Game #2288277

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-46 X
+0 TS

88% | 1482 X | 1436 TS

-26 X
-1 TS

62% | 1262 X | 1373 TS

-50 X
-1 TS

49% | 1132 X | 1365 TS

-52 X
-1 TS

40% | 1081 X | 1338 TS

+7 X
+0 TS

26% | 1044 X | 1263 TS

+18 X
+1 TS

74% | 1281 X | 1500 TS

+46 X
+1 TS

72% | 1364 X | 1390 TS

+29 X
+1 TS

51% | 1186 X | 1321 TS

+32 X
+1 TS

31% | 1043 X | 1311 TS

+48 X
+27 TS

NEW | 1030 X | 1258 TS

Chat log

00:00:08PinaryB tra mis tiimid need veel on
00:00:14creeeeeee pääris high mäng
00:00:19Soulyah idx lased ise meepot?
00:00:23Idx y
00:00:23Soulyah mul laggab ei saa microda
00:00:24Glu priit
00:00:24Glu lisa friendslisti
00:00:24Glu dotagc
00:00:24Vilkuky soulyah you lag?
00:00:24PinaryB rofl
00:00:24Soulyah yes
00:00:24PinaryB meepo wars
00:00:24svents soulyah sa peaks banned olema
00:00:24infect huskar void
00:00:24Soulyah but not dropping
00:00:24Soulyah my own lag
00:00:25svents nii kaua kuni omale neti sebid
00:00:27Vilkuky so its 60min game which is 30min others watching your lagscreen
00:00:27creeeeeee lükka voidile ban
00:00:27svents yeah
00:00:27Vangelis void
00:00:27creeeeeee võu ud
00:00:27Idx any1 want smth?
00:00:27Soulyah no u dont see my lagscreen
00:00:27Soulyah ud
00:00:27svents now we play 1.5h
00:00:27creeeeeee somebody wants to play ud?
00:00:27infect weaver
00:00:28creeeeeee aa nvm
00:00:28infect ka seal
00:00:29infect huskar
00:00:31creeeeeee võta weaver
00:00:42infect huskar > weaver
00:00:45creeeeeee mängid seda jah?
00:00:48Vangelis hmmm
00:00:53Vangelis void panda anda
00:00:54Vangelis kui tahad
00:00:55creeeeeee sa võiks mid
00:00:57Idx nad ei picki ikka geod
00:00:58Soulyah get him meepo
00:01:02creeeeeee -swap 1
00:01:03Vangelis -swap 2
00:01:04PinaryB jep
00:01:06Soulyah get him meepo
00:01:09Vangelis elderi or glu
00:01:10PinaryB ma võtan
00:01:11Vangelis if you want panda
00:01:11PinaryB npo
00:01:13Vangelis give me tide
00:01:13Soulyah meepo nii easywin hero
00:01:17Glu <-ogre
00:01:18Soulyah kui nats tajud
00:01:22PinaryB -swap 2
00:01:25Idx -swap 4
00:01:25creeeeeee elderi
00:01:26svents hmmm
00:01:29creeeeeee swap panda
00:01:29Elderi y
00:01:30creeeeeee for levi
00:01:30Vangelis get tide
00:01:31svents sile?
00:01:31Vangelis anyway
00:01:33Elderi no
00:01:34Soulyah ei
00:01:37PinaryB cent imo
00:01:38Glu i get and play tide then
00:01:38Soulyah pit
00:01:40Glu nvm
00:01:41Vangelis -swap 4
00:01:43Vilkuky cent
00:01:43Glu hmmmm
00:01:44Glu wat
00:01:46Vangelis thd
00:01:46svents tra see pit opasj
00:01:47Soulyah pit moar imba
00:01:50Elderi i play this
00:01:52Elderi sorry
00:01:52Vangelis or pit
00:01:53Elderi im top
00:01:58Vangelis no
00:01:59svents fagz
00:02:00Vangelis i am top
00:02:04svents took my jakiro
00:02:04Elderi no
00:02:06Vilkuky leoric
00:02:06Elderi this new
00:02:07Elderi anchor
00:02:09Elderi is
00:02:10Elderi op woods
00:02:11Soulyah pit
00:02:14Soulyah ..
00:02:21svents ei viitsi sed a paska pitti
00:02:22Vilkuky pit is fag hero
00:02:23svents sitt hero
00:02:23Vangelis no it isn't
00:02:26Vilkuky no need his aoe in this game
00:02:27Elderi y
00:02:28Elderi it is
00:02:30Soulyah pit best str support
00:02:34Vangelis ah
00:02:35Vangelis whatever
00:02:38creeeeeee infect tee nii nagu minu ts
00:02:41creeeeeee siis on hea
00:03:02infect stun ja diabolic
00:03:05creeeeeee y
00:03:09infect ja stats?
00:03:11creeeeeee jep
00:03:13creeeeeee no ult ka
00:03:17infect oki
00:03:18creeeeeee diabolic max esimesena
00:03:22infect stuni
00:03:23creeeeeee lightningut üldse ei võta
00:03:24infect mazin
00:03:31Vangelis ei
00:03:35Vangelis just maxi lightning
00:03:35infect jah
00:03:37Vangelis palju parem
00:03:38infect ei :D
00:03:38Vangelis stealida
00:04:10infect elderi
00:04:15infect pull?
00:04:20Elderi stacked
00:04:21Elderi sorry
00:04:24Soulyah omg mida vittu
00:04:36creeeeeee vehid nii palju no
00:05:12Vilkuky n1
00:05:16Vilkuky meepo
00:05:29Idx yay
00:05:31Idx respect
00:06:09Soulyah ss
00:06:12Vilkuky feels batman
00:06:30Vilkuky svents hang on i go gank bot
00:06:54Glu bot miss
00:06:57infect ss ogre
00:07:05svents ss tid
00:07:07svents tide
00:07:31Idx oom
00:07:37creeeeeee krt vale nupp
00:07:37Soulyah miks ei ultind sa:D
00:07:38Vilkuky damn
00:07:41Vilkuky i had more fireblast
00:07:47Vilkuky but no web :(
00:07:47creeeeeee enne panin skutsit
00:07:50creeeeeee kui teist
00:07:52creeeeeee bläääd
00:08:05Soulyah bannable see
00:08:06Soulyah :d
00:08:08Soulyah :D
00:08:08creeeeeee kill bot
00:08:14Soulyah ss
00:08:40PinaryB ogre meepo needs exp and svents needs you so why you bot
00:08:57Vilkuky we were suppose to gank
00:09:04Vilkuky but we cant get even jakiro dead
00:09:04PinaryB y try was good
00:09:07creeeeeee miss mid
00:09:08creeeeeee care top
00:09:39Vilkuky soulyah i come with u
00:09:42creeeeeee tulen alla
00:09:42infect ee
00:09:43Soulyah i get boots
00:09:44Soulyah sec
00:09:46infect tee kiire radi parem
00:09:58Vilkuky we dive
00:09:59Vangelis low
00:10:02Vilkuky go
00:10:03Vilkuky go
00:10:12infect elderi
00:10:13infect btw
00:10:15infect new courier
00:10:16creeeeeee still miss mid
00:10:22Idx 3 bot
00:10:27Vilkuky mid
00:10:28Vilkuky soul
00:10:31Soulyah y
00:10:43Idx pit oleks imba olnud praegu
00:10:52creeeeeee go mid
00:11:34Vilkuky get tower svents fast
00:11:38Vilkuky then back
00:12:11Vangelis ...
00:12:12creeeeeee wat
00:12:17creeeeeee haha
00:12:20Vilkuky 4 top
00:12:25Soulyah fucking
00:12:27Soulyah cant pick pit
00:12:29Soulyah to stop pushes
00:12:29Vangelis oom
00:12:30Vangelis suht
00:12:30Soulyah gg
00:12:36Soulyah cant def
00:12:44Vilkuky b
00:13:09infect wait
00:13:12infect some1
00:13:15infect will still push
00:13:18Vangelis no mana
00:13:19Vangelis for combo
00:13:43Elderi got ult
00:13:46Elderi no mana tho
00:13:49Elderi -60
00:13:49creeeeeee :D
00:13:55infect b
00:13:57infect top
00:13:58infect imo
00:14:02Soulyah gg
00:14:05Vangelis give
00:14:06Vangelis pers
00:14:07Vangelis to tide
00:14:08Vilkuky not yet
00:14:15creeeeeee just b
00:14:17Vilkuky dive
00:14:18Soulyah go
00:14:20Elderi 30 mana
00:14:21Elderi to ult
00:14:25Elderi what to
00:14:26Vangelis well
00:14:27Elderi do
00:14:27Vangelis i don't
00:14:32Vangelis have clap + ult mana
00:14:32Soulyah care
00:14:34Elderi 22mana
00:14:41Soulyah lets gang
00:14:48Elderi 400 to dagger?
00:14:58Vangelis stick
00:14:59Vangelis first
00:14:59Vangelis ?
00:15:02Vilkuky put obs
00:15:03Vilkuky lion
00:15:16Vangelis b
00:15:17Vangelis oom
00:15:22Vangelis b
00:15:39Soulyah Lol
00:16:00Glu :D
00:16:00svents tra:D
00:16:02creeeeeee :D:D:D:DDDDD
00:16:07Elderi i took ur damage
00:16:12creeeeeee purjus leoric lõi mööda
00:16:13Vangelis nope
00:16:13creeeeeee towerist
00:16:16Vangelis panda
00:16:19Vangelis clap + beer
00:16:47Vilkuky they push mid
00:16:56Soulyah wish we had pit
00:16:57Soulyah as i said
00:17:05svents v6tnud pit siis ise??
00:17:16PinaryB ta ei teadnud nende picke ju
00:17:17Soulyah kill lesh insta
00:18:32infect muidugi saan multicasti
00:18:34infect pederastid
00:19:32Idx meie metsas
00:19:57Soulyah tapame ta lion
00:20:10Vilkuky panda is away
00:20:13infect all ss
00:20:15infect top
00:20:18creeeeeee go get ge
00:20:35PinaryB ogre stun pls
00:21:01infect miks sa kõik killid saad
00:21:05infect ma teen mingi miljon dmg
00:21:10creeeeeee ma teen ka
00:21:12Vangelis admin hack
00:21:16creeeeeee ye
00:21:16creeeeeee :D
00:21:18infect ma vaatan ka jah
00:21:44Glu mis ma ehitan?
00:22:23Vangelis ja
00:22:24Vangelis siis rax
00:22:40creeeeeee geo tuleb metsa
00:22:41creeeeeee siia
00:22:43creeeeeee kohe
00:22:49Vilkuky go
00:23:39Vilkuky b
00:23:40Vilkuky b
00:23:44Elderi dont go alone
00:23:44Elderi die
00:23:50Vangelis dont
00:23:52Vangelis dagger away
00:23:53Vangelis go in
00:23:55Vangelis and ult!
00:24:12Elderi with 3v5 ``?
00:24:16Vangelis yes
00:24:21Vangelis we are overleveled/farmed u[p
00:24:22Elderi go inurself
00:24:27Vilkuky put sentry if they push
00:24:38Glu now elderi has no ulti mana again
00:24:40Vilkuky go
00:24:44Vangelis farm axe
00:24:47Vangelis is useful
00:24:48infect and thd is useless
00:25:27Soulyah pandal agha juba
00:25:28Soulyah :D
00:25:41infect thd
00:25:43infect flying?
00:25:54creeeeeee b imo
00:25:57Glu no, i'm "useless"
00:26:41Idx mdia sa teed
00:26:42Soulyah hea svents
00:26:49Vilkuky svents our hero
00:26:56Vilkuky brave man
00:26:58Soulyah ff at 25
00:27:01svents yeah and soulyah failed mid so ff
00:27:02svents ff
00:27:11Soulyah lol
00:27:12Vilkuky it seems so
00:27:13Soulyah failed mid
00:27:14creeeeeee fun fun fun
00:27:16Soulyah only gave him fb
00:27:20Soulyah no farm whatsoever
00:27:21infect go mid
00:27:22infect g2g
00:27:30svents yeah and let him freefarm
00:27:39Soulyah no farm whatsoever
00:27:40Soulyah read
00:27:43Vilkuky get weaver
00:27:44Vilkuky got dust
00:27:54Vilkuky relic :-DD
00:28:35Soulyah I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:39svents I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:30creeeeeee xDDD
00:29:32Vilkuky I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:46Glu :D
00:29:47Soulyah :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDddd
00:29:51Soulyah ff plz
00:29:55svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:56Soulyah new game better svents
00:29:59Soulyah :D
00:30:01Idx sai scepteri peale
00:30:05svents wtf i did?
00:30:08svents i was imba
00:30:17Soulyah hero picking
00:30:18svents u failed with huskar thats all
00:30:21Glu priit, järgmise addime koos?
00:30:25Vangelis ok
00:30:26Vilkuky I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:30svents yeah like i said i dont want thius shit pit
00:30:32infect lähme
00:30:34infect midist
00:30:35infect või bot
00:30:37infect suht savi
00:30:38Glu pane siis f-listi, ma ei tea kas eelmisi teateid nägid
00:30:43svents i could give u pit
00:30:44Vangelis ta
00:30:46Vangelis ei naita neid
00:30:50Vangelis kui ise ei vaata
00:30:53Vilkuky ff now ???
00:30:53Glu k
00:30:59Soulyah last fight
00:31:30infect hea abi oli
00:31:31infect oh wait
00:31:33infect thd
00:31:37infect miks sul seda stuni pole?
00:32:20Vilkuky I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:21Vilkuky I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:21Vilkuky I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:22Vilkuky I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:22Vilkuky I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:23Vilkuky I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:23PinaryB I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:23Vilkuky I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:24Vilkuky I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:24svents I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:25Vilkuky I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:25Vilkuky I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:25PinaryB [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:32:25PinaryB [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:32:25PinaryB [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:32:25PinaryB [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:32:25Idx I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:26Vilkuky I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:31Glu gg
00:32:34svents miks meepole scepteri tegid?
00:32:38svents miks mitte meka?
00:33:08svents all banned gg
00:33:11Glu gg
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