Game #2775045

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+23 X
+2 TS

94% | 1615 X | 1560 TS

+19 X
+1 TS

90% | 1609 X | 1433 TS

-7 X
+6 TS

52% | 1235 X | 1308 TS

-16 X
+9 TS

47% | 1201 X | 1281 TS

+38 X
+10 TS

17% | 1000 X | 1214 TS

-44 X
-1 TS

86% | 1541 X | 1416 TS

+12 X
-2 TS

71% | 1331 X | 1442 TS

-29 X
-2 TS

68% | 1334 X | 1414 TS

+20 X
-4 TS

54% | 1177 X | 1381 TS

+2 X
-2 TS

39% | 1090 X | 1332 TS

Chat log

00:00:13Reiska voiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid <3
00:00:17Soulyah lol
00:00:19Soulyah fk off
00:00:19j22koer :D
00:00:22Soulyah poor hero
00:00:23j22koer nice hero
00:00:23j22koer you cant say it poor hero
00:00:23j22koer its
00:00:23Reiska bash ftw
00:00:23Strom so
00:00:23Reiska -music other4
00:00:23Reiska -water red
00:00:23Strom timu, you feeling like lifting some weight?
00:00:23Timu perhaps
00:00:23j22koer -mode pro
00:00:23Netukka strom
00:00:23Netukka ban
00:00:23Strom ye ye
00:00:23Cyrus omni, bara, ns
00:00:23Cyrus yks jääb sulle
00:00:23Strom I'm thinking of banning bara / void / omni
00:00:23Strom do we have omni layers?
00:00:23Netukka any
00:00:23Timu ma 8õin omni
00:00:23Netukka wishes
00:00:23Kultaperuna i can tuskarz
00:00:23Soulyah nicers
00:00:23Strom first pickin sulle? et sa nii rahul?
00:00:23j22koer goodz
00:00:23Kultaperuna noodz
00:00:23Timu aa
00:00:23Timu tra
00:00:23Netukka bannide
00:00:23Strom sec, imba tactics
00:00:23Timu ma mõtsin 8oid
00:00:23Netukka ----.-.-
00:00:23Strom :D
00:00:23Soulyah :DDDDDDDDDd
00:00:23Timu :D
00:00:23Strom first pickin voidi sulle siis?
00:00:23Cyrus no kui omnit ei vüta
00:00:23Timu ok
00:00:23Cyrus banni ära
00:00:23Timu :d
00:00:23Strom -omni
00:00:23Soulyah strom affraid to lose his imba x
00:00:23Netukka weaver
00:00:23Kultaperuna 5 rush mid
00:00:23Cyrus oh dear
00:00:37Cyrus bara, ns must have one of these
00:00:39Soulyah take bala?
00:00:40Soulyah u
00:00:44Netukka im not good
00:00:45Netukka balanar
00:00:49Soulyah give someone else
00:00:50Soulyah need it
00:00:53Strom timu, gief me clockwerk goblin
00:00:57Netukka soome1
00:00:58Reiska me
00:00:58Netukka play
00:01:00Netukka balanar
00:01:01Netukka ok
00:01:02Netukka giev
00:01:02Strom -swap 2
00:01:03Netukka hm
00:01:04Timu -swap 1
00:01:11Netukka giieev giev
00:01:11Strom get stuns, like CK
00:01:12Netukka blah
00:01:14Netukka boring heroes
00:01:14Reiska juu annan
00:01:15Netukka ä.d
00:01:17Netukka anna
00:01:18Netukka tuota
00:01:20Soulyah get sk:O
00:01:23Netukka sk
00:01:25Netukka joo
00:01:28Netukka ck
00:01:29Netukka sit
00:01:29j22koer trax?
00:01:31Soulyah viper for top
00:01:34Netukka ck
00:01:37Reiska vidu
00:01:37Netukka -swap 3
00:01:38Strom lina / sven / ck /
00:01:39Netukka noh
00:01:39Reiska nopeemmin
00:01:40Netukka käy
00:01:42Reiska tuli andom
00:01:44Netukka np
00:01:45Kultaperuna okay gayboyz viper it is
00:01:45Reiska -swap 1
00:02:06Strom kind of bad that we didn't get sand king, but .. we'll have to manage
00:02:11Soulyah top netuki
00:02:13Soulyah vs void
00:02:14Soulyah freefarm
00:02:16Soulyah chen woods
00:02:18Soulyah and hes bad chen
00:02:18Netukka mmkei
00:02:24Netukka viper
00:02:25Netukka go bot
00:02:25Soulyah and i can handle mid ez
00:02:32Strom cryus, kas sa saad mid hakkama?
00:02:36Cyrus 'dno
00:02:36Netukka viper
00:02:37Netukka bot
00:02:37Cyrus will see
00:02:40Kultaperuna ..
00:02:41Strom ma saadaks su kui sa suudad omada
00:02:47Cyrus ei garanteeri
00:02:48Netukka i think
00:02:49Cyrus mine ise parem
00:02:50Strom no ok
00:02:51Netukka void is mid
00:02:52Strom ma lähen
00:02:53Cyrus fast gank
00:02:56Soulyah naw
00:03:03Kultaperuna lina is mid
00:03:07Kultaperuna for sure
00:03:07ATS_ ai olin vika
00:03:09ATS_ sori
00:03:12Netukka cyrus?
00:03:13Netukka i doubt
00:03:15ATS_ i will get chick soonm
00:03:20Strom i bought chick
00:03:22Strom you upgrade
00:03:23Soulyah s
00:03:24Kultaperuna they rush 4
00:03:25Kultaperuna back
00:03:25ATS_ ok
00:03:26Kultaperuna back
00:03:28ATS_ thanks
00:03:28Soulyah ss
00:03:29Soulyah ss
00:03:31Soulyah b to
00:03:32ATS_ my bad
00:03:36Kultaperuna they geting fb
00:03:37Kultaperuna i think
00:03:38Kultaperuna or not
00:03:38Soulyah re
00:03:39Kultaperuna xD
00:03:39Timu ss2
00:03:41Reiska miss 1
00:03:42Timu re
00:03:43j22koer :D
00:03:55extremewaari yeallloow
00:04:07Reiska re
00:04:16Soulyah 8 cs from8
00:04:16Soulyah :D
00:05:06Reiska voisit harrass
00:05:25Reiska käytät sitä loitsua
00:05:41ATS_ lina
00:05:47ATS_ get rune and kill mid
00:05:59ATS_ not so obvious
00:06:36ATS_ gj
00:06:38Soulyah MISS?!=!=!
00:06:50Soulyah great job
00:07:01Soulyah mid won
00:07:04Soulyah and then cant say miss
00:07:09Strom MIS SB MID
00:07:14Strom ok he charged me
00:07:16ATS_ go kill
00:07:25ATS_ with ball soon
00:07:36Strom ns haste bot
00:07:42Strom lina b
00:07:42Strom lian b
00:07:43Strom lina b
00:07:52Soulyah ss
00:07:56Kultaperuna mitä teet?
00:07:59Reiska et sit tullu?
00:07:59ATS_ gj
00:08:03Reiska 3
00:08:13ATS_ gj
00:08:27Kultaperuna se joka sano et bick balanar ei tiedä vittu mitää
00:08:32ATS_ i b
00:08:33ATS_ rege
00:08:36ATS_ care bot
00:08:41ATS_ they try kill
00:08:44Kultaperuna balanar peli paskin hero ..
00:08:50Soulyah ss
00:08:57Reiska miss 3
00:09:18ATS_ lets kill top
00:09:21ATS_ ok
00:09:25Strom ye
00:09:25ATS_ chen
00:09:26Strom I come too
00:09:29ATS_ and void
00:09:32Soulyah b
00:09:37Soulyah b
00:09:57Timu ss2
00:10:24ATS_ ai voidi
00:10:26ATS_ ei tullu
00:10:28ATS_ gg
00:10:32Netukka nyyh
00:10:33ATS_ ja nyt meni
00:10:34ATS_ gg
00:10:42Cyrus bot miss 2
00:10:48ATS_ tp
00:10:49ATS_ top
00:10:50ATS_ lina
00:10:56Soulyah b
00:11:12ATS_ get towe
00:11:32Reiska u r alone
00:11:36Netukka 4
00:11:37Netukka atleast
00:12:13Kultaperuna 5 top
00:12:32Strom b
00:12:34Strom we need to ward map
00:12:35Strom and gang
00:12:50Soulyah mom and treads
00:12:51Soulyah 10m
00:12:53Strom and let void farm some lane alone
00:12:53Soulyah aint too sgabby
00:12:56Soulyah shabby
00:12:58Soulyah need wards
00:13:00Soulyah in woods
00:13:02ATS_ oom
00:13:03Soulyah so i can permagang chen
00:13:08Netukka void left
00:13:10ATS_ ihave ball
00:13:13ATS_ come
00:13:21Soulyah GOGOGO
00:13:24Timu jesus
00:13:43Timu o[]eh
00:13:47Timu wp tusk
00:13:50Strom yeah, need to plant those wards first
00:14:13Reiska miss
00:14:15Strom we need map control FAST
00:14:19Strom I'm gonna go plant some wards
00:14:31ATS_ tp
00:14:34ATS_ by it
00:15:04Strom gang sb
00:15:06Strom need help
00:15:13Soulyah top
00:15:13ATS_ waari
00:15:13Soulyah gang
00:15:15ATS_ come mid
00:15:59Timu ulti strom
00:16:15Strom mana pold :D :d
00:16:18Timu tusk get out
00:16:18Strom peaaegu sain sk käest surma
00:16:31Netukka nmy
00:16:32Netukka top
00:16:41Strom we need moar wards in top side
00:16:47ATS_ i put
00:17:00Strom also we need more mana boots
00:17:30Soulyah they so together always
00:18:04Kultaperuna y ofc he has mana to do 5 spels and ulti
00:18:08Strom need to gang drow too
00:18:13Strom and wards top side of map
00:18:58Strom cyrus
00:19:00Strom gangime seda sb
00:19:04Cyrus ultit pole
00:19:09Strom mkay
00:19:28Reiska we must kill vid
00:19:29Reiska void
00:19:54ATS_ come?
00:19:58Strom invi rune bot
00:20:03Soulyah come bot tgeb
00:20:04Soulyah someone
00:20:06Strom I'm having serious mana issues
00:20:11Strom need to buy manabotos msyelf too I think
00:20:16Kultaperuna how the fuck are they alrdy there
00:20:35ATS_ oom
00:20:40Strom see
00:20:43Strom tuskar, get manaboots too
00:20:50ATS_ well i did treads
00:20:52ATS_ already
00:20:55Strom nevermind that glove
00:20:57Strom go into manaboots
00:21:04Reiska void
00:21:05Kultaperuna kil pets
00:21:06ATS_ well i have them
00:21:08ATS_ allread
00:21:11Reiska kill void pls
00:21:22Cyrus b
00:21:23Strom b
00:21:26Strom b cyruis
00:21:34j22koer omg
00:22:01Strom türa ise suutsin surma saada nüüd
00:22:02Strom sest mana pole
00:22:32ATS_ lol
00:22:34Strom need new wards
00:22:34ATS_ mom
00:22:48Soulyah cs void?
00:22:55Timu 160
00:22:58Strom b top
00:23:02j22koer valetab
00:23:04ATS_ why mom
00:23:05Netukka he had zero
00:23:07Netukka at start
00:24:19Kultaperuna gang mid
00:24:57Netukka -cs
00:25:21Reiska bara
00:25:21Reiska care
00:25:28Kultaperuna what are u doing criz
00:25:33j22koer getting blink
00:25:38j22koer 18 cs
00:25:38j22koer ;D
00:25:40j22koer yreee
00:25:46j22koer you know
00:25:51j22koer you need to let carrys farm
00:25:58j22koer at start
00:26:05Reiska haste
00:26:06Timu warden sie bitte
00:27:09Strom need new wards on bottom map
00:27:24Reiska we must gank void now
00:27:30Soulyah y go
00:27:30Reiska omw
00:27:46Soulyah ppl here
00:27:47Soulyah b
00:28:41Soulyah hii
00:28:48ATS_ lothar
00:29:38Strom lets go gang with 3/4
00:29:45Strom kill that drow and stuff
00:29:57Strom cyrus and ats, come join me
00:30:02Strom lets go plant wards and roam their woods
00:30:44Soulyah sk..
00:30:47j22koer yeap
00:30:52Timu rosh
00:30:52j22koer out of mana
00:30:53j22koer :D
00:30:57j22koer sad
00:31:22Kultaperuna viper + traz imba dmg
00:31:41Reiska all miss
00:31:49Soulyah kill
00:31:50Soulyah lina
00:31:51Soulyah 1st
00:31:59Kultaperuna criz get hp and mana
00:32:02Strom need moar wards
00:32:04Reiska they always 5
00:32:09j22koer mmm.
00:32:12j22koer hp and mana
00:32:12Soulyah b
00:32:14Kultaperuna come all mdi
00:32:15Soulyah cant def rly
00:32:16Kultaperuna omg
00:32:16j22koer brace
00:32:17j22koer 6
00:32:23ATS_ need dusts
00:32:26Reiska barqa care
00:32:27Reiska all miss
00:32:28ATS_ b
00:32:29ATS_ b
00:32:29ATS_ b
00:32:30Strom I got one udst
00:32:40Soulyah 150 for bkb
00:32:41Soulyah :S
00:32:45j22koer go take
00:32:46Netukka care
00:32:46Strom 5 mis :S
00:32:47Strom smoke?
00:33:02Netukka we need eyes
00:33:07Reiska and flying chick
00:33:13Netukka i like grunt
00:33:15Kultaperuna flying hot chick
00:33:23Strom in fights, focus drow down immediately if possible
00:33:28Strom he is paper but does a lot of dmg
00:33:30Reiska gmg void soon very imva
00:33:32Kultaperuna this is warded
00:34:17Soulyah omgfg
00:34:46Timu GO FU7K OFF ATS
00:34:50Kultaperuna balanar is usless so it scriz who farmed 1 item telport...
00:34:51Timu serious noob shit
00:35:03Timu taking 7arr4 last hits
00:35:09j22koer not teleport
00:35:12j22koer blink dagger
00:35:15Kultaperuna criz u got telport an u do mush whi it ?
00:35:18Kultaperuna u dy instantly
00:35:20Kultaperuna u got no mana
00:35:23j22koer dont understand you
00:35:26Kultaperuna fail
00:35:39Strom come help kill drow someoen
00:36:01Netukka they play hide n seek
00:36:03Timu bot tower
00:36:10ATS_ use dust
00:36:12Kultaperuna dont go solo
00:36:12ATS_ he here
00:36:21Netukka got my bkb
00:36:24j22koer nice
00:36:26Strom take bot tower
00:36:28Kultaperuna what a fail 1 again
00:36:31j22koer and we got 2 farmed
00:36:34j22koer heros
00:36:39j22koer and that wasnt fail
00:36:43j22koer jsut ul
00:36:48j22koer just unlucky
00:37:05Strom remember to pwn drow fast
00:37:11Soulyah def bot?
00:37:12Netukka y
00:37:14Reiska y
00:37:15Netukka void
00:37:16Netukka not there
00:37:23Cyrus should go b
00:37:53Cyrus silence 2 times
00:38:02Strom yeah it was bad spot
00:38:03ATS_ so stupid
00:38:05Strom we should have went b
00:38:11Soulyah 1 void cant outdmg me bala nad trax
00:38:12Soulyah can he
00:38:19j22koer no he cant
00:38:20Reiska no when silenced ^^
00:38:22Netukka we need disable
00:38:23Strom can't make mistakes like that again
00:38:31Reiska void without ulti is sucker
00:38:42Reiska wow what english
00:38:47Soulyah xD
00:38:47Strom we should gather and push now
00:38:54Timu need to fitght fastr
00:39:04Timu m4 aegis
00:39:07Strom yes
00:39:11Soulyah b
00:39:12Soulyah dont die
00:39:20Strom lets gather, ward & gang
00:39:52Strom nvm
00:39:57Timu MID
00:39:58Kultaperuna gj reiska
00:40:00Strom take mid tower
00:40:00Reiska thanks
00:40:03Kultaperuna 40% hp u stay kiling mobs
00:40:07Netukka its gone
00:40:08Timu raks
00:40:27Reiska dust
00:40:27Reiska chen
00:40:38Reiska and clockwerk
00:40:43Reiska loads of dust
00:41:08Strom go rosh
00:41:13Strom or nto :D
00:41:38Cyrus wtf we just did?
00:41:38ATS_ nice void
00:41:44Soulyah gj voi
00:41:50Strom void went in stupidly
00:41:50Reiska how stupid was he?
00:41:50ATS_ y?
00:41:51Soulyah void
00:41:51Soulyah :D
00:41:58Strom he wanted to use aegis
00:42:01Strom but it was bad
00:42:07Strom we should have just went for rosh
00:42:09Strom and get new aegis
00:42:12Reiska he desperately wanted to lose aegis
00:42:13Soulyah not up yet i think
00:42:13Kultaperuna rosh
00:42:35Netukka hmm
00:42:35Netukka bara
00:42:37Netukka could take also
00:42:41Soulyah u
00:42:56Kultaperuna wth are u doing
00:42:57Soulyah b
00:43:02j22koer had my blink burrow rdy :D
00:43:07Strom need to gang now
00:43:10j22koer but dealy 0.2
00:43:12j22koer :D
00:43:13j22koer sad
00:43:13j22koer :D
00:43:57ATS_ so stupid go again
00:43:59Reiska viper vaihteeks ihan kuutamolla
00:44:03Strom yeah
00:44:06Kultaperuna kuis?
00:44:14Kultaperuna olin alhaal 30% hp
00:44:18Timu cant take trax on solo
00:44:26Strom well I didn't plan on taking him solo
00:44:33Strom I wanted to just stay alive until backup arrives
00:44:35Strom didn't work out
00:44:36Soulyah :D
00:44:39Soulyah not the best idea
00:45:21Netukka i dont know
00:45:22Strom gather there
00:45:24Netukka what im gonna sell
00:45:24Netukka :D
00:45:24Strom for smoke action
00:45:40j22koer aegis
00:45:52Netukka blaaah
00:45:53j22koer wtf
00:45:53Strom go mdi
00:45:57j22koer you did
00:45:58Netukka they
00:45:59Netukka push
00:46:00Netukka now
00:46:06Netukka back to base
00:46:07j22koer had you lothar rdy
00:46:09Kultaperuna y push whit me dead
00:46:09Kultaperuna gl
00:46:14Kultaperuna they gona end now
00:46:17Reiska LOL
00:46:20j22koer haha
00:46:35Timu ??
00:46:37Kultaperuna look ath this
00:47:18j22koer Wow
00:47:22Netukka end
00:47:24j22koer miks top tw alla
00:47:27j22koer ?
00:47:29j22koer k6ik
00:47:30j22koer koos
00:47:41ATS_ nähtiin yks siellä :DDD
00:47:46Strom well, my mistake with that push plan
00:47:52j22koer k
00:47:55Strom I thought sb took aegis, and I saw him die earlier
00:47:57Strom but it was drow with aegis
00:47:59Strom :D
00:48:02Netukka 10s
00:48:10j22koer you saw wrong btw
00:48:17Soulyah b
00:48:45Netukka YEAH
00:48:46Netukka RIGHT
00:49:08Kultaperuna LOL
00:49:18Kultaperuna Dusti 50 metir pääst? pieni bug
00:49:27Kultaperuna nyt hävittii:)
00:49:30Reiska no ei varmasti
00:49:35Netukka miks te jäitte sinne
00:49:38Reiska mul on buyout jos tarvii
00:49:42Netukka mullakin
00:49:47Reiska en älynny että ne ois wardannu vielä omaa metsäänsä
00:49:47Netukka bara
00:49:49Netukka dont go
00:50:01Strom well we can still win, if void gets af ew good ulties
00:50:02Netukka care
00:50:06Netukka they hunt
00:50:30ATS_ Timu mikä toi buildi o?
00:50:38Timu mitä?
00:50:48ATS_ tarviit hipoja
00:50:49Netukka dont split
00:50:50Netukka now
00:50:52Netukka they want aegis
00:50:56Netukka wwhen its back
00:50:57Soulyah stay together
00:51:02Strom someone take smoke from chick
00:51:05ATS_ ac tai jotain
00:51:06Soulyah gather here
00:51:19Timu b
00:51:21Strom lets gather for smoke
00:51:27Soulyah i take se invi
00:51:34Strom wait void
00:51:40Strom WAIT VOID
00:51:41Cyrus i lifft
00:52:03ATS_ :DDD
00:52:09Timu gg fffs
00:52:15Timu türa ats
00:52:15ATS_ hyvät ultit
00:52:16Reiska nyt hävititin vai?
00:52:20Strom timu, -disablehelp
00:52:22Timu hyvä palli vitupea
00:52:23Soulyah nice place u to come
00:52:24ATS_ no oltiin jo siellä
00:52:24Soulyah :D
00:52:39Timu gg ats
00:52:45ATS_ oli kyllä oma vikas
00:52:46Timu ur balls of awesomeness won it
00:52:57ATS_ oltiin jo siellä ja ultasit vasta sitten
00:53:00ATS_ paskan ultin
00:53:04Kultaperuna VOITTOO :)
00:53:08Strom overall decent game
00:53:11Netukka 7k
00:53:12Netukka :(
00:53:13Strom biggest mistake was waiting too long
00:53:17Strom void didn't get too much farm
00:53:19Strom and they had many
00:53:22Strom late tamers
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