Game #2633434

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-53 X
-1 TS

93% | 1636 X | 1478 TS

-23 X
-1 TS

86% | 1400 X | 1528 TS

+13 X
-1 TS

84% | 1415 X | 1494 TS

-43 X
-1 TS

79% | 1520 X | 1323 TS

-15 X
-1 TS

68% | 1335 X | 1391 TS

-12 X
+1 TS

100% | 2020 X | 1736 TS

+61 X
+3 TS

76% | 1383 X | 1427 TS

+31 X
+0 TS

70% | 1276 X | 1475 TS

+8 X
+2 TS

61% | 1254 X | 1398 TS

+42 X
+1 TS

56% | 1237 X | 1349 TS

Chat log

00:00:05Lavos modae
00:00:07MariahCarry -rd
00:00:19Vilkuky Mä voin pelaa enigman tai vengen
00:00:19N2xy gonna play bf3 soon.. yeyeyey
00:00:19Buugi spectre
00:00:19MariahCarry potm
00:00:39N2xy any wishes?
00:00:41Lavos panda
00:00:43MariahCarry stuns
00:00:43MariahCarry pls
00:00:52Vilkuky get me venge or enugma
00:00:55N2xy they wont take it
00:00:56N2xy np
00:01:05N2xy noy many panda players in gc
00:01:06MariahCarry venge pls
00:01:10Lavos yap
00:01:13Lavos fun hero :P
00:01:18Vangelis i swap
00:01:19Vangelis get
00:01:19MariahCarry venge!
00:01:19Vangelis me
00:01:21Vangelis bs
00:01:26Vilkuky ok
00:01:31Lavos magnus mid?
00:01:32MariahCarry and rape him mid
00:01:34MariahCarry ye
00:01:34N2xy vengewoudl be great
00:01:36Lavos hyro
00:01:38Lavos lane?
00:01:38Vilkuky what now
00:01:38Vangelis get
00:01:39Vangelis me
00:01:40N2xy against enigma hsukr
00:01:40Lavos o hm
00:01:40Vangelis clock
00:01:44Vilkuky -swap 3
00:01:44Vangelis -swap 5
00:01:44N2xy oooo
00:01:45N2xy lost
00:01:46N2xy :(
00:01:49MariahCarry not with venge
00:01:50Lavos so b ad pick
00:01:52MariahCarry roaming to mid
00:01:54V0nsteri prkl ku pilasit mun huippupelin :'(
00:01:58MariahCarry oh
00:01:59MariahCarry taken
00:02:03Lavos gyro
00:02:04Lavos wanna lane
00:02:06N2xy venge takes engima and huskar out :(
00:02:08N2xy would have
00:02:11Vilkuky good lanes
00:02:13Buugi j
00:02:14Buugi kaatu kone
00:02:28N2xy laets lane
00:02:29N2xy panda?
00:02:31V0nsteri mm
00:02:31Lavos ya
00:02:44Lavos come to rune
00:02:51N2xy -ms
00:02:52N2xy ok
00:02:53N2xy i
00:02:54N2xy doki
00:03:10Lavos ugo
00:03:11Vilkuky bot
00:03:14Lavos ?
00:03:15Vangelis ?
00:03:17N2xy brb
00:03:18N2xy 1 min
00:03:18Vilkuky rune
00:03:19taraN ugo rez
00:03:21MariahCarry wtf
00:03:25Lavos no brb
00:03:27Lavos take or die :D
00:03:33Vangelis stay
00:03:33Vangelis b
00:03:37Lavos i will pull
00:03:38Lavos go scouted
00:03:39N2xy ok
00:03:41N2xy b
00:03:42Lavos 'whatever
00:03:43Lavos go
00:06:26Vilkuky kuoleeko
00:07:30V0nsteri tuu vaa gankkii
00:07:37Buugi ss
00:07:38Buugi care top
00:07:39Vilkuky kumpi
00:07:54MariahCarry ss mid
00:07:55Lavos ward was up
00:07:55MariahCarry care bot
00:08:28MariahCarry gank mid pls
00:08:37MariahCarry thrall
00:08:43MariahCarry gyro
00:08:46Misha Y SOON
00:08:59N2xy ohh
00:08:59N2xy ok
00:09:04Buugi -ma
00:09:07Lavos ä-1
00:09:08Lavos -1
00:09:09N2xy middle one?
00:09:18Buugi ss mid
00:09:19Lavos re
00:09:19Buugi care top
00:09:23Vilkuky kuka midis
00:09:30Buugi re
00:09:34Buugi magna
00:09:37N2xy ss viper
00:09:38N2xy panda
00:09:46N2xy he saw me coming
00:09:47N2xy i guess
00:09:51Lavos -2
00:09:59Lavos re
00:10:01Lavos 1
00:10:06Lavos 2
00:10:26MariahCarry so amazing
00:10:29MariahCarry 1 mana short
00:10:32MariahCarry and creeps hit me when bottle
00:10:40Vilkuky gz
00:10:44MariahCarry ur the luckiest man alive
00:10:46MariahCarry every game
00:10:53Buugi i kno
00:11:05Vilkuky its only luck when buugi plays yes
00:11:07N2xy i amke lvl 6
00:11:09N2xy then come agian
00:11:19Lavos -2
00:11:19Lavos -2
00:11:22Lavos care mid
00:11:23MariahCarry thral??
00:11:24MariahCarry wards?
00:11:38Buugi go gyro
00:11:42MariahCarry ss mid
00:12:02N2xy gj
00:12:08MariahCarry omw panda
00:12:12Lavos oom
00:13:05MariahCarry hp?
00:13:06Misha top miss 2
00:13:29Vilkuky check my items guys
00:13:37MariahCarry misha
00:13:39Vilkuky how imba?
00:13:40MariahCarry wanna leave top?
00:13:41Misha some1 come farm
00:13:42Misha y
00:13:46Vangelis you
00:13:47Vangelis sold
00:13:48Vangelis basi
00:13:48Vangelis ?
00:13:50Vilkuky no
00:14:12MariahCarry come mid
00:14:12N2xy coiming id
00:14:12MariahCarry misha
00:14:31Misha care
00:14:46N2xy :D
00:14:49Lavos fucik oom
00:14:58Lavos just got my ulti but didnt check mana
00:14:59MariahCarry misha
00:15:01MariahCarry pls leave :)
00:15:04Misha u failed there
00:15:05Misha lol
00:15:07MariahCarry hahahaha
00:15:10Misha u cant be fuckikng serious
00:15:11MariahCarry u put ring
00:15:14MariahCarry a whole nother place
00:15:14MariahCarry wtf
00:15:27MariahCarry supertard
00:16:01Lavos dagger in 700
00:16:04N2xy kk
00:16:10Misha venge haste
00:17:05Vilkuky -apm
00:17:08Vilkuky -clear
00:17:27MariahCarry wards??
00:17:39Cyrus swapnm
00:17:39Vilkuky w8
00:17:41N2xy lure huskar
00:17:43N2xy to ulti
00:18:07taraN ???
00:18:08Vangelis haha
00:18:08Vangelis :D
00:18:12Misha lol
00:18:16taraN wtf happened
00:18:24Lavos 100g
00:18:30N2xy goodie
00:19:21N2xy need mana
00:19:23Vilkuky thx
00:19:26Vilkuky Got blink ulti
00:19:30Vilkuky rdy
00:19:43Vilkuky dive?
00:19:44Lavos top
00:19:48Lavos no ult
00:19:54N2xy i got
00:21:05Lavos go
00:21:07Lavos oh no
00:21:07Lavos :D
00:21:15MariahCarry wow
00:21:17MariahCarry haters
00:21:20MariahCarry wtf is going on
00:21:35Vilkuky omw clock
00:21:38Vangelis he
00:21:38Vangelis has
00:21:39Vangelis ult
00:21:44Vilkuky so do i
00:22:19Vilkuky CMON :DDD
00:22:24Vilkuky was gonna make epic ulti
00:22:32Lavos smooth move
00:22:34Lavos =)
00:22:47MariahCarry hows bot thrall?
00:22:50MariahCarry ownin it?
00:23:26Misha bait
00:23:33N2xy panda goes
00:23:46Vangelis bs
00:23:47Vangelis sees
00:23:47Vangelis you
00:23:56Misha jump
00:23:58Vilkuky go forest?
00:24:32N2xy ulti bs :S:S
00:25:24Misha hows farming top with int pt?
00:25:29N2xy lol
00:25:35MariahCarry he's so cute :D
00:25:40MariahCarry i put them on int for a purpose
00:25:46MariahCarry u dumb bitch
00:25:47MariahCarry xD
00:25:49Misha y, better to farm?=
00:25:57Misha while we fight?
00:26:02MariahCarry u fighting?
00:26:04Misha y
00:26:08MariahCarry no
00:26:34N2xy -apm
00:26:37MariahCarry -apm
00:26:40Lavos mana me
00:26:49Lavos ty
00:27:03Lavos i come
00:27:04Lavos run to me
00:27:08taraN go
00:27:38N2xy kill
00:27:39Vangelis how
00:27:40Vangelis soon bkb
00:27:41N2xy viper
00:27:41Vangelis enigma
00:27:42Vangelis :D
00:27:46N2xy 1 more
00:27:50V0nsteri no kuhan mariahfeed ei saa daggua nii ihan ok kai meil menee
00:27:58N2xy tp thrall
00:27:59N2xy :S:S
00:28:04V0nsteri panda kyl aika ilkimys
00:28:14N2xy :D:D
00:28:15Vilkuky Go top
00:28:16Vilkuky i ulti
00:28:36Vangelis ????
00:28:37Vangelis venge
00:28:38Vangelis ????
00:28:39N2xy omg thrall
00:28:39N2xy please
00:28:41N2xy :S
00:31:10Lavos wut happened
00:31:19Lavos enigma killed u all?
00:31:32N2xy killed me insta
00:31:35Lavos bah
00:31:42Lavos i will go for enigma from now on
00:31:56Lavos jump ulti
00:31:59N2xy ok
00:32:02N2xy i will do dame
00:32:16taraN we need to focus huskar down
00:32:17taraN after
00:32:18taraN enigma
00:32:43Vangelis go push?
00:33:06Vilkuky Venge use 2nd skill ???
00:33:14Vilkuky gives nice vision you know?
00:33:24Lavos sorry naxy
00:33:31N2xy i though actually only 1 is mid
00:33:31N2xy :p
00:33:33N2xy my bad
00:33:58Vangelis mariah emoing
00:33:59Vangelis ?
00:34:03MariahCarry I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:06Lavos how about going with 5
00:34:12Lavos we got sick ulties
00:34:30Buugi go erosh
00:34:33Lavos cd
00:34:37Vangelis who
00:34:38Vangelis takes
00:34:38Vangelis ?
00:34:40Buugi i will
00:34:42Buugi or huskar
00:34:48Buugi i take
00:34:53Vangelis enigma
00:34:55Misha smoke
00:34:55Vangelis stay
00:34:55Vangelis b
00:35:00Misha come to me
00:35:02Lavos WAIT
00:35:02Lavos WAIT
00:35:05Lavos oh
00:35:05Lavos :D
00:35:12Buugi go mid
00:35:30Vilkuky mjoo
00:35:39V0nsteri decent
00:36:13Misha I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:02Lavos I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:07taraN I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:07taraN gg
00:37:14taraN i died too much
00:37:15taraN :/
00:37:18taraN no dmg
00:37:27N2xy bs just didnt fit into our team
00:37:30N2xy we needed venge
00:37:38taraN [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:37:38taraN [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:37:38taraN [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:37:38taraN [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:37:38N2xy I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:40taraN well it was a panic pick
00:37:40N2xy thats it
00:37:45taraN was supposed to pick misha thrall
00:37:55taraN i dont mind playing bs though its a fun hero
00:38:07taraN but we made a few mistakes top and then i just died for no reason midgame
00:38:09taraN = no farm
00:38:29taraN + mariah emoing was sad
00:38:31Vilkuky geegee
00:38:34Vilkuky jiijii
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