36:20Jonnija i am on 600hp
00:36:20DrouGluiN just gank
00:36:20DrouGluiN em
00:36:21DrouGluiN and
00:36:22DrouGluiN kill
00:36:22DrouGluiN .
00:36:24DrouGluiN ez
00:36:24Yib pipe still'
00:36:28DrouGluiN stupid pressure
00:36:30DrouGluiN for no reason
00:36:40DrouGluiN now they are confident again..
00:36:46Flex- yea
00:36:47DrouGluiN so just 1 mistake
00:36:47Flex- 0 kills
00:36:48DrouGluiN and ggwp
00:36:49Flex- confidant
00:36:53Flex- storm
00:36:56DrouGluiN dude they held uss off twice
00:36:56DrouGluiN :D
00:36:59LetItBe aidake wardfe panna keegi
00:37:04Flex- and they lost 1-2 peeps
00:37:06Flex- we lost non
00:37:10DrouGluiN yeah
00:37:11DrouGluiN I dont count
00:37:21Jonnija on them figuring it out :D
00:37:38Flex- get more hp dude
00:37:43NeverbACKdOwn go gank them
00:37:43NeverbACKdOwn ?
00:37:46DrouGluiN armor..
00:37:46Yib no
00:37:54NeverbACKdOwn go with 5
00:37:54Flex- i get vlad
00:37:55Flex- for him
00:37:55NeverbACKdOwn we can take them
00:37:57NeverbACKdOwn if they are 3
00:37:57Yib def at base is working
00:38:03NeverbACKdOwn not for long
00:38:03LetItBe tyra
00:38:05NeverbACKdOwn gg
00:38:06LetItBe kärn
00:38:11Jonnija well they respawn
00:38:13Jonnija like creeps
00:38:24Flex- look and ench
00:38:24Flex- hp
00:38:26Flex- no wonder
00:38:43Flex- send
00:38:44Flex- illuso
00:38:50Soulyah nice timing
00:38:51Soulyah rofl
00:39:34Soulyah 12 42
00:39:35Flex- send 1 illusion
00:39:36Flex- on ward
00:39:37Soulyah and still raxes left
00:39:37Soulyah :DDd
00:39:59DrouGluiN b
00:40:01aquatic u guys weer late
00:40:04NeverbACKdOwn votame midi
00:40:04Flex- enchantress
00:40:06Flex- needs hp
00:40:07Flex- badly
00:40:07Flex- ;D
00:40:11Flex- 1k hp
00:40:11Soulyah vähemalt
00:40:13Soulyah hästi vastu
00:40:14Flex- at 40 min mark
00:40:14Soulyah pidand
00:40:14Flex- rofl
00:40:40Soulyah b
00:40:42Flex- droug
00:40:44Flex- that was dumb
00:40:44DrouGluiN mana :D
00:40:46DrouGluiN :D:D
00:40:47DrouGluiN didnt look
00:40:49DrouGluiN wasnt dumb
00:40:51DrouGluiN u werent there
00:40:51DrouGluiN ..
00:40:55DrouGluiN well
00:40:56DrouGluiN storm was
00:40:57DrouGluiN ..
00:40:58Flex- i just respawned
00:41:02DrouGluiN dont die
00:41:02DrouGluiN !
00:41:03DrouGluiN :D
00:41:05LetItBe troll miks bkb ei teind
00:41:32DrouGluiN also
00:41:32DrouGluiN ..
00:41:34DrouGluiN could end
00:41:35DrouGluiN ez
00:42:11NeverbACKdOwn naga fullbuild varsti
00:42:12NeverbACKdOwn suht kellad
00:42:16NeverbACKdOwn paeme enne raxe fightima
00:42:18NeverbACKdOwn muidu lähevad
00:42:22Soulyah ta nagu
00:42:23NeverbACKdOwn oijah
00:42:25Soulyah ei osk amidagi teha
00:42:27Flex- got vlads
00:42:28Soulyah jookseb ringi suvaliselt
00:42:31NeverbACKdOwn mhm
00:42:48Soulyah gg
00:42:50Soulyah oleks bkb saand
00:42:50Soulyah ty
00:43:32Jonnija heal
00:43:36DrouGluiN ANY bloodlust
00:43:37DrouGluiN or take
00:43:39DrouGluiN the fucking hosts
00:43:40DrouGluiN ghosts
00:43:44DrouGluiN from behind
00:43:45DrouGluiN but nooo :D
00:43:49LetItBe b
00:43:55Flex- woooohooooo
00:43:59LetItBe kuhu te lähete
00:43:59Flex- :D
00:44:00LetItBe sf
00:44:03LetItBe krobe
00:44:03Yib I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:04LetItBe ?=:D
00:44:31Soulyah ma ei vaatand et se vend baasis lol
00:45:11Soulyah 45 min
00:45:12Soulyah vastu
00:45:13Soulyah pidand
00:45:14LetItBe :D
00:45:15Soulyah slelise pela
00:45:16Soulyah wtf
00:45:17Soulyah :D:D
00:45:32LetItBe võtame ära
00:45:33LetItBe 70 min
00:45:33LetItBe :D
00:45:48Jonnija pitty i cannot sleep them
00:45:51Jonnija and beat raxx
00:45:59Jonnija like with old
00:45:59DrouGluiN :D
00:46:00Jonnija naga
00:46:01Soulyah :D
00:46:09DrouGluiN fucking boooring
00:46:16Jonnija idd
00:46:30LetItBe ah ur here
00:46:33LetItBe didnt see
00:46:50NeverbACKdOwn gg
00:46:51LetItBe gg 45m,in
00:46:53Soulyah gg
00:46:54WTGD gg
00:46:54LetItBe nice def
00:47:04Yib gg
00:47:28Flex- im lying down
00:47:29Flex- hahaha
00:47:30Flex- check me out
00:47:36Jonnija lol
00:47:38DrouGluiN ?
00:47:39Flex- hahaha
00:47:40Flex- hahahaha
00:47:40DrouGluiN ahah
00:47:40DrouGluiN :D
00:47:41Flex- :DD
00:47:41DrouGluiN lol
00:47:42Flex- awesome
00:47:44Flex- chilling
00:47:44DrouGluiN thats
00:47:45DrouGluiN epic
00:47:45DrouGluiN :D
00:47:47Flex- :D
00:47:49Flex- no sweat
00:47:50Flex- i got this
00:47:53Flex- I GOT THIS
00:47:53DrouGluiN haha
00:47:55Flex- bitches
00:47:56DrouGluiN kk
00:47:57Flex- hahahahahaha
00:47:57DrouGluiN lets see
00:47:58DrouGluiN X
00:47:59Flex- hahaha
00:48:00Flex- :D
00:48:00Flex- ye
00:48:01Flex- sure
00:48:02Flex- i got this
00:48:03Flex- man
00:48:05Flex- i GOT THIS
00:48:08Jonnija lol
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