Game #2743325

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-2 X
-1 TS

96% | 1750 X | 1490 TS

+7 X
-2 TS

89% | 1493 X | 1513 TS

-19 X
-2 TS

87% | 1560 X | 1418 TS

-4 X
-2 TS

75% | 1407 X | 1414 TS

+4 X
-1 TS

71% | 1334 X | 1443 TS

+45 X
+2 TS

98% | 1769 X | 1642 TS

-3 X
+1 TS

92% | 1534 X | 1550 TS

+37 X
+1 TS

80% | 1457 X | 1396 TS

-34 X
+1 TS

76% | 1451 X | 1376 TS

-21 X
+2 TS

59% | 1243 X | 1397 TS

Chat log

00:00:16MariahCarry kredec
00:00:19KredeC -clear
00:00:19WantedZip lets fuck Ihufa in the ASS ! :D
00:00:19KredeC i see her
00:00:19KredeC shes mine
00:00:19MariahCarry long as u lube me up
00:00:19MariahCarry im fresh
00:00:19MariahCarry OKAI
00:00:19MariahCarry HMMM
00:00:19MariahCarry WHO TO BAN
00:00:19MariahCarry HMMM
00:00:19MariahCarry NS
00:00:19KredeC he will get puck
00:00:19MEteORStorM -bone
00:00:28chodaboy veno
00:00:30MEteORStorM who wants veno
00:00:30chodaboy nice
00:00:32chodaboy omfg
00:00:36MariahCarry ?
00:00:40chodaboy that pick
00:00:42chodaboy was so bad
00:00:58chodaboy get veno aba
00:01:09KredeC i will ck
00:01:25MariahCarry need some more carry
00:01:27MariahCarry guys
00:01:27Vilkuky veno
00:01:29Vilkuky or abba?
00:01:30MariahCarry slark and mortred
00:01:31Bra~ ok
00:01:32MariahCarry and we're set
00:01:32Bra~ dusa?
00:01:34MEteORStorM abba
00:01:36MariahCarry oh yea dusa too
00:01:37MariahCarry :D:D
00:01:40MariahCarry or thd puck
00:01:41MariahCarry maybe
00:01:41Vilkuky no time to choose
00:01:48SUPERmamus :DDDDD
00:01:49MariahCarry got carry?
00:01:49chodaboy get jakiro
00:01:49Strom stuns are best
00:01:50MariahCarry rofl
00:01:51chodaboy jakiro
00:01:51MariahCarry get dusa
00:01:51Strom so like puck
00:01:52chodaboy -hhn
00:01:52chodaboy -di
00:01:53MariahCarry for the lols
00:01:54MariahCarry get dusa
00:01:55MariahCarry :D
00:01:55KredeC haha
00:01:56MariahCarry aw
00:01:57WantedZip more inc
00:01:57MariahCarry xD
00:01:58Bra~ nah
00:02:02MEteORStorM mb aba
00:02:04Bra~ i suck at carry
00:02:06WantedZip just for ur sorry asss
00:02:07KredeC abba or krob
00:02:08Bra~ i usually support
00:02:08MariahCarry bra
00:02:10MariahCarry l2p
00:02:12MariahCarry we needed that dusa
00:02:19KredeC lol
00:02:20MEteORStorM ok
00:02:21MEteORStorM 4v5
00:02:21MEteORStorM gg
00:02:23WantedZip slark ?
00:02:25WantedZip wtf ?
00:02:26Vilkuky slark??
00:02:31KredeC slark?
00:02:32Vilkuky he randomed?
00:02:33KredeC wtf
00:02:37MEteORStorM he didnt random
00:02:38MEteORStorM he picked
00:02:49WantedZip i think this game will go LATE ?
00:02:55WantedZip OMG ?!"
00:02:55MEteORStorM hey
00:02:56chodaboy so funny
00:02:57MEteORStorM he is
00:02:57Strom what the fuck are you doing
00:02:58MEteORStorM afk
00:03:00MEteORStorM stop
00:03:00Vilkuky -afk
00:03:00MariahCarry hahaha
00:03:00GottHasstMich im re
00:03:00Bra~ who afk?
00:03:00GottHasstMich re
00:03:00GottHasstMich sry
00:03:00MariahCarry careful
00:03:00Bra~ me?
00:03:00MEteORStorM well fucking done
00:03:00MEteORStorM gg
00:03:00MariahCarry admin in game
00:03:01MEteORStorM get chick slark
00:03:01MariahCarry u gon get banned
00:03:11WantedZip and no chick ?
00:03:11Bra~ no reason said = no pause
00:03:18Bra~ rulemaster 123
00:03:22Vilkuky This slark is messed up or something
00:03:23Strom yea, but no need to pause/unpause spam either
00:03:31WantedZip du puller ?
00:03:55chodaboy EY
00:03:56chodaboy stop
00:04:01chodaboy dont auto
00:04:09WantedZip krede
00:04:12WantedZip der er stacked
00:04:35WantedZip krede B!P?
00:05:52KredeC ..
00:05:54Bra~ revenge
00:07:37MariahCarry gj
00:07:40chodaboy u2
00:07:44MEteORStorM invi skele mid
00:07:44MEteORStorM zz
00:07:58KredeC thrall idiot
00:08:13chodaboy chicken top after
00:08:57KredeC ss
00:09:05MariahCarry ss mid
00:09:11MariahCarry care bot
00:09:22MariahCarry care
00:09:31Strom who's mid?
00:09:35SUPERmamus can some1 up chick?
00:09:37MariahCarry meepo
00:09:41chodaboy we kill nesasj
00:09:46chodaboy care mid
00:10:25Bra~ b
00:10:33KredeC waky
00:10:40chodaboy wait
00:10:41chodaboy for me
00:10:44MEteORStorM mid msis
00:10:44MEteORStorM zzz
00:10:48GottHasstMich veno can u harrase more?
00:10:55KredeC ss mid
00:10:56MariahCarry gjgj
00:10:57GottHasstMich i mean u skilled no wards then at least harraes
00:10:57KredeC ?
00:11:00Strom SLARK MSI
00:11:01Bra~ YES
00:11:02Strom re
00:11:07KredeC a little late on that miss
00:11:09GottHasstMich ss mid?
00:11:09MEteORStorM y
00:11:22Bra~ 250 for manaboots
00:11:25chodaboy ok
00:11:27KredeC come
00:11:50SUPERmamus go
00:11:51KredeC hewlp
00:12:00KredeC ffs
00:12:03Bra~ gj
00:12:25KredeC gj noob
00:12:34chodaboy haha
00:12:38chodaboy shouldnt have stunned him there
00:12:40chodaboy had ulti=/
00:12:41Bra~ u wasted ur mana
00:12:42Bra~ y
00:12:44chodaboy uyea
00:12:44KredeC i dont even have boots uyet
00:12:46chodaboy ^^
00:12:49chodaboy 2 mana away
00:12:50chodaboy haha
00:13:45SUPERmamus oom
00:13:49MariahCarry gj
00:13:57Bra~ u 2 mate
00:14:06Bra~ omw to slay
00:14:21Bra~ ss
00:14:22Bra~ care mid
00:14:36MariahCarry let's push bot
00:14:36MariahCarry omw
00:14:41MEteORStorM care bot
00:15:48MariahCarry b
00:16:18Bra~ meepo
00:16:47KredeC can we ff?
00:17:25SUPERmamus bs ult
00:18:03MariahCarry 800 for radi
00:18:08Vilkuky b
00:18:11chodaboy omw bot
00:18:58chodaboy get mid?
00:19:30Vilkuky worth it
00:19:48MariahCarry rly?
00:19:53MEteORStorM kredec
00:19:55MEteORStorM :<
00:20:15KredeC i asked for helo earlier..
00:20:20MEteORStorM why
00:20:59SUPERmamus have ult
00:21:02KredeC go?
00:21:03MEteORStorM need all
00:21:59KredeC get btm twr
00:22:13SUPERmamus -ii
00:22:30MariahCarry go
00:22:32GottHasstMich b
00:22:38GottHasstMich why stay
00:22:39GottHasstMich ...........
00:22:47KredeC why dont all come
00:22:48MEteORStorM why pick slark against them
00:22:53GottHasstMich randomed but nvm
00:22:59KredeC i just play my own game fuck it
00:23:00MariahCarry can't i just farm a lane
00:23:02MariahCarry for 300
00:23:03MariahCarry for radi
00:23:04KredeC ff
00:23:09chodaboy rosh
00:23:11Strom lets take tower
00:23:13chodaboy aftger tower
00:23:13Strom you get 300
00:23:45chodaboy get rosh
00:23:50MariahCarry nah
00:23:52MariahCarry thrall
00:23:53MariahCarry meepo nets
00:23:57MariahCarry dunno
00:24:49MEteORStorM care
00:24:51MariahCarry go
00:24:56KredeC why?
00:25:02MEteORStorM cause 5 enemies
00:25:04MEteORStorM maybe
00:25:08KredeC well this is lost
00:25:13GottHasstMich stay
00:25:16KredeC we dont have any team cordination
00:25:30GottHasstMich go with 5 mb
00:25:31GottHasstMich just once
00:25:36SUPERmamus mana
00:25:37Bra~ got dagger
00:25:37Bra~ go
00:25:38MEteORStorM no point since we got slark
00:25:39KredeC aint happening
00:25:39GottHasstMich got massive aoe
00:25:41Bra~ soon
00:26:05MariahCarry we should just be farmin
00:26:21MariahCarry dagger
00:26:23MariahCarry gj
00:26:32GottHasstMich gg block
00:26:32MariahCarry need wards
00:26:34MariahCarry and farming
00:26:36MariahCarry not pushing
00:26:41MariahCarry wards and puck/panda ganks
00:26:42MariahCarry with me
00:26:43Bra~ i guess so
00:26:47MariahCarry and push at 35
00:26:49MariahCarry instead of now
00:26:52Strom it wasn't pushing fault
00:26:53chodaboy panda needs dagger
00:26:59Strom we had bad position
00:27:02Bra~ bad positions fault
00:27:03MariahCarry ofc we did
00:27:04KredeC why dont we push eveR?'
00:27:04Strom you got caught in ck stun and stuff
00:27:04MariahCarry vs thrall
00:27:05MariahCarry ck
00:27:08MariahCarry no good position
00:27:11KredeC dd
00:27:21MariahCarry who gets wards??
00:27:26Bra~ got
00:27:35MariahCarry they have wards too
00:28:11KredeC def mid?
00:28:48Bra~ 4 top
00:28:51Bra~ 3
00:28:53MariahCarry just go bot
00:29:00MariahCarry until they come
00:29:25KredeC they are
00:29:29KredeC out farmin us
00:29:36GottHasstMich lol ck
00:29:55chodaboy care top
00:30:09SUPERmamus meepo blink
00:30:16GottHasstMich STUn
00:30:22chodaboy this puck is so bad
00:30:23Bra~ :(
00:30:46Strom come on guys, lets shape up
00:30:49Bra~ -ii
00:30:56MariahCarry ill take bot
00:31:04SUPERmamus they rosh
00:31:16KredeC we rosh
00:31:23SUPERmamus we know
00:31:26KredeC pretty fast huh?
00:31:29Vilkuky There is message
00:31:52MariahCarry gg
00:31:53MariahCarry I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:56SUPERmamus wtf
00:31:57KredeC auch huh?
00:32:02SUPERmamus u go suicide
00:32:02Strom no fucking ff
00:32:04Strom we win
00:32:05MariahCarry rofl
00:32:07Strom just group up and gang
00:32:08MariahCarry did u even see it
00:32:12MariahCarry ur half afk all game
00:32:13SUPERmamus y
00:32:16SUPERmamus saw it twice
00:32:17MariahCarry i got aegis
00:32:21SUPERmamus there and there
00:32:55Bra~ I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:02Strom that was kind of a stupid fight
00:33:04Strom we need 5
00:33:07chodaboy dont really now wtf panda is doing
00:33:19Strom well leoric was the first in
00:33:25Bra~ got ganked
00:33:42Strom ok seriously
00:33:44Strom lets stop dieing now
00:33:47MEteORStorM ...
00:33:48MariahCarry how
00:33:51WantedZip didnt se
00:33:51MariahCarry we're 5v9
00:33:53SUPERmamus dont go alone
00:34:17Vilkuky b
00:34:35chodaboy panda puck needs to jump in
00:34:44WantedZip u want pipe ?
00:34:51Strom wait bs
00:34:51Vilkuky someone should vlad?
00:34:55chodaboy ban
00:34:55Vilkuky I can make vlad for you guys
00:34:57WantedZip i can
00:35:00KredeC -ii
00:35:00SUPERmamus need agha
00:35:04SUPERmamus sry
00:35:15Strom puck, take wards from chick
00:35:15Vilkuky I can vlad
00:35:22KredeC geo got it
00:35:26Vilkuky ahh
00:35:30SUPERmamus ok now lvl 3 agha ult
00:35:31chodaboy if panda jumps in
00:35:32chodaboy then puck
00:35:33MEteORStorM care
00:35:34MEteORStorM they mb smoke
00:35:36chodaboy and we take one meepo
00:35:39chodaboy focus same
00:35:41KredeC cant we just go mid
00:35:42KredeC ?
00:35:43Strom ye
00:35:43chodaboy we win
00:35:50KredeC come to me
00:35:52chodaboy like now
00:35:54Strom just burst out one meepo
00:35:58Bra~ bs
00:35:58MEteORStorM care
00:35:59Bra~ come
00:35:59MEteORStorM let them come
00:36:01SUPERmamus all 5
00:36:03SUPERmamus pls
00:36:07Bra~ care
00:36:11KredeC no smoke?
00:36:25Strom remember to focus one meepo in fights
00:36:27MEteORStorM all of them
00:36:32KredeC -ms
00:37:18chodaboy gg
00:37:23chodaboy racks top
00:37:25WantedZip geo ?
00:37:27WantedZip wp ?
00:37:30MEteORStorM y
00:37:30KredeC how did we lose so bad?
00:37:39MariahCarry where was meepo
00:37:40Vilkuky I realy dont know
00:37:48Strom eating or soemthing
00:37:49KredeC i killed leo so fast!
00:38:00chodaboy racks
00:38:01Strom just rax it
00:38:01KredeC but suddenly you were all dead
00:38:02Vilkuky go tp
00:38:14SUPERmamus b
00:38:24Strom wtf
00:38:27Strom why didn't you guys take raxes
00:38:33KredeC rax
00:38:37KredeC gogogogo
00:38:42SUPERmamus they would have killed us all
00:38:52SUPERmamus and matybe 4
00:38:53KredeC -ms
00:38:57KredeC omw
00:38:58chodaboy drnken panda
00:39:04Vilkuky thrall?
00:39:11chodaboy SO BAD
00:39:12MariahCarry lol
00:39:14MariahCarry through bkb
00:39:15chodaboy WHY THE FUCK U DO THAT?
00:39:16MariahCarry np
00:39:58Bra~ I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:00MariahCarry wtf
00:40:03MariahCarry why not ulti
00:40:04Vilkuky wp lapiz
00:40:06Vilkuky voitit tän yksin
00:40:36KredeC we win grysse
00:40:40chodaboy that was panda an stryg
00:40:43chodaboy 1 by 1
00:40:45chodaboy and die
00:40:54chodaboy and u didnt take racks top
00:41:00MariahCarry can't win
00:41:01Strom mariahcarry playing so bad this game
00:41:05MariahCarry 4 carries vs 4 carries
00:41:10MariahCarry when their carries are ck meepo
00:41:17chodaboy we can easily win
00:41:27chodaboy but soo retarded fight
00:42:12chodaboy ff'
00:42:12MEteORStorM culling blade
00:42:13MEteORStorM him out
00:42:14chodaboy I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:15MEteORStorM slark
00:42:17chodaboy just ff
00:42:19SUPERmamus I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:23chodaboy stro
00:42:24chodaboy m
00:42:27Strom fuck no
00:42:49chodaboy really
00:42:52chodaboy waste of time
00:43:02Strom we wait 5
00:43:05Strom and go win a team fight
00:43:19SUPERmamus push lanes
00:43:21SUPERmamus go bot
00:43:30Vilkuky with 5 after roshan
00:43:31KredeC go mid again?
00:43:35MEteORStorM just go bot
00:43:40Strom is rosh alive?
00:43:43SUPERmamus y
00:43:47SUPERmamus gone by now
00:44:06MEteORStorM but
00:44:07MEteORStorM wait
00:44:12SUPERmamus go bot
00:44:14SUPERmamus def at base
00:44:18KredeC no
00:44:19MEteORStorM let the lanes push
00:44:36Strom oh well, glimpse too cool
00:44:38KredeC nice extra dam
00:45:19KredeC [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:19KredeC [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:19KredeC [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:19KredeC [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:45:19Strom I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:28Vilkuky so amazing meepo
00:45:40SUPERmamus 5/5
00:45:43MariahCarry meepo
00:45:45MariahCarry is it cleave?
00:45:46GottHasstMich SLARK
00:45:47GottHasstMich GG
00:45:48GottHasstMich LOST
00:45:50GottHasstMich :O
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