Game #2531299

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+28 X
+1 TS

94% | 1567 X | 1552 TS

+43 X
+1 TS

71% | 1352 X | 1405 TS

+11 X
+2 TS

67% | 1373 X | 1327 TS

+55 X
+5 TS

12% | 902 X | 1246 TS

+59 X
+75 TS

NEW | 1038 X | 932 TS

-16 X
-1 TS

82% | 1376 X | 1504 TS

-52 X
-4 TS

64% | 1370 X | 1288 TS

-48 X
-2 TS

47% | 1174 X | 1307 TS

-33 X
-5 TS

39% | 1139 X | 1273 TS

-42 X
-1 TS

25% | 1029 X | 1278 TS

Chat log

00:00:00AbdA [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... AbdA with 121 seconds.
00:00:13AbdA sry guys
00:00:15Netukka lycan
00:00:15slc2 nettuka
00:00:15sebralane u faking suck
00:00:15Netukka ?
00:00:15Euforia anna lycan mid
00:00:15Netukka slc
00:00:15VictoriaJrocks -qop
00:00:16sebralane how can u load soo long
00:00:16Euforia siis
00:00:17Euforia rubick
00:00:17slc2 get me bara?
00:00:22Netukka npoe
00:00:26Yooki Does GC still have that rule where the 5th player has to buy chick?
00:00:29VictoriaJrocks p'änytiiä
00:00:50sebralane ur brood will be countered down
00:00:51slc2 i go aa
00:00:52sebralane ds in pool
00:00:53slc2 get veno for abda
00:00:57slc2 then we go top
00:01:03VictoriaJrocks ds ulti purges?
00:01:04VictoriaJrocks O_o
00:01:06Netukka get that bara then
00:01:07VictoriaJrocks or hwat you mean
00:01:12sebralane hes skill
00:01:14sebralane kills spiders
00:01:16AbdA we need strenght stun
00:01:17slc2 me and abda top
00:01:19sebralane that iron shell
00:01:24sebralane pew pew free monyyyyyyyyy
00:01:25AbdA kunka or omni
00:01:26VictoriaJrocks ^^
00:01:29Netukka omni is good
00:01:32Netukka vneo is good
00:01:37sebralane rapuska come lane me
00:01:38sebralane top
00:01:40sebralane omg
00:01:40sebralane cant
00:01:41VictoriaJrocks no way
00:01:43VictoriaJrocks i hate laning
00:01:45sebralane wanted venom :/
00:01:53sebralane will like
00:01:57Yooki uhm
00:01:58sebralane ds do the trick?
00:02:00Yooki aa and veno lane?
00:02:01taraN go bot
00:02:02taraN jugger
00:02:03Yooki you're kidding right?
00:02:03Netukka veno bot
00:02:06Euforia no
00:02:07Euforia thanks
00:02:08Laier jugger bot
00:02:10taraN sano tolle rapuska
00:02:10Laier we are on mumble
00:02:12VictoriaJrocks öö
00:02:16VictoriaJrocks eikös yurneron kantsis farmai topissa
00:02:18taraN ei
00:02:18sebralane omfg
00:02:19Laier jugger bot
00:02:20taraN se on säkki
00:02:20Euforia kyllä
00:02:20sebralane tra
00:02:22sebralane fak
00:02:24sebralane wanted ds
00:02:25VictoriaJrocks O_o
00:02:26Netukka cmon seepra
00:02:34sebralane faking shit cock sukkers
00:02:35sebralane ffs
00:02:35Laier sylla top
00:02:36VictoriaJrocks yurnero cant solo
00:02:37Yooki -clear
00:02:39slc2 go sebra
00:02:45taraN go bot
00:02:46taraN jugger
00:02:46Yooki is that red sign going to disappear ?
00:02:47taraN ill solo
00:02:49taraN sylla is woods
00:02:49Netukka yes
00:02:50slc2 brood will be top
00:02:52VictoriaJrocks yea
00:02:52Netukka when 0s
00:02:53VictoriaJrocks thats best
00:02:57taraN JUGGER
00:02:58taraN BOT
00:03:01Euforia en ollu menos tarviin farmia
00:03:06taraN no se on sit bannia
00:03:07Laier vittu sä oot kehari
00:03:12sebralane hay tarannnnnnnnn
00:03:14sebralane wadap
00:03:21taraN hey wadap get this guy banned after game
00:03:28sebralane me? :(
00:03:32taraN euforia
00:04:58slc2 im comming
00:05:48taraN wtf+???
00:05:49AbdA gj
00:05:50taraN mitä sä teet
00:05:57taraN puhuin sulle jugger
00:06:13Yooki upg fb
00:06:21Laier ss 2
00:06:23Euforia koitan farmaa
00:06:34Euforia vaikka oletkin egoistinen kusipää ja koitat pilata sen
00:06:37taraN joo hieno bf oli
00:06:48taraN sun piti mennä bot btw
00:07:17reptile viüper goes mid
00:07:25reptile care
00:07:25Netukka k
00:07:28VictoriaJrocks HPOENIX GOING BOT
00:07:36AbdA ss bot
00:07:53AbdA re
00:08:25taraN mikset tapa noita
00:09:02Euforia vaikka on varmaan vitun hauskaa pilata mun farmi niin jos kuitenkin lopettaisit
00:09:03VictoriaJrocks mid going top
00:09:03AbdA rdy ?
00:09:06reptile y
00:09:11VictoriaJrocks pohenix top
00:09:17VictoriaJrocks phoenix top
00:09:28reptile not at tower
00:09:32AbdA i know :P
00:09:37slc2 ss 2
00:09:42VictoriaJrocks se on oikeesti top
00:09:49Laier ss 2
00:10:20sebralane eufori u suck
00:10:21sebralane like
00:10:24Netukka gj kunkka
00:10:26sebralane ur rly bad
00:10:31sebralane even worts that me
00:10:32Euforia :)
00:10:32AbdA ss bot
00:10:34AbdA viper
00:10:49taraN hei
00:10:50taraN rapuska
00:10:53taraN mite tää tele toimii
00:10:56taraN en oo pelannu tätä enne
00:11:02taraN mite voint targettaa
00:11:04VictoriaJrocks öö
00:11:11VictoriaJrocks siis
00:11:12VictoriaJrocks tarkotatko heittoo
00:11:15taraN joo
00:11:20VictoriaJrocks otat targetin sit uusiks painat hotkey ja valitet mihin lentää
00:11:27VictoriaJrocks se pitää tehä nopsaan
00:11:52reptile go b
00:11:53taraN nii siis
00:11:58VictoriaJrocks targetti hero
00:11:59VictoriaJrocks sit mihin lentää
00:12:03taraN joo
00:12:07taraN mut se on sillee instana
00:12:46Yooki b
00:13:07Netukka hows botlane
00:13:11Euforia taran eka haukut muita säkeiks ja sit kysyt miten tätä peliä pelataan?
00:13:18taraN :DD
00:13:18AbdA good :-)
00:13:23Laier oot kyl jugger vitu kivi
00:13:25taraN sori mut en oo pelannu 1 1/2 vuotee
00:13:28AbdA bot lane 2-0
00:13:37Netukka come
00:13:54slc2 ulti
00:14:10Euforia joo hauku vaan
00:14:11VictoriaJrocks lots going top
00:14:14VictoriaJrocks lots going top
00:14:15Euforia kerrotko samalla mitä sä teet täällä
00:14:28Euforia ei maistu free farmi?
00:14:34Laier ff
00:14:56VictoriaJrocks so bad pick again sebra
00:14:56slc2 push
00:15:00sebralane i faking hate sylla
00:15:00slc2 next tower also
00:15:02sebralane i wanted ds
00:15:05sebralane mutch more imba
00:15:06VictoriaJrocks then pic kti
00:15:06AbdA need hp
00:15:11sebralane i misscliked
00:15:16VictoriaJrocks DONT
00:15:18AbdA thx
00:15:18Euforia sebra dont pick farmer heros
00:15:20Euforia u cant faem
00:15:29slc2 charge
00:15:40reptile i dont suicide
00:15:57Yooki b then
00:15:58Netukka no ult
00:16:02Euforia mene
00:16:03Euforia veno
00:16:09reptile b
00:16:12AbdA b all
00:16:14VictoriaJrocks lag
00:16:14VictoriaJrocks cant move
00:16:19AbdA we need dust
00:17:59AbdA we need wards
00:18:04slc2 no ult
00:18:18sebralane ok
00:18:23AbdA rape shit :p
00:18:24Laier finishiä vaa
00:19:04reptile im oom
00:19:10slc2 sio?
00:19:30VictoriaJrocks dropped items
00:20:09taraN jugger käytä ultias joskus btw
00:20:12Netukka come
00:20:21Euforia miks
00:20:31taraN koska se on niin huono spelli
00:20:42slc2 top gogo
00:20:49Euforia aika paska neuvo ultaa viiteen heroon ja creeppeihin
00:20:52Euforia lvl 6 ultilla
00:20:59taraN oot käyttäny sitä 0 kertaa
00:21:02taraN sillonki ku oot kuolemassa
00:21:13Euforia ei oo ollu saumaa
00:21:16taraN :DD
00:21:32AbdA gj
00:21:56Laier pro ulti oli :D
00:22:01Euforia piti käydä
00:22:04Euforia taran neuvo
00:22:12VictoriaJrocks joo hienoo työtä viper
00:22:17VictoriaJrocks 2 hittiä sulta ois ollu alaalla
00:22:24Netukka i hela
00:22:30Euforia -cs
00:22:31Laier ihanku täs vaihees pelii vitunkaa välii vaik istuis wellil koko loppu peli :D
00:22:48reptile we cant go
00:22:51Netukka b
00:23:53AbdA b
00:23:57AbdA no mana
00:23:58slc2 i got invi
00:23:59reptile go w ith dust?
00:24:58AbdA lets b
00:25:02Netukka wait here
00:25:02AbdA rosh
00:25:02reptile fake rosh?
00:25:04Netukka y
00:25:05Netukka wait
00:25:06Netukka here
00:25:07Yooki just mass wards
00:25:11Yooki and we'll push eventually
00:25:15Netukka we could
00:25:16Netukka go now
00:25:21Netukka or wait
00:25:29AbdA no mana for ulti
00:25:41Euforia sebra build ias
00:25:43Euforia not life steal
00:25:47Netukka go rosh
00:25:52sebralane what?
00:25:57sebralane what is ias?
00:26:10slc2 charge him after
00:26:16Euforia good one
00:26:19slc2 they come i think
00:26:20sebralane u sayd build ias
00:27:12VictoriaJrocks hyvin tasaiset tiimit :D
00:27:23Euforia y
00:27:24Euforia onks toi yooki joku uus
00:27:24Euforia sil on ihan free farm
00:27:24VictoriaJrocks pitäis varmaan boottia modemi
00:27:51VictoriaJrocks käyn boottiin sen
00:27:54AbdA got scepter ulti
00:27:56Netukka elä nyt
00:28:01Netukka voitte ff nyt
00:28:05Euforia I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:05Laier I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:28:07taraN I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:28:12sebralane I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:28:14Laier rapuska ff
00:28:14sebralane rapuska
00:28:14sebralane ur show
00:28:14Netukka vitun rapsuak
00:28:14Netukka rapuska
00:28:14AbdA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:28:14AbdA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:28:14AbdA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:28:14AbdA [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:28:14VictoriaJrocks I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:28:16slc2 who w
00:28:18taraN :DD
00:28:25Laier siisti juttu
00:28:33Netukka "käyn boottaa modeemin"
00:28:34Yooki you're kidding...
00:28:37Netukka some1 leave
00:28:38Netukka now
00:28:39Yooki we have to destroy the throne?
00:28:41Netukka abda
00:28:42Laier gg etc
00:28:42Netukka leave
00:28:45Netukka well
00:28:47Netukka we ned
00:28:47Netukka end
00:28:51Netukka nn to balance?
00:28:56Laier ofc. its 5ff :<
00:29:08sebralane i banrage u
00:29:10sebralane eufooria
00:29:12sebralane for selling my items
00:29:26taraN hes getting banned anyways for disobeying captain
00:29:27taraN but yea
00:29:31taraN please banreq him in support
00:29:38Yooki what are ou doing dumdums
00:29:42Euforia oot aika sokee jätkä
00:29:49Euforia pistät mulle requestia viakka ite pilasit pelin
00:29:56taraN ai minä pilasin
00:29:59taraN luetaa ne lanet ens kerralla
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