Game #2214066

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-10 X
-2 TS

64% | 1265 X | 1378 TS

-34 X
-3 TS

44% | 1224 X | 1213 TS

-38 X
-2 TS

41% | 1103 X | 1313 TS

-3 X
-20 TS

39% | 1153 X | 1247 TS

-43 X
-2 TS

33% | 1077 X | 1286 TS

+24 X
+6 TS
68% | 1306 X | 1378 TS

+29 X
+2 TS

64% | 1280 X | 1366 TS

+39 X
+11 TS

54% | 1273 X | 1256 TS

+6 X
+3 TS

20% | 981 X | 1276 TS

+36 X
+10 TS

14% | 1016 X | 1124 TS

Chat log

00:00:04Momdsiw -ap
00:00:08DSoul momdisw
00:00:10Momdsiw ?
00:00:16DSoul you jug bot
00:00:19Momdsiw they have melee mid
00:00:21DSoul many kills good lane control
00:00:23DSoul im mid
00:00:25DSoul zhus up
00:00:26DSoul gg
00:00:42Momdsiw lich needs most lvls io
00:00:43Momdsiw hmm
00:00:44Maier hmmm
00:00:45Maier me bot
00:00:48Momdsiw sylla kinda ruined it
00:00:52Maier actually
00:00:52Momdsiw i could do bot with some1
00:01:00Elderi munkaa
00:01:03DSoul svents
00:01:05DSoul top
00:01:08Momdsiw lina solo mid
00:01:10Momdsiw zeus solo top
00:01:12svents ei koti ma bot
00:01:12Momdsiw kinda risky you can roll for mid
00:01:16Momdsiw og if both want it
00:01:20svents ok im top
00:01:23svents np
00:01:28svents i solo
00:01:30Maier it's cool
00:01:31Elderi get wards top
00:01:32DSoul if goes wrong
00:01:32Elderi chick
00:01:32Maier i'll guard lock
00:01:34DSoul we swap
00:01:36DSoul lanes
00:01:36DSoul asap
00:01:38Momdsiw anna farmin sit
00:01:39Maier ära mööda hakka panema
00:01:43svents ei swapi
00:01:43Elderi pullin
00:01:45svents ma top
00:01:46svents ei koti
00:01:52DSoul kui sa perse keerad
00:01:54DSoul siis swapime
00:01:55svents ime muna
00:01:56Momdsiw lina top zeus mid better?
00:01:58Elderi denyyn sun lanelt
00:02:02Momdsiw j
00:02:28svents go fast game
00:02:33svents i need to finish it fast pls
00:02:35Maier osta warde kohe
00:02:36svents gtg
00:02:42Maier sylla forest
00:03:15svents ss1
00:03:28Maier b
00:03:34svents re
00:04:11Maier päästsin su praegu
00:04:26rezcomo bella che si fa il mana da solo
00:04:31FullFlush ss
00:04:32DSoul rune bot
00:04:37FullFlush r
00:04:46Maier caps when miss please
00:05:09Momdsiw go vaan
00:05:40rezcomo ss
00:05:44Momdsiw huoh
00:05:45Momdsiw melkei fb
00:06:17Momdsiw ai sul ei manaa
00:06:19Momdsiw vitut katoin
00:06:20Momdsiw et sul on
00:06:31Momdsiw sylla wrong target
00:06:35DSoul with rune
00:06:48rezcomo ward argh
00:06:51svents ss1
00:06:57V0nsteri paljo toi raketti maksaa?
00:07:03svents re
00:07:46Maier ma oom
00:08:25DSoul puck
00:08:27DSoul with rune
00:08:42Momdsiw 1 creep
00:08:51FullFlush SS
00:09:08Maier nvm
00:09:18rezcomo oom
00:09:38Momdsiw wl now
00:10:28DSoul puvk
00:10:28rezcomo andiamo mid?
00:10:34DSoul has rune
00:10:39Momdsiw illu bot i think
00:10:47Momdsiw zeus go top
00:10:48Momdsiw ??
00:11:08Maier b
00:11:08Maier b
00:11:32rezcomo ss mid
00:12:09ERTZ türaAAAAAAAA
00:12:11Momdsiw ^^
00:13:06Maier kasuta infi
00:13:14DSoul WWTF
00:13:28rezcomo tower
00:13:33Momdsiw zeus go top
00:13:34Momdsiw wtf?
00:13:34DSoul must be the biggest luck
00:13:53svents let sylla farms
00:13:57Momdsiw k
00:14:00Momdsiw just doint take my exp
00:14:16Momdsiw and lina gang plz
00:14:33DSoul need those fuckin arcane boots
00:14:39DSoul -2
00:14:47rezcomo arrivo my friend
00:14:59Momdsiw -.- miss
00:15:19rezcomo push fast
00:16:16svents sylla farm
00:16:19svents top
00:16:53Momdsiw fuck
00:17:08Momdsiw mid solo was useless
00:17:13Momdsiw their mid has assisted 7 kills our 1 how did u get vision? of invis
00:17:50Maier zeus ulti ? kk
00:18:21Maier ah misclick
00:18:23Maier so fail
00:18:27rezcomo :) go mid
00:19:35Maier mana ?
00:20:03Maier b
00:20:05Maier ffs
00:20:35Momdsiw ff
00:20:45svents roof imba shit hero
00:20:50Momdsiw roof has 2 assist
00:20:53Momdsiw 0 kills
00:20:54Momdsiw ?
00:21:02svents but he has good aura
00:21:08Maier mid
00:21:08Maier go
00:21:09Maier kohe
00:21:11Maier võtan rune
00:21:20Momdsiw only day time
00:21:55Momdsiw ty
00:21:59DSoul sry
00:22:02Maier tra võta veel kille
00:22:10DSoul clicked before your spin
00:22:14Momdsiw use s
00:22:16Momdsiw to stop
00:22:16ERTZ no vittu autoatackiga jumala lami
00:22:19DSoul h
00:22:24DSoul but was too late
00:23:00rezcomo xaxaxa
00:23:04svents heal heal heal
00:23:06svents gg
00:23:07svents ff
00:23:23Momdsiw our solos just sucked so much
00:23:39Momdsiw i knew i shoulda lich mid
00:23:49Maier twr
00:24:30FullFlush oom
00:24:35rezcomo me too go back heal and mid
00:25:20Momdsiw sylla needs radi badly
00:25:28rezcomo no i go farm fuck u noob roof
00:25:30rezcomo <3 def mif fast mid
00:25:53Momdsiw it will turn this milf
00:25:55Momdsiw if he can get it
00:25:58Maier def milf
00:26:02rezcomo always
00:26:03Maier roger that
00:26:18V0nsteri asdsadsadsad<
00:26:24Maier wait for me
00:26:27Momdsiw you dont go radi?
00:26:30svents hyper stone D:D:
00:26:32V0nsteri bought wrong..
00:26:38svents ok gg
00:26:40svents FF
00:26:45Momdsiw dont go
00:26:54V0nsteri well this works too
00:26:55Momdsiw come all def
00:27:18Momdsiw gj wl ulti
00:27:28Momdsiw ^^
00:27:40Maier TÜRA SA IMED LOHH
00:27:43Maier MINE GARENASSE
00:27:44rezcomo ops
00:27:51V0nsteri :D
00:27:59Momdsiw wagons warlock why no ulti when we go
00:28:07V0nsteri i guess this hyper was a good one for that fight :D
00:28:10ERTZ what means ulti
00:28:13Maier roof dont waste on yurn ulti like that
00:28:15Elderi we can still win
00:28:17Maier ULTIMATE SPELL
00:28:18Maier INF
00:28:18Momdsiw let me farm plz
00:28:21Elderi care
00:28:25ERTZ inf?
00:28:26Elderi all
00:28:34DSoul dont get cocky
00:28:39Momdsiw sylla use bear form
00:28:41Momdsiw for mroe hp
00:28:43ERTZ i dont have spell like called ultimate spell
00:28:53Maier infernal
00:28:53DSoul ...
00:28:55Maier last spell
00:28:55DSoul sr
00:28:57DSoul y
00:28:59Momdsiw -.-
00:29:07ERTZ i dont understand go back
00:29:13DSoul def plz
00:29:21Maier fucking imbecile
00:29:27DSoul they rosh?
00:29:28rezcomo rosh
00:29:30Momdsiw maybe
00:29:34ERTZ just trollin xD
00:29:38Momdsiw stupid entry from lina
00:29:39Momdsiw -.-
00:29:42DSoul y
00:29:49Maier loll oled lihtsalt
00:29:54ERTZ mhm
00:29:59Momdsiw check rosh
00:30:00Momdsiw with bear
00:30:04DSoul go all
00:30:06Momdsiw rush rosh
00:30:07Momdsiw come sylla
00:30:08rezcomo heal
00:30:08Momdsiw too
00:30:09Momdsiw come
00:30:09Momdsiw sylla
00:30:12Momdsiw dont fucking take the spawn
00:30:13Momdsiw come now
00:30:35Momdsiw check rosh hp
00:31:14Maier GET ROSH
00:31:15Maier 1 hp
00:31:16Maier GOOOOOOOOOOO
00:31:17Momdsiw run and use bear
00:31:17Maier SOLO
00:31:18Momdsiw ffs
00:31:19Maier GO
00:31:20Maier ARA
00:31:25Maier ffs relax
00:31:49DSoul good they went for rosh
00:31:49Momdsiw lich didnt even use ulti :O
00:32:01Momdsiw let me farm top
00:32:07rezcomo go bot end teh chick
00:32:26DSoul careful
00:32:28Momdsiw b
00:32:30Momdsiw ffs
00:32:47DSoul -.-
00:32:48Momdsiw -.-
00:32:58Momdsiw have we had any wards this game?
00:33:01DSoul 2
00:33:04Momdsiw k
00:33:05Momdsiw should i buy
00:33:09DSoul no
00:33:10svents ofc mid
00:33:16Momdsiw k
00:33:18DSoul b
00:33:19Momdsiw plant
00:33:32Momdsiw or should i plant too?
00:33:36DSoul i got this
00:33:40svents yes
00:33:40Maier wait
00:33:42Maier dazzle
00:33:43Maier dont dive
00:34:21Momdsiw fighT? go back
00:34:55DSoul roof has aegis
00:35:01DSoul dont target him
00:35:45Maier IMBA SHIT
00:35:53svents I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:35:53Momdsiw Gg wp
00:35:54svents cmon ff
00:35:56V0nsteri I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel] gg
00:35:59svents imba heroes
00:36:05Momdsiw wp puck
00:36:15DSoul puck was lucky
00:36:19DSoul twice at beggining
00:36:24DSoul that decided it
00:36:47Momdsiw I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:50rezcomo top
00:39:17DSoul tp
00:39:38Momdsiw sylla stil no radi -.-
00:39:49Momdsiw only item you need
00:39:59rezcomo poi tu telefonata? si
00:40:09FullFlush pl?
00:40:28Momdsiw roof invi
00:41:00Momdsiw Ahh oom for ulti after heal ward xD
00:41:29Momdsiw just end it
00:41:36Maier so much rape
00:41:40Momdsiw mm
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