Game #2187029

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+32 X
+1 TS

96% | 1622 X | 1615 TS

+42 X
+0 TS

70% | 1313 X | 1416 TS

+56 X
+1 TS

37% | 1087 X | 1304 TS

+63 X
+37 TS

NEW | 1159 X | 1142 TS

+32 X
+37 TS

NEW | 1070 X | 1142 TS

-50 X
-3 TS

75% | 1339 X | 1434 TS

-65 X
-1 TS

65% | 1230 X | 1434 TS

-44 X
-1 TS

61% | 1240 X | 1377 TS

-26 X
-1 TS

48% | 1120 X | 1371 TS

-30 X
-1 TS

30% | 1029 X | 1321 TS

Chat log

00:00:06Allistysmies ogre huskar
00:00:07Lawok axe CM weaver
00:00:10vutten rhasta tuskarr viper
00:00:11AreUSeriousBro razor enigma tiny
00:00:13Allistysmies huskar for cm?
00:00:14Lawok alli and what else
00:00:17Allistysmies troll
00:00:25AreUSeriousBro anyone ,
00:00:26Lawok well k
00:00:26AreUSeriousBro ?
00:00:29Sepetos what
00:00:30Lawok -swap 4
00:00:31que2stress dazzle sniper cent
00:00:31Allistysmies -swap 1
00:00:33Sepetos bs encha ns
00:00:33AreUSeriousBro razor enigma tiny?
00:00:46Momdsiw hmm
00:00:46vutten rhasta tuskarr viper
00:00:49que2stress dazzle is in any case imba with tuskar
00:00:56Elderi thd sven gyro
00:00:58AreUSeriousBro anyone wants enima ,
00:01:00AreUSeriousBro gniema?
00:01:01AreUSeriousBro enigma?
00:01:02que2stress get sven
00:01:08Lawok pippeli bs mid
00:01:10vutten last 2 afk?
00:01:14Sepetos lol paska hero tää
00:01:14que2stress OMFG
00:01:19que2stress momdisw
00:01:21Lawok niin on, huomasin eile
00:01:22Momdsiw ?
00:01:27Momdsiw od better?
00:01:32Lawok oli 8min 50cs ja otettii iha täysi turpaa
00:01:34Vestalis potm kunka
00:01:36que2stress what did u have?
00:01:38Elderi cm bot
00:01:42Sepetos chick
00:01:43que2stress sven cm bot
00:01:44Elderi pa top
00:01:44que2stress both bot
00:01:45AreUSeriousBro me down pls
00:01:49que2stress pa with me top
00:01:55Lawok cm with sven top
00:01:57Elderi why
00:01:59Elderi i pull
00:01:59que2stress with dazzle
00:02:00Lawok or bot
00:02:00Elderi top
00:02:02Lawok and mort dazz
00:02:03vutten reg
00:02:10Lawok cm bot
00:02:11que2stress CM B OT
00:02:18Elderi cm we have to roll bot
00:02:19Sepetos ihapaukuis
00:02:21Elderi get us some wards
00:02:24Elderi älä
00:02:26Lawok mä juon es olutta ;D
00:02:32Momdsiw ^^
00:02:32Lawok pärisee
00:02:36vutten ss top
00:02:36Allistysmies nonni, kaikki kaasuis
00:02:39Vestalis pas envie de jouer ezalor :(
00:02:46Vestalis tjs moi laderniere -_-
00:02:50vutten both re
00:03:14Momdsiw push lane :<
00:03:24Lawok ÖAGAA
00:03:43Allistysmies klana
00:04:36Allistysmies kana
00:05:28Sepetos gangmid :o
00:05:44vutten ss 8 top
00:05:47vutten 1 ofc
00:06:05vutten tangoo plz
00:06:14vutten thx
00:06:33Lawok miss mid
00:06:33Momdsiw you shoulda ocme
00:06:35Lawok re
00:06:35Momdsiw i tohught you gank
00:06:37Momdsiw i went on them
00:06:44que2stress why not let us start?
00:06:45Sepetos botrune
00:06:46Lawok care top
00:06:46Lawok care
00:06:47Lawok care
00:06:49Sepetos come mid
00:06:53AreUSeriousBro soon 6 ?
00:06:53Lawok re
00:07:01Sepetos soon ulti
00:07:04Momdsiw or i didnt b i mean
00:07:04vutten 3 bot
00:07:06vutten top
00:07:06Momdsiw didnt atk tho
00:07:15vutten no one miss cm?
00:07:34Sepetos gj
00:07:46Momdsiw ffs
00:07:49Momdsiw why you show yourself
00:07:49Sepetos lets kill top
00:08:13Momdsiw t
00:08:14Momdsiw they see me
00:08:37Momdsiw whgy oyu move
00:08:41que2stress was shop
00:08:56Lawok ASD we lose this
00:08:57que2stress ff
00:08:59vutten sry dude
00:09:03Sepetos np
00:09:08que2stress well
00:09:16que2stress pa pick
00:09:36Momdsiw im not good with od
00:09:44que2stress what was the 3rd?
00:09:49Momdsiw naix
00:09:52que2stress and
00:09:56vutten omw
00:09:59Momdsiw played it lastgame
00:10:06que2stress and swap isnt possible?
00:10:25Lawok where the fuck is chiken
00:10:32Momdsiw ward spls
00:10:55AreUSeriousBro lend me your ring pls ?
00:11:06AreUSeriousBro dp?
00:11:12Lawok try kjilling sepe
00:11:16Sepetos wards?
00:11:17AreUSeriousBro thx
00:11:19vutten got em
00:11:22vutten ill plant now
00:11:29Vestalis SS TOP
00:11:33Vestalis re
00:11:54Sepetos take invis rhasta
00:11:56Lawok care
00:12:02vutten b
00:12:23Momdsiw no wards no win
00:12:31Momdsiw they roam
00:12:33teh_re give
00:12:45vutten so fail
00:12:48Vestalis yy
00:12:49Sepetos someone make manaboots
00:12:53vutten me
00:13:20que2stress all but pa roam now
00:13:31Vestalis fffffffff
00:13:46AreUSeriousBro je t'ai ping
00:13:54que2stress all go ONLY togetherß
00:13:55Momdsiw cm wards?
00:13:59Vestalis oé oé je savais pas quoi faire
00:14:00que2stress do u understand this?
00:14:08que2stress sven
00:14:10que2stress do u understand`?
00:14:14que2stress cm do u understand?
00:14:19que2stress FUCKIJG LAWOK
00:14:32vutten oom
00:14:36que2stress is it so hard
00:14:38que2stress to understand
00:14:43que2stress GO WITH 4 ONLY?
00:14:51Momdsiw where you go dazzle wtf
00:14:52que2stress it is
00:14:59Sepetos gj
00:15:01AreUSeriousBro mana stp
00:15:04que2stress i am raging
00:15:06Momdsiw you were only1 alone dazzle not us?
00:15:07que2stress cause u dont listen
00:15:07Elderi dazzle fail
00:15:17Momdsiw you were fucking oslo at tower and we all died
00:15:18Momdsiw bc of that
00:15:20que2stress y
00:15:21que2stress so what
00:15:21Momdsiw i was on bs ulti
00:15:31que2stress if i dont get any answers
00:15:35Elderi dazzle u have to move with others there
00:15:37que2stress why care about anytthing?
00:15:38Momdsiw get wrads
00:15:46Vestalis ca faitplaisir d evoir des wards
00:15:46que2stress WE ALL 4 have to MOVE TOGETHER
00:15:50que2stress CAN U IDIOTS UNDERSTAND THIS?
00:15:54que2stress SO COME
00:15:55que2stress AND
00:15:56que2stress MOVE
00:15:57Allistysmies well can you
00:16:04Momdsiw plant
00:16:06Momdsiw i buy wards then
00:16:19que2stress well
00:16:23que2stress it seems
00:16:25que2stress that its too hard
00:16:27que2stress why u go lawok
00:16:29que2stress is it so hard
00:16:31que2stress to wait for all=?
00:16:33Lawok ;D
00:16:36Lawok why dont u go
00:16:41que2stress BECAUSE
00:16:42Allistysmies ku ei oltu sielä
00:16:44que2stress WE ARE NOT
00:16:45que2stress 4
00:16:49que2stress why u go 2v5=
00:16:51que2stress idiot?
00:16:54vutten reg
00:16:55Momdsiw plant wards i bought
00:17:05Momdsiw i bought alread
00:17:06que2stress what u want wit wads
00:17:06Momdsiw on chick
00:17:11que2stress THEY ARE TO DUMGB
00:17:12Sepetos towerbot
00:17:14que2stress TO MOVE WITH 4
00:17:18que2stress so what plant even wards
00:17:28Momdsiw i plan then
00:17:39que2stress again
00:17:40Lawok ff
00:17:42que2stress they are too duimb
00:17:56que2stress i dont understand the prob
00:17:57que2stress but
00:18:03que2stress im asking since 10 min
00:18:05que2stress and people
00:18:06que2stress are not able
00:18:08que2stress to go
00:18:09vutten mid?
00:18:09que2stress together
00:18:10AreUSeriousBro lana pls
00:18:14Sepetos someone could have urn
00:18:16Sepetos mby eza
00:18:20Lawok gather mid and gank their forests
00:18:21Lawok TY
00:18:22Vestalis im going janngo
00:18:30Lawok and fucking heal and grave me
00:18:36Lawok dont go
00:18:37Lawok dont go
00:18:54Lawok now
00:19:04Lawok ok dont grave
00:19:06que2stress wh
00:19:07que2stress u suck
00:19:20que2stress why the hel
00:19:21que2stress u go on
00:19:23que2stress like idiots
00:19:24Elderi yy
00:19:29Allistysmies who cares, it's lost
00:19:31que2stress unbelieveable
00:19:34que2stress how bad uare
00:19:39Momdsiw well if others go in why you stand at b?
00:19:40Allistysmies yeah, can't be as good as you
00:19:41Lawok basicly its annoying that u cant support with dazz
00:19:52que2stress why shall i support shit
00:19:52Momdsiw i went to krobe with huskar
00:20:03que2stress supported shit
00:20:05que2stress stays shit
00:20:19que2stress ´u go in a 5v5
00:20:20AreUSeriousBro mana stp
00:20:25Lawok gather
00:20:26que2stress like rambo
00:20:26Vestalis i go urn
00:20:31que2stress u never can wait
00:20:35que2stress what shall i support?
00:20:39Allistysmies they're bot and you want to gather there
00:20:41Momdsiw you never come anyway
00:20:42Lawok nothing i assume
00:20:45Momdsiw many times now
00:20:47Momdsiw you stay b with dazzle
00:20:48Sepetos toptower?
00:20:49Sepetos or?0
00:20:49vutten u really should drop items in base before useing chicken
00:20:53que2stress OFC I STAY B
00:20:54Momdsiw and not helaing / graving
00:20:54Lawok ASD
00:20:55que2stress IF I GO IN
00:21:00que2stress I GET SILENCED?
00:21:02Lawok please GATHER
00:21:04que2stress mb?
00:21:05Vestalis i usually do sry
00:21:13que2stress how idiot can u be
00:21:24Lawok what the hell are u doing
00:21:24vutten omw
00:21:26Lawok follow..
00:21:32Momdsiw i can bklink in
00:21:35que2stress huskar has
00:21:36que2stress 0 items
00:21:38que2stress 0
00:21:38que2stress 0
00:21:43que2stress so dont rush in
00:21:45que2stress like idiot
00:21:47que2stress if u die instant
00:21:52Lawok with ur grave
00:21:53que2stress and get half hp with ur ulti
00:21:55Lawok my third skill would
00:21:59Lawok do something
00:22:06Allistysmies gg
00:22:07Allistysmies ff
00:22:28Momdsiw cant you see hes illmuninating
00:22:29Sepetos use ultieS?
00:22:53Elderi ff
00:23:45que2stress just stay fountain
00:23:49Vestalis dd
00:23:51que2stress go throne
00:23:56Vestalis reg and go
00:24:46Elderi fontana
00:24:47que2stress WTF
00:24:52que2stress just go throne
00:24:54que2stress just go end it
00:24:57que2stress rhasta
00:25:04vutten Iam deffing :
00:25:08que2stress deffing what
00:25:12vutten tower bot
00:25:12que2stress we stay fountain
00:25:15que2stress and wait that u finish
00:25:18Allistysmies :p
00:25:19vutten then ff?
00:25:25que2stress how?
00:25:30vutten ff?
00:25:32que2stress ff
00:25:34que2stress is it 25 min?
00:25:35que2stress no
00:25:38que2stress so it doesnt work
00:25:41vutten ohh u have to wait to 25 :P
00:26:04Momdsiw :>
00:26:07Allistysmies gg
00:26:08Momdsiw Olipa kiv apeli
00:26:15Momdsiw joutu ite ostaa wardeiki ku muut ei suostunu
00:26:30que2stress i will never play again support on bronze
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