Game #2144007

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+30 X
+2 TS

93% | 1542 X | 1541 TS

+2 X
+1 TS

77% | 1385 X | 1424 TS

+50 X
+2 TS

66% | 1329 X | 1327 TS

+11 X
+1 TS

53% | 1188 X | 1344 TS

+43 X
+69 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

-30 X
-1 TS

89% | 1517 X | 1457 TS

-41 X
-2 TS

73% | 1350 X | 1351 TS

+11 X
-1 TS

52% | 1194 X | 1345 TS

-13 X
-1 TS

44% | 1091 X | 1364 TS

-56 X
-1 TS

46% | 1126 X | 1324 TS

Chat log

00:00:05Artic.Yukeshi -ii
00:00:06Artic.Yukeshi -don
00:00:07Artic.Yukeshi -water red
00:00:16mrk .swap 5
00:00:18mrk swap
00:00:19mrk riki
00:00:19mrk bh
00:00:21mrk -swap 4
00:00:22mrk -swap 5
00:00:27Artic.Yukeshi no, thanks ^^
00:00:33mrk y4k anna
00:00:36mrk -swap 4
00:00:37Y4KUZA nice 3 invi heros
00:00:44mrk anna siia
00:00:48Y4KUZA no
00:00:56magaso swap
00:00:57mrk mida sa teed
00:00:57magaso gondar
00:01:00mrk -swap 4
00:01:05WantedZip 3 invis :P
00:01:07magaso -swap
00:01:11magaso -swap 4
00:01:26mrk enigma?
00:04:10mrk share
00:04:19mrk now please
00:04:25mrk ty
00:05:30WantedZip why not share ?
00:05:37Artic.Yukeshi with all ?
00:05:41magaso LOL
00:05:42WantedZip y
00:05:45Artic.Yukeshi ;)
00:06:31Mykkzu terror
00:06:31Artic.Yukeshi enigma
00:06:32Mykkzu care
00:06:39Artic.Yukeshi could you send yours mobs
00:06:42Rotkiv ss
00:06:44Artic.Yukeshi to explode bombs here ?
00:07:42Rotkiv riki level 6
00:07:47magaso lol
00:07:53mrk gogo
00:08:00Mykkzu ss top 2 still
00:08:15Artic.Yukeshi ty
00:08:24Mykkzu re 1
00:08:27Mykkzu na still ss
00:08:44nigulas keegi ostke smoke mulle
00:09:09Rotkiv tra noh
00:09:19nigulas ostke smoke keegi
00:09:20nigulas pl
00:09:20nigulas s
00:09:32mrk riki where did you come from?
00:09:38Artic.Yukeshi brazil ;)
00:09:40Artic.Yukeshi and you ?
00:09:43mrk from which place
00:09:44mrk site
00:09:46mrk other than gc i mean
00:09:49Artic.Yukeshi ahhh
00:09:51Artic.Yukeshi garena ;/
00:09:53WantedZip ss
00:09:54mrk we all mostly estonians/finnnish here
00:10:12Artic.Yukeshi why ?
00:10:35mrk come
00:10:36mrk gondar
00:10:54Artic.Yukeshi 3 bot
00:11:00mrk WTF GONDAR
00:11:01mrk slow him
00:11:12mrk wasted ult
00:11:13mrk gj
00:11:15Artic.Yukeshi miss bot
00:11:28Artic.Yukeshi miss bot.
00:12:15Rotkiv kausta oma pomme kui wardine
00:12:25Artic.Yukeshi still bot miss
00:13:06mrk wait
00:13:08mrk omw bot
00:13:09mrk nvm
00:13:09mrk gj
00:13:36Mykkzu thx
00:13:36Mykkzu :D
00:13:39Rotkiv np
00:13:47Maier las pushivad
00:14:25mrk guys
00:14:33Artic.Yukeshi yeah?
00:14:40mrk shouldve gotten that
00:14:46mrk ursa gem
00:14:55Artic.Yukeshi shit.
00:15:41Maier lähme
00:15:42Maier tule
00:16:18Artic.Yukeshi ;/
00:16:55Maier GO
00:17:03Artic.Yukeshi coming.
00:17:08mrk 4bot
00:17:54Artic.Yukeshi fuuckign ursa gem ;/
00:17:58WantedZip u know they have gem !?
00:18:00WantedZip lol
00:18:03Artic.Yukeshi yes
00:18:09WantedZip why rambo ?
00:18:20Artic.Yukeshi To save nerubian ;/
00:18:28Artic.Yukeshi goes and make smoke
00:18:36Artic.Yukeshi and... after some ends, got stuneed ;/
00:19:00mrk wtf
00:19:00mrk pudge
00:19:54Artic.Yukeshi got the gem
00:19:55Artic.Yukeshi broke ?
00:19:57WantedZip y
00:20:00magaso no
00:20:02magaso retard
00:20:05WantedZip for who ?
00:20:07Artic.Yukeshi to late ;/
00:20:07magaso fuckign tards
00:20:22Artic.Yukeshi for bombs of techies ;/
00:20:31magaso u so low
00:20:36mrk techies bombs
00:20:38mrk might be
00:20:46magaso no
00:20:47magaso noob
00:21:40mrk pudge come
00:22:30Artic.Yukeshi kkk
00:22:33Artic.Yukeshi good magaso
00:23:02Y4KUZA ward needed
00:23:31Maier -ms
00:23:40Y4KUZA -bounty
00:24:10magaso go mid
00:24:11mrk ursa will rosh
00:24:12mrk soon
00:24:21mrk steal it
00:24:22mrk wait
00:24:26mrk wait gondar
00:24:32Artic.Yukeshi ;/
00:24:34mrk should of waited
00:24:35mrk ..
00:24:41Artic.Yukeshi with who ?
00:24:44mrk riki
00:25:53Y4KUZA -bounty
00:26:38mrk tb gem
00:26:52magaso go all mid
00:26:55Y4KUZA -m
00:26:57Y4KUZA -ms
00:26:57Artic.Yukeshi who with gme /
00:26:59Artic.Yukeshi gem*?
00:27:07Y4KUZA tb
00:27:18Artic.Yukeshi k
00:28:08magaso this godnar
00:28:10magaso is fucking retard
00:28:21mrk wait
00:28:21mrk sentry
00:28:25Artic.Yukeshi yeah
00:28:42magaso lol
00:29:04Y4KUZA -bounty
00:29:28Artic.Yukeshi butter
00:30:02WantedZip mines
00:30:53nigulas I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:30:56Mykkzu I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:31:05Maier I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:31:08Rotkiv 'ff
00:31:09Rotkiv I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:31:12Marko619 [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:31:12Marko619 [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:31:12Marko619 [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:31:12Marko619 [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:31:12Marko619 I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:31:35Artic.Yukeshi good game :)
00:32:18Y4KUZA -bounty
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