Game #2344086

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-36 X
-4 TS

91% | 1466 X | 1567 TS

-11 X
-3 TS

60% | 1189 X | 1423 TS

+4 X
-3 TS

57% | 1254 X | 1335 TS

-34 X
-5 TS

58% | 1151 X | 1431 TS

+13 X
-41 TS

NEW | 1001 X | 980 TS

+3 X
+4 TS

79% | 1444 X | 1384 TS

+57 X
+32 TS

56% | 1373 X | 1178 TS

+21 X
+3 TS

55% | 1180 X | 1380 TS

+2 X
+3 TS

54% | 1202 X | 1339 TS

-6 X
+4 TS

40% | 1109 X | 1305 TS

Chat log

00:00:15Knaitti -clear
00:00:15Knaitti ban magus/weaver
00:00:15Knaitti or maybe doom
00:00:15Knaitti ban doom
00:00:15Knaitti ill handle weaver or magus
00:00:15creeeeeee -doom
00:00:15Knaitti if u carry
00:00:15Knaitti ban weaver
00:00:15~Nevo~Tator~ i can do spectra
00:00:15slc2 he will go rubick
00:00:15Knaitti he banned doom
00:00:15Knaitti to get weaver
00:00:15Knaitti imo
00:00:15WantedZip weaver
00:00:15WantedZip now
00:00:17WantedZip he take rubick
00:00:18Knaitti i go tiny
00:00:21Knaitti and insta him
00:00:28Knaitti damn
00:00:34~Nevo~Tator~ what you want
00:00:34Knaitti well we get magus if someone plays it
00:00:35slc2 i go naga
00:00:36~Nevo~Tator~ or play it yourself?
00:00:37Knaitti know how to play it
00:00:42slc2 i go bot
00:00:49creeeeeee will see
00:01:01Knaitti i mid?
00:01:01~Nevo~Tator~ fast
00:01:05Knaitti for fast lvl and gang
00:01:09WantedZip np
00:01:10creeeeeee i play
00:01:11creeeeeee sry
00:01:16Knaitti j
00:01:19Y4KUZA fuck
00:01:20creeeeeee dont see any heros
00:01:21Y4KUZA my sile
00:01:21jAnezki jöö
00:01:24creeeeeee i might play
00:01:26Idx wanna swap?
00:01:27Knaitti get wd
00:01:28Knaitti tide
00:01:28Knaitti cent
00:01:30Y4KUZA y
00:01:36Knaitti SNIPER
00:01:36slc2 -swap 1
00:01:36creeeeeee get us magus
00:01:37Knaitti wtf
00:01:37WantedZip -swap 3
00:01:38Knaitti :E
00:01:39Idx gondar
00:01:40creeeeeee grand magus
00:01:45Y4KUZA -swap 3
00:01:46Idx ill rape those low hps
00:01:48Idx -swap 4
00:01:48jAnezki tiden otan..
00:01:51Knaitti jo
00:01:54~Nevo~Tator~ random jugger
00:01:56~Nevo~Tator~ gg
00:02:05slc2 ¨
00:02:06slc2 come wd
00:02:06creeeeeee JESS no
00:02:09PinaryB fuckjvalsdkf
00:02:11creeeeeee wooooohooooo
00:02:13PinaryB some1 swap
00:02:13WantedZip wd top
00:02:14PinaryB ?
00:02:15jAnezki e
00:02:17jAnezki huonosti
00:02:17Knaitti :E
00:02:19~Nevo~Tator~ -swap
00:02:21~Nevo~Tator~ -swap 5
00:02:22PinaryB -swap 2
00:02:28jAnezki en halua pullaa
00:02:43creeeeeee lion mid
00:02:46creeeeeee gondar go bot
00:02:47~Nevo~Tator~ i can mid
00:02:48jAnezki ekoista criipeistäkö mun pittää viiä ne?
00:02:49creeeeeee u can invis
00:02:51jAnezki toisista?
00:02:51creeeeeee go mid then
00:02:51Knaitti ei
00:02:52~Nevo~Tator~ better
00:02:52Knaitti toisista
00:02:53creeeeeee jugger mid
00:02:53Y4KUZA pinary mid?
00:02:54creeeeeee lion top
00:02:58Knaitti ne spawnaa 30 sek jälkee
00:03:01jAnezki /w nAnne^^ DotaKeys: on
00:03:02jAnezki /w nAnne^^ DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:03:11jAnezki /w nAnne^^ DotaKeys: You typed g, r, c, v
00:03:14jAnezki täh..
00:05:25Knaitti ur faster than me without boots
00:05:26Knaitti gg
00:06:12Idx go spin
00:07:01creeeeeee wd ss
00:07:15~Nevo~Tator~ share
00:07:29Knaitti SS MID
00:07:43Idx curse?=
00:08:11jAnezki en pysy leveleis
00:08:22Knaitti juggero
00:08:22~Nevo~Tator~ omw top
00:08:22Knaitti top
00:08:24Knaitti caare
00:09:01~Nevo~Tator~ miss mid
00:09:02~Nevo~Tator~ tiny
00:09:14Balbii yurnero coming mid
00:09:29jAnezki vitu creepuit ....
00:09:34WantedZip why the hell toss me ?
00:09:36Y4KUZA worth it?
00:09:38WantedZip bad ?
00:09:38Knaitti juggeri tp sitte ylhäält
00:10:09WantedZip now worth it
00:10:15Knaitti cios he was whirling
00:10:20Idx i was lvl 3 before that battle
00:10:26Idx didnt realize theyre 6
00:10:38Knaitti ss jugger
00:10:48slc2 stun?
00:10:51Balbii who
00:10:54Balbii yur
00:10:55slc2 spec
00:10:56Balbii had u anyway
00:10:58Balbii or both
00:11:09slc2 and u should mel after
00:11:13slc2 we could kill there
00:11:26Balbii yurnero didn't even use ulti
00:11:53jAnezki :DDDDd
00:12:07WantedZip ss
00:12:16jAnezki mitä teen tälle
00:12:33jAnezki paska linjka -.-
00:12:47jAnezki eikai ny eka iteminä daggeria?
00:13:03creeeeeee shiit
00:13:07creeeeeee tiny top also :(
00:13:16Balbii dive
00:13:48creeeeeee why you kill me
00:14:58WantedZip ss
00:14:59jAnezki ei tälle saa koskaan mitää ostettua näillä farmeilla -.-
00:15:22~Nevo~Tator~ let me
00:15:23~Nevo~Tator~ tt
00:16:15Idx go mid
00:16:27creeeeeee sec
00:16:29creeeeeee chick
00:16:50Idx sry
00:16:56Idx too many trees
00:17:03slc2 gogo
00:17:05~Nevo~Tator~ b
00:17:12slc2 or not hehe
00:17:26slc2 fucking slow omg
00:17:32Idx wtf missed?
00:17:42Balbii stunned
00:17:44Balbii :D
00:17:53slc2 a slow tun
00:18:00Balbii fu please
00:18:06Idx no moar luck
00:18:26Y4KUZA -st
00:18:42~Nevo~Tator~ gondar?
00:18:45jAnezki so close :D
00:18:50~Nevo~Tator~ you could ult them
00:18:52~Nevo~Tator~ for speed boost
00:18:55Idx tide ult and easy double
00:19:00Idx under tower
00:19:00~Nevo~Tator~ he didn thave
00:19:08~Nevo~Tator~ he had no mana
00:19:08~Nevo~Tator~ also
00:19:10Y4KUZA lol
00:19:11~Nevo~Tator~ mana bars?
00:19:12Y4KUZA he was oom
00:19:46WantedZip care bot
00:20:10Idx cree care to join?
00:20:39Balbii nice
00:20:44creeeeeee too good farm on lane
00:20:46creeeeeee then going
00:20:50creeeeeee ffor mby kill
00:21:04Knaitti wd
00:21:07Knaitti wake up
00:21:10Knaitti wards someone
00:21:11Knaitti wd
00:21:18Balbii gosh
00:21:24Balbii totally blind
00:21:32Knaitti double kill was there
00:22:19WantedZip mana
00:22:37WantedZip bh invis
00:24:04Y4KUZA -st
00:24:06~Nevo~Tator~ was blocked by spec illus
00:24:23PinaryB -ii
00:24:27jAnezki mitä vittua teen ennen daggeria
00:24:32Knaitti et mittää
00:24:33Knaitti etsä tartte
00:24:34Knaitti :D
00:24:38jAnezki :I
00:24:46Knaitti tuo sun ultis ja dagger uthoaa
00:24:48Knaitti tiimi fightit
00:25:05jAnezki eilen ostin bf :D
00:25:07jAnezki tälle
00:25:15Knaitti dagger paree tiimille
00:25:18creeeeeee b
00:25:23jAnezki jep mut sen jälkee
00:25:24slc2 gonjdar
00:25:40WantedZip b
00:25:53slc2 toss me
00:26:11jAnezki o
00:26:23jAnezki ....... :I
00:26:37Idx 2v4?
00:26:53jAnezki ei nuista ole tiimi faittissa muutenkaan vastusta..
00:26:55jAnezki teen bf :D
00:27:04Y4KUZA -st
00:27:05jAnezki en saa säästettyä 2.1k
00:27:06PinaryB dunno
00:27:09PinaryB what
00:27:09PinaryB was
00:27:10PinaryB that
00:27:31jAnezki ostan vasta sitten sen dagin..
00:28:34Idx talking about luck
00:28:50jAnezki :o
00:28:54Y4KUZA fucking retarded lion
00:28:58PinaryB ????
00:29:01jAnezki noku oli 5 sec cd jälel :DDD
00:29:04Y4KUZA why u never go ulti some1 and insta em
00:29:13PinaryB cuz you blind
00:29:26Y4KUZA i would have like 20+ int already
00:30:05Knaitti hp jugger?
00:30:15PinaryB n
00:30:16Knaitti why dwarfd
00:30:17PinaryB gj
00:30:19Knaitti u dont hide
00:30:32Knaitti focus lion and sile plz
00:30:32~Nevo~Tator~ just didnt die with bottle+healward
00:30:46Knaitti i thought u cannot bottle when male?
00:31:15jAnezki nomana
00:31:50~Nevo~Tator~ 5 mid
00:32:15Knaitti need 200
00:32:28Knaitti secx
00:32:29Balbii gem
00:32:30Knaitti dont die
00:32:40slc2 who got gem?=
00:32:45Balbii we need gem
00:32:48slc2 alot
00:33:17jAnezki asd
00:34:20jAnezki asdasdasdasdasdasddas
00:34:26~Nevo~Tator~ rosh
00:34:28Y4KUZA -st
00:34:28jAnezki vittu!
00:34:30slc2 fail fail fail fail
00:34:33Balbii we are so bad
00:34:33jAnezki paria manaa vaille tuplat :D
00:34:46Knaitti dwarf need to stay back
00:34:48creeeeeee jugg want it?
00:34:49Knaitti and come in late
00:34:49creeeeeee or i take
00:34:52~Nevo~Tator~ you
00:34:53Knaitti so they dont focus u
00:35:13jAnezki niinkun huomasit ei sitä daggia välttis tarvi niin kovasti
00:36:26jAnezki no just..
00:36:38Y4KUZA -st
00:36:40Balbii I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:44jAnezki I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:46Knaitti näit et ne oli siin :D
00:36:53Idx ward
00:37:23~Nevo~Tator~ b
00:38:12creeeeeee rege
00:38:22PinaryB b
00:38:55Balbii I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:39:15PinaryB -bounty
00:39:25Idx -bount
00:39:27Idx -bounty
00:41:00slc2 i farm
00:41:32Idx reg
00:41:54~Nevo~Tator~ lion
00:41:56~Nevo~Tator~ come drink
00:42:00~Nevo~Tator~ nvm
00:43:14~Nevo~Tator~ they finally have antiinvi
00:44:24jAnezki cd few sec
00:45:08WantedZip I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:15Knaitti naga when u buy useful items :E
00:45:16creeeeeee gg
00:45:19creeeeeee well played jugger
00:45:19Knaitti vladi sy
00:45:19Knaitti wtf
00:45:21Y4KUZA sile too stronk
00:45:26~Nevo~Tator~ wp all
00:45:49jAnezki laitahan ff
00:45:56Knaitti addaam uuteen
00:45:57Knaitti I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:38Y4KUZA le fu
00:46:55Y4KUZA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:46:55Y4KUZA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:46:55Y4KUZA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:46:55Y4KUZA [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:46:55slc2 I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:47:07jAnezki :DD
00:47:20jAnezki uus+
00:47:21jAnezki ?
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