Game #2716342

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-28 X
+0 TS

78% | 1438 X | 1398 TS

-48 X
-1 TS

74% | 1377 X | 1417 TS

-8 X
+0 TS

65% | 1335 X | 1366 TS

-38 X
-2 TS

56% | 1282 X | 1294 TS

-41 X
-1 TS

54% | 1214 X | 1343 TS

+24 X
+1 TS

99% | 1853 X | 1613 TS

+11 X
+0 TS

98% | 1766 X | 1562 TS

+57 X
+1 TS

77% | 1443 X | 1377 TS

+17 X
+1 TS

62% | 1363 X | 1300 TS

+65 X
+3 TS

52% | 1301 X | 1308 TS

Chat log

00:00:06Reiska joku pommitti
00:00:07Reiska noob
00:00:10Odb emt
00:00:15Odb tuu mumblen public kanava
00:00:16Reiska kävin hakee makkaraa jääkaapista
00:00:22Odb elä hae makkaraa
00:00:26Odb ja siel kanava #3
00:00:28KredeC -clear
00:00:29EyeforanEye blue ur pick?
00:00:30EyeforanEye any1 want anything?
00:00:30Reiska siis ei sama servu des?
00:00:30Odb .fi
00:00:30aquatic can do naga ursa
00:00:30Reiska ei
00:00:32Odb ei
00:00:32Sepetos WTF U DOIN
00:00:32TakinBackMyLove thats nothing worth 2rd pick
00:00:32KredeC say ban
00:00:32Odb se on siel public kanavilla
00:00:32EyeforanEye any1 want tide?
00:00:32101010 sure
00:00:32Sepetos -slardar
00:00:32EyeforanEye ill do tide for u
00:00:32101010 ok
00:00:32KredeC grand to the magnus
00:00:43Reiska mikähän port
00:00:46EyeforanEye get rubik for ur self
00:00:48EyeforanEye .
00:00:48Odb sama
00:00:49Sepetos löytyy publiceist
00:00:56Odb niin se löytyy niistä public kanavista
00:00:56Reiska pickaan eka
00:00:59Reiska ok
00:00:59Odb k
00:01:21Reiska ode on muuten ostamas vissiin aika hyvää konetta
00:01:26Reiska pirun kovasta näyttiksestä se puheli
00:01:28Odb kk
00:01:34KredeC u better rape guys this is gonna be tough
00:01:39Reiska mitäs otan
00:01:44Reiska leo?
00:01:45Odb rhasta?
00:01:45Sepetos rhasta on hyvä
00:01:46Odb leo
00:01:52Odb jompikumpi
00:01:52101010 eye what u want?
00:01:54EyeforanEye gief me bb
00:01:57EyeforanEye me bot
00:02:02EyeforanEye -swap 5
00:02:03aquatic lina up
00:02:03101010 -swap 2
00:02:07EyeforanEye lina come bot
00:02:24EyeforanEye ursa woods?
00:02:25Vilkuky chicken
00:02:27KredeC hmnn ursa laning?
00:02:33EyeforanEye ursa go woods
00:02:36EyeforanEye lina top with tide
00:02:41KredeC lina goes top right`?
00:02:41Reiska en puhu sit
00:02:43Reiska kuuntelen vaan
00:02:44Odb :)
00:02:45Sepetos share
00:02:48EyeforanEye if ursa goes woods
00:02:50EyeforanEye Ursa?
00:02:50Odb oot sit support sk
00:02:51Odb :)
00:02:53Reiska juu
00:02:54KredeC shes top
00:02:54Odb rummut esim
00:02:57Reiska okke
00:02:58aquatic will see how it goes
00:03:01Odb 2 bracer
00:03:02Sepetos phaset
00:03:04Reiska vittu tääl oli kanavia
00:03:05Odb jep
00:03:09Vilkuky mä oon mumblen kiintiö helari
00:03:51EyeforanEye pull
00:03:55aquatic ward
00:04:10TakinBackMyLove jeg er så fucking stielt
00:04:16KredeC y
00:04:23EyeforanEye GO PULL
00:04:25KredeC ss
00:04:38Reiska rasta mitkä spellit teet
00:04:38aquatic RETARD S
00:04:39Reiska alus
00:04:43lumo shakle
00:04:47lumo ja toi salama
00:04:49Reiska k
00:06:28EyeforanEye ss rhasta
00:06:29aquatic rahsta coming mid
00:06:30aquatic care
00:06:42TakinBackMyLove go
00:06:43KredeC go
00:06:44TakinBackMyLove him
00:06:58101010 ds top
00:07:35aquatic top coming mmid
00:07:36101010 ss tp
00:07:56EyeforanEye gangs bot would be nice
00:08:05aquatic oo ??
00:08:22aquatic first u dont see that i jsay warded creeps no pulls
00:08:28aquatic then u want solo lane and u fail
00:08:29Reiska eiku tolle rastalle yritä
00:08:31Reiska n
00:08:33aquatic now u want gang
00:08:35Reiska pungaa
00:08:44aquatic ass bb
00:08:53aquatic ge fuckin ge
00:08:56Reiska tuun midiin
00:09:08Reiska go invoker soon
00:09:13aquatic leo comin mid
00:09:15aquatic catre
00:09:17aquatic bbb
00:09:42KredeC well i was too late
00:10:00101010 ss huskar
00:10:00TakinBackMyLove come
00:10:05TakinBackMyLove her
00:10:08TakinBackMyLove i hela
00:10:08TakinBackMyLove you
00:10:13aquatic i wasnt down dude
00:10:13101010 re
00:10:15TakinBackMyLove go
00:10:16TakinBackMyLove bail
00:10:18aquatic and i saw it coz ward
00:10:21aquatic u didnt ?
00:10:23TakinBackMyLove go
00:10:24TakinBackMyLove bait
00:10:30aquatic why u have wards for ??
00:10:34TakinBackMyLove ffs bb ?
00:10:37Reiska go invoker
00:10:40TakinBackMyLove newb
00:10:40Reiska ai ei manaa
00:10:41Reiska vittu
00:10:54TakinBackMyLove gopgo
00:10:57TakinBackMyLove uirsa
00:10:58TakinBackMyLove ursa
00:11:05101010 top freefarming huskar
00:11:09Reiska 3 tol
00:11:12Reiska tuol'
00:11:13101010 ss now
00:12:07lumo tapetaa
00:12:31Reiska mu
00:13:03EyeforanEye ss rhasta
00:13:14Reiska miss
00:13:37EyeforanEye 3 bot
00:13:38TakinBackMyLove care
00:13:39TakinBackMyLove ursa
00:13:40TakinBackMyLove they
00:13:41TakinBackMyLove roam
00:13:43TakinBackMyLove after u
00:14:09EyeforanEye 4 bot
00:14:22EyeforanEye ss 4
00:14:23Reiska oom
00:14:28TakinBackMyLove def
00:14:28TakinBackMyLove bot
00:14:34TakinBackMyLove all
00:14:35TakinBackMyLove come
00:14:46KredeC go
00:15:12TakinBackMyLove krede brug magic ?
00:15:27Reiska tota ursaa tarvii gankkia
00:15:29Reiska sil 0 dth
00:15:36EyeforanEye ss bot
00:15:38EyeforanEye care mid
00:16:08Reiska mitäs itemiä sit
00:16:10Reiska drum on
00:16:11TakinBackMyLove care
00:16:12TakinBackMyLove bot
00:16:16Reiska on jo
00:16:27KredeC hasted rhasta
00:16:33KredeC go
00:16:35Reiska k
00:16:58KredeC ff
00:17:10Reiska tuun selkään
00:17:39Reiska ursa pitäs yl saada
00:17:41TakinBackMyLove din måde at spille invoker på er lort
00:17:49TakinBackMyLove du skal ikke skill fire
00:18:00TakinBackMyLove max wex fra lvl 7
00:18:11TakinBackMyLove ellers bare qqq for early game
00:18:12TakinBackMyLove vs
00:18:14TakinBackMyLove kunkka
00:20:02EyeforanEye b..
00:21:01Reiska manaa
00:21:08101010 they rosh?
00:21:17KredeC y
00:21:20EyeforanEye gogo
00:21:28TakinBackMyLove ursa
00:21:28TakinBackMyLove først
00:21:49TakinBackMyLove Ff
00:21:54KredeC ff at 25
00:22:57aquatic GUSH
00:23:10EyeforanEye ff
00:23:13TakinBackMyLove gg wp ds
00:23:35Vilkuky thx
00:23:37KredeC just stay in base
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