Game #2714368

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-16 X
-26 TS

85% | 1504 X | 1425 TS

-21 X
-6 TS

66% | 1298 X | 1407 TS

-62 X
-3 TS

60% | 1324 X | 1311 TS

-9 X
-14 TS

46% | 1210 X | 1261 TS

-28 X
-3 TS

41% | 1123 X | 1316 TS

-4 X
+6 TS

84% | 1490 X | 1429 TS

+15 X
+5 TS

78% | 1501 X | 1337 TS

+50 X
+3 TS

63% | 1269 X | 1398 TS

+45 X
+3 TS

38% | 1106 X | 1308 TS

+37 X
+10 TS

31% | 1161 X | 1199 TS

Chat log

00:00:04Knaitti -rd
00:00:04svents -rd
00:00:07musis -rd
00:00:18Knaitti -clear
00:00:18Gorppu MUST HAVE DAZZLE
00:00:18taraN ill play huskar
00:00:18Gorppu VITTU
00:00:18Knaitti ban ns
00:00:18c-yanker sd
00:00:18c-yanker -sd
00:00:18c-yanker shadow deamon
00:00:18taraN its a remake
00:00:18c-yanker oh
00:00:18taraN so it doesnt show red text
00:00:18c-yanker havent been here for long time
00:00:18c-yanker gotta admit i hate this place :P
00:00:18taraN why
00:00:18c-yanker cause it raises peeps to lasthit for more points etc
00:00:18Gorppu musis?
00:00:18taraN this is much better than dotaleague and the likes though
00:00:18taraN well yeah
00:00:18musis tb
00:00:18taraN thats true
00:00:18Gorppu kewl
00:00:18taraN but
00:00:19taraN frankly
00:00:20oo0OoO0oo tb sd banned
00:00:22slc2 tb and sd banned
00:00:23taraN guys who play gc
00:00:27taraN at least learn to lasthit well ;)
00:00:30oo0OoO0oo get me bala plzz
00:00:31slc2 go get husk?
00:00:36slc2 get husk baæa
00:00:39slc2 bala hehe
00:00:40c-yanker well i never see anyone die to get kills for team here
00:00:43c-yanker cause they get - stats
00:00:44taraN :DD
00:00:50taraN thats madness
00:00:55c-yanker my only prio is win
00:00:56slc2 ty for loose
00:00:56taraN why would anyone want to die
00:00:57taraN :D
00:01:04c-yanker i tell uy
00:01:09slc2 fucking idiots
00:01:09c-yanker if im magnus
00:01:13c-yanker and im nasty farmed
00:01:18c-yanker i have a lowbob suicide
00:01:20taraN well hey if i play venge ill swap carries
00:01:23oo0OoO0oo ck ud
00:01:24oo0OoO0oo ffs
00:01:24taraN out of battle
00:01:25c-yanker so they all gather to lasthithim
00:01:26oo0OoO0oo pick
00:01:28c-yanker he die
00:01:32c-yanker i ulti all 5
00:01:35c-yanker like that u know
00:01:39taraN yea
00:01:47Knaitti huskar
00:01:48Knaitti down imio
00:01:50taraN yea
00:01:52slc2 gorppu
00:01:53taraN was thinking that
00:01:55svents -clear
00:01:56Knaitti phoenix top with me
00:01:56slc2 and musis
00:02:08slc2 why didnt u guys pick bala or husk?
00:02:09svents ikm not very good with it so
00:02:13jAnezki /w nAnne^^ DotaKeys: on
00:02:14jAnezki /w nAnne^^ DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:02:15Gorppu because that's gay
00:02:19jAnezki /w nAnne^^ DotaKeys: You typed d, r, t, f
00:02:21slc2 bot we loose
00:02:26j22koer we may lose
00:02:29taraN pryda - agag
00:02:30Gorppu but atleaset we aren't gay
00:02:32taraN fucking massive utne
00:02:33taraN tune
00:02:35Gorppu atleast*
00:02:54Gorppu clinkz will feed this game
00:03:13svents rune bot
00:03:14taraN ill leave reg
00:03:15taraN there
00:03:29oo0OoO0oo b
00:03:29c-yanker free guy
00:03:31oo0OoO0oo trilane
00:03:51svents ill pull
00:03:59svents ok cant
00:04:13slc2 musis
00:04:16slc2 and goppru
00:04:23taraN sry
00:04:23slc2 why didnt u guys pick bala?
00:04:25slc2 or husk?
00:04:30taraN asd
00:04:40Gorppu why don't you go pull?
00:04:46slc2 why dont u leave game?
00:04:50slc2 so we can rmk
00:04:52Gorppu :DDDD
00:04:55jAnezki omg D:
00:05:10musis ss
00:05:11Gorppu pro argument
00:05:32Gorppu :D
00:05:34slc2 gracve?
00:05:38Gorppu no
00:05:47taraN thanks for trying to gank
00:05:47taraN :D
00:05:47Gorppu why should I grave you? :D
00:05:47jAnezki :DD
00:05:47musis .
00:05:47j22koer aww
00:05:47taraN egoplug
00:05:47svents omfg for real???
00:05:47taraN basi
00:05:47taraN c
00:05:47Gorppu ye
00:05:47Knaitti egoplug
00:05:47Knaitti :P
00:05:47Gorppu gg wp
00:05:47taraN he had 0cs
00:05:47taraN 1 death
00:05:47taraN this is why i dont like playing huskar
00:05:47taraN its so easy to own too hard
00:05:47taraN : d
00:05:47Knaitti ego?
00:05:47svents :DDDD
00:05:47svents ofc ego
00:05:47svents all banrequest this bitch
00:05:47Gorppu he said so
00:05:47taraN on chat?
00:05:47taraN on chat?
00:05:47taraN go banrequest him then
00:05:47Gorppu well
00:05:47Gorppu he said I should leave
00:05:49Gorppu so rmk
00:05:51taraN wow
00:05:57c-yanker well he is here now
00:06:01Gorppu too bad :(
00:06:18slc2 gorrpu why cant u use ur grave?
00:06:27Gorppu why can't you oull?
00:06:29Gorppu pull*
00:07:04jAnezki kilL? :p
00:07:09jAnezki w8
00:07:10Gorppu ss 1 bot
00:07:12taraN hsil on grave
00:07:12svents ss ck
00:07:22c-yanker ss mid low.. went b i thik
00:07:40Knaitti ss
00:07:40j22koer wp
00:07:43c-yanker no shit lol
00:07:49c-yanker he came from my tower lol
00:07:56taraN gj
00:07:57taraN hyvä tomb
00:07:59jAnezki :D
00:08:03taraN tapetaa
00:08:30c-yanker ss mid
00:08:31taraN b
00:08:31c-yanker care top
00:08:33taraN healaa
00:08:35c-yanker care top alot
00:08:36taraN ittes
00:08:36c-yanker re
00:08:53jAnezki wenaa
00:09:15svents gj
00:09:24musis ss
00:09:25taraN jaa
00:09:25jAnezki S:
00:09:25taraN :D
00:09:26musis care bot
00:09:29taraN tos oli toi vitu touchi
00:09:30taraN mybad
00:09:32jAnezki je
00:09:34slc2 well i said that is gg
00:09:35jAnezki ee
00:09:44jAnezki eka kerta tällä herolla :D
00:09:44taraN torni aggros meiät kumoo
00:09:45svents urn pls
00:09:48jAnezki jep
00:09:57svents ss
00:10:02musis ss
00:10:11jAnezki kohta ulti?
00:10:11Gorppu care for lina
00:10:12svents re
00:10:14taraN ¨ju
00:10:16c-yanker come top
00:10:19taraN nyt
00:10:48taraN jaa mä olin jo ultaamas balanarin
00:10:48taraN :D
00:10:51Gorppu 3 bot
00:11:19svents gj
00:11:20c-yanker gj gj
00:11:25Gorppu gay tower
00:11:38slc2 gay picks
00:11:56taraN vittu
00:11:59Knaitti mitäs hommasit
00:12:01Knaitti mikset tullu
00:12:03taraN no siis
00:12:03Knaitti sain melkee yksin sen qopin
00:12:05taraN olisin saanu sen
00:12:06taraN tapettuu
00:12:10taraN mut ku misclikkasin
00:12:13taraN ku se blinkkas mun luo
00:12:15taraN mut sit jotai
00:12:15taraN evotin
00:12:16taraN :DD
00:12:21Knaitti eikait siin
00:12:23taraN venasin hia tarkotuksel siel takana
00:12:24Knaitti menio 3-0 noille nytte
00:12:26Knaitti ois ollu toisinpöinb
00:12:29taraN niih
00:12:37musis ss
00:13:05taraN healaa
00:13:26slc2 musis
00:13:30slc2 how old are u=
00:13:54taraN nice
00:13:55taraN :D
00:13:57c-yanker we need better mapcontrol...i dont mean wards
00:13:59c-yanker i just mean repports
00:14:03taraN silee
00:14:05c-yanker ive been gay ganged by random guy twice now
00:14:54jAnezki :D
00:15:01taraN get that tower
00:15:08slc2 musis
00:15:11slc2 how stupid are u
00:15:19Gorppu panda shut the fuck up
00:15:25slc2 why should i?=
00:15:31slc2 u did a good pick
00:15:36c-yanker silence fist
00:15:38c-yanker allways mate
00:15:45slc2 but musis did a bery bad pick
00:15:51Gorppu shut the fuck up
00:15:57c-yanker fall b
00:15:58slc2 why should i?
00:16:01Gorppu -.-
00:16:03slc2 is it anoyying?
00:16:03c-yanker clinks our woods
00:16:06c-yanker no dust no go
00:16:07slc2 annoying?
00:16:08Gorppu ye
00:16:14c-yanker else bala fast silence maby
00:16:19slc2 why is it annoying?
00:16:31svents i get dust
00:16:35c-yanker ok.
00:16:36c-yanker bala
00:16:48c-yanker u first prio if akasha is here. is just to silence slow and focus the hoe :)
00:16:48taraN janezki
00:16:51jAnezki ?
00:16:51taraN tee sit vankku ja oodi
00:16:54taraN hoodi
00:16:55jAnezki joo
00:16:58taraN teen ite piipun meille
00:17:02jAnezki yy
00:17:28Gorppu gj
00:17:54Gorppu panda b
00:17:55j22koer care
00:17:58svents panda
00:18:12taraN hes tping
00:18:23taraN lina ult?
00:18:34c-yanker balanar
00:18:35Knaitti pro lina
00:18:37c-yanker what the fuck u doing
00:18:42Knaitti i silecne
00:18:43Knaitti slow
00:18:45c-yanker dude
00:18:46Knaitti and u acant ulti him
00:18:47c-yanker day time
00:18:50c-yanker no silence
00:18:54c-yanker beside
00:18:56Knaitti ...
00:18:58Knaitti it is
00:18:58c-yanker im getting focus over all of u
00:19:02c-yanker so u want me to go front ?
00:19:09c-yanker mate listen
00:19:10c-yanker day time
00:19:12svents fck
00:19:13c-yanker its a mili sek silence
00:19:14c-yanker trust me
00:19:14j22koer MOFO
00:19:15svents should ulti :D
00:19:19j22koer !0 hp
00:19:19Gorppu gj
00:19:20c-yanker she didnt blink cause i stunned
00:19:24slc2 yea mofo!
00:19:38c-yanker u see this nessaj just skipping u to stun me
00:19:40Gorppu aka going linkens ?
00:19:42c-yanker thats why i aint tanking.
00:19:53taraN i think the point was though
00:19:53musis y
00:19:55Gorppu come gang bala
00:19:55taraN that you didnt ulti
00:19:56taraN :/
00:19:57c-yanker ive been ganged by their nessaj in 4th min..
00:19:58jAnezki dd
00:20:04c-yanker its not allways readuy that ulti
00:20:07Gorppu nvm
00:20:08c-yanker else she had it twice there
00:20:19Gorppu lina?
00:20:30slc2 please come again
00:20:36svents u mad?
00:21:06c-yanker together or not
00:21:07j22koer freefarm
00:21:14c-yanker b
00:21:14c-yanker b
00:21:15c-yanker b
00:21:21c-yanker tomb
00:21:22c-yanker now
00:21:32c-yanker fight at it
00:21:34c-yanker else run
00:21:36c-yanker u cant beat them all
00:21:39taraN lets go b
00:22:07j22koer why
00:22:10j22koer you didnt told
00:22:15j22koer that you are going in
00:22:16taraN go mid
00:22:23c-yanker may i bottle
00:22:23j22koer tell
00:22:25j22koer didnt tell
00:22:39Gorppu panda and clinkz
00:22:39taraN guys
00:22:40taraN heal me
00:22:41taraN 24/7
00:22:42Gorppu wtf are u doing
00:22:44taraN since im going in first
00:22:45svents try
00:22:49c-yanker go on
00:22:51slc2 farming:)
00:22:52c-yanker tomb at tower
00:23:08taraN yo
00:23:10taraN that was some
00:23:11taraN d,mg
00:23:12Gorppu :)
00:23:12taraN :DD
00:23:12c-yanker dirge afk ?
00:23:13j22koer Aww
00:23:23taraN ei vissii näil armoreil oikee tankkaillakkaa tornia
00:23:26Gorppu :D
00:23:43Gorppu bala has bkb
00:23:52Gorppu gang bot
00:24:15Gorppu panda midas...?!?!?!
00:24:18slc2 jep
00:24:29c-yanker ditge is afk i think
00:24:32Gorppu whty
00:24:35Gorppu why
00:24:37slc2 its nice
00:24:40Gorppu nop
00:24:42j22koer attackspeed
00:24:44j22koer yee
00:24:47Gorppu useless on panda
00:25:28taraN siis vaddafuck
00:25:31c-yanker lol u had nothing rdy after that ulti `?
00:25:34taraN vissii taas kuolen johki sun 1000dmg setteihi
00:25:38Gorppu :D
00:25:50jAnezki :D:D
00:25:50taraN LOL
00:25:52c-yanker why dont u just dive ?
00:25:52taraN HAHAHHAA
00:25:53taraN :DDDDDDDDD
00:25:55c-yanker when im tanking a clinks
00:25:56svents cd
00:26:02svents i dived b4
00:26:08j22koer 28
00:26:10j22koer w8
00:26:21j22koer oh well
00:26:21Gorppu mitäs
00:26:25c-yanker lets push mid
00:26:26Gorppu eiks tää bala kuollu just
00:26:34Knaitti joskus 2min sitte
00:26:35c-yanker if just this dirge came.
00:26:37Gorppu :o
00:26:40c-yanker dont
00:26:41c-yanker go
00:26:43c-yanker we cant yety
00:26:50taraN ck
00:26:50taraN ck
00:26:51c-yanker we want last towers
00:26:54taraN meh
00:26:55taraN :<
00:27:06taraN get that tower
00:27:13taraN ich habe dust
00:27:19svents i have also
00:27:32taraN healaa ittees
00:27:33taraN urn
00:27:33c-yanker fast silence on akasha
00:27:51taraN käytä urn
00:27:51oo0OoO0oo 1 hit !!!
00:27:52c-yanker silence akassha lol
00:27:52j22koer 3 vs 5
00:27:55oo0OoO0oo so
00:28:21taraN gj guys
00:28:36Gorppu can we ban this panda
00:28:41j22koer nope
00:28:42Gorppu how can we ban panda
00:28:43slc2 for what?
00:28:55taraN you go to
00:28:55Gorppu for gameruining
00:28:59taraN and say he gameruins
00:29:07slc2 i aint game ruining
00:29:10c-yanker just silence the skank
00:29:10Gorppu seriously?
00:29:13c-yanker and shes none
00:29:15taraN irc channel
00:29:16slc2 im farming
00:29:16Gorppu kk
00:29:19Gorppu ty
00:29:29Gorppu husk
00:29:42svents got shivas
00:31:04taraN pro
00:31:11Gorppu imba
00:31:18j22koer panda
00:31:21slc2 ?
00:31:26Gorppu panda carryy meiät viel voittoo
00:31:34Gorppu sil on jo BoT ja midas
00:31:45Gorppu kill panda please :D
00:31:54slc2 what is wrong with bot and midas?
00:32:08taraN nothing - it just gets you banned
00:32:09Gorppu nooo
00:32:16c-yanker loose ur top to die to me
00:32:20c-yanker focusers
00:32:22Gorppu totally worth it
00:32:23Gorppu :D
00:32:26c-yanker :)
00:32:29Gorppu well this game is lost
00:32:29j22koer wtf
00:32:30j22koer guys
00:32:33Gorppu panda and clinkz both farming atm
00:32:35j22koer is this kindergarden
00:32:41c-yanker well
00:32:45c-yanker kinda not that
00:32:45Gorppu and neither of them have any items
00:32:55c-yanker thats cause were winnning
00:33:00c-yanker pays good
00:33:05Gorppu entire game 3v5
00:33:53slc2 -cs
00:33:54taraN yea
00:33:55Gorppu ty
00:34:07taraN provide gameid and replay
00:34:10Gorppu yeh
00:34:12taraN and reason
00:34:14Gorppu no problem
00:34:19taraN they'll answer at some point
00:34:20taraN maybe
00:34:21taraN :d
00:34:24Gorppu maybe ;O
00:34:25Gorppu :P
00:34:28taraN well its kinda slow
00:34:39Gorppu yeah I guess so
00:35:10j22koer :D
00:35:24svents gg wp
00:35:25j22koer 3 vs 5 is hard
00:35:30oo0OoO0oo i have probs with
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