Game #2384617

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+23 X
+5 TS

79% | 1447 X | 1379 TS

+64 X
+3 TS

78% | 1378 X | 1434 TS

+42 X
+2 TS

65% | 1259 X | 1419 TS

+27 X
+3 TS

41% | 1137 X | 1290 TS

+20 X
+4 TS

38% | 1076 X | 1337 TS

-26 X
-6 TS

83% | 1487 X | 1387 TS

-39 X
-2 TS

83% | 1420 X | 1451 TS

-41 X
-2 TS

72% | 1332 X | 1430 TS

-33 X
-2 TS

52% | 1244 X | 1288 TS

-25 X
-32 TS

NEW | 1011 X | 964 TS

Chat log

00:00:05marsbar2k tiny
00:00:06marsbar2k me
00:00:06marsbar2k plx
00:00:10~Nevo~Tator~ naga swap?
00:00:11~Nevo~Tator~ -swap
00:00:12teh_re sure
00:00:13~Nevo~Tator~ -swap 4
00:00:13KeLToS doom swap?
00:00:17teh_re -swap 2
00:00:21marsbar2k -swap 3
00:00:23MYuksel dont like tuskar
00:00:24MYuksel repick
00:00:25teh_re -swap 4
00:00:26Tao 1 swap
00:00:27KeLToS bogdan u play tide
00:00:28MYuksel and i wil swap
00:00:31~Nevo~Tator~ -repick
00:00:35~Nevo~Tator~ i wont swap
00:00:35MYuksel -swap 1
00:00:36nigulas give me pudge pls
00:00:38nigulas -swap 1
00:00:41MYuksel no
00:00:42MYuksel give me
00:00:43KeLToS hello
00:00:45KeLToS bogdan
00:00:46MYuksel iam very good with it
00:00:47~Nevo~Tator~ i keep it
00:00:48Bogdan what a fucked up balance
00:00:48MYuksel -
00:00:49nigulas doh
00:00:50MYuksel no swap
00:00:51MYuksel omg
00:00:52Bogdan hi keltos
00:00:53Jonnija -swapall
00:00:55marsbar2k bogdan listn to captain
00:00:55nigulas repick naga
00:00:56KeLToS swap
00:00:56nigulas pls
00:00:56MYuksel i cant carry
00:00:57nigulas shit hero
00:00:58Bogdan do u know me
00:00:58teh_re -swapcancel
00:00:58MYuksel -swap
00:01:00KeLToS -swap
00:01:01nigulas repick it
00:01:02KeLToS -swap 4
00:01:09teh_re -repick
00:01:09~Nevo~Tator~ chicken
00:01:09MYuksel -repick
00:01:09Bogdan -swap 1
00:01:12KeLToS -clear
00:01:12MYuksel -swap 3
00:01:18MYuksel i wont play this
00:01:20Jonnija -swap 4
00:01:20MYuksel -swap all
00:01:22~Nevo~Tator~ so you wanted me to use the gold and carry with crippled naga
00:01:24MYuksel -swa
00:01:25MYuksel -swap
00:01:28Jonnija -repick
00:01:28marsbar2k < mid
00:01:32MYuksel -swap 5
00:01:33KeLToS tiny mid
00:01:35MYuksel mefo
00:01:35~Nevo~Tator~ chicken
00:01:36~Nevo~Tator~ 5
00:01:37Bogdan share chick
00:01:37MYuksel -swap 5
00:01:43~Nevo~Tator~ mefo
00:01:45~Nevo~Tator~ read rules?
00:01:49mefo ?
00:01:50~Nevo~Tator~ last pick buys always chicken
00:01:50Jonnija whos idea was ar?
00:01:56mefo sorry
00:01:59MYuksel iam top
00:01:59mefo ill buy
00:01:59MYuksel omg
00:02:04Jonnija whateve
00:02:05Jonnija Ff
00:02:12marsbar2k ss
00:02:14marsbar2k re
00:02:16Bogdan -ff
00:02:21Jonnija hate ar
00:02:24nigulas go pull
00:02:33MYuksel k
00:03:24Jonnija i dont think i have ever won a game with lich
00:04:05Tao hold??
00:04:38MYuksel care
00:04:46~Nevo~Tator~ chicken
00:04:48~Nevo~Tator~ where
00:04:51MYuksel he didnt buy
00:04:52Jonnija just ban the dude
00:05:04~Nevo~Tator~ won help me mid
00:05:12Jonnija lost game anyways
00:05:31nigulas oom
00:05:32~Nevo~Tator~ tiny miss
00:05:34~Nevo~Tator~ we have better heroes
00:05:38Jonnija nah
00:05:39marsbar2k ss mid
00:05:41Tao hold??
00:05:44marsbar2k ss mid care bot
00:05:49Jonnija and i tend to fail with heroes i dont like to play
00:05:49marsbar2k pudhe rune bot
00:06:06MYuksel so learn it
00:06:10Jonnija i dont
00:06:11Jonnija want to
00:06:56~Nevo~Tator~ miss mid
00:06:57~Nevo~Tator~ tiny
00:07:10Jonnija he gets double bot if he wants :D
00:07:11Jonnija with invi
00:07:41marsbar2k ss mid
00:07:44nigulas this fucking no chick game
00:07:46nigulas always wins
00:08:12KeLToS tide or storm fix wards
00:08:27Bogdan y bought flying
00:08:28Bogdan ...
00:08:32KeLToS stormk wards
00:08:40teh_re u really are stupid
00:08:46Tao storm hold??
00:09:21KeLToS when u got ulti?
00:09:34Bogdan 2 min
00:09:40MYuksel help
00:09:41MYuksel top
00:09:43Tao b
00:09:54marsbar2k ss
00:09:59KeLToS gop
00:10:05MYuksel mb
00:10:06MYuksel ulti
00:10:07MYuksel idiot
00:10:08MYuksel pudge
00:10:08MYuksel ?
00:10:13MYuksel so bad
00:10:14MYuksel idiot
00:10:15~Nevo~Tator~ retard you blocked my hook
00:10:16MYuksel asshole
00:10:54MYuksel os bad
00:10:56MYuksel so bad
00:10:56MYuksel still
00:11:06~Nevo~Tator~ why would you block my hook
00:11:10MYuksel block
00:11:11MYuksel ?
00:11:12MYuksel yea
00:11:12MYuksel right
00:11:13~Nevo~Tator~ when you pit him in place
00:11:14MYuksel hook
00:11:14MYuksel one ?
00:11:25MYuksel go in with me
00:11:26MYuksel and rot
00:11:28MYuksel then ulti
00:11:30MYuksel so they was dead
00:11:36~Nevo~Tator~ i cant hook if you stand in way
00:12:25nigulas bot lane fucking 0 kills
00:12:26nigulas noobs
00:12:44marsbar2k ops :D
00:12:48Jonnija yawnz
00:12:52MYuksel pudge is the noob here
00:12:53Jonnija told you we lose
00:13:07Bogdan ulti
00:13:09KeLToS oom but ok
00:13:11Jonnija we dont even
00:13:12Jonnija have a carry
00:13:13Jonnija hero
00:13:26marsbar2k ss
00:14:07Jonnija and this is what ar is
00:14:08Jonnija no carry
00:14:10Jonnija or 5 carrry
00:14:20~Nevo~Tator~ and this is what gc is
00:14:27~Nevo~Tator~ 5 great early and still feed
00:14:47MYuksel pudge
00:14:49MYuksel fuckin come mid
00:14:59MYuksel noob cap
00:15:31KeLToS and u steal
00:15:32KeLToS shithead
00:15:36nigulas WTF
00:15:36MYuksel imba
00:15:37MYuksel hook
00:15:38MYuksel noob
00:15:45MYuksel haha
00:15:46MYuksel so bad
00:15:49~Nevo~Tator~ didnt know he had force
00:15:51nigulas "im good with pudge"
00:15:51nigulas hahaha
00:16:02~Nevo~Tator~ i never said that
00:16:02MYuksel he is so fuckin bad
00:16:07~Nevo~Tator~ it was this feeder pit
00:16:11MYuksel feeder
00:16:15MYuksel you so nab
00:16:48Jonnija so ff at 25?
00:16:49MYuksel wtf he doing
00:16:51nigulas y
00:16:53MYuksel retard
00:16:55MYuksel ass mother fucker
00:17:06MYuksel he can tp
00:17:06MYuksel noob
00:17:17MYuksel noob
00:17:18MYuksel so bad
00:17:27MYuksel why didnt you swap with me
00:17:30MYuksel just because
00:17:46nigulas ff
00:18:23MYuksel yea
00:18:24MYuksel we
00:18:24MYuksel win
00:18:25MYuksel with
00:18:29MYuksel so bad captain
00:18:32MYuksel he suck couck
00:18:38~Nevo~Tator~ look at the scores
00:18:41MYuksel yea
00:18:44~Nevo~Tator~ you 4 feeders have 1 kill
00:18:44MYuksel the score mean something ?
00:18:45MYuksel no
00:18:48MYuksel yea and ?
00:18:49~Nevo~Tator~ and 12 deaths
00:18:55nigulas u took both my kills top
00:18:57nigulas with lasthits
00:18:58MYuksel you are bad player cant do shit it middle
00:19:00nigulas so ur on 0 too
00:19:18nigulas just ff at 25
00:19:21MYuksel yea
00:19:24~Nevo~Tator~ i didnt own mid because of no chicken
00:19:24KeLToS go
00:19:27KeLToS storm
00:19:55MYuksel yea ulti
00:19:57MYuksel when he have
00:19:57MYuksel 2
00:20:01MYuksel hp
00:21:13teh_re u messed up teleport
00:21:13MYuksel nice hook
00:21:14teh_re or what
00:21:15teh_re doom
00:21:18~Nevo~Tator~ y
00:21:22~Nevo~Tator~ made sure he dies
00:21:23Tao tid uit==
00:21:26Tao ??
00:21:31MYuksel he was 100procent
00:21:31MYuksel died
00:21:35MYuksel maybe go after the nother with
00:21:36Jonnija by missing a mile? D
00:21:36MYuksel hook
00:21:42Bogdan toos me
00:21:44~Nevo~Tator~ he turned towards us
00:21:49~Nevo~Tator~ only chance for him
00:21:56marsbar2k go bait
00:21:57Bogdan go
00:22:35nigulas lich why the fuck are u farming
00:22:52Jonnija id rather not get -60 c
00:22:53Jonnija x
00:23:43marsbar2k idiot
00:23:47marsbar2k why didnt i even help u
00:23:55MYuksel die
00:23:57Jonnija :D
00:23:57Jonnija :D
00:24:03MYuksel nab
00:24:03MYuksel haha
00:24:10~Nevo~Tator~ nice waiting
00:24:31marsbar2k fkcing buy wards
00:24:32marsbar2k supports!
00:24:34marsbar2k tide/storm
00:24:43teh_re y
00:24:50teh_re heard lots of support storms
00:25:01MYuksel 1min
00:25:01MYuksel back
00:25:02MYuksel ff
00:25:24~Nevo~Tator~ well played myuksel
00:25:26nigulas farming lcih :D:D:
00:25:27nigulas this
00:25:30nigulas fucking gc
00:25:32nigulas retarded
00:25:33Jonnija told yoi
00:25:36Jonnija i am salvageing
00:25:43Jonnija the little i can
00:25:54Jonnija we cannot win
00:25:55Jonnija so i farm
00:26:47marsbar2k retarded players
00:26:50marsbar2k attend battels
00:27:00Jonnija there is a greater change of homeless dude getting layed
00:27:07Jonnija than us winning this game
00:27:46MYuksel I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:27:50Jonnija I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:28:05MYuksel all mid
00:28:05nigulas if we do a proper 5v5
00:28:05MYuksel def
00:28:10Jonnija and shove that ar up ur ass
00:28:26MYuksel mana
00:28:27Jonnija we cant
00:28:27MYuksel lich
00:28:27Jonnija win
00:28:29~Nevo~Tator~ we had better heroes
00:28:34Jonnija dude
00:28:36Jonnija no lateplay
00:28:39Jonnija pointless
00:28:40Jonnija to even
00:28:40Jonnija try
00:28:43nigulas 5man push mid
00:28:44~Nevo~Tator~ yep no late play
00:28:48~Nevo~Tator~ and still you feeded early
00:28:54Jonnija 2 deaths
00:29:06~Nevo~Tator~ 1-12 4 heroes combo in 15
00:29:21~Nevo~Tator~ I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:29:36marsbar2k go tidfe
00:29:47MYuksel nice
00:29:48MYuksel :/
00:30:03MYuksel come mid
00:30:09~Nevo~Tator~ if you wanna learn pudge
00:30:18~Nevo~Tator~ watch my game from a couple days back
00:30:34~Nevo~Tator~ but even i
00:30:38nigulas I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:30:38~Nevo~Tator~ cant win with you
00:30:45~Nevo~Tator~ I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:30:46MYuksel [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:30:46MYuksel [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:30:46MYuksel [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:30:46MYuksel [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:30:46mefo I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:30:46MYuksel i dont care
00:30:50Jonnija told u its pointless to even
00:30:51Jonnija try
00:30:53Jonnija to win this game
00:31:59~Nevo~Tator~ maybe if you tried we had a chance
00:32:02MYuksel ?
00:32:04Jonnija nope
00:32:07MYuksel nope
00:32:08MYuksel no
00:32:08KeLToS ? din ff
00:32:09MYuksel way
00:32:10marsbar2k STRONK TOWERS
00:32:10Jonnija cannot win
00:32:10MYuksel not as you
00:32:12KeLToS HER
00:32:14Jonnija without carry in gc
00:32:23KeLToS HER
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