Game #22046

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+6 X
+43 TS

NEW | 1149 X | 1161 TS

+68 X
+16 TS

43% | 952 X | 1149 TS

+60 X
+41 TS

NEW | 1039 X | 1122 TS

-19 X
+52 TS

NEW | 990 X | 1092 TS

+44 X
+27 TS

25% | 965 X | 1024 TS

-54 X
-20 TS

NEW | 903 X | 1176 TS

-38 X
-23 TS

NEW | 1102 X | 1162 TS

-9 X
-14 TS

29% | 893 X | 1103 TS

-20 X
-11 TS

15% | 757 X | 1099 TS

-27 X
-13 TS

31% | 964 X | 1091 TS

Chat log

00:00:06aRkker cm omni meepo
00:00:07chodaboy what u have?
00:00:11Gevomancer jakiro naga sandking
00:00:14chodaboy tc ogre zpectre
00:00:16Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:00:16eWeresT []heroes?
00:00:17chodaboy get sk and omni
00:00:24aRkker Im not playing omni
00:00:25Gevomancer i wont play sk
00:00:27Kapo- demon witch, sacred warrior, murloc nightcrawler
00:00:28Gevomancer but i can swap
00:00:29Kapo- any want?
00:00:38eWeresT get wd
00:00:40chodaboy sk is good someone play it?
00:00:41PETTR wisp bs destro
00:00:45chodaboy nimetu what u have?
00:00:48PETTR wtf im pink?
00:00:50Kapo- whats wd? :D
00:00:55Kapo- i don't have it
00:00:58aRkker fuck that, for once Im gonna pick something that I want to play my self
00:01:04eWeresT deamon
00:01:08Gevomancer lol
00:01:13chodaboy sk sk and some good ranged
00:01:17eWeresT i meant lion :D
00:01:23Gevomancer support still
00:01:24eWeresT monkey
00:01:24Kapo- kay
00:01:26eWeresT what u have
00:01:28aRkker shitt... BS vs Meepo
00:01:29aRkker QQ
00:01:30aRkker swap
00:01:30chodaboy -hhm
00:01:32chodaboy -hhn
00:01:33chodaboy -dik
00:01:34chodaboy -ddi
00:01:35chodaboy -di
00:01:38PeterLars qop sniper and abda
00:01:45eWeresT u go carry?
00:01:45PETTR chare
00:01:46chodaboy nimetu afk
00:01:49eWeresT or i?
00:01:50aRkker -afk
00:01:50chodaboy nimteu??+??
00:01:50eWeresT i got brood
00:01:50nimetu Nope.
00:01:50aRkker nimetus afk
00:01:50PeterLars what do you want
00:01:50aRkker oh
00:01:50chodaboy pick
00:01:50Gevomancer mid who?
00:01:50aRkker nvm
00:01:50eWeresT i got brood
00:01:50PeterLars i go sniper then
00:01:50eWeresT shall i pick it?
00:01:52Gevomancer i
00:01:56PeterLars i go sniper
00:01:56chodaboy lich mid
00:01:56aRkker or lich
00:02:00eWeresT fuck it
00:02:02eWeresT tank needed
00:02:02chodaboy jakiro top
00:02:10chodaboy arkker
00:02:12chodaboy can u pull?
00:02:14nimetu share thx
00:02:16aRkker I suppose
00:02:18chodaboy ill farm my ass off
00:02:25aRkker I'll feed my ass off
00:02:27Gevomancer me too
00:02:30eWeresT lol lich mid
00:02:31Gevomancer i farm
00:02:36aRkker no, you gank like hell
00:02:37aRkker with me
00:02:46aRkker meepo
00:02:50eWeresT p3ttr who are u ?:D
00:02:50aRkker listen to meepo
00:02:57Momdsiw you dont know him?
00:03:03eWeresT nope
00:03:03aRkker hurrdurr what a lane
00:03:08Momdsiw 40% player from gc
00:03:14eWeresT lol
00:03:16Momdsiw or maybe 50
00:03:29PeterLars modsiw
00:03:33PeterLars you pull or me?
00:03:36Momdsiw i can
00:03:43eWeresT dont feed that geo
00:03:53aRkker nice spike
00:03:59Taavi rune bot
00:04:01aRkker oh yeah
00:04:04aRkker got my torrents on
00:04:07eWeresT stun drain
00:04:07Momdsiw fuck double spawn
00:04:20Momdsiw you skilled drain?
00:04:31PeterLars nope
00:04:37Momdsiw asked sniper
00:04:40Momdsiw i mean
00:04:41Momdsiw lion
00:04:41Momdsiw .D
00:04:44Kapo- ye
00:04:48Momdsiw it sucks
00:04:51chodaboy we win this late
00:04:52Kapo- hm
00:04:54eWeresT it doesnt
00:04:58eWeresT stunn drain
00:05:00eWeresT spam em
00:05:09aRkker kapo is propably the worst lion I know
00:05:12eWeresT dont let him farm pls
00:05:18aRkker right after myself
00:05:45eWeresT again
00:05:55eWeresT drain too
00:06:08chodaboy lion
00:06:29eWeresT gj
00:06:32aRkker dude?
00:06:34chodaboy why didnt u hit?
00:06:35PETTR need gank mid
00:06:36aRkker he was 1 hit away
00:06:37Momdsiw uppllin
00:06:40Momdsiw pulling
00:06:40chodaboy i could do anthing
00:06:41aRkker with my 31 damage?
00:06:44aRkker I was tanking the tower too
00:06:51aRkker so why not?
00:07:08PETTR cant do shit vs lich
00:07:13PETTR can someone ranged take mid?
00:07:19eWeresT i can come mid
00:07:20Momdsiw you have lifesteal
00:07:21Momdsiw and silence
00:07:24eWeresT lion will babysit u down
00:07:24Momdsiw i mean
00:07:26Momdsiw life gain
00:07:29PETTR yeah
00:07:33nimetu this bs has like 0 farm
00:07:34eWeresT go bot
00:07:37aRkker excellent
00:08:01nimetu panda mid
00:08:01eWeresT lich ss
00:08:02nimetu bs miss
00:08:04nimetu swapped prolly
00:08:09eWeresT 're
00:08:22Momdsiw gj
00:08:24PeterLars gj
00:08:26eWeresT lich ss
00:08:27eWeresT mid
00:08:30eWeresT re
00:08:39aRkker aye
00:08:40aRkker they swapped
00:08:41PeterLars ss top
00:08:50PeterLars re 1
00:08:56nimetu ok ill just gang him
00:09:03PeterLars can someone upgrad chick
00:09:03nimetu miss
00:09:28eWeresT dont
00:09:31Gevomancer mine
00:09:34eWeresT DONT USE CHICK
00:09:47Momdsiw epllets ?
00:10:00nimetu miss bs
00:10:02Kapo- bot miss
00:10:04aRkker dead
00:10:08nimetu not anymire
00:10:11chodaboy arkker
00:10:13aRkker aye?
00:10:14Momdsiw skill pellets?
00:10:15chodaboy get vlad and go woods
00:10:18chodaboy some imba
00:10:20chodaboy shit
00:10:24aRkker trying to
00:10:35nimetu lets get that bs now
00:10:44chodaboy y
00:10:52Momdsiw line sniper needs pellets
00:11:00eWeresT jarikoi mid
00:11:06aRkker gosh
00:11:11nimetu bs is the target
00:11:11nimetu gosh
00:11:12Kapo- bot 3
00:11:19nimetu who cares about that lina
00:11:23nimetu lion
00:11:28Gevomancer kill
00:11:29Taavi ss
00:11:46Kapo- bot miss 3
00:11:53chodaboy gj
00:12:03chodaboy MISS LION
00:12:09chodaboy re
00:12:13Momdsiw oom
00:12:16eWeresT asd
00:12:18chodaboy gank bto
00:12:38Taavi wtf dude
00:12:39chodaboy wtf
00:12:45nimetu ogo
00:12:45eWeresT gj
00:12:46Gevomancer i wanted to save you
00:12:46nimetu gogo
00:12:46Taavi like realy
00:12:48Gevomancer dumbass
00:12:51Gevomancer -.-
00:12:56Gevomancer you shpuld have got b
00:12:57nimetu gj
00:13:06chodaboy leme farm
00:13:07eWeresT srsly, dont feed
00:13:07Taavi wtf did you go in??????
00:13:08aRkker woop
00:13:09chodaboy mEEPO
00:13:09aRkker sry
00:13:12aRkker SORRY MAN
00:13:15Taavi how can i b when you rush in
00:13:16nimetu ban imo
00:13:18aRkker k
00:13:19PETTR tell miss then fucker
00:13:29Momdsiw why you pick carry anyway
00:13:37PETTR why not?
00:13:38eWeresT im doing ur work
00:13:39Taavi if you do some dumb shit then i have to suffer
00:13:40eWeresT aka ganging
00:13:41eWeresT tard
00:13:41PETTR why do u play?
00:13:47eWeresT start ganing
00:13:49Gevomancer lol
00:13:49eWeresT with that hero
00:13:50eWeresT plws
00:14:02Gevomancer cool story
00:14:02Momdsiw monkey is 10 times better carry player i bet
00:14:05nimetu gogo lion
00:14:08aRkker oom
00:14:16Taavi story`?
00:14:17aRkker k
00:14:25PETTR he sure is
00:14:27eWeresT b
00:14:27Momdsiw pellets?
00:14:32Taavi wtf have no ulti
00:14:36Gevomancer no need
00:14:38Taavi your lvl 7 and no ulti???????
00:14:39aRkker ....
00:14:43aRkker and no stun?
00:14:46Taavi sure no need for a brain
00:14:56eWeresT go top lion
00:14:57eWeresT gang
00:14:57nimetu pointless to pick ulti so early
00:14:57chodaboy gank bot
00:15:13Taavi sure it is
00:15:18Taavi ok i will go afk now
00:15:24aRkker ...
00:15:25Momdsiw tower?
00:15:25PeterLars ulti
00:15:37Taavi no point to play so early in game
00:15:43eWeresT gj
00:15:43Taavi will play later
00:15:49chodaboy rexxar and jakiro
00:15:50chodaboy GANK
00:16:00Taavi i will never do anything with jakiro
00:16:07Gevomancer xD
00:16:09aRkker come on now children..
00:16:19eWeresT omw top
00:16:21PeterLars gank bot plz
00:16:22eWeresT got blink
00:16:26PeterLars and we need wards lion
00:16:38eWeresT lets tp bot lion
00:16:42Taavi still no ulti!
00:16:49eWeresT cd
00:16:51eWeresT 10 sek
00:17:13Gevomancer ulti is overrated
00:17:16eWeresT BS
00:17:21Taavi yes so ise a brain?
00:17:25eWeresT god
00:17:35eWeresT just ulti that scept
00:17:36eWeresT asdybsudnifo
00:17:44PeterLars that bs sucks
00:17:49chodaboy now were talking
00:17:49eWeresT no kidding
00:18:05aRkker -apm
00:18:13chodaboy il go top
00:18:15chodaboy rexxar u gank
00:18:27Gevomancer this rexxar is so dumb
00:18:37eWeresT why lothar
00:18:38Taavi thx
00:18:41eWeresT go manta
00:18:46PeterLars then i can run
00:18:54eWeresT moneywaste imo
00:19:05Taavi leave rune
00:19:05Gevomancer dd
00:19:18eWeresT gang top
00:19:18chodaboy dont come here
00:19:20chodaboy go gank
00:19:29nimetu oh they got ud:D
00:19:29Gevomancer shopping
00:19:34aRkker they do?
00:19:42aRkker he sees someone
00:19:49Taavi ulti would have been nice
00:20:04Gevomancer well, my ulti does about 200 dmg
00:20:06Taavi fucking idiot
00:20:06Gevomancer so useless
00:20:34nimetu wait for me
00:20:51nimetu wait for me i said
00:20:51eWeresT b
00:21:03Momdsiw oho luch
00:21:17nimetu attack
00:21:24eWeresT ur an idiot
00:21:43PETTR yeah that sucked :/
00:21:46nimetu tp bot then
00:21:49chodaboy dont forget sniper
00:22:09chodaboy gank all
00:22:13Momdsiw let sniper farm
00:22:27nimetu spec just farm
00:22:39Gevomancer b
00:22:50chodaboy let me then
00:22:59nimetu dude you just came
00:23:04chodaboy meepo come
00:23:08eWeresT b
00:23:38Momdsiw you can fight with ww panda still
00:23:49chodaboy sniper needs gank
00:24:04Momdsiw no1 ganging meepo?
00:24:06Gevomancer sniper can suck my balls
00:24:16chodaboy look ge got farm
00:24:26Gevomancer not really
00:24:32aRkker 22 min lothar is quite bad
00:24:33aRkker I mean
00:24:35aRkker in our way
00:24:42Gevomancer we have 2 hex soon
00:24:58nimetu kill
00:24:59nimetu not run
00:25:24Taavi jakiro you are so fucjking epic
00:25:32Gevomancer blablabla
00:25:51Taavi u just dont do anything!
00:26:13Momdsiw heal
00:26:14Taavi nice path
00:26:14Momdsiw yourself
00:26:16chodaboy good
00:26:16Momdsiw :<
00:26:20nimetu Taavi ole tasa. Sina oled see, kes ei taju meil midagi.
00:26:28Gevomancer tänan
00:26:37chodaboy we win with meepo
00:26:38chodaboy -ma
00:26:43chodaboy bs lvl 10
00:26:45aRkker meepwn!
00:26:48chodaboy meepo 17
00:26:49chodaboy ^^
00:26:55PeterLars let me farm bot
00:26:56Gevomancer nono, meepo 1
00:26:58Gevomancer 13
00:27:00Gevomancer :D
00:27:04aRkker 17/4
00:27:06chodaboy go gank team
00:27:08chodaboy ill try farm
00:27:10chodaboy arkker
00:27:12chodaboy GET ROSH
00:27:12Gevomancer 500 2 hex
00:27:15aRkker I will
00:27:18aRkker after I got my messers
00:27:21aRkker gonna buy it now
00:27:31aRkker 4.3k cash
00:27:32aRkker hihihi
00:27:36aRkker -apm
00:28:02chodaboy fuck
00:28:09eWeresT b mid
00:28:10chodaboy they farm and they gan
00:28:11chodaboy k
00:28:14chodaboy what the fuck are we doing?
00:28:15chodaboy ??
00:28:15aRkker I'll get the rosh
00:28:24chodaboy focus sniper
00:28:29chodaboy the only threat
00:28:29Momdsiw :<
00:28:34chodaboy DONT TAKE FARM
00:28:36aRkker go away rex
00:28:39aRkker rex
00:28:40aRkker rex
00:28:40aRkker rex
00:28:41aRkker rex
00:28:41aRkker rex
00:28:41aRkker rex
00:28:42aRkker rex
00:28:42aRkker re
00:28:46aRkker let me have my fucking exp please
00:28:49aRkker fine
00:28:52aRkker do it yourself then
00:29:05eWeresT ROSH
00:29:08PeterLars gogo
00:29:09Momdsiw fake
00:29:21PeterLars lo
00:29:57Kapo- -ii
00:30:06Momdsiw pitäs vissii oottaa et vähä tasottus pelaajat enne ku pelais tääl :D
00:30:13PeterLars 1/6 bs .s
00:30:21chodaboy next item AC
00:30:23chodaboy and its over
00:30:24aRkker I know
00:30:26chodaboy arkker
00:30:27chodaboy a
00:30:50PeterLars forget the first
00:30:53PeterLars b
00:30:53PeterLars b
00:31:02nimetu just top
00:31:03nimetu spec go farm
00:31:05nimetu and come with ulti
00:31:20nimetu you still go no farm
00:31:22Momdsiw noting we can do
00:31:26aRkker I do
00:31:27aRkker dw
00:32:37PeterLars b and heal
00:32:44chodaboy b all
00:32:45eWeresT pop that lich
00:32:51PeterLars oom
00:32:51eWeresT nvm
00:33:02chodaboy leme farm bot
00:33:17chodaboy meepo got ac
00:33:20aRkker almost
00:33:21aRkker 1000 missing
00:33:48Gevomancer -ms
00:33:50PeterLars more wards plz
00:34:00eWeresT we just need to turtle
00:34:04Momdsiw mm
00:34:08aRkker 100 missing now
00:34:09eWeresT late sniper > all
00:34:14PeterLars b
00:34:21PeterLars WTF
00:34:25eWeresT .
00:34:26aRkker got it
00:34:38chodaboy arkker
00:34:40aRkker yeah?
00:34:43chodaboy go for teh totem
00:34:45PeterLars b
00:34:49aRkker totem?
00:34:50chodaboy and we win fight so easy
00:35:08chodaboy yeah
00:35:11aRkker I think Im gonna go for 2nd messers for my last item tbh
00:35:12nimetu ok 4 guys their woods
00:35:13nimetu and camp
00:35:14nimetu spec farm
00:35:32nimetu just stay put
00:35:33chodaboy my farm top
00:35:42aRkker stay here
00:35:42nimetu wait
00:35:44chodaboy eeey
00:35:46aRkker they'll come
00:35:48PeterLars b
00:35:49nimetu ah this guy is pointless
00:35:51chodaboy DONT TAKE FARM
00:35:53aRkker blind he is...
00:36:04chodaboy vban rexxaer
00:36:08chodaboy ban rexxar
00:36:09aRkker should
00:36:10Taavi for what?
00:36:13nimetu Im gonna.
00:36:16PeterLars wards up plz
00:36:17aRkker for being an utter retard and trying to ruin the game on purpose
00:36:19chodaboy not listening
00:36:20chodaboy to cap
00:36:20Taavi ban for what?
00:36:23Taavi i listen
00:36:23aRkker gameruining
00:36:27Taavi i do not obey you
00:36:28chodaboy U TOOK FARM
00:36:31chodaboy I TOLD U NOT TO
00:36:32Taavi so
00:36:35Taavi was it yours
00:36:44eWeresT b
00:36:58Momdsiw lich no ulti
00:37:16Momdsiw tuus arkker töräyttää jo läpi
00:37:17aRkker shiet
00:37:18eWeresT fast
00:37:19aRkker ok
00:37:19chodaboy go push
00:37:23chodaboy come
00:37:24nimetu gogo
00:37:25Gevomancer i can tele
00:37:26eWeresT b
00:37:28Gevomancer have travels
00:37:33aRkker no äkää ny
00:37:54eWeresT gg
00:37:59aRkker you emoboy
00:38:00eWeresT arrker geomancer won :D:D:D:D
00:38:05nimetu damn this lich
00:38:20nimetu just throne
00:38:21eWeresT finish it
00:38:34eWeresT fucking 40% guy firstpick with bs and 1 : 10
00:38:36eWeresT ridiculous
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