Game #2290423

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-4 X
-1 TS

99% | 1694 X | 1721 TS

-19 X
-1 TS

94% | 1561 X | 1595 TS

+19 X
-1 TS

64% | 1268 X | 1384 TS

-7 X
-1 TS

59% | 1247 X | 1358 TS

-41 X
-1 TS

59% | 1298 X | 1238 TS

+2 X
+2 TS

99% | 1850 X | 1617 TS

-20 X
+0 TS

96% | 1613 X | 1602 TS

+5 X
+1 TS

82% | 1373 X | 1487 TS

+26 X
+1 TS

66% | 1252 X | 1422 TS

+56 X
+48 TS

NEW | 1048 X | 1065 TS

Chat log

00:00:10DeduXserS villit tiimit
00:00:17curdi noo...
00:00:17Momdsiw we have momdsiw np
00:00:17curdi vois pudgen
00:00:17DeduXserS thrall spec tb aa
00:00:17DeduXserS parhaat
00:00:17DeduXserS mut aa salee paras
00:00:17Buugi t
00:00:17aquatic vois tehä axe , sceptre tai ursa
00:00:17Buugi tral
00:00:17jakkihirki jos nyt et pelais
00:00:17Momdsiw ogre axe
00:00:17jakkihirki pudgee
00:00:17Momdsiw ei meil on aquatic :D
00:00:17curdi :3
00:00:17MEteORStorM -aa
00:00:17curdi tb pois :(
00:00:23MEteORStorM ota pugna
00:00:25MEteORStorM vaik jolleki
00:00:26MEteORStorM tms
00:00:27Momdsiw pickaa ogre mulle dedu?
00:00:28curdi no anna maiden sit
00:00:31curdi nii voitan sil
00:00:32DeduXserS voin
00:00:34MEteORStorM curdi voi pelaa pugnal?
00:00:38curdi ei jaksa
00:00:41curdi kusen kuitenki
00:00:41MEteORStorM :|
00:00:41DeduXserS tai no
00:00:42DeduXserS otan kyl specun pois
00:00:45Momdsiw ok
00:00:45MEteORStorM aika sama
00:00:47MEteORStorM painat vaa nappeja
00:00:50Momdsiw aquatic ota mulle ogre
00:00:52curdi maiden on varma...
00:01:02curdi ellei sit buugi ala metsästää mua
00:01:03Momdsiw huoh
00:01:06MEteORStorM pugna
00:01:06MEteORStorM imba
00:01:07MEteORStorM go
00:01:09Momdsiw ei specu voi sooloo täs pelis
00:01:09MEteORStorM joku
00:01:11MEteORStorM :<
00:01:13curdi mitä jakille
00:01:14DeduXserS kyllä
00:01:14MruUuGh otan trall
00:01:16DeduXserS soloo
00:01:16MEteORStorM ota
00:01:17aquatic kys se ogre siel on vieö
00:01:20MEteORStorM puggna mruugh
00:01:20aquatic kyl
00:01:20jakkihirki anna
00:01:22jakkihirki tankki
00:01:22MEteORStorM :<
00:01:23jakkihirki mies
00:01:23MruUuGh eissss
00:01:24jakkihirki dragon
00:01:26Momdsiw ei enää
00:01:26Momdsiw gg
00:01:27aquatic or not
00:01:28curdi -swap 2
00:01:29jakkihirki -swap 4
00:01:30Momdsiw rhasta sit?
00:01:35curdi mruugh thralli btw banned
00:01:35jakkihirki -swap 1
00:01:38curdi :/
00:01:38DeduXserS rhasta + pugna
00:01:39MruUuGh aijjaa
00:01:39DeduXserS imbaness
00:01:40jakkihirki -swap 3
00:01:42MruUuGh niihä tuos lukee
00:01:44curdi -clear
00:01:51jakkihirki pugners
00:01:55jakkihirki ja max waärd
00:01:56DeduXserS everytime ALL IN
00:01:57DeduXserS tb
00:02:00DeduXserS no matter what u cast
00:02:02DeduXserS just all in
00:02:06curdi snipu tai razorei
00:02:19MEteORStorM razor cm alas
00:02:21MEteORStorM gege
00:02:21DeduXserS buugi
00:02:24curdi ostan kanan
00:02:25Buugi no
00:02:25DeduXserS ganki alas koko aika
00:02:26MEteORStorM ogre dk toppii
00:02:28DeduXserS nii pystyn soloo
00:02:28DeduXserS hyvin
00:02:29MEteORStorM ja pullailette
00:02:33Buugi oge
00:02:35DeduXserS top saa olla
00:02:36DeduXserS ominaa
00:02:46Momdsiw varmaa jakin dk tulee mid
00:02:51MEteORStorM share
00:02:56Momdsiw maxaa sen dragon armorin ja ostaa vankun
00:03:18MruUuGh ota
00:03:22que2stress ota ota
00:03:26Momdsiw en osaa laittaa sitä gosuwardia toho
00:03:29Momdsiw toiselle puolelel spawnia :<
00:03:41curdi äh paska wardi
00:03:47jakkihirki lvl 2
00:03:49jakkihirki tappo
00:03:50aquatic maiden with INV
00:04:08DeduXserS maiden razor
00:04:10DeduXserS alhaal
00:04:14Momdsiw tupla melee top
00:04:42que2stress who will die?
00:04:56jakkihirki maybe wait
00:05:20DeduXserS ala rune
00:06:06jakkihirki gj
00:06:10Momdsiw tuun mid
00:06:12DeduXserS rhasta vois gankkaa
00:06:13DeduXserS vaa
00:06:16DeduXserS ku pugna pärjää kyl
00:06:51que2stress oha
00:06:52DeduXserS buugi ei saanu assistii :D
00:06:52Momdsiw Dis momdsiw
00:06:52Buugi zz
00:06:53Buugi fucker
00:06:57Momdsiw ei se tehny mitää
00:06:58Buugi dont tkaem y rune
00:06:59Buugi pls
00:07:11Momdsiw wait
00:07:12Momdsiw wait
00:07:12Momdsiw wait
00:07:19MEteORStorM askah rune top
00:07:31Momdsiw vitun dmg imu
00:07:31que2stress this momdisw
00:07:31Momdsiw :<
00:07:31Momdsiw rmk :<
00:07:31curdi zzz
00:07:31Momdsiw he didnt want play ae
00:07:31DeduXserS momdsiw turhaa
00:07:31DeduXserS toivot rmk
00:07:31Momdsiw ?
00:07:31DeduXserS ei n
00:07:33DeduXserS nää joini
00:07:48DeduXserS nätti feed axe + rhasta
00:07:50DeduXserS sillee np.......
00:07:53DeduXserS razoril muutenki 26cs
00:07:54jakkihirki kill
00:07:56DeduXserS nyt se sai 3kill
00:08:01Momdsiw 2*
00:08:05DeduXserS no exp
00:08:07DeduXserS silti
00:08:28DeduXserS hävitää joka linkja
00:08:40Momdsiw mite qop hävii midin
00:08:46DeduXserS tb
00:08:48DeduXserS peli paras mid
00:08:48Buugi lag
00:08:49DeduXserS hero
00:08:52Momdsiw pyh
00:09:01Momdsiw joku brood nakkais sen 100-0
00:09:05DeduXserS ei todellakaa
00:09:21DSoul ogre miss
00:09:22Buugi tuun alas tp
00:09:27DSoul re
00:09:28jakkihirki we kill
00:09:31MEteORStorM upgrade chick
00:09:37curdi venaa 25g
00:09:44DSoul -.-.-.-
00:09:57DeduXserS maiden saadaa
00:09:58MEteORStorM miss kasha
00:10:08Momdsiw spec ulti ota ogre
00:10:12Momdsiw jtn 100 hp oli
00:10:30DSoul -ogre
00:11:07jakkihirki ogre?
00:11:09Momdsiw stick
00:11:11Buugi ss mid
00:11:12MEteORStorM akasha rune jossai
00:11:13Buugi re
00:11:25aquatic punga rahzta
00:11:35aquatic WARDS ?
00:11:36que2stress well thought ryali tps
00:11:41DeduXserS ne o suomest
00:11:41curdi ?
00:11:46curdi no money for tp
00:12:08Momdsiw onks puigna muka
00:12:30DeduXserS 14cs :S
00:12:36que2stress ss
00:12:54jakkihirki kill
00:12:55jakkihirki dive
00:13:16MEteORStorM top
00:13:17MEteORStorM care
00:13:32DSoul what's taking you so long
00:13:38DSoul you have haste for christ sake
00:13:46Buugi def
00:13:50Momdsiw oom
00:14:32Buugi i tp top
00:14:32Buugi after
00:14:34Buugi regen
00:14:52MEteORStorM gogou
00:15:35Momdsiw vitut meni hero controlli
00:15:35que2stress gw
00:15:37Momdsiw ku sähläsin wardei
00:15:43Momdsiw en saanu hex siihe tb
00:15:56DSoul spec
00:16:01DeduXserS haste
00:16:03DeduXserS alhaal
00:16:06DSoul ult
00:16:07DSoul get cm
00:16:07jakkihirki hae pois
00:16:21jakkihirki haste
00:16:22jakkihirki take
00:16:23jakkihirki mruuugh
00:16:32MruUuGh xd
00:16:37DSoul get mid twr
00:16:39MEteORStorM stun
00:16:58Momdsiw 10 sec ult
00:17:01Momdsiw 4 mid care
00:17:07Buugi haste bot
00:17:26DSoul get top twr?
00:17:30Momdsiw :D
00:18:09Momdsiw laita niitä wardeja
00:18:12Momdsiw pugna
00:18:39Momdsiw oisit lurennu
00:19:45DeduXserS wardit tarvis toho
00:19:47Momdsiw have ulti
00:19:52que2stress hah mc day :D
00:19:53Momdsiw pugnal on repus
00:19:56MEteORStorM haen
00:20:14curdi .
00:20:25Buugi b
00:21:20DeduXserS nii et
00:21:21DeduXserS ne wardit toho
00:21:25Momdsiw sano pugnalel
00:21:27DeduXserS atm 33cs
00:21:28DeduXserS 0 farm
00:21:36Momdsiw pickasit kura heron
00:21:38MruUuGh hood vanukas
00:21:45DeduXserS ai mä?
00:21:48Momdsiw tai axe kusi linjat
00:21:55DSoul get mid twr
00:21:56MEteORStorM kaikki
00:22:04DSoul come all
00:22:19Momdsiw eiks phaset ois kovemmat
00:22:20Momdsiw ku treadit
00:22:25DeduXserS ei tänää
00:22:28DSoul def
00:22:30Momdsiw pystyis tekee jotai enne radiaki
00:22:33Buugi def
00:22:42curdi punadk
00:22:43curdi autodl
00:23:12DeduXserS DONT HUNT
00:23:13DeduXserS just b
00:23:21Momdsiw 2 buy backs
00:23:29Momdsiw oonpas jääny levuis jälkee
00:24:14Buugi ghost scepter good against them
00:24:25Momdsiw buugi
00:24:26Momdsiw dd
00:24:28Buugi tak3
00:24:31Buugi i go top
00:24:43Buugi let me pls
00:24:45MEteORStorM venaa
00:24:49Buugi u have core
00:24:51Momdsiw care bot
00:25:09DSoul those creeps
00:25:14que2stress fucker
00:25:30DeduXserS hide
00:25:31DeduXserS axe
00:25:32DeduXserS HIDE
00:26:03Momdsiw :D:D
00:26:10Momdsiw tuu mana
00:26:39Momdsiw pidetää ne kiireisenä
00:26:41Momdsiw nii specu saa farmittua
00:26:44DeduXserS JUUU
00:26:46Buugi jeboaaa
00:26:47DeduXserS 25min vanguard
00:26:50Momdsiw xD
00:26:54Momdsiw sick
00:27:02Momdsiw pugna vois liittyy meidä jengii
00:27:03Momdsiw gangimää
00:27:17Momdsiw pugna plant the ward
00:27:19DSoul speak english and mby i will
00:27:20DSoul -.-
00:27:23Momdsiw plant the ward
00:27:26Momdsiw you bought it at 6 min
00:27:31Momdsiw 18 mins a go
00:27:36que2stress :D
00:27:37DSoul i plant when needed
00:27:40DSoul we got 2 atm
00:27:48Momdsiw let spec
00:27:49Momdsiw let spec
00:27:50Momdsiw ffs
00:28:19DSoul spec
00:28:49Momdsiw tuun top
00:28:53MruUuGh oom
00:29:45DeduXserS i need mid farm
00:29:47Momdsiw smoek gang?
00:29:47DSoul mid twr
00:29:50Momdsiw gather for smoke
00:29:55Buugi im oom
00:29:55Momdsiw k
00:29:58DSoul we got rhasta + me
00:30:01DSoul lets get toqwers
00:30:12MEteORStorM ylös tulee
00:30:26Momdsiw twr?
00:30:36DeduXserS LVL 2 WARD
00:30:38DeduXserS PUGNA WTF
00:30:40DeduXserS DECRE LVL 4?
00:30:43DeduXserS when it should be 1
00:30:45Momdsiw xD
00:30:56Momdsiw gather for smoke
00:30:57MEteORStorM raazor tuus tankkaa
00:30:58MEteORStorM niiden ini
00:31:01DSoul i tried something different
00:31:01MruUuGh ju
00:31:12MEteORStorM giev bl
00:31:15aquatic thats called fail
00:31:22Buugi def
00:31:25Momdsiw ward is your best skill in team fights
00:32:18jakkihirki tp
00:32:18jakkihirki give
00:32:21MEteORStorM kaikki kuollei
00:32:22jakkihirki tp
00:32:24DeduXserS PUGNA u lost this game
00:32:34DeduXserS a ) U dont skill your best skill... which should be maxed on lvl 7
00:32:35DSoul ofc
00:32:39DeduXserS b) U dont have STR treads
00:32:42DeduXserS U HAVE 777hp
00:32:43DSoul not that you cant farm
00:32:44DeduXserS = TF
00:32:48DeduXserS wtf*
00:32:57DeduXserS 777???????? means.................. tb 3hit u
00:33:00Momdsiw 150g for my gs
00:33:02DeduXserS no idea go eul....
00:33:03aquatic AINT OST YET
00:33:04DeduXserS instead of hp
00:33:23Buugi go smoke?
00:33:24Buugi any1 got?
00:33:30Momdsiw i have
00:33:38Buugi go
00:33:38Momdsiw i take my gs first
00:33:39Momdsiw from chick
00:33:41Buugi ok
00:33:45DeduXserS tb
00:33:46DeduXserS is here
00:33:51Momdsiw come to me
00:33:52Momdsiw guys
00:33:53Momdsiw except spec
00:34:07Momdsiw no then
00:34:46aquatic why wont u gatehr for that smoke ?
00:34:52Momdsiw cause you went to woods
00:35:05DeduXserS vituttaa hävii
00:35:06DeduXserS sen takia et
00:35:16DeduXserS axe ei ota hungerii ja pugna ei skillaa wardii tai osta hp
00:35:30MEteORStorM jäädää camp
00:35:30DSoul and you cant farm
00:35:37curdi näin tehään
00:35:42Momdsiw gather
00:35:43Momdsiw for smoke
00:35:52Momdsiw pugna ulti
00:36:39MruUuGh manaa
00:36:51Momdsiw pugna go hit your ward
00:36:55curdi roosaa vois
00:37:37Momdsiw tuu midii farmaa
00:37:42DeduXserS siit ei saa rahaa
00:37:45DeduXserS ku 20gold
00:37:45Momdsiw bottomii sit
00:37:47DeduXserS per creep
00:38:09aquatic ei vaan oo wardeja
00:38:13aquatic no can do
00:38:15Momdsiw ei oo rahaa
00:38:23Momdsiw smoke go?
00:38:45MEteORStorM venaa
00:38:48MEteORStorM otan sydämen
00:39:08MEteORStorM viel
00:39:09MEteORStorM tele
00:39:09MEteORStorM :d
00:39:13MEteORStorM dodi
00:39:14curdi njaa
00:39:29aquatic ota se dd ja tee jotain eees täs pelis
00:40:34MruUuGh xd
00:40:44DeduXserS saan top torni
00:41:21Momdsiw rhasta on kyl nii kökkö hero
00:41:23curdi speculki radi
00:41:24curdi !
00:41:26DeduXserS eihä oo
00:41:28Buugi tee bkb
00:41:28DeduXserS ownaa tot tb.tä
00:41:29Buugi ni ei oo
00:41:40Momdsiw teen aghaa mielummi
00:41:41Momdsiw on jo gs
00:41:42Momdsiw noita vs
00:42:04Momdsiw noh specu tekee jo jotai matseis
00:42:11Momdsiw oliks sul radi äske
00:42:12DeduXserS 1k hp..
00:42:13DeduXserS pguna
00:42:15DeduXserS ei ollu
00:42:23Momdsiw silti kaatu melkei kaikki
00:42:30Buugi aegis
00:42:37que2stress raozor
00:42:47MEteORStorM sil aegis
00:42:47MEteORStorM go
00:43:15Momdsiw tais käydä höpösti ny
00:43:21Momdsiw tb:l hotti
00:44:30DeduXserS saan gearii aika vauhil
00:44:33curdi menin kyl ite vähä tyhmästi
00:44:35Momdsiw hope so
00:44:37curdi en kattonu heroo
00:44:38aquatic et enää tarvii mitään
00:44:38Buugi hp tuhoo noi
00:44:40MruUuGh ite shoppailin ja kuolin !
00:44:43Buugi ku ne hakkaa sua
00:44:44Buugi tappaa ittensä
00:44:56DeduXserS sain 4 tornia
00:44:57DeduXserS tos äske
00:44:58Momdsiw onks blademail hävinny spectren listalta
00:45:00DeduXserS oli aika jees
00:45:01Momdsiw itemi
00:45:02Buugi ei
00:45:03Buugi seki o hyvä
00:45:15Momdsiw enne aina pro peleis jos specu saanu farmia se teki vanku jälkee bmail
00:45:21DeduXserS nii
00:45:25DeduXserS mut tiesin et saan farm
00:45:38DeduXserS wards
00:45:40aquatic joo se farmi makso mid raxit
00:45:53Momdsiw se farmi saatto voittaa tän pelin
00:45:55que2stress -ms
00:45:59que2stress -st
00:45:59MEteORStorM kasaan vaa
00:46:01MEteORStorM ja finish
00:46:06Momdsiw gather smoke?
00:46:11MEteORStorM alhaalta
00:46:47Momdsiw voiks gosubladel iskee bkbehe?
00:46:49Momdsiw ei kai
00:46:50DeduXserS ei
00:46:52que2stress dk def top
00:47:10jakkihirki tuun smokel
00:47:11jakkihirki nopsaan
00:47:12Buugi jatka
00:47:13Buugi ne tulee alhaalt
00:47:14aquatic tarvitan smoke gang
00:47:14DeduXserS missähä ne on
00:47:15DeduXserS en oo menos
00:47:20Buugi hmm
00:47:21Buugi kill bot
00:47:22Buugi they dont have dk
00:47:23Momdsiw on sul ulos osto
00:47:26DeduXserS o
00:47:27Buugi mul o
00:47:28MEteORStorM ei mennä
00:47:31MruUuGh :(((
00:47:37MEteORStorM jakki tuus jo
00:47:40DeduXserS go smoke
00:47:41DeduXserS now
00:47:41jakkihirki next wave
00:47:42Momdsiw i smoek
00:47:42Momdsiw go
00:47:46DeduXserS idiots
00:47:49curdi "vielä yks wave..."
00:47:57Buugi how many smokes
00:47:58Buugi u used?
00:48:00DeduXserS 2
00:48:00curdi sit plöts
00:48:00Momdsiw 2
00:48:57Momdsiw ne on aikas lihavia
00:49:44DeduXserS rosh is up
00:49:46DeduXserS soon hot
00:49:59Buugi tärkee msoke
00:50:03DeduXserS no et sain sloti
00:50:05Buugi osiit anatu mulle
00:50:05Buugi ..
00:50:08Buugi 8 min cd
00:50:11Buugi 12
00:50:21Buugi the yrosh
00:50:27Buugi we go
00:50:28Buugi rosh
00:50:29DeduXserS no wards
00:50:42Momdsiw can some1 plant
00:50:57que2stress lal
00:51:00aquatic they will end now
00:51:04Momdsiw m
00:51:06Momdsiw mm
00:51:15que2stress dk defs
00:51:44Momdsiw nic eillus you have xD
00:51:47MEteORStorM ty
00:51:51MEteORStorM they r tanks
00:51:54Momdsiw :D
00:52:33Momdsiw aegis sil sit
00:52:40aquatic oltais tapettu alhal mut kun sun piti mennä ylös
00:53:11MruUuGh !!!!
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