Game #2151100

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-38 X
-1 TS

98% | 1682 X | 1613 TS

-41 X
-1 TS

76% | 1345 X | 1448 TS

+5 X
-1 TS

39% | 1118 X | 1287 TS

-32 X
-1 TS

35% | 1134 X | 1244 TS

-7 X
-1 TS

18% | 1049 X | 1153 TS

+43 X
+1 TS

83% | 1375 X | 1504 TS

+32 X
+1 TS

77% | 1313 X | 1491 TS

+21 X
+2 TS

50% | 1162 X | 1342 TS

+36 X
+0 TS

49% | 1202 X | 1288 TS

-8 X
+1 TS

39% | 1089 X | 1320 TS

Chat log

00:00:02Sepetos -ap
00:00:03Elderi what was in pool
00:00:06Bct_Murder you tuskarr elderi
00:00:10Elderi sure ?
00:00:20Arapiles so sorry btw
00:00:30svents -clear
00:00:37Jerkku sepe goes mid ?
00:00:46svents lanes?
00:00:50Jerkku or
00:00:55Sepetos share
00:00:55Elderi where is
00:00:57Elderi tuskar
00:01:02dhgf scourge
00:01:04dhgf strenght
00:01:04Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: on
00:01:09Bct_Murder \raigo
00:01:10Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: You control Earthshaker [f,e,c,a]
00:01:12Sepetos we should have pretty good lanes
00:01:18Sepetos lich get flying asap ok?
00:01:20dhgf bara bot
00:01:23dhgf tuskar top
00:01:25Sepetos ill buy basi
00:01:27Arapiles kk
00:01:30dhgf top
00:01:31dhgf right
00:01:34Elderi it was sentinel
00:01:38dhgf oh sorry :D
00:01:45Arapiles use bird now beast
00:01:47Arapiles master
00:01:50Arapiles to scout
00:01:51dhgf come top tuskar
00:01:55dhgf pull
00:02:01Elderi yy
00:02:07Elderi i stack first
00:02:11Elderi åk
00:02:18Arapiles rune bot
00:02:30dhgf pull
00:02:36Jerkku es
00:03:40Jerkku es u should pull
00:03:46Sepetos b
00:04:23Arapiles b
00:04:26MATi mid miss
00:04:27Arapiles gogoo
00:04:52Elderi necro invis
00:05:07Elderi top warded
00:05:32MATi mid miss
00:05:32MATi mid miss
00:07:20Dotson invis
00:07:30Arapiles ss sry
00:07:53Sepetos own fail didnt check minimap soon enough
00:08:10MATi mid miss
00:08:11svents ss
00:08:11MATi mid miss
00:08:14Dotson dd
00:08:15Dotson bot
00:08:21svents re1
00:08:34Jerkku es go stun bara
00:08:35Sepetos midmiss
00:08:36Sepetos troll
00:08:52Jerkku troll bot
00:09:09Arapiles ss tusk
00:09:57Arapiles stil ss
00:10:00Arapiles tuskar
00:10:01svents mine
00:10:33svents gj
00:10:33Sepetos nice fuckin luck evade that heal
00:10:39svents ofc
00:11:03svents chargen toppi
00:11:18svents l2hme
00:11:20Arapiles ss 2 top now
00:11:20svents lich
00:11:21dhgf ye
00:11:56dhgf gj
00:11:58svents gj
00:12:12dhgf b
00:12:13dhgf b
00:12:23dhgf tulin niisama tankima veits :D
00:12:28svents :D:D
00:12:30svents pole hullu
00:12:33dhgf bara charge ikka
00:12:37dhgf korralikuks tehtud :D
00:12:42svents y
00:12:56svents imba eui teadnudki et kui surma saab siis v6tab teise charge kohe :D
00:13:03dhgf ye
00:13:07svents suht imba
00:13:16dhgf def mid
00:14:08Arapiles gj
00:14:09svents mine vittu :D
00:14:10Jerkku bitch
00:14:14svents ur my
00:14:30Bct_Murder gg
00:14:34Bct_Murder fat skeleton
00:14:35Bct_Murder gg
00:14:41Elderi tp top
00:14:42Elderi kill
00:14:44Arapiles y my bad
00:14:45svents top
00:14:47svents kill
00:14:53Bct_Murder yes you :(
00:15:01Jerkku gank sk bot
00:15:11svents go go
00:15:26Elderi gj bara
00:15:32svents np
00:15:53Sepetos gj
00:16:06svents omw top
00:16:26svents tulen alla
00:16:35svents tapame
00:16:42dhgf k
00:17:11Sepetos skele no ulti bot
00:17:12Sepetos go kill
00:17:14Bct_Murder i say give me bara ;]
00:17:37svents haste
00:18:07svents fck off
00:18:20dhgf b
00:18:26Arapiles send in bird man
00:18:31Sepetos go mid
00:18:33Jerkku mana
00:18:34Sepetos push next tower
00:18:35Sepetos then bot both
00:18:36Sepetos ok
00:18:36Sepetos all
00:18:37Sepetos go
00:18:47Arapiles regn go take
00:19:16Bct_Murder this team is teribble
00:19:19Bct_Murder no look mini map
00:19:23Bct_Murder go alone
00:19:24Bct_Murder omg
00:19:46dhgf no ult
00:20:12svents sitt idee
00:20:12Jerkku gj
00:20:22Jerkku next
00:20:29Sepetos moar
00:20:34dhgf b
00:20:37Jerkku then b
00:20:39Sepetos y
00:20:40Sepetos then mid
00:20:41Jerkku or rosh
00:20:42Jerkku ?
00:20:57dhgf go with 5
00:20:58Sepetos lets try
00:20:59dhgf go mid iwth 5
00:21:11dhgf get rosh
00:21:43Bct_Murder veri nice
00:21:44Bct_Murder ;]
00:21:46Bct_Murder gg :)
00:21:48Jerkku gj :D
00:21:52Arapiles shiit
00:21:57Sepetos fuckin iceshit
00:21:59dhgf 3 mid
00:22:00dhgf 2 bot
00:22:00Jerkku yep
00:22:07dhgf get towers
00:22:09Bct_Murder troll fat
00:22:12Jerkku got bkb soon
00:22:12Sepetos should have go push
00:22:16Bct_Murder necro you lose mid vs troll ?
00:22:22Sepetos no i got ganked
00:22:32Sepetos but yea he has better lasthit
00:22:35Sepetos so he gets lasthits
00:22:44dhgf b mid
00:22:45svents teen s&y?
00:22:54Sepetos midgo
00:23:10dhgf bkb
00:23:13svents ok
00:23:21dhgf teen teise bkb
00:23:24svents ok
00:23:27dhgf def base
00:23:32Elderi ma en saa bkb?
00:23:39svents no
00:23:39Sepetos top
00:23:40Sepetos go
00:23:41svents 2 bkbs
00:24:31Jerkku bitch tusk
00:24:34Bct_Murder why not back?
00:24:35Bct_Murder team?
00:24:41Jerkku well got bkb
00:24:47Sepetos es blink?
00:24:52Sepetos we go push top tower next
00:24:58Jerkku troll lothars
00:24:58Bct_Murder i have blink
00:25:04Sepetos get sentry
00:25:05dhgf tuskar vladi
00:25:09Sepetos beast
00:25:11Sepetos go top
00:25:11dhgf pipe ok
00:25:12Sepetos tower
00:25:12dhgf first
00:25:13Arapiles no money me
00:25:20Elderi y
00:25:57MATi kill top
00:26:06svents es
00:26:15dhgf b
00:26:15dhgf b
00:26:46dhgf b
00:26:47dhgf b
00:26:55Jerkku gj
00:27:03Arapiles orange
00:27:05Bct_Murder they first kill me
00:27:05svents sfl bkb see pask
00:27:07Bct_Murder all time
00:27:08Bct_Murder :)
00:27:12Arapiles is it ok if i control osme oyour units?
00:27:12dhgf zeus
00:27:14dhgf go def bot
00:27:15dhgf fast
00:27:20Arapiles when i die
00:27:21svents l2hn
00:27:21mieseskarma no prob
00:27:42MATi necro always first
00:27:46Sepetos push raxmid?
00:27:46svents i cant
00:27:48Arapiles 350 to meka
00:27:48svents ghost
00:27:51Jerkku need mana
00:27:52MATi sina mitte
00:27:54MATi zeus tuskar
00:27:55Jerkku push mid
00:27:55mieseskarma its ok its a bit to much micro for me but fucking book is strong :)
00:27:55Sepetos go gang
00:27:56MATi take necro
00:27:57Sepetos give mana
00:27:57svents y
00:27:58MATi with all u got
00:28:02Jerkku es mana
00:28:07Bct_Murder cool down
00:28:16dhgf GOOGOGO
00:28:30Sepetos that was bad
00:28:36Jerkku yep
00:28:39Bct_Murder good gank :)
00:28:44Bct_Murder they all time kill me
00:28:44dhgf and thats how its done
00:28:45Bct_Murder first
00:28:48Bct_Murder i cant use stun or ulti
00:28:52Dotson ghost vs zeus ;(
00:28:54Arapiles leo cancled my ulti w bkb
00:28:56Sepetos well need to go on lane
00:28:59Jerkku es
00:29:05Jerkku u have to stay back and jump in
00:29:07Arapiles went on cd without bouncing
00:29:09Bct_Murder i know
00:29:14MATi back mid
00:29:18Bct_Murder but bara target me but i dont no how
00:29:26Sepetos get ghost next
00:29:31Bct_Murder i ?
00:29:41Sepetos lets push top
00:29:46Jerkku go smoke
00:29:56Jerkku can some1 buy
00:29:57Jerkku no gold
00:30:12Jerkku gather
00:30:26svents bkb olemas
00:30:28Bct_Murder i dont play
00:30:31Bct_Murder i lose this game :)
00:30:44dhgf 5
00:30:49svents 4
00:30:52svents es dead
00:30:52dhgf mhmh
00:30:56dhgf gogoogog
00:31:13Bct_Murder I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:14Jerkku I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:16Bct_Murder ff people
00:31:16Arapiles I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:24Bct_Murder ff all?
00:31:27Sepetos no
00:31:41Sepetos ward up and gangpush gg
00:31:49Bct_Murder you can win i know
00:31:50Bct_Murder :)
00:31:50Sepetos who has room
00:31:51Sepetos take
00:31:53Jerkku well they got 3 carrys and they're fat
00:31:57Bct_Murder i just see
00:31:58Sepetos take sentry and obs
00:32:42Sepetos es jump
00:33:13svents tra:D:D
00:33:22MATi b
00:33:22MATi b
00:33:23MATi b
00:33:29svents tuskar get arcanes
00:33:32svents u need mana a lot
00:33:44svents so u can nuke them
00:34:00svents teen scepteri v6i s&y
00:34:00Bct_Murder you realy crazy
00:34:04Bct_Murder type ff and i go sleep
00:34:05MATi scepter
00:34:06svents s&y vist m6tekam
00:34:15MATi või sy :D
00:34:18Elderi got pipe
00:34:23Bct_Murder AM 04:06 ...
00:34:29Sepetos plantwards top woods
00:34:30Sepetos and gang
00:34:31Sepetos gg
00:34:37Sepetos wards and sentry
00:34:52Jerkku ? go reg
00:34:54Jerkku dont go
00:34:57dhgf OGOGOGOGOG
00:34:58Arapiles ah sry
00:35:02Sepetos b
00:35:05Sepetos top imo
00:35:11Jerkku just b
00:35:12Jerkku b
00:35:12Jerkku b
00:35:13Jerkku b
00:35:18Sepetos plz
00:35:21svents :D
00:35:21Sepetos why didnt u come b
00:35:30Arapiles me?
00:35:31Bct_Murder i dead first
00:35:32Sepetos all
00:35:33Bct_Murder and?
00:35:35Arapiles i was invi
00:35:38Jerkku i said b
00:35:42Jerkku and you stayed there
00:35:45Bct_Murder why i go if i dead first?
00:35:51Arapiles ppl pinged everywhere
00:36:03Dotson ty
00:36:06Bct_Murder they warded all map
00:36:24Sepetos bkb ulti jerkku?
00:36:37Elderi focus rax
00:36:54Elderi we dont have that alot of dives to fountain
00:36:56Jerkku fj
00:36:59Jerkku gj
00:37:01Jerkku i mean
00:37:15Sepetos yy
00:37:18Sepetos we go push top now
00:37:20Sepetos when someone comes farm
00:37:21Sepetos ok
00:37:32Arapiles got lotsa wards
00:37:38dhgf take
00:37:38Sepetos ok
00:37:41dhgf cleace throwers
00:37:43Sepetos sentries any?
00:37:46Arapiles y
00:37:49dhgf go with 5
00:37:49Sepetos go top then now
00:37:51dhgf end it
00:37:53Bct_Murder they got pipe ...
00:37:53svents y
00:38:07dhgf and no hunty
00:38:24Sepetos i go push
00:38:27Sepetos u wait close
00:38:44Arapiles w8
00:38:55Sepetos READY
00:39:13Bct_Murder look
00:39:14Bct_Murder man
00:39:16Bct_Murder 2 hit i dead
00:39:21Bct_Murder type ff
00:39:24Bct_Murder fucking necro
00:39:27svents tra see lits bkb ei t66danud :S
00:39:33svents n1 mati
00:39:33Bct_Murder TYPE FF
00:39:35Bct_Murder wtf
00:39:38Bct_Murder i dead 2 hit
00:39:41Jerkku just
00:39:44Jerkku hmm
00:39:48Jerkku not gg yet
00:39:51Sepetos nop
00:39:52Bct_Murder gg
00:39:54Bct_Murder ...............
00:39:55Sepetos we got imba ulties
00:39:57Jerkku y
00:39:58Bct_Murder and?
00:39:59Sepetos if they fail one fight
00:40:00Sepetos gg
00:40:03Jerkku we just fight stupidly
00:40:07Jerkku need es to jump
00:40:10Arapiles i just get focused by bara
00:40:13Dotson now what
00:40:13Sepetos yea we are not so good on woods
00:40:15Sepetos only if gang
00:40:16svents mid
00:40:17dhgf push
00:40:22svents i charge
00:40:22Sepetos get ghosts if can
00:40:26Elderi got vlads
00:40:29Bct_Murder i get skeleton stun he 2 hit autoatack i dead
00:40:32Bct_Murder i c
00:40:54Jerkku oh
00:41:18Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: on
00:41:21Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: You control Earthshaker [f,e,c,a]
00:41:30MATi NICE
00:41:31Bct_Murder now ff?
00:41:32Bct_Murder meybe/
00:41:34Bct_Murder or not?
00:41:52Bct_Murder we can win yea ?
00:41:54svents thx
00:41:55Sepetos why u add if u cant play tight game?
00:42:14Bct_Murder i want sleep ;/
00:42:20Sepetos so why add
00:42:35Sepetos jerkku if u get item its manta
00:42:44Jerkku ye i know
00:42:57MATi let me solo roshan
00:42:58Bct_Murder this game is booring
00:43:41Sepetos we get now
00:43:43MATi cheese
00:43:43MATi come take
00:43:44MATi bara
00:43:45Sepetos top
00:43:46Sepetos no skele
00:43:48Dotson can u buy out if needed?
00:43:53Sepetos dont focus troll
00:43:54Dotson prepare to def top
00:43:55Sepetos it dies when he dies
00:43:58Dotson they go all in push
00:44:05dhgf SAAN OSTA VÄLJA
00:44:09dhgf 15 seki pärast
00:44:09dhgf 20
00:44:09Jerkku es in
00:44:14dhgf 5
00:44:33Sepetos after this b
00:44:36Sepetos take RAX
00:44:59Bct_Murder ff people :)
00:45:08Jerkku we still can win
00:45:13Bct_Murder ;DDDDDDDDDD
00:45:18Bct_Murder look troll item
00:45:19Bct_Murder bara
00:45:21Arapiles they have to be really stupid though
00:45:21Bct_Murder skeleton
00:45:25Jerkku troll is shit
00:45:30Jerkku ye i know
00:45:33Arapiles did troll have bkb?
00:45:40Jerkku no ?
00:45:46Jerkku mby
00:45:49Bct_Murder relick mkb latar
00:46:02Arapiles auch
00:46:03Bct_Murder now radic
00:46:29Sepetos KILL
00:46:33Sepetos i take bara
00:46:33Sepetos with ulti
00:46:33svents mul cheese pohh:D
00:46:33Bct_Murder ................. you crazy man ;)
00:46:33svents see jumala kindel plugg
00:46:33Bct_Murder 55-28 ...
00:46:33Bct_Murder we can win
00:46:33svents vana ei viitsi lihtsalt
00:46:33Bct_Murder they have imba item
00:46:33svents on trapea
00:46:33Bct_Murder we have nothing
00:46:33Sepetos they are badplayers
00:46:33Sepetos they do mistaces
00:46:33Jerkku y
00:46:33Sepetos and we take towers down fast
00:46:33Sepetos leave bara for me
00:46:33Jerkku y
00:46:33Sepetos kill others now
00:46:33svents who will balance?
00:46:33svents zeus?
00:46:33Dotson no pleeease
00:46:33Sepetos dunno tough how es died there
00:46:33Dotson noes
00:46:33svents idk
00:46:33Dotson ;(
00:46:33Sepetos they used all to me
00:46:33svents captain chooses
00:46:33Sepetos es if lich drop
00:46:33Sepetos use him and come fight
00:46:33Jerkku y
00:46:33Sepetos out armor on us
00:46:33Sepetos when can
00:46:33svents liewec kes balanceb?
00:46:33Sepetos put
00:46:33Jerkku ¨and ult
00:46:33MATi me mõtleme
00:46:33svents ok
00:46:33Sepetos bm attack skele with all
00:46:33Sepetos or tuskar
00:46:33Jerkku pig on skele
00:46:33MATi dotson and elderi
00:46:33MATi u gonna rol
00:46:33MATi roll
00:46:33Dotson oooh
00:46:33dhgf ye
00:46:33Elderi :/
00:46:33dhgf who rolls higher
00:46:33dhgf stays
00:46:33dhgf :D
00:46:33svents lol :D
00:46:33Elderi vang pipe
00:46:33Elderi !roll
00:46:33dhgf not yet
00:46:33dhgf wait
00:46:33Sepetos if win this battle now might b our chance to take mid and top
00:46:34dhgf type -roll
00:46:36Dotson -roll
00:46:37Elderi -roll
00:46:37Jerkku that ice
00:46:37MATi b ye tuskar :D
00:46:37Dotson wp tuskar
00:46:37Dotson c u
00:46:37dhgf tuskar gg wp :D
00:46:37MATi its gonna be gg soon
00:46:37MATi wp
00:47:02Elderi iam balanced?
00:47:04svents y
00:47:13Bct_Murder ff plz
00:48:08svents GG
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