Game #2465366

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-11 X
-3 TS

97% | 1633 X | 1624 TS

-35 X
-2 TS

80% | 1405 X | 1445 TS

+2 X
-3 TS

38% | 1111 X | 1297 TS

+26 X
-2 TS

27% | 1044 X | 1270 TS

+8 X
-25 TS

11% | 924 X | 1210 TS

+20 X
+3 TS

92% | 1573 X | 1472 TS

-6 X
+3 TS

67% | 1285 X | 1400 TS

-9 X
+4 TS

49% | 1229 X | 1275 TS

-1 X
+73 TS

NEW | 1270 X | 1171 TS

+15 X
+5 TS

21% | 1032 X | 1233 TS

Chat log

00:00:18-.- -tree
00:00:18sebralane ahoi siim
00:00:18BT ns
00:00:22Bra~ jou
00:00:24BT jou
00:00:26sebralane las bra lä2heb midi
00:00:27sebralane laneme
00:00:30sebralane ma suppordin sind
00:00:32BT ma trax
00:00:39sebralane mis mulle tahad
00:00:41sebralane ogret?
00:00:41AbdA grand for me plz
00:00:44BT võta ogre või tide
00:00:46-.- get maguzz
00:00:47Bra~ tahad sebra?
00:00:48sebralane ok
00:00:52sebralane ei taha seda
00:00:53sebralane ma ogre
00:00:54Bra~ k
00:00:56sebralane v6i tide
00:00:57sebralane sa midis
00:01:01-.- võid soloda kui tahad
00:01:02sebralane me siimuga hea lane :D
00:01:02Bra~ pidin võtma selle lihtsalt
00:01:04-.- lanen
00:01:04PinaryB ma võtan ogre kui sa tide
00:01:07Strom k
00:01:08AbdA strom can i rubick ?
00:01:08sebralane nah
00:01:11sebralane ma ogre parem
00:01:14sebralane he sure can
00:01:22-.- tide
00:01:24AbdA lol
00:01:25-.- and pugna
00:01:27Bra~ tide
00:01:27AbdA strom not in team
00:01:28AbdA :(
00:01:29Bra~ krobe
00:01:35Bra~ random!
00:01:38-.- tide + pugna
00:01:40AbdA necro ?
00:01:43Bra~ no
00:01:45BT tide
00:01:47sebralane tide
00:01:47AbdA k
00:01:47Bra~ take wl or tide
00:01:50-.- lock come top
00:01:51-.- with me
00:01:53-.- jugger + pugna bot
00:01:55Bra~ tide is nice y
00:02:00sebralane siim lanewardi panen kah?
00:02:03-HewaL- buy wards someone
00:02:03sebralane v6i pole meil vaja?
00:02:03AbdA wl were picked
00:02:04BT mhm
00:02:10sebralane kuhu muidu
00:02:12BT pane ikka
00:02:15-HewaL- can i go but with juggernaut
00:02:18-.- no
00:02:18-HewaL- sitting lan
00:02:21AbdA lanes ?
00:02:23-.- the lane sucks
00:02:24sebralane nurga peale?
00:02:25BT u go top
00:02:26-.- pugna jugger much better
00:02:29Bra~ tide krobe top
00:02:34BT pane keskele
00:02:39BT ok
00:02:41RalleBrazil well if u say so
00:02:41sebralane pane ise kui aega 6ige
00:02:42BT ise panen siis :
00:02:53BT oot
00:02:54BT ;D
00:03:00sebralane siia?
00:03:06RalleBrazil if u need help to lanes let strom now so he can come and gang
00:03:11-HewaL- i will pull and babysit
00:03:12sebralane pane
00:03:16-.- yeah
00:03:17-.- good
00:03:25-.- im a bit exhausted
00:03:27-.- a lot actually
00:03:30-.- but ima try my best
00:03:31BT miune b
00:04:31AbdA dont waste mana
00:04:36AbdA use your spell lvl3
00:05:02-.- pull
00:05:03-.- now
00:05:09AbdA need gang top asap
00:05:12Migi rin
00:05:16Migi idiot
00:05:17RalleBrazil omg
00:05:29AbdA tide second skill
00:05:30AbdA ???
00:05:32-.- dude
00:05:33-.- pull
00:05:38AbdA i dont understand it
00:05:40Bra~ y
00:05:45Bra~ max it
00:05:50Bra~ after 1st
00:05:54AbdA plz explain
00:05:55-.- hewal
00:05:55-.- pull now
00:05:56-.- this lane
00:05:56AbdA it
00:06:00Bra~ it gets u less dmg
00:06:05-.- dude?
00:06:07-.- do you listen to me?
00:06:08Bra~ and removes buff after u lose some hp
00:06:16-.- guess not
00:06:18-HewaL- sry
00:06:26Bra~ share
00:06:30-HewaL- was focussing horas
00:06:32AbdA sry
00:06:39sebralane proovime?
00:06:56Strom mid mis
00:06:59Strom phoneix
00:07:03Strom re
00:07:25BT care
00:07:26Migi go dfrow
00:07:30AbdA gang meepo ?
00:07:41PinaryB use your mana
00:07:56-.- pull again
00:07:58RalleBrazil fss
00:07:59RalleBrazil omg
00:08:01RalleBrazil pugna
00:08:02Migi man
00:08:03Migi you're
00:08:05Migi useless bad
00:08:08RalleBrazil u to
00:08:08sebralane hea t88 semu :d
00:08:13BT :)
00:08:16AbdA what
00:08:19AbdA waste of mana
00:08:21Bra~ omw top
00:08:24Strom care top
00:08:24Strom p
00:08:26Strom phoe inc
00:08:29Bra~ go
00:08:34AbdA oom
00:08:35BT ss
00:08:35AbdA go b
00:08:49Bra~ gush
00:08:54AbdA ooooom
00:08:55Strom CARE TOP
00:08:56Bra~ no
00:08:58AbdA k
00:09:00AbdA got
00:09:09sebralane proovime?
00:09:27PinaryB gj
00:09:41Strom gang bot
00:09:57Bra~ miss
00:10:12AbdA got boots now :d
00:10:24AbdA need lvl 6
00:10:27AbdA then i will come bo
00:10:29-HewaL- ss top
00:10:55-.- GO
00:10:56-.- GO
00:11:38sebralane me kaotame selle
00:11:40Bra~ päris huvitav on see
00:11:45Bra~ et ma ei saa urini charge
00:11:49Bra~ kui ultin
00:11:54-HewaL- ss top
00:12:00AbdA krob why didnt you let me lvl up fast
00:12:02sebralane tulevad midi
00:12:04AbdA so i could go bot
00:12:09Bra~ ..
00:12:10Bra~ abda
00:12:12Bra~ plz
00:12:14AbdA k
00:12:17Bra~ learn douda
00:12:22AbdA douda ???
00:12:26AbdA dota :D
00:12:27-HewaL- ss top
00:12:45Strom 3 bot
00:13:38-HewaL- got ulti
00:14:08-.- defend
00:14:55AbdA inc
00:14:55Migi just go tower mid
00:14:59AbdA b
00:15:01AbdA got no ulti
00:15:11Bra~ i come
00:15:14Bra~ gush soon
00:15:52-HewaL- cd
00:15:55Strom well that was kind of bad
00:16:09AbdA inc top
00:17:10-HewaL- need mana
00:18:57AbdA wp
00:19:09sebralane sa sured nii
00:20:11sebralane check rosh?
00:20:32-HewaL- bot
00:20:53sebralane take twr and b?
00:21:01BT b
00:21:02Bra~ got ulti
00:21:04BT this retard
00:21:05BT is
00:21:08AbdA you shouldnt have blinked
00:21:20AbdA i whent right away sry
00:21:25Bra~ dont
00:21:29Strom come wl & pugna
00:21:29Bra~ u need to stay
00:21:30Strom lets go gang
00:21:32AbdA k
00:21:35Bra~ trax needs that farm
00:21:38Bra~ where u went
00:22:16BT ;DDDDDDDDd
00:22:19BT srsly
00:22:20BT fucking
00:22:34-.- why :o
00:22:36Bra~ as u can see
00:22:36Bra~ tide
00:22:38Bra~ u play bad
00:22:41AbdA y
00:22:41Bra~ improve plz
00:22:48AbdA how
00:22:51Bra~ u need to be where the fight is
00:23:12Migi go rosh
00:23:13Migi i'll ward
00:23:41-.- cant really take rosh
00:23:41Bra~ be with me
00:23:42Bra~ tide
00:23:49Migi if jugger had ward
00:23:49sebralane mine midi siim
00:23:51AbdA cd
00:23:52Migi which i doubt he does
00:23:57AbdA 48
00:24:15-HewaL- not god
00:24:22-.- why'd i go
00:24:33-.- knew its a bad idea
00:24:34-.- to rosh
00:24:40Strom well
00:24:40BT triple oo
00:24:42-.- now they take it
00:24:45-HewaL- some one said go rosh :p
00:24:46Strom we need more focus on proper units
00:24:50Strom like drow & krobe
00:25:01-.- do u have ward
00:25:03-.- jugger
00:25:07Strom pugna, your task is gonna be real simple
00:25:12Strom decrpfy + leech drow
00:25:14Bra~ ulti on
00:25:16Strom again and again
00:25:58Migi can you like use your fucking ulti a bit earlier lock
00:26:08Bra~ geo peab maha saama
00:26:10Bra~ mhm
00:26:27sebralane ultra
00:26:28sebralane gg
00:26:31sebralane ta teeb vladi nyyd
00:26:35PinaryB tal on
00:26:37sebralane v6i tal juvba on
00:26:39sebralane no siis he
00:26:40sebralane a
00:26:42sebralane ilmselgelt
00:27:02Strom they have no ultuies
00:27:45-.- attack
00:27:46-.- WTF
00:28:02-.- sry for this rage
00:28:03-.- but
00:28:05-.- u shouldve attacked
00:28:08Migi 100 hp
00:28:10Migi 1 krobe hit
00:28:11Migi and im dead
00:28:12-.- yeah
00:28:13-.- not pugna
00:28:13sebralane krobe osta conterwarde
00:28:14-.- others
00:28:16-.- he is easykill
00:28:31PinaryB tahad veel?
00:28:36sebralane mkm
00:28:36sebralane tule
00:28:39sebralane neil siin ward
00:28:40sebralane ilmselt
00:28:55sebralane kynka peale pani*?
00:29:21RalleBrazil care
00:29:23RalleBrazil they got haste
00:29:33AbdA shal i tp
00:29:34BT tp
00:29:50-.- lol
00:29:51-.- whole team
00:29:53-.- teleported
00:30:02Strom lol what ward is that
00:30:03AbdA rape jugga
00:30:17-.- i rebuy
00:30:18-.- np.
00:30:50Migi wow
00:30:53Migi what the fuck am i doing
00:30:54Migi lol
00:30:57Migi o well
00:31:07Bra~ fookus meepole siis
00:31:11Strom we need to fight with 5
00:31:17Strom that phoenix too good ganger
00:31:47AbdA b
00:31:48AbdA ?
00:31:50Bra~ n
00:31:51Bra~ o
00:31:52AbdA k
00:31:59PinaryB oomish
00:31:59Bra~ deward
00:32:04Bra~ go
00:32:27Strom I like how ralle is still farming :D
00:32:35Migi lock you tard
00:32:35-.- well
00:32:36-.- gj ralle
00:32:39Migi you have to be there to use your ulti
00:32:50Strom wrong way?
00:32:51-.- THIS RALLE
00:32:52Strom WRONG WAY?
00:32:52-.- :DDD
00:32:53Migi ROFL
00:32:59AbdA lol
00:33:01sebralane 2proforu
00:33:14Bra~ rax
00:33:16Bra~ mid
00:33:16-.- great job ralle
00:33:18-.- u the best
00:33:22Bra~ kill
00:33:29Bra~ ulti
00:33:31Bra~ ahh
00:33:32Bra~ oom
00:34:01BT DDDDDd
00:34:26-.- roshan
00:34:35Bra~ cant
00:34:36Bra~ i guess
00:34:48sebralane ei tea, kes overdpsib ikka :D
00:34:57Bra~ 4 vs 1
00:34:58Bra~ hmm
00:34:58PinaryB noob, sa pead 4 kordseid kasutama
00:35:04sebralane yep :D
00:35:16sebralane go rosh
00:35:19sebralane nw
00:35:23sebralane tide nice blunk there
00:35:24sebralane blink
00:35:26sebralane b mid
00:35:33Bra~ dont do urn
00:35:33Bra~ tide
00:35:35-HewaL- wait
00:35:35Bra~ i have 1
00:35:37-HewaL- got scepter
00:35:45-.- we dont push
00:35:48-.- chill
00:35:48AbdA i cant afford it ill lose the money
00:35:50-.- we push @ 40min
00:35:52AbdA rather spend it on something
00:35:59Bra~ spend it on hood
00:36:03Bra~ planewalkers
00:36:03sebralane blink
00:36:14AbdA sell this shit ?
00:36:16Bra~ gank
00:36:17Bra~ y
00:36:19Bra~ sell it
00:36:20Bra~ imo
00:36:22Strom this is real fishy
00:36:26-.- dont go
00:36:30-.- B
00:36:48-.- gratz
00:36:53Strom interesting tactics there hewal
00:36:58-HewaL- then everybody just went back :p
00:36:58Strom farm at enemy forest, when 5 mis
00:37:03sebralane minumeelest see bloodlist on sulle liiga imba :D
00:37:22Strom def bot it seems
00:37:24-HewaL- i now i failed
00:37:26Bra~ go ultis
00:37:29Strom and focus that phoenix ball down
00:37:31Bra~ i jump
00:37:33Bra~ tide follow
00:37:34-.- tide ulties
00:37:36-.- its hard
00:37:45Bra~ twr
00:38:18sebralane i cant do a thingk
00:38:21sebralane when they have ward uop
00:38:42Strom tule
00:38:42-.- we wont make it
00:39:02Bra~ I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:39:02sebralane aa siis
00:39:42-.- back
00:39:44-.- all
00:39:59-.- this hewal
00:40:00-.- dude
00:40:10-.- jesus crhist
00:40:11Migi hahahahha
00:40:12Strom :D :D
00:40:13Migi HAHAHAHAHHA
00:40:13AbdA gg
00:40:14BT I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:14-.- rofl
00:40:17Bra~ y
00:40:19Strom this hewal :D
00:40:20Bra~ go type ff
00:40:23-.- well still bad
00:40:25-.- doesnt matter
00:40:29Strom ye
00:40:30-HewaL- i got 2 :p
00:40:31Strom bad
00:40:33Strom and lucks into kills
00:40:54-.- go for the rosh
00:40:56-.- it'll be up
00:40:57-.- soon
00:41:10BT proovime ühe korra
00:41:11BT siis
00:41:18BT oodake mind lähme midist
00:41:26BT regenige
00:41:35-.- nah nvm
00:41:36BT REGEN and push mid
00:41:38-.- it will take time
00:41:55Bra~ coem mid all
00:42:12RalleBrazil omw
00:42:12-.- dont
00:42:14Bra~ focus meepo
00:43:03-HewaL- omg
00:43:05RalleBrazil :D
00:43:05-HewaL- gg
00:43:06sebralane mai tea
00:43:10sebralane abith v6ta see ward maha
00:43:11-HewaL- that was to funny strom
00:43:17sebralane mul 4x castiga k6ik elud l2hevad
00:43:22Strom giving him a taste of his own medicine :d
00:43:28Bra~ see pole vahet kas 4x või 1x
00:43:28-.- time to take roshan
00:43:30-.- we need ward
00:43:30-HewaL- exactly :p
00:43:34sebralane on ju
00:43:34Bra~ mana võtab ikka sama palju ju
00:43:35-.- need ward there
00:43:44Bra~ aa ok
00:43:46Bra~ vb on ka
00:43:46-.- go plant some1
00:43:52Migi lock
00:43:54Migi get the fucking wards
00:43:55-.- take it
00:44:04Migi refresher is wasted on you, you never ulti in teamfights anyway
00:44:26-.- jugger
00:44:27-.- come rosh
00:44:37sebralane siim tule tapame
00:44:58Bra~ sebraa
00:45:26Strom lag?
00:45:26sebralane wadap
00:45:26Migi yeah
00:45:28sebralane ma ainult laagin?
00:45:30BT I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:31Bra~ ei
00:45:31-.- roshan
00:45:32PinaryB I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:32Bra~ f
00:45:33sebralane I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:34BT I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:35BT it
00:45:36Bra~ type ff
00:45:36BT Tude
00:45:37Bra~ tide
00:45:38-.- and then bot
00:45:39BT tide
00:45:41-.- or just go bot
00:45:41AbdA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:41AbdA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:41AbdA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:41AbdA [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:45:41AbdA I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:42BT type ff
00:45:43-.- gg
00:45:47Bra~ gg wp
00:45:49sebralane persses
00:45:50sebralane peaegu
00:45:55sebralane bra sa pead kah ikka carrima
00:45:59sebralane muidu ei saa v6ita
00:46:05Bra~ see pronks mäng
00:46:08Bra~ muidu oleks meie
00:46:21Bra~ tide suht naab
00:46:24sebralane 2rge silverisse pange addi
00:46:27sebralane ma ei saa j2lle sinna :D
00:46:47sebralane siim meie lane muidu t88tas?
00:46:52RalleBrazil ban
00:46:54sebralane v2 see fb mis ma andsin :d
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