Game #2714281

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-3 X
+2 TS

92% | 1561 X | 1509 TS

+20 X
+3 TS

74% | 1515 X | 1330 TS

+24 X
+3 TS

24% | 1014 X | 1220 TS

+40 X
+110 TS

NEW | 1044 X | 1064 TS

+56 X
+110 TS

NEW | 927 X | 952 TS

+1 X
-4 TS

45% | 1148 X | 1379 TS

-14 X
-20 TS

43% | 1137 X | 1371 TS

-47 X
-38 TS

NEW | 1179 X | 1315 TS

-32 X
-4 TS

34% | 1050 X | 1340 TS

-41 X
-3 TS

32% | 1131 X | 1237 TS

Chat log

00:00:16taraN empatia tuu mumble
00:00:20Empatia oon ventis hacksun, stunsq ja keltran kanssa
00:00:20Roshi what you want to ban guys?
00:00:20Roshi r those team a joke?
00:00:20taraN ai onks nääki suomalaisia? :D
00:00:20hYdRa ur chose
00:00:20Empatia ju
00:00:20taraN jaa
00:00:20Roshi -naix
00:00:20taraN osaatko keltra pelaa kui hyvi? :D
00:00:20Empatia kyl nuo osaa
00:00:20taraN meinaa toi edelline peli meni vissii sult vähä penki olla
00:00:20taraN alle jopa
00:00:20Empatia ehkä täällä tasol 30-40 prosenttii
00:00:20Roshi empatia alive?
00:00:20taraN kk
00:00:20taraN se riittänee
00:00:20Empatia y
00:00:20Keltra jaa
00:00:20Roshi kk
00:00:20Keltra niin
00:00:20taraN pelaan ite jotai megacarryy vissii
00:00:20Empatia phoenix
00:00:20taraN tyylii pa
00:00:36Empatia oh
00:00:36NeverbACKdOwn this will be one sad game
00:00:36taraN mitä otat
00:00:37NeverbACKdOwn .......
00:00:37Empatia ok
00:00:39taraN haluuks joku jotai
00:00:41Empatia ajttelin invon
00:00:41taraN voin pikkaa
00:00:43Roshi y
00:00:47taraN hellou
00:00:48taraN joku
00:00:50Hacksu would love to play enigma or rhasta
00:00:50taraN anybody
00:00:51Roshi try to teamplay as much as we can :)
00:00:56taraN no eisit
00:01:08hYdRa -hhn
00:01:10hYdRa -clear
00:01:32Roshi tiny rhasta ?
00:01:33hYdRa -hhn
00:01:45taraN veno bottii ois jees
00:01:53Empatia wr top
00:01:55xenix- veno bottom ?
00:01:58hYdRa -hhn
00:01:58xenix- kk
00:01:59hYdRa -clear
00:01:59Roshi snip mid?
00:02:06taraN osta regee
00:02:07Hacksu me top with bara?
00:02:18Roshi is better sniper solo top with nigma jungle
00:02:18hYdRa pull alot ok ?
00:02:20hYdRa let me farm
00:02:21Hacksu y
00:02:25taraN vedäks emp tornado?
00:02:28hYdRa or that
00:02:29taraN tai siis quas wex
00:02:30NeverbACKdOwn let sniper mid
00:02:31taraN vai jotai exorttia
00:02:32hYdRa tiny solo bot
00:02:33NeverbACKdOwn and come bot thrall
00:02:34Empatia ajattelin forge
00:02:35hYdRa sniper mid
00:02:42Empatia forge + snap
00:02:43NeverbACKdOwn sniper ur mid
00:02:43taraN hmm nojoo
00:02:45taraN noil 3 meleetä
00:02:47Roshi better not
00:02:49taraN kai se
00:02:52AbdA i want bot
00:02:57Roshi i think it's gonna be a problem this sniper
00:03:05Empatia noil ei oo kellää kovaa armorii
00:03:08AbdA i think soo too
00:03:08Hacksu Abda listen to Roshi, hes our leader.
00:03:13Empatia you can leave
00:03:16Roshi i'm not leader :D
00:03:19Roshi let's teamplay :)
00:03:20xenix- k
00:03:24taraN veno can you pull?
00:03:24NeverbACKdOwn nice
00:03:24Roshi and have fun
00:03:24NeverbACKdOwn drop
00:03:26Stunsq joo joo
00:03:46xenix- get shackle
00:03:54hYdRa pull
00:03:58Empatia lightningbetter at lvl1
00:07:44xenix- shakle him
00:07:44Roshi courier?
00:07:52Empatia MID MISS
00:07:54NeverbACKdOwn abda
00:07:55NeverbACKdOwn kill now
00:07:57Keltra his under the tower
00:08:00Keltra ¨he's
00:08:00xenix- y
00:08:38xenix- ss
00:08:40xenix- bara
00:08:44Empatia charge on me
00:08:44AbdA b
00:08:52NeverbACKdOwn im omw mid
00:09:16Roshi nj
00:10:07Roshi how can pa be lvl 7?
00:10:09NeverbACKdOwn im omw top
00:10:10NeverbACKdOwn kill
00:10:22hYdRa go rasta
00:10:53Hacksu i had no mana tiny...
00:11:00NeverbACKdOwn np i failed
00:11:01NeverbACKdOwn anyway
00:11:10NeverbACKdOwn sniper
00:11:11NeverbACKdOwn kill pa
00:11:28Roshi ganking bot
00:11:44Roshi towerdive
00:11:47Roshi w8 bara
00:12:09taraN 4 bot
00:12:09taraN btw
00:12:11NeverbACKdOwn gj
00:12:14Roshi y
00:12:18taraN guess nobody remembered to tell me
00:12:32Roshi nigma mid gank?
00:12:42Hacksu k
00:13:00taraN tapetaa sniper
00:13:01taraN tuu
00:13:15taraN ..
00:13:29Roshi pls guys
00:13:34Roshi a bit more awake ok? :)
00:13:37NeverbACKdOwn fucking shit
00:13:41Roshi our bara is doing a great job
00:13:42NeverbACKdOwn did not toss
00:13:44Roshi follow him
00:14:02AbdA pa free farm
00:14:42taraN tapetaa
00:14:59AbdA rdy?
00:15:02hYdRa yes
00:15:05AbdA go go
00:15:11Roshi stun :(
00:15:15Hacksu sorry didnt see that warp
00:15:20Roshi bp :)
00:15:34Roshi gank here guys
00:16:33taraN xenix
00:16:37taraN youve skilled
00:16:37taraN wr
00:16:38taraN wrong
00:16:39taraN 100%
00:16:43Empatia ITEM
00:16:43taraN you NEVER
00:16:44Empatia TAKE
00:16:44taraN take
00:16:45taraN ulti
00:16:47AbdA mask of deat
00:16:49taraN god
00:16:50Empatia FUCKING RETARD
00:16:52taraN this wr sucks so bad
00:16:54Roshi took
00:16:56taraN horrible playe
00:17:01AbdA whose is it?
00:17:12Roshi you have to rebuy courier sniper
00:17:15AbdA where is chick?
00:17:30Roshi dead
00:17:42Roshi you have to rebuy
00:17:45NeverbACKdOwn gj
00:17:48hYdRa mask of death where is it ?~!
00:17:49NeverbACKdOwn keep up the ganking
00:17:54NeverbACKdOwn then we have a decent chance
00:17:54Roshi mask of death on me
00:18:00hYdRa gj
00:18:04hYdRa leave in base
00:18:11AbdA im not lastpick
00:18:16taraN im being charged
00:18:21taraN tp
00:18:23Roshi bara killed the courier
00:18:26Roshi you shold buy
00:18:32Roshi i thought sniper killed
00:18:45hYdRa y
00:18:46hYdRa he did
00:18:59Roshi theer was only one item
00:19:06hYdRa 3
00:19:07hYdRa of them
00:19:18Hacksu 4
00:19:25hYdRa take
00:19:27hYdRa and share
00:19:46NeverbACKdOwn fffffss
00:19:48NeverbACKdOwn tp top
00:19:50NeverbACKdOwn and help
00:19:52NeverbACKdOwn to gank ffs
00:20:10NeverbACKdOwn baaaad
00:20:11NeverbACKdOwn so baaad
00:20:12taraN gj
00:20:14Roshi y
00:20:23Roshi sniper why melee fighting?
00:20:29AbdA i didnt
00:20:35Roshi yes you did
00:21:03Roshi come with me
00:21:06Roshi we need to gank
00:21:25taraN tp
00:21:28taraN nvm
00:21:36Roshi STUN
00:21:58taraN shackle ??
00:22:07Keltra oomasin just ennen
00:22:11taraN ¨mjaa
00:22:11Keltra en checkannu mana
00:22:57AbdA om
00:22:59AbdA omg
00:23:11Roshi omg what sniper
00:23:15Roshi you didnt either attack
00:23:19Roshi just ulti n go back
00:24:17hYdRa OMW ~!
00:24:25Empatia charge
00:24:38taraN jaah
00:24:38NeverbACKdOwn bot tower
00:24:39taraN :DD
00:24:39NeverbACKdOwn take
00:24:42Roshi y
00:24:42taraN hyvä blinkki
00:24:43taraN multa
00:24:43Roshi bara b
00:24:48taraN we need wards
00:24:51Roshi get mkb bara
00:24:56hYdRa yy
00:25:15taraN rastafari vois olla hereil :D
00:25:20hYdRa enigma wtf
00:25:31Keltra joo
00:25:34Keltra olin just kaupas
00:25:38hYdRa enigma failer
00:25:48Hacksu ?
00:25:55Empatia brb
00:26:08Hacksu want to explain to me?
00:26:21Roshi bara charge
00:26:40Roshi check
00:27:30Empatia domi
00:27:33taraN joo
00:27:35taraN olin just ostamas
00:27:35Empatia veno tekee vladin
00:28:05Roshi use shrapnel
00:28:11taraN alan stackkii ansseille
00:28:19Roshi gimme courier tiny
00:28:21hYdRa my curirc hello
00:28:26Roshi tiny
00:28:29Roshi fucking items
00:28:30taraN if i forget
00:28:34taraN feel free to pull ancient camp
00:28:38taraN nii
00:28:40taraN älä mee ny tappelee sinne
00:28:44Empatia MENEN
00:28:47taraN no wtf
00:28:50Empatia :D
00:28:50taraN miks kaikki ny menee siihe
00:28:51taraN :DDD
00:29:10Empatia lol
00:29:26NeverbACKdOwn take
00:29:27Empatia nyt mid
00:29:27NeverbACKdOwn bot
00:29:28NeverbACKdOwn tower
00:29:44NeverbACKdOwn go mid
00:29:45NeverbACKdOwn then
00:29:55Empatia B
00:29:58Empatia he can glimpse
00:30:45Empatia raxit
00:30:47Roshi enigma
00:30:49Roshi 2 things
00:30:54Roshi why u r not in team
00:30:59Roshi and why u r not doing a fucking dagger
00:31:18Roshi -.-
00:31:42Hacksu blink wouldnt have helped my playstyle at all
00:32:00Hacksu ive gotten some good holes but theres no dmg output on our team to make something of em.
00:32:05Hacksu but enough ranting
00:32:15Empatia b
00:32:18Roshi cause you never engaged em
00:32:24Roshi and alwais let em engage us
00:32:27hYdRa sniper u r so stupid
00:32:28Hacksu never is a pretty strong word.
00:32:33Roshi y
00:32:37Roshi i'm not flaming
00:32:39Roshi i'm arguing
00:32:42Roshi about ur game
00:32:49Roshi and that's what happened
00:32:54Roshi you used 3 holes
00:32:59Roshi and never attacking
00:33:01AbdA I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:33:04Roshi always in defensive
00:33:33Roshi am i wrong?
00:33:39taraN pullaa empatia
00:33:44Empatia k
00:33:54NeverbACKdOwn take tower
00:34:09Roshi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:34:11Empatia hups :D
00:34:17taraN failasikko
00:34:18taraN :D
00:34:20Empatia juu
00:34:22taraN haha
00:34:23Empatia idlasin 00 saakka
00:34:24Empatia :D
00:34:47taraN jaa
00:36:26Roshi def bot
00:36:28Empatia pa tuus
00:36:59Empatia dont go
00:37:00Roshi take time to nigma ulti
00:37:03Empatia dont be stupid
00:37:07xenix- y
00:37:11Hacksu cd
00:37:15Roshi i know
00:37:21Roshi said that for it
00:37:48taraN want me to go first?
00:37:54hYdRa come
00:37:56taraN or you guys gonna do something
00:37:56Empatia ens weavel
00:37:57Roshi nigma feel free to enter
00:37:58hYdRa end fags
00:38:26hYdRa I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:38:27Roshi gg nigma
00:38:29Roshi I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:38:31NeverbACKdOwn I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:38:35Empatia top raxit
00:38:37hYdRa I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:38:43Roshi nigma type ff
00:38:47Keltra [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:38:47Keltra [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:38:47Keltra [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:38:47Keltra [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:38:47Hacksu I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:38:51Roshi do the last thing you can for let us lose this game
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