Game #2348250

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-28 X
-1 TS

62% | 1243 X | 1388 TS

-12 X
-1 TS

60% | 1263 X | 1353 TS

+1 X
-1 TS

52% | 1211 X | 1310 TS

-46 X
-1 TS

48% | 1176 X | 1309 TS

-39 X
-1 TS

24% | 1060 X | 1219 TS

+19 X
+2 TS

82% | 1389 X | 1458 TS

+51 X
+1 TS

72% | 1366 X | 1384 TS

+15 X
+1 TS

66% | 1251 X | 1427 TS

+10 X
+3 TS

35% | 1091 X | 1289 TS

+35 X
+5 TS

11% | 1025 X | 1088 TS

Chat log

00:00:07Idx wtf is this
00:00:10Idx fancy teams day
00:00:16oo0OoO0oo well own
00:00:17Nickless -clear
00:00:17Idx any wished?
00:00:17oo0OoO0oo unless pinary fail picks like allways
00:00:17Idx s*
00:00:17oo0OoO0oo me weaver
00:00:17Chains0r i can a good tc
00:00:17Idx tiny
00:00:17Chains0r tiny also
00:00:17MYuksel i cant see pool
00:00:17Idx ur 3rd pick so doesnt matter much
00:00:18Seni0r lycan
00:00:27oo0OoO0oo get weaver for me
00:00:36oo0OoO0oo uill get tc for chain
00:00:56MYuksel pinary
00:01:00MYuksel can you play wisp ?
00:01:03PinaryB no
00:01:04oo0OoO0oo nej
00:01:08oo0OoO0oo he can wl
00:01:14Chains0r ur wish serok ?
00:01:14oo0OoO0oo pick for him
00:01:20oo0OoO0oo idx
00:01:20Idx dk
00:01:21PinaryB i wont play wl if you pick
00:01:21Nickless which
00:01:24oo0OoO0oo dk for idx
00:01:28oo0OoO0oo -swap 1
00:01:28MYuksel idx
00:01:31MYuksel me and you lane
00:01:32MYuksel so imba
00:01:33MYuksel dk
00:01:34MYuksel and wisp
00:01:40Chains0r what do i pick now ??
00:01:42Seni0r warlock top
00:01:43oo0OoO0oo ill mid
00:01:44PinaryB dk
00:01:45MYuksel dk
00:01:49Chains0r -swap
00:01:49Idx -swap 2
00:01:50Seni0r babysit me:)
00:01:53Idx -swap 5
00:01:56MYuksel idx and me down
00:01:57Chains0r -swap 2
00:01:59Nickless thats 2 range on same lane
00:02:01Idx dk
00:02:03Idx swap 1
00:02:03Seni0r well?
00:02:04PinaryB type swap 1
00:02:06Chains0r -swap 1
00:02:08oo0OoO0oo need ward at rune
00:02:26Balbii WARLOCK
00:02:26Balbii top
00:02:27Nickless nuf said
00:02:27Multi_Ljep fuck...
00:02:28Balbii retard
00:02:42Idx bat solo top i guess
00:02:42MYuksel serok SAMIR ?
00:02:43Jockwe omg chick spot?
00:02:46Nickless balbii shut your ingorant mouth
00:02:50oo0OoO0oo for helvede nej
00:02:51Balbii ignorant
00:02:52Seni0r ...
00:02:55Balbii great choice of words!
00:02:57oo0OoO0oo kurdi og han spiller aldrig på den her
00:03:01Seni0r balbii is always arguing
00:03:02oo0OoO0oo og ikke skrive detr her mere
00:03:03Nickless y if u know their meaning
00:03:05MYuksel okay han plejer da :D
00:03:05Jockwe share
00:03:06Seni0r dont take his words srsly
00:03:09oo0OoO0oo nej
00:03:11MYuksel k
00:03:12MYuksel k
00:03:20oo0OoO0oo han stjal den engang har skiftet kode
00:03:24MYuksel k
00:03:31Nickless bad charma
00:04:55Seni0r warlock, give me the lasthits plox
00:05:04Nickless dont u see im doing that
00:05:06Nickless ..
00:05:24Jockwe ss mid
00:06:07Seni0r stop autoattacking lock
00:06:23MYuksel go
00:06:24MYuksel zeuxz
00:06:24oo0OoO0oo ss mi9d
00:07:04MYuksel zuez
00:07:22Idx gj
00:07:26Jockwe ss mid
00:07:26MYuksel thx
00:07:27MYuksel and u2
00:07:44Multi_Ljep PICKU MATERINU
00:07:50MYuksel :/
00:07:53oo0OoO0oo lol
00:07:55oo0OoO0oo sunt
00:08:10Balbii ss wisp
00:08:11Balbii bo
00:08:13Balbii t
00:08:20PinaryB go combo them
00:08:29PinaryB tauren
00:08:30MYuksel who ?
00:08:31Chains0r k
00:08:33MYuksel top lane ?
00:08:35PinaryB y
00:08:35Nickless pull?
00:08:54PinaryB so?
00:08:56oo0OoO0oo ss mid
00:09:13Multi_Ljep b
00:09:36PinaryB bat top
00:09:37Chains0r mh
00:10:20Balbii you gotta be more aware there zeus
00:10:28Multi_Ljep i fucked up my start
00:10:29Balbii 2 freekills
00:10:32Multi_Ljep LOOK items
00:10:36Multi_Ljep bought bottle
00:10:39Multi_Ljep sold it
00:10:41Balbii hellooo?
00:10:44Balbii you still had full mana
00:10:46Balbii and full hp
00:10:48Multi_Ljep sry
00:10:50Multi_Ljep am nervous
00:10:57Balbii np
00:11:01Seni0r dont be:)
00:11:03Multi_Ljep MISS Down
00:11:03MYuksel dk
00:11:03PinaryB killl id
00:11:05MYuksel come woods
00:11:08MYuksel we kill mid
00:11:09MYuksel buy yp
00:11:18Idx need some gold
00:11:19Seni0r warlock, just stop hitting creeps
00:11:23Seni0r u just making it worse tbh
00:11:24Multi_Ljep am 27 and cant get laid
00:11:28Seni0r ??
00:11:46Balbii you missed one more freekill :(
00:11:52PinaryB so how about ganging top?
00:12:08Chains0r im rdy 4 that
00:12:46oo0OoO0oo ss mid
00:12:48Jockwe ss mid
00:12:58Chains0r i have 2 sec spikes then he alwys turns back , that sucks...
00:13:48Multi_Ljep oom
00:15:17MYuksel heal
00:15:17Nickless rdy ult
00:16:04oo0OoO0oo this bat ownz mee !!
00:16:22MYuksel dk ?
00:16:29MYuksel do you have fire ?
00:16:30Multi_Ljep gj
00:16:33Multi_Ljep luka
00:16:37Idx it wont kill on 400 hp
00:16:42MYuksel no
00:16:45MYuksel for nother thing
00:16:45Idx no point wasting my mana
00:17:00MYuksel go trax
00:17:01PinaryB ulti
00:17:03Idx ult
00:17:23Idx why didnt you stop them
00:17:25Idx ffs
00:18:02Chains0r we need dps
00:18:05Chains0r nerub
00:18:08Idx you need to use ur skills
00:18:16Idx stomp behind them
00:18:18Idx ult
00:18:18Chains0r ye without arcane its kinda sucky
00:18:21MYuksel dk
00:18:23Chains0r i die all the time trying gank
00:18:23MYuksel i tp uo
00:18:25MYuksel you
00:18:29Idx get wl
00:18:34MYuksel all
00:18:35MYuksel tp
00:18:35MYuksel bot
00:18:37MYuksel tc
00:18:52MYuksel lol
00:18:53MYuksel fail
00:18:53Chains0r go
00:19:08Nickless b
00:19:10MYuksel so
00:19:10MYuksel bad
00:19:11MYuksel done
00:19:15MYuksel :('
00:19:21Idx serok
00:19:24Idx enought of farm now
00:19:39Idx tauren
00:19:40PinaryB use your skill tauren
00:20:11Idx again its a fucking 2v4
00:20:12PinaryB gg
00:20:15PinaryB wtf are you doing?
00:20:18PinaryB serok farming
00:20:22PinaryB fucking idiot
00:20:23PinaryB s
00:20:27oo0OoO0oo why you think i have to farm
00:20:29PinaryB and no farm ofc
00:21:14MYuksel weaver
00:21:31Idx dear jesus
00:21:54PinaryB wtf were you doing weaver?
00:21:56Multi_Ljep heal
00:21:56Multi_Ljep luka
00:21:57Multi_Ljep pls
00:21:57Idx use ur skills tauren
00:22:00Nickless sry
00:22:04Seni0r whats luk?
00:22:05Seni0r luka
00:22:09MYuksel c and t
00:22:10Multi_Ljep my bros name
00:22:10Chains0r ye i try to use them wisely
00:22:13Multi_Ljep luka
00:22:33Chains0r its kinda chaotic here.. :P
00:24:08Idx wtf?
00:24:11oo0OoO0oo mana
00:24:16oo0OoO0oo so close to invis
00:24:57oo0OoO0oo tele
00:25:01oo0OoO0oo kan du
00:25:03oo0OoO0oo go bot
00:25:13Nickless b
00:25:14Nickless btm
00:25:15MYuksel ikk nu
00:25:17Multi_Ljep let
00:25:18Multi_Ljep me regen
00:25:47oo0OoO0oo lol disable link
00:25:52MYuksel sry
00:25:53MYuksel falied
00:26:42MYuksel my
00:26:45MYuksel mistake
00:26:46MYuksel there
00:27:11MYuksel dk
00:27:11MYuksel top
00:27:19PinaryB wait
00:28:16Nickless ulta
00:28:24PinaryB I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:55MYuksel dk
00:28:55MYuksel down
00:28:57MYuksel rdy ?
00:29:00Idx y
00:29:00oo0OoO0oo mid
00:29:11Nickless no way,,,
00:29:11Multi_Ljep i left last game cuz of balance,i wont do it again!
00:29:11MYuksel wait
00:29:11MYuksel got delay
00:29:16Nickless nece tebe
00:29:16oo0OoO0oo repel failing i see
00:29:16Nickless seera ce
00:32:33oo0OoO0oo omg
00:32:36oo0OoO0oo so fail
00:33:44MYuksel you come ?
00:33:46Balbii zeus
00:33:46oo0OoO0oo me
00:33:47Idx n
00:33:49Balbii your lightning bolt stuns
00:33:58Idx run
00:34:34Nickless dd
00:34:34Nickless dd
00:36:25MYuksel mid ?
00:36:34MYuksel chick ?
00:36:35MYuksel items ?
00:36:37MYuksel in need ?
00:37:10Idx get some wards up
00:37:12Idx tc
00:37:14Idx or wisp
00:37:15MYuksel so
00:37:17MYuksel come with me
00:37:35MYuksel no
00:37:35MYuksel he
00:37:36MYuksel got dd
00:38:18Multi_Ljep ŠfkpdajonaP?j
00:38:26Multi_Ljep WRONG HOTKEY
00:38:30MYuksel lucky
00:38:31Multi_Ljep wrong hotkey*
00:38:33PinaryB f
00:38:34Idx he got dd dont go
00:38:35PinaryB I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:36Idx and every1 go
00:38:44Multi_Ljep wp guys finish
00:38:52MYuksel go
00:38:53MYuksel def
00:38:54MYuksel with metor
00:39:13Multi_Ljep oce li taj reresher
00:39:17Chains0r man ...
00:39:17oo0OoO0oo omg tc just stun
00:39:18Nickless scepter
00:39:22Chains0r sometimes i hate this game
00:39:26Chains0r silenced
00:39:31Chains0r alle the fucking time
00:40:12MYuksel go
00:40:14MYuksel trax
00:40:15MYuksel first
00:40:23MYuksel I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:31MYuksel trax
00:40:32MYuksel do
00:40:33MYuksel alll dmg
00:40:34oo0OoO0oo to low hp and to low dps
00:40:36Seni0r senior, remember the name
00:40:42Idx you farmed for 20 mins
00:40:44MYuksel you not good
00:40:45oo0OoO0oo xD
00:40:49Seni0r NO I SUCK
00:40:50Multi_Ljep you'll be screaming it
00:40:53Idx was hoping for somethign bigger than treads and 2 wraiths
00:41:02MYuksel go
00:41:03MYuksel mid
00:41:04MYuksel omg
00:41:05MYuksel 1
00:41:05MYuksel v3
00:41:33oo0OoO0oo tc ulti after stun allways
00:41:47MYuksel nice team
00:41:57Idx I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:41:59PinaryB I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:00PinaryB I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:01PinaryB I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:02Chains0r I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:04Seni0r YOU NO GOOD
00:42:10MYuksel fail team
00:42:11MYuksel I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:20Chains0r ff pls
00:42:24MYuksel cant even stun
00:42:24Idx 3 top guys are on ur team
00:42:33Idx how could you possebly won this
00:42:50Multi_Ljep brain
00:42:50oo0OoO0oo go def
00:43:02Multi_Ljep strategy
00:43:07Multi_Ljep hardworking
00:43:14Multi_Ljep advantage
00:43:16Idx and a shitty tauren
00:43:18Multi_Ljep deuce
00:43:19oo0OoO0oo i play a good tc xD
00:45:30Seni0r Senior, so imba
00:45:34Seni0r he always carry
00:45:50MYuksel I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:51MYuksel please
00:45:54PinaryB [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:54PinaryB [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:54PinaryB [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:54PinaryB [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:45:54oo0OoO0oo I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:55Chains0r ff no please
00:46:03Chains0r now i mean
00:46:36Multi_Ljep evo ih
00:46:37Multi_Ljep luka
00:46:43Nickless koga
00:46:45Multi_Ljep ite
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