Game #2606204

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-16 X
-3 TS

93% | 1601 X | 1509 TS

+21 X
-3 TS

75% | 1316 X | 1490 TS

-42 X
-7 TS

74% | 1321 X | 1478 TS

-54 X
-3 TS

65% | 1346 X | 1337 TS

+7 X
-6 TS

60% | 1228 X | 1405 TS

+12 X
+3 TS

95% | 1629 X | 1528 TS

-11 X
+19 TS

78% | 1460 X | 1365 TS

+29 X
+2 TS

68% | 1351 X | 1376 TS

+32 X
+6 TS

67% | 1341 X | 1368 TS

+37 X
+4 TS

58% | 1230 X | 1377 TS

Chat log

00:00:02Rakett -rd
00:00:18Hael tc !
00:00:18Hael or sven
00:00:18Vangelis banni
00:00:18Vangelis am
00:00:18Vangelis onju
00:00:18Rakett hmh
00:00:18Rakett hmh
00:00:18Rakett MHM
00:00:18Vangelis iisand
00:00:18Vangelis kui mottetu poool
00:00:18Vangelis ban vilkuy
00:00:18Milky pick/ ban magina
00:00:18Dilaz id say pick magina & ban eredar
00:00:18Rakett u fast
00:00:18Vangelis zZzzZzzzzzzZzzzzzzZZzzZZZzzZZ
00:00:18Ckalle SD
00:00:18Vangelis Rakett bans am
00:00:18Vangelis go
00:00:18Rakett ye
00:00:18Rakett magina
00:00:28Hael shadow demon + magina banned peeps
00:00:29Milky bara
00:00:32Vangelis anyone
00:00:33Vangelis wants
00:00:34Vangelis bara
00:00:35Vangelis ?
00:01:05Cyrus need stuns now
00:01:10Rakett sven
00:01:10Hael can i? :)
00:01:10Y4KUZA mis banned
00:01:10Rakett lesh
00:01:11Y4KUZA on
00:01:12Rakett lina
00:01:16Rakett magina ja
00:01:16Rakett sd
00:01:17Cyrus sd am
00:01:18Hael milkyy, pelaakko sä sen?
00:01:22Milky jooo
00:01:23Rakett sven lina na gogogo
00:01:25Hael ;___;
00:01:28Vangelis sven
00:01:29Vangelis sven
00:01:30Hael tuun niin suppoon svenil
00:01:30Vangelis sven
00:01:31Milky tääl on niin paska taso et voin harjotella
00:01:32Misha ootteko mumbles?
00:01:36Milky e
00:01:38Hael juh
00:01:40Dilaz joo,
00:01:47Ckalle -ii
00:01:55Vangelis get bara
00:02:02Vangelis or viper
00:02:05Vangelis bara viper na
00:02:11Vangelis plz no gondar or tinker
00:02:21Ckalle very nice 4+1 picks
00:02:22Y4KUZA lina sven would be better?
00:02:23Ckalle let's do this :)
00:02:23Y4KUZA huh?
00:02:25Rakett yea
00:02:28Vangelis na
00:02:28Vangelis bot
00:02:32Rakett mine mid
00:02:33Rakett seeker
00:02:47Ckalle I hope u know how to teamfight 4+1 style aswell
00:02:50Ckalle and they got no chance
00:02:55Cyrus obsi inti saab veits burnida xcD
00:02:56Hael we have mumble ;p
00:02:57Rakett share
00:03:02Rakett sa pullid koguaeg
00:03:04Rakett ma semisolo ok
00:03:05Ckalle lots of ppl say that word
00:03:10Cyrus ma semicarry ok
00:03:14Ckalle it's obviously not the english word
00:03:14Rakett ei, ok? :D
00:03:15Hael voip
00:03:20Ckalle aha
00:03:22Ckalle I c
00:03:24Ckalle all of u?
00:03:28Hael y
00:03:28Milky pull pls =)
00:04:22Cyrus neil war?
00:04:32Rakett ya
00:04:35Milky hard line top
00:06:19Milky ss top 21
00:06:30Misha top miss 2
00:06:39Ckalle tp scrolls?
00:06:44Milky go
00:07:04Ckalle ss sven mid
00:07:09Y4KUZA topis on mõttetu olla lina lasthitib nagu boss
00:07:16Misha luulin kokoajan et oot mumbles milky
00:07:20Milky e
00:07:31Vangelis plz
00:07:33Vangelis flying
00:07:50Milky varo
00:07:54Cyrus nice stunid tal
00:07:56Rakett ya
00:07:59Misha tuu
00:08:30Rakett ....
00:08:32Y4KUZA ff
00:08:32Misha gj
00:08:33Y4KUZA this lina
00:08:35Y4KUZA is just
00:08:35Rakett mine regeni
00:08:36Rakett cyrus
00:08:37Milky 2
00:08:40Rakett sust pole kasu ilma manata
00:08:52Misha -ms
00:08:59Cyrus lähen
00:09:13Y4KUZA linja
00:09:16Dilaz ss nerub
00:09:16Y4KUZA stop being retarded
00:09:31Ckalle ss mid
00:09:34Vangelis yy
00:09:34Ckalle bs lvl 6
00:09:44Milky oom
00:09:50Ckalle re
00:10:00Ckalle ss
00:10:03Vangelis sven
00:10:03Vangelis tule
00:10:04Vangelis midi
00:10:06Vangelis nuud
00:10:07Milky sleep
00:10:07Vangelis saab tappa
00:10:17Milky sleep
00:10:20Rakett ez
00:10:21Misha ei riitä manat
00:10:22Milky ei sitten
00:10:25Ckalle bs inc top
00:10:27Milky sleep
00:10:29Vangelis STUN OMG
00:10:34Misha eiku b
00:10:35Misha bs incoming
00:10:41Milky no level 6 sit
00:10:53Ckalle come on
00:10:56Ckalle told you he was coming
00:10:58Milky true
00:11:13Cyrus brb
00:11:23Ckalle new chick plz
00:11:28Vangelis ss obs
00:11:32Vangelis re
00:11:36Hael as soon as have money
00:11:38Milky ss top 3
00:11:41Milky obsidian
00:11:42Milky carem id
00:11:45Vangelis 10s ult
00:11:45Milky re 1 top
00:11:46Dilaz ss nerub
00:11:46Misha top miss 2
00:11:46Vangelis ootame
00:11:46Vangelis ara
00:11:52Hael chick in base
00:12:17Milky varo
00:12:26Ckalle VARO?
00:12:30Ckalle tell me stuff in English
00:12:31Ckalle rly
00:12:36Milky said miss
00:12:53Ckalle Sven invis bot
00:13:03Misha ultaan
00:13:18Ckalle wanna kill mid? have ult
00:13:23Hael kk
00:13:25Hael ball?
00:13:29Ckalle ya
00:13:31Milky def
00:13:31Vangelis ss obs
00:13:31Misha gonna ulti mid
00:13:34Misha w8 a sec
00:13:48Rakett ez
00:13:50Ckalle good
00:14:02Milky team?
00:14:07Misha coming
00:14:12Milky im oom..
00:14:26Milky b
00:14:27Milky tuskar
00:14:32Cyrus ganking mid
00:14:33Misha sven
00:14:38Vangelis yy
00:15:01Ckalle NA mid
00:15:02Cyrus mah bad ÖD
00:15:05Ckalle I can't farm this lane
00:15:09Rakett NA
00:15:09Ckalle if u don't have TP scrolls
00:15:09Rakett go
00:15:10Milky then buy wards
00:15:11Misha go top
00:15:13Milky i did
00:15:15Ckalle Wards don't help
00:15:16Milky went to def bot
00:16:12Milky team
00:16:22Milky b
00:16:22Milky b
00:16:33Rakett aa siis . D:
00:16:59Rakett seekerit on vjaa.
00:17:00Rakett vaja
00:17:03Y4KUZA see lina on nii ret
00:17:12Ckalle illus
00:17:25Milky bs around
00:17:39Milky def
00:17:40Milky all
00:17:51Misha ulti in 15
00:17:58Milky nvm
00:18:07Milky inc
00:18:28Misha go topo
00:18:28Misha def
00:18:48Cyrus dead
00:18:50Vangelis "necrot on vaja"
00:18:56Rakett tasa lol
00:19:19Ckalle wtr
00:19:21Y4KUZA mida iganes
00:19:22Ckalle twr
00:19:25Y4KUZA nagu
00:19:28Hael im b
00:19:44Misha gogogogo
00:19:55Rakett Bitch.
00:20:54Ckalle let me bot
00:20:54Milky NOOB ME
00:20:58Y4KUZA cool ret team
00:20:59Y4KUZA ff
00:21:05Hael almost
00:21:06Ckalle misha please
00:21:09Misha y
00:21:10Ckalle stop autoattacking my farm
00:21:14Misha chill
00:21:46Milky get wand
00:21:47Milky obsidian
00:21:48Milky ..
00:21:56Milky and upg it
00:22:05Cyrus mis teed?
00:22:10Y4KUZA see on lost
00:22:12Y4KUZA vahet ei ole
00:22:15Milky go mid
00:22:16Milky tuskar
00:22:20Cyrus 2ra siis munni mängima hakka
00:22:36Rakett mis kuradi stun see oli D:
00:22:45Cyrus stunisin ju
00:22:47Rakett ei
00:22:48Rakett neilt
00:22:50Rakett nagu durationiga
00:22:56Rakett ja seekeril on thrist ja farmib metsa
00:22:57Rakett tt.
00:23:26Hael mid sven
00:24:35Milky b
00:25:11Vangelis na
00:25:14Vangelis miks sa kasutad
00:25:18Vangelis oma ulti escape spellina
00:25:19Vangelis :P
00:25:36Milky b
00:25:37Milky ...
00:25:37Milky b
00:25:38Cyrus veits uncordinated oli see värk
00:25:41Milky :D
00:25:43Milky b
00:25:45Milky sleep ja b
00:25:49Milky :D
00:26:15Milky misha sul on ihan hyvä bane kyl =)
00:26:22Milky def botg
00:26:25Ckalle omw
00:26:26Ckalle got invis
00:26:30Milky sweet
00:26:40Ckalle gogo ultcombo
00:27:03Rakett so lina
00:27:05Rakett what the fuck are u farming
00:27:08Rakett i dont get it really
00:27:10Y4KUZA ta on mingi
00:27:11Y4KUZA täisret
00:27:18Y4KUZA lanel ka ei tahtnud tappa
00:27:19Y4KUZA farmis
00:28:01Misha go mid
00:28:14Ckalle hex done
00:28:28Y4KUZA I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:32Rakett i hope your happy we get the most retarded lina in the universe
00:28:41Misha lina no ulti
00:28:43Rakett sick stun brohan
00:29:10Hael b
00:29:12Dilaz b
00:29:21Milky that lina is legendary yes
00:29:41Ckalle Why do I keep losing control of my hero
00:29:44Ckalle no idea what's happening
00:30:05Hael that was my snowballs fault, tried to sacrifice myself to save you but you got sucked in :<
00:30:13Ckalle ah
00:30:18Ckalle snowball de-targets my hero?
00:30:27Ckalle that's such bullshit :(
00:30:28Dilaz your hero disappears from the map
00:30:34Hael prolly not, but if you click something while in you get that
00:30:35Dilaz that's the mechanics
00:30:49Rakett eul him maybe?
00:30:58Milky go mid?
00:31:09Rakett EUL.
00:31:14Ckalle cd TP
00:31:19Milky tp top
00:31:21Milky obsidian
00:31:23Ckalle cd...
00:31:24Vangelis cyrus
00:31:25Vangelis ???
00:32:11Rakett lahe et sa taurenile dammi andsid
00:32:13Rakett kromosoom D:
00:32:19Ckalle rax
00:32:21Vangelis no
00:32:22Vangelis koige
00:32:23Vangelis suurem
00:32:25Vangelis lahedus
00:32:27Vangelis on meie na
00:32:30Rakett ei
00:32:31Rakett meie lina
00:32:31Vangelis mingi 5x stunninud mooda
00:32:48Vangelis I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:26Ckalle guys
00:33:30Milky gays
00:33:31Ckalle please
00:33:43Ckalle let's not prolong this further
00:33:49Milky :P
00:33:57Milky no ota
00:34:00Dilaz :<
00:34:12Milky oon kiltti ihminen :D
00:34:46Ckalle ult cd
00:35:20Rakett ultit panna on vist liiga palju küsitud
00:35:27Vangelis ara
00:35:28Vangelis targuta
00:35:35Rakett siis õpi pelama donk
00:35:39Rakett ja selle lina võiks ära bannida
00:35:41Yuriko I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:35:43Rakett võtab kille aint ultiga
00:35:45Rakett stune pihta ei saa
00:35:48Rakett ja itemeid ei kasuta
00:35:57Vangelis I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:01Rakett I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:01Hael [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:36:01Hael [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:36:01Hael [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:36:01Hael [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:36:01Cyrus I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:06Milky wp
00:36:14Milky i can afk?
00:36:21Ckalle share
00:36:21Milky right?
00:36:22Ckalle and u won't die
00:36:26Milky ty
00:36:30Milky tv show
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