Game #2463660

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+55 X
+1 TS

98% | 1691 X | 1624 TS

+22 X
+1 TS

81% | 1437 X | 1449 TS

+43 X
+1 TS

81% | 1456 X | 1415 TS

+36 X
+1 TS

71% | 1329 X | 1417 TS

+60 X
+2 TS

52% | 1141 X | 1412 TS

-57 X
-1 TS

95% | 1733 X | 1457 TS

-46 X
-2 TS

89% | 1524 X | 1468 TS

-28 X
-2 TS

87% | 1490 X | 1472 TS

-60 X
-2 TS

65% | 1280 X | 1379 TS

-19 X
-1 TS

59% | 1210 X | 1406 TS

Chat log

00:00:12mrk ajbla
00:00:14mrk -swap 4
00:00:14Odb visage wanna mid?
00:00:16Odb -swap 2
00:00:19mrk -swap 1
00:00:21mrk -swap 4
00:00:23nigulas -swap 4
00:00:23mrk -swap 3
00:00:23Knaitti ofc BT gets lanaya -.-
00:00:25Maier -swap 2
00:00:27Knaitti and omni :S
00:00:33nigulas ma lähen hoian soulyahi kätt
00:00:35Maier BT mid eks
00:00:37Soulyah :d
00:00:40Knaitti -swap 4
00:00:42BT vs bat
00:00:43Odb :D
00:00:44BT yo
00:00:45Odb lol their heroes
00:00:48Maier ah
00:00:49Maier ...
00:00:51nigulas sul ez reflectioniga
00:00:53nigulas selle tondi vastu
00:00:56Soulyah tahaks meepot
00:00:57Soulyah :(
00:00:59-.- shit i have this odb
00:01:00-.- again
00:01:01-.- baww
00:01:03Odb :DDD
00:01:05Knaitti -clear
00:01:12Odb cm bat bot
00:01:14Odb i think
00:01:18mrk or me clock top
00:01:22Odb well
00:01:23Odb sure
00:01:24Maier -ii
00:01:25Maier -water red
00:01:27Maier -weather rain
00:01:31Glu AR mode of WHINE why pick it
00:01:40Odb :DD
00:01:54nigulas kui sa ei suuda lasthittida hakkan ise seda tegema
00:01:55Odb its been 2 years since visage play
00:01:58Soulyah k
00:01:59Odb i must be good
00:02:02Glu nothing has changed
00:02:02Knaitti and we have a afk player
00:02:06nigulas ss2
00:02:07nigulas bt tule venti
00:02:14Odb 1 afgk
00:02:14nigulas you
00:02:14Odb afk
00:02:14Zagor im here
00:02:14Odb kk
00:02:14nigulas -afk
00:02:15BT mul pole venti
00:02:16Zagor sry
00:02:43Soulyah hea lane
00:02:43Soulyah lol
00:02:50Glu cm? :D
00:02:54Glu aa husk ka
00:03:04Soulyah :/
00:03:23nigulas lvl 3
00:03:25nigulas mine cm peale
00:03:33Soulyah y
00:03:36nigulas pullin
00:03:37nigulas siis
00:04:02Glu torrent kui stunis pls insta
00:04:05Odb gj
00:04:21mrk tra bat on veits tugev
00:04:22mrk kui tajuda
00:04:27mrk kahjuks ma ei
00:04:29Soulyah rdy?
00:04:58BT ss
00:05:14Odb ye
00:06:05BT ss
00:06:11Soulyah ss
00:06:15nigulas ss2
00:06:26Odb flying plz
00:06:37nigulas lvl 5
00:06:50Odb maiden flying plz
00:06:54Knaitti no money
00:06:56Odb kk
00:07:20nigulas cm lihtsam
00:07:21nigulas saak
00:07:24Maier cd
00:07:26Maier torrent
00:07:28nigulas sec
00:07:36Soulyah :d
00:07:38Maier MISS 2
00:07:43Soulyah oom
00:07:45Knaitti huskar too pro
00:08:08Glu ss bat
00:08:11Knaitti invis
00:08:25Glu re
00:08:26Odb miss mid
00:08:37nigulas mine lanele noob
00:08:37Soulyah kogun mana
00:08:38Soulyah :d
00:08:41-.- spami seda
00:08:42Odb invis top
00:08:42-.- esimest
00:08:43Soulyah sscm
00:08:50Soulyah re
00:09:08Glu rattle lv 6
00:09:09Glu care
00:09:09-.- toon invi
00:09:23-.- spami neid
00:09:29Glu tuleb
00:09:31Glu b
00:09:34-.- veel
00:09:37Soulyah ss
00:09:40Glu sai rune ka vist
00:09:40nigulas ss2
00:09:44BT mul dagger
00:09:49Maier tule top
00:10:05nigulas teeme toweri
00:10:18nigulas tangi neid
00:10:20Odb MID MISS
00:10:20Odb CARE
00:10:23-.- top
00:10:24mrk has blink
00:10:24mrk top
00:10:25Soulyah nali
00:10:26Soulyah :d
00:10:27Odb GRR
00:10:27Maier 2 for 1
00:10:32mrk 3v2
00:10:32Odb my bad
00:10:33Soulyah ..
00:11:06Soulyah lol
00:11:07Soulyah gj
00:11:20nigulas nad denysid?
00:11:37Glu dd bot lanaya
00:11:46Knaitti lost? isnt it
00:11:51-.- obviously
00:11:52mrk cos you solofarm mid with cm
00:11:56Odb tp and we could have fought
00:12:00Soulyah aa
00:12:00Knaitti mrk?
00:12:01Knaitti lol
00:12:01Soulyah mul raha
00:12:05Knaitti babytsitted husk
00:12:05nigulas :D
00:12:08Knaitti and now i ganged mid
00:12:10Knaitti but he ganged top
00:12:13Knaitti so i dont solo farm here
00:12:17BT aa
00:12:19BT ma olinb inv
00:12:21BT ok
00:12:24Maier tule
00:12:24Maier glu
00:12:26nigulas cog võtab ära invi
00:12:31Maier ward
00:12:43nigulas 300 vaja
00:12:47Soulyah v6ta
00:13:01Soulyah pullin
00:13:32Soulyah 3bot
00:14:03Soulyah olemas
00:14:10Odb top tower def
00:14:13Maier brb
00:14:16nigulas waste mana
00:14:20Glu many come top
00:14:21Maier läheb
00:14:23Glu 4-5
00:14:38nigulas mine tangi
00:14:42Glu why u go
00:14:43Maier traaa
00:14:43Glu i said
00:14:44BT MIKS sa
00:14:46Glu 4-5 come top
00:14:46BT LÄKSID
00:14:46Glu WTF
00:14:47BT tra
00:14:47Odb gj
00:14:52Maier ei näinud teisi
00:14:54Odb go heal maiden
00:14:54Maier ..
00:14:56BT öeldi
00:14:57BT ju
00:14:59BT issanud jumal
00:15:02Maier engagesin
00:15:04Maier ei näind
00:15:21Soulyah papp liigub
00:16:00Knaitti good fight for nothing
00:16:00Odb why would you dive
00:16:03Odb behind tower
00:16:11Glu votan
00:16:16Maier mul combo
00:16:31Glu mul ka push veel 1
00:16:44Odb and why u go alone
00:16:45Odb ...
00:16:50-.- i teleported on the 2nd tower
00:16:53-.- no idea why it tp'd there
00:16:54Odb löl
00:16:55-.- clicked on 2nd
00:17:36mrk cm
00:17:37mrk ?
00:17:39Knaitti ?
00:17:44Odb ...
00:18:01Knaitti LOL
00:18:03Knaitti died on clive
00:18:17Soulyah gg
00:18:24Odb really gg
00:18:30-.- wp bot lane
00:18:34Knaitti well it eas gg when lanaya and omni
00:18:36Zagor wp top also
00:18:40-.- how come?
00:18:46-.- we did fine top
00:18:47-.- u fed
00:18:51Knaitti huskar fed
00:18:52Knaitti not me
00:18:57Glu i brb
00:19:22mrk nah
00:19:23mrk i lost it
00:19:27mrk never played bat
00:19:34-.- no suht napikas
00:19:35Soulyah my rege
00:19:38nigulas creeps
00:19:40nigulas a
00:19:49-.- oma lollus, et cogi vanin
00:19:51-.- panin
00:19:54-.- creebid ei attackinud
00:20:52Odb ff
00:20:58Soulyah repel
00:21:16Maier brb
00:21:50Soulyah ff
00:21:55BT suht fail :D:D:
00:22:06nigulas miks nii kaugele ronisid?:D
00:22:12BT dno
00:22:15BT tahtsin lahe olla
00:22:15BT :D
00:22:17nigulas :D
00:22:24BT ma tulen venti järgmine mäng
00:22:32BT andke ip
00:22:35BT ircus
00:22:49mrk gg
00:22:53Glu idd
00:23:07nigulas 2x bfury?
00:23:08nigulas niooob
00:23:11Soulyah :D
00:23:24mrk omni invi
00:23:26nigulas tulen
00:23:28Maier ma ka
00:23:31mrk run top
00:23:32Odb wka
00:23:35Odb WAKE UP
00:23:42Soulyah selline
00:23:43Maier top
00:23:43Odb gj huskar
00:23:44Maier gpo
00:23:44Soulyah stealer
00:23:46BT :D
00:23:50Zagor wake up my ass
00:23:52Zagor 4 tghere
00:23:54Soulyah repeli mind
00:23:55Odb 1 vs 4
00:23:56Odb yea
00:23:58Odb we were 4
00:23:59Odb :DD
00:24:09Odb mortred
00:24:37Maier huh
00:25:54Glu mis chasete :p
00:26:32Soulyah atleast lategame is urs
00:26:33Soulyah :Dd
00:26:36mrk I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:26:40Zagor I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:26:41Odb ...
00:26:45Odb good joke man
00:27:09Soulyah its just that mrk abit overrated
00:27:18mrk sitane
00:27:27Odb i have no idea how to play visage :d
00:27:31Odb :DD
00:27:31BT :D
00:27:33BT :D
00:27:39mrk same for my bat
00:27:40BT this nuke retardedly imba
00:27:41mrk so ye i lost htis
00:27:42Glu go bot and end pls
00:27:43Maier we should rosh
00:27:44Glu zzz
00:27:45Odb ah
00:27:48Odb 2 bad i didnt skill it
00:27:52Knaitti I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:27:57Soulyah the more dmg u take
00:27:59Soulyah the more it nukes
00:28:01Odb k
00:28:14Glu come then zzz
00:28:15Soulyah I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:19Glu game over we are prolonging
00:28:24Odb I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:28:49Soulyah viskamulle repel
00:29:15Soulyah :D
00:29:27Odb fuuuuuu
00:29:28Soulyah kuradi bmail
00:29:31-.- :D
00:29:31Knaitti I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:29:32Knaitti f
00:29:32Knaitti f
00:29:33Knaitti f
00:29:33Knaitti I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:29:37-.- crit ja surm või
00:29:47Soulyah y
00:30:04Glu -7 streak OVER
00:30:12Odb +5 over
00:30:14Odb :((((((((((((((
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