Game #2342018

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-49 X
-2 TS

99% | 1802 X | 1569 TS

-26 X
-4 TS

84% | 1413 X | 1448 TS

-37 X
-2 TS

75% | 1424 X | 1391 TS

-18 X
-2 TS

68% | 1261 X | 1424 TS

-61 X
-3 TS
69% | 1327 X | 1351 TS

+37 X
+2 TS

93% | 1562 X | 1520 TS

+7 X
+2 TS

87% | 1505 X | 1435 TS

+66 X
+1 TS

79% | 1362 X | 1467 TS

+31 X
+3 TS

74% | 1419 X | 1405 TS

+58 X
+3 TS

67% | 1273 X | 1454 TS

Chat log

00:00:18WANKmaster any1 wants something ?
00:00:18WANKmaster like omni
00:00:18WANKmaster or sd?
00:00:18TOo_LaZy bala
00:00:18WANKmaster ok
00:00:18Bra~ arapiles mid
00:00:18WANKmaster -omni
00:00:18Bra~ or marsbar
00:00:18N2xy weaver
00:00:29TOo_LaZy wow
00:00:31TOo_LaZy what a pool
00:00:33TOo_LaZy didnt see it
00:00:33TOo_LaZy :D
00:00:35TOo_LaZy tiny etc
00:00:35TOo_LaZy ogre
00:00:36TOo_LaZy :D
00:00:40TOo_LaZy but thanx for bala
00:00:50WANKmaster get sd
00:00:50Bra~ take a good mid
00:00:53Seni0r ME PUDGE
00:00:58Balbii some1 get me aa please
00:00:58WANKmaster get sd
00:00:59TOo_LaZy waca
00:00:59Arapiles aa + sd
00:01:01WANKmaster aa
00:01:02Bra~ that with you wouldnt fail vs bala
00:01:04WANKmaster is cool
00:01:06marsbar2k i tiny then kk
00:01:07marsbar2k mid
00:01:07marsbar2k ?
00:01:07TOo_LaZy -swap 1
00:01:09WANKmaster -swap 3
00:01:13Bra~ sure
00:01:20Seni0r im bot
00:01:21TOo_LaZy i played
00:01:21Seni0r with balbii
00:01:23Seni0r we'll pwn
00:01:25TOo_LaZy bala today for the first
00:01:26WANKmaster ill give u sd
00:01:29TOo_LaZy time
00:01:29Bra~ tiny mid then
00:01:30TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:01:31Arapiles if some1 want aa give silencer
00:01:32TOo_LaZy -di
00:01:32WANKmaster get me silencer
00:01:39WANKmaster silencer
00:01:40WANKmaster for me cant sd
00:01:51WANKmaster -swap 5
00:01:56WANKmaster cmon man
00:01:57WANKmaster u can
00:01:58Bra~ sd mid
00:01:59Bra~ Hmm CANT SD!!
00:02:00WANKmaster i know u can
00:02:00N2xy maybe aa mid?
00:02:01N2xy :S
00:02:03Bra~ you can do it? never tried b4
00:02:04N2xy can you handle him?
00:02:06marsbar2k idc -sWap 1
00:02:10Arapiles i think dk better
00:02:11TOo_LaZy its
00:02:12TOo_LaZy so fun
00:02:13TOo_LaZy ;P
00:02:13marsbar2k just bought ofr mid actualy
00:02:14Seni0r Well
00:02:17Arapiles dk much better
00:02:24Seni0r not to smart to give sd to a guy who hasnt played him
00:02:26TOo_LaZy its vry fun belief me
00:02:26Bra~ im top
00:02:29Bra~ palle bot
00:02:29N2xy ogre bot
00:02:39TOo_LaZy today i played bala
00:02:41TOo_LaZy for the first time
00:02:42TOo_LaZy ;P
00:02:42N2xy sile
00:02:43N2xy :D
00:02:43TOo_LaZy and i liked it
00:02:46Bra~ lol swapper
00:02:48marsbar2k ogre aa imba
00:02:48Seni0r trolololol
00:02:49TOo_LaZy i mean bala as it is now
00:02:49N2xy all the time swaping
00:02:54TOo_LaZy i played the old bala
00:02:55WANKmaster they has so many stuns
00:02:56TOo_LaZy years ago
00:02:58marsbar2k just focus dis mid guy
00:02:59Bra~ good lanes
00:02:59TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:03:00TOo_LaZy -di
00:03:01TOo_LaZy ill go bkb
00:04:35TOo_LaZy and then thatd firs spel
00:04:55TOo_LaZy sec
00:05:11Balbii ehm
00:05:12Balbii we fail bot sure?
00:05:49TOo_LaZy u know items?
00:05:51TOo_LaZy mana botos for u sd k
00:05:58Arapiles ss wisp
00:06:00TOo_LaZy force staff
00:06:04TOo_LaZy u spam third spell
00:06:05TOo_LaZy on them
00:06:07TOo_LaZy each+1
00:06:09TOo_LaZy that u
00:06:12TOo_LaZy get on them
00:06:15TOo_LaZy multiplies the damage
00:06:19TOo_LaZy then u press that
00:06:21TOo_LaZy other
00:06:24TOo_LaZy button
00:06:26TOo_LaZy and they recieve damage vali just said otherwise
00:07:33WANKmaster ss
00:07:34WANKmaster mid
00:07:34WANKmaster care
00:07:35WANKmaster re
00:08:10TOo_LaZy ss
00:09:03TOo_LaZy sry np
00:09:38Arapiles ss 2
00:09:40marsbar2k omw top
00:09:44TOo_LaZy u take
00:09:44TOo_LaZy damage
00:09:46TOo_LaZy amplify
00:09:46TOo_LaZy ?
00:09:47TOo_LaZy so sad
00:09:47marsbar2k go veno
00:09:48TOo_LaZy ;)
00:09:51WANKmaster its good
00:09:55TOo_LaZy trid
00:10:03marsbar2k whatever valiante sits next to me and tells me this way
00:10:25TOo_LaZy three top
00:10:28TOo_LaZy ok
00:10:30TOo_LaZy then
00:10:34marsbar2k ss
00:10:38marsbar2k re its easier to listen to him when heøs next to me
00:10:46TOo_LaZy ok
00:10:46TOo_LaZy its
00:11:09TOo_LaZy they always
00:11:12TOo_LaZy gos on me
00:11:14TOo_LaZy ehn i wrtir
00:11:36Arapiles ss 2
00:12:39TOo_LaZy hm
00:12:57N2xy ogre.. can you buy wards?
00:13:02TOo_LaZy need
00:13:02Palle cd
00:13:03TOo_LaZy two wards
00:13:04Arapiles i got 4
00:13:04TOo_LaZy atleast
00:13:04Palle on them
00:13:05N2xy xD
00:13:09N2xy n1
00:13:14TOo_LaZy now we see nothing
00:13:57TOo_LaZy i come bot
00:15:06WANKmaster we can go forfeit
00:15:08WANKmaster this game
00:15:15Seni0r y.
00:15:22Seni0r ff at 20
00:15:23WANKmaster why the fuck u failed so hard bot ?
00:15:29Seni0r cause i suck today
00:15:31Balbii we just sucked
00:15:31Seni0r no good reason
00:15:41TOo_LaZy i wont ff
00:15:42TOo_LaZy so play
00:15:43TOo_LaZy ur best
00:15:45TOo_LaZy my last game
00:15:46TOo_LaZy tiday
00:15:47TOo_LaZy today
00:16:49TOo_LaZy sd
00:16:50TOo_LaZy ?
00:16:52TOo_LaZy why u stay
00:16:53TOo_LaZy top
00:16:54TOo_LaZy u lazy
00:16:56TOo_LaZy ! fu
00:17:11WANKmaster suht ägedad laned olid mul i didnt want this hero so fuck u guys
00:17:20Seni0r fuck u guys
00:17:22WANKmaster 4 minutiga mingil vennal monsterk ill lihtsalt
00:17:28N2xy :D
00:18:52Arapiles oom
00:19:04TOo_LaZy nexy on the wave
00:19:09marsbar2k min
00:19:42Bra~ -cs
00:20:12WANKmaster gj
00:20:16WANKmaster see senior :d:d
00:20:18WANKmaster lihtsalt
00:20:19WANKmaster ulme
00:20:21Arapiles im b
00:20:31Seni0r Wankmaster, i know im playing bad, please stop commenting
00:20:43WANKmaster i just cant get it
00:20:49Seni0r didnt i tell you?
00:20:54Seni0r hm, i think i did
00:21:02Seni0r i sucked all day
00:21:02WANKmaster if u see u cant kill noone on your lane
00:21:09WANKmaster why u still try?
00:21:13Seni0r ehm
00:21:15Seni0r cause im pudge
00:21:17Seni0r should i leave?
00:21:21Seni0r or what is ur point?
00:21:26Seni0r ye, ill farm pudge and win
00:21:30WANKmaster my point is
00:21:31WANKmaster farm some
00:21:33WANKmaster get some levels
00:21:35WANKmaster and then gank
00:21:43WANKmaster dont give monsterkill in first 8 minutes
00:21:44Seni0r haha, ye, lets farm
00:21:51N2xy lol
00:21:53Bra~ best combo ever
00:21:54Seni0r but if they are offensive?
00:21:54N2xy that combo is imba
00:21:55Bra~ XD
00:21:57Seni0r what do i do then?
00:22:08Seni0r like, jumps tower and still kills
00:22:11TOo_LaZy stay get xp
00:22:12TOo_LaZy but w.e
00:22:18Arapiles its bangbus
00:22:22TOo_LaZy wait for a hood
00:22:23TOo_LaZy hook
00:22:24TOo_LaZy or smth
00:22:26TOo_LaZy dont dive
00:22:30Seni0r actually i wouldnt have the opportunity to get xp
00:22:35Seni0r when i hooked they killed us
00:22:40WANKmaster fucking pask
00:22:41Balbii look
00:22:42Balbii we ff 20
00:22:44Balbii no big deal
00:22:50WANKmaster tulge
00:22:52WANKmaster peale
00:22:59WANKmaster see on nii vittus mis maunid siin koos on praetgu
00:23:04Balbii ff
00:23:07Balbii ff
00:23:08Balbii ff
00:23:10Seni0r ff ff
00:23:14WANKmaster u cant
00:23:15WANKmaster ff
00:23:17Balbii Really?
00:23:18WANKmaster before 25
00:23:20Balbii thought it was 20
00:23:34N2xy top?
00:23:37Arapiles y
00:23:38Bra~ y
00:23:41TOo_LaZy try hook
00:23:44N2xy y
00:23:48TOo_LaZy b
00:23:49TOo_LaZy dont go not wisp
00:23:53Balbii yes
00:23:54Balbii hook me :*D
00:23:59Balbii i stood in the wayz
00:24:00Seni0r i dont need lessons really
00:24:03Seni0r i just play bad today
00:24:17Seni0r ur wise words cant help me
00:24:18Seni0r really
00:24:31WANKmaster there is no such thing "i play bad today"
00:24:35Seni0r true
00:24:36Balbii yes there is ;o
00:24:40WANKmaster not
00:24:48Seni0r well, why do u think i have 80% + ?
00:24:52Seni0r cause i play like this?
00:26:18TOo_LaZy ff
00:26:31Arapiles b
00:26:38Arapiles hex :)
00:26:42TOo_LaZy sad
00:26:44TOo_LaZy game rly
00:26:46TOo_LaZy we did not that bad
00:26:47TOo_LaZy top
00:26:47Seni0r idd.
00:26:49TOo_LaZy 4/60
00:26:52TOo_LaZy 40/6
00:26:55TOo_LaZy 40/60
00:27:42Bra~ go go I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:09Balbii I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:11WANKmaster I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:12Seni0r I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:44Seni0r I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:45Balbii I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel] I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:02Seni0r [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:29:02Seni0r [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:29:02Seni0r [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:29:02Seni0r [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:29:02TOo_LaZy I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
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