Game #2309317

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+3 X
+1 TS

100% | 1878 X | 1731 TS

+11 X
+2 TS

69% | 1330 X | 1380 TS

+60 X
+2 TS

59% | 1281 X | 1318 TS

+18 X
+2 TS

36% | 1076 X | 1306 TS

+1 X
+15 TS

24% | 1100 X | 1185 TS

+1 X
-2 TS

93% | 1533 X | 1557 TS

-15 X
-2 TS

91% | 1522 X | 1501 TS

-28 X
-2 TS

65% | 1291 X | 1367 TS

-39 X
-2 TS

46% | 1125 X | 1349 TS

-1 X
-3 TS

26% | 1066 X | 1245 TS

Chat log

00:00:23zebbelito lul
00:00:26zebbelito husk treant wolf
00:00:26PETTR -
00:00:26Buugi any1 roof?
00:00:26PinaryB im
00:00:26Papaya bannn
00:00:26PinaryB roof
00:00:26PinaryB if can
00:00:26PinaryB possimbable
00:00:26Buugi lycan
00:00:26PinaryB if can me roof mby
00:00:26PinaryB pick
00:00:26Idx undoubadebly
00:00:26Papaya roof
00:00:26zebbelito why u ban roof
00:00:26zebbelito idiot
00:00:26Papaya biggest surprise ever
00:00:26Buugi tide veno?
00:00:26zebbelito why the fuck
00:00:30zebbelito how can u be so stupid
00:00:30Papaya im not firstpick?
00:00:34Papaya whats your problem
00:00:36zebbelito ooh
00:00:38zebbelito nvm
00:00:42Papaya tard :D
00:00:44zebbelito hes the stupid one
00:00:47Papaya y
00:01:06Papaya get tidehunter
00:01:09Papaya and veno
00:01:11zebbelito u doin ´mid?
00:01:13Kultaperuna omg stryg huskar-- more gay heros
00:01:16Papaya hmm
00:01:20Papaya u better mid
00:01:22Kultaperuna veno..
00:01:22Papaya spear no manacost
00:01:27Papaya get tide reptile
00:01:28PinaryB just stay togeter and bs is worthless
00:01:32Idx we have od first pick..
00:01:33Bct_Murder tide picked
00:01:34reptile there is no tide
00:01:36Idx no int
00:01:37Idx means win
00:01:39Papaya oh
00:01:47Kultaperuna lca?
00:01:49zebbelito enigma+
00:01:49Kultaperuna lyca
00:01:55Bct_Murder i want ezalor ok ?
00:01:56Papaya yea enigma good
00:01:57Papaya no ezalor
00:01:58Bct_Murder i can pick ezalor?
00:01:59Papaya sucks vs them
00:02:08Bct_Murder i go up
00:02:08PinaryB gondar wasn't very good pick imo
00:02:09Bct_Murder forest
00:02:12Papaya yea good
00:02:19zebbelito -ma
00:02:21Jerkku hes lastpick
00:02:28Bct_Murder dont feed buggii people
00:02:42Jerkku tide pulls ?
00:02:48Idx playing tide first time this year
00:02:50Idx just sayin
00:02:53zebbelito -ma
00:02:57Idx ofc i will
00:02:59PinaryB shuriken toss is physical dmg?
00:03:00Jerkku kk
00:03:01Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: on
00:03:02Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: You control Engima [f,c,d,b]
00:03:03Buugi no
00:03:16Papaya why so many tango when u are wood
00:03:18Papaya just get mana
00:04:06zebbelito car
00:04:26Papaya man
00:04:30Papaya leave me lane creeps
00:06:01PinaryB when i decre use shuriken!!!!!
00:06:29Papaya gang
00:06:50Bct_Murder wait no mana ;]
00:07:06Buugi pls take
00:07:08Buugi before husk
00:07:10Idx sec
00:07:11Buugi regen
00:07:23PinaryB wtf
00:07:25Idx arrow
00:07:25Buugi take
00:07:27PinaryB hit and shuriken?
00:07:39Buugi ss
00:07:49Buugi fuk he got it
00:07:56PinaryB wtf
00:07:59PinaryB do you have shuriken?
00:08:04Kultaperuna yes noob
00:08:16Idx omfg gondar
00:08:18Bct_Murder eat
00:08:20Idx he has 130 hp
00:08:24Idx ur shuriken does 200 dmg
00:08:26Idx do the math
00:08:32Kultaperuna he wont dy
00:08:36Idx are you really that dumb
00:08:45PinaryB wtf
00:08:49Kultaperuna it was 1 in cd 2 he kille dmob got 200 hp
00:08:59Kultaperuna do the math
00:09:11Idx you have invis and shit
00:09:13Idx ur just bad
00:09:26Bct_Murder i have ulti
00:09:27Idx gg
00:09:30Bct_Murder stryg you have?
00:09:30Papaya me12
00:09:32Papaya lets go
00:09:45Idx dude
00:09:48Idx you were hitting creeps
00:09:54Idx cmon
00:09:57Papaya gj
00:09:57Kultaperuna who
00:10:00Idx you
00:10:05Kultaperuna no iwsnt noob open eyes
00:10:07reptile i go directly dagger
00:10:16PinaryB he had 50 hp and you hit creepos twice
00:10:20Papaya good
00:10:30Papaya go wood again
00:10:41zebbelito hoiw the fuck can they uyse pot
00:10:44Papaya murder
00:10:45Papaya go wood plz
00:10:47zebbelito ?
00:10:58Papaya pot goes through fire dmg
00:11:00Papaya u need to hit again
00:11:02zebbelito wierd
00:11:10zebbelito new shit then
00:11:15zebbelito carebot
00:11:32PinaryB wow
00:11:33Buugi -bounty
00:11:38Papaya i tp murder
00:11:39Papaya got ult
00:11:40Idx -bounty
00:11:42Papaya go top gang
00:11:43Kultaperuna im half afk so now im palying
00:11:45Jerkku ss bot 2
00:11:51Bct_Murder ok i need mana little bit
00:12:01Papaya ss2
00:12:32Papaya eidolons
00:12:32Bct_Murder push ?
00:12:33Buugi my cs worser than ever .D
00:12:35Papaya y
00:13:23Kultaperuna must be kiding me
00:13:25Bct_Murder i have ulti
00:13:28Kultaperuna how lucky he is
00:13:29Papaya damn close pugna:Ü
00:13:30Bct_Murder eat
00:13:34PinaryB you must be kidding us with your skill build
00:13:39reptile oom
00:13:40Papaya got items inc
00:13:42Papaya then we kill
00:13:44PinaryB track is actually worth skilling
00:13:44Kultaperuna its best noob
00:13:50Kultaperuna whit my mana not
00:13:56Idx 1 lvl of ur 2nd skill
00:13:58Idx imba slow
00:14:02zebbelito push
00:14:04Idx wouldve killed him right here
00:14:18Buugi ss
00:14:26Papaya eidolons
00:14:27Papaya now
00:15:27Papaya wards would be good
00:15:30Papaya i go force staff bs btw
00:15:32Jerkku diffu or manta first
00:16:10Papaya cool ks -.-
00:16:25Papaya tp top zebbe
00:16:28zebbelito cd
00:16:29zebbelito tp
00:16:30zebbelito soon
00:16:31zebbelito he b
00:16:39zebbelito dont scare dit
00:17:10zebbelito lol
00:17:21Kultaperuna gj
00:17:22Papaya omfg
00:17:22Jerkku gj
00:17:29Jerkku imba arrow imo
00:17:31zebbelito obvius arrow saw it comin 20 min¨
00:17:34Bct_Murder dagger rdy
00:17:36Buugi blink slard
00:17:37PETTR :)
00:17:44PETTR fast du är neger också
00:18:35zebbelito slardar
00:18:36zebbelito gang whit me
00:18:38zebbelito ....
00:19:39Bct_Murder buggi imba
00:19:40Bct_Murder ..
00:20:47Idx track
00:20:48Idx every1
00:21:00PinaryB -bounty
00:21:03zebbelito if we gang together
00:21:05Idx -bounty
00:21:06zebbelito this is alrdy gg
00:21:23reptile oom
00:21:25reptile b
00:21:35Papaya lol aoe
00:21:45Jerkku imba
00:21:57zebbelito enigma
00:22:37Kultaperuna i was afk omfg
00:22:53zebbelito why they 3-4 all the time
00:22:56zebbelito and we are farmin
00:22:59zebbelito when we can win
00:23:01zebbelito team battle
00:23:06Papaya dunno
00:23:11Papaya get wards up
00:23:29Kultaperuna lvl 16 obs wtf kiding me im 9
00:23:38Papaya go mid
00:23:52Buugi -bounty
00:23:54reptile where is ur ulti?!"!?1
00:23:57Bct_Murder this team .....
00:24:00Bct_Murder i go farm
00:24:01Bct_Murder forest
00:24:02Bct_Murder gg
00:24:16PinaryB gj
00:24:17Idx gj
00:24:19Papaya nice zebbe
00:24:27Papaya the one whining about lack of team not there when 3 guys 100hp
00:24:28Jerkku y
00:24:35zebbelito i just rivied
00:24:44Papaya fuck it
00:24:47Papaya lets go as team now plz
00:24:53zebbelito slardar eneigm
00:24:56zebbelito have dagger
00:25:06Papaya y
00:25:07Papaya ALL MID
00:26:21Idx warded
00:26:24Buugi gj!
00:26:27PinaryB :d
00:26:37zebbelito what?
00:26:43zebbelito u gonna push?
00:26:44zebbelito lmao
00:26:44reptile dont come..
00:26:59Buugi they rosh
00:27:29Bct_Murder this slardar
00:27:32Bct_Murder is shet
00:27:32zebbelito dsagdsggdsG
00:27:38reptile lol me?
00:27:40zebbelito VERY N1 AND ALL
00:27:47Papaya just rly stupid team
00:27:48Jerkku take it
00:27:49Bct_Murder buggi imba
00:27:50Papaya and no enigma ults
00:27:52Bct_Murder farm 25min
00:27:53Bct_Murder ...
00:27:53Papaya buggi aint shit
00:27:56Papaya u just never hit ult
00:27:58Bct_Murder they 4 vs 5 win
00:28:00Papaya cause u right in middle of fight
00:28:03Papaya even with blink
00:28:06Papaya stay BACK
00:28:07Bct_Murder becous i dont have mane
00:28:08Bct_Murder mana
00:28:09Papaya use BLINK
00:28:11Papaya and PWN
00:28:13Papaya not hard
00:28:17zebbelito this is over
00:28:18zebbelito I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:25Bct_Murder I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:29:05Jerkku woods
00:29:11Bct_Murder buggi pus alone
00:29:16PinaryB omw
00:29:18zebbelito IDIOT
00:29:19zebbelito engims
00:29:23Bct_Murder suck my balls
00:29:26zebbelito was free kill
00:29:34zebbelito go him u asswhole
00:29:40zebbelito now u 2 late
00:29:43zebbelito u could have dagger kill
00:29:44zebbelito but
00:29:45zebbelito NO
00:29:50Idx lolo
00:29:53Idx mirana..
00:29:56Jerkku dunno
00:30:04PETTR omfg
00:30:54reptile I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:31:03Idx -bounty
00:31:14Papaya i tp
00:31:14zebbelito go dfarm
00:31:15Papaya sec
00:31:16zebbelito they push
00:31:17zebbelito gjh
00:31:52Bct_Murder nice nice
00:31:55Papaya lol enigma
00:31:56Idx n1
00:31:57Bct_Murder 4 vs 3
00:31:58Papaya worst go ever
00:31:58Bct_Murder we lose
00:31:58Bct_Murder and ?
00:32:01PinaryB y
00:32:01Bct_Murder worst?
00:32:03Bct_Murder wahahahahah
00:32:04PETTR I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:32:04Papaya yes
00:32:08Papaya why u exit base
00:32:09zebbelito enigma did it right
00:32:10Papaya when we def
00:32:18Papaya no he didnt, he got tide and obsi
00:32:18zebbelito allothers sucked
00:32:24zebbelito ofc
00:32:25zebbelito thats it
00:32:26Papaya obsi force staff out, tide doesnt give a shit
00:32:31Kultaperuna 4kgold lol
00:32:32Bct_Murder papaya maeybe ff?
00:32:34zebbelito force staff out?
00:32:34Bct_Murder or no ?;]
00:32:37PinaryB [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:32:37PinaryB [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:32:37PinaryB [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:32:37PinaryB [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:32:37Papaya I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:32:48Papaya just a terrible team
00:32:51Papaya well whatever
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