Game #2139147

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+53 X
+2 TS

96% | 1606 X | 1601 TS

-10 X
+2 TS

95% | 1607 X | 1572 TS

+29 X
+8 TS

57% | 1283 X | 1252 TS

+13 X
+2 TS

50% | 1184 X | 1315 TS

+28 X
+8 TS

35% | 1179 X | 1191 TS

-42 X
-3 TS

99% | 1691 X | 1626 TS

-23 X
-1 TS

85% | 1424 X | 1485 TS

-45 X
-2 TS

85% | 1451 X | 1442 TS

+9 X
-2 TS

40% | 1131 X | 1281 TS

+1 X
-2 TS

13% | 964 X | 1231 TS

Chat log

00:00:06atte elderi
00:00:10atte vaiha kannuu
00:00:15atte alhaal oli joku ilman pw:t
00:00:16Luza -clear
00:00:16atte pzi kannu
00:00:16SlikposeN Me2
00:00:16Luza NO JOKE
00:00:16svents es for me
00:00:16xenix- ban nerub weaver
00:00:16svents lol na haha
00:00:16SlikposeN lycan
00:00:16marteffyo so much gay sh1t
00:00:16SlikposeN im gonna pick weaver
00:00:16SlikposeN Lycan
00:00:16Luza banni jo
00:00:16atte weaver
00:00:20Luza es
00:00:21Luza i play
00:00:24svents no es
00:00:26marteffyo void some1 ?
00:00:28xenix- brb
00:00:28svents i said first luza
00:00:29atte what you play
00:00:30svents !!!
00:00:32SlikposeN give me lesh
00:00:32Luza ehhhhh
00:00:33atte void?
00:00:37MariahCarry let luza lol
00:00:37WANKmaster i think i can go void
00:00:39marteffyo id rather not
00:00:39atte go enigma someone
00:00:40svents luza dont fck now
00:00:40MariahCarry we want a good es
00:00:40marteffyo wank go
00:00:42marteffyo void
00:00:44MariahCarry lmao
00:00:45atte go void
00:00:51Luza i fuck in the face of danger
00:00:52marteffyo solid
00:00:54Luza yes omni and void
00:00:57Luza fuck my life
00:00:58atte i can swap for lesh
00:01:00Luza -swap 1
00:01:01SlikposeN -swap 3
00:01:04atte or clock
00:01:10marteffyo can get u clock
00:01:14atte ok
00:01:18marteffyo not sure how awesome my omni is tho
00:01:23SlikposeN es bot
00:01:24atte lumo pelaaks enigmaa
00:01:25atte -swap 3
00:01:27SlikposeN brb
00:01:29marteffyo -swap 1
00:01:29lumo juu
00:01:31svents krobe?
00:01:42svents or razor?
00:01:48MariahCarry get bm
00:01:53MariahCarry beast
00:01:54marteffyo lines ?
00:01:55MariahCarry nice
00:02:08atte void can solo bot
00:02:16WANKmaster :(
00:02:18marteffyo engima forest ?
00:02:22atte y
00:02:24WANKmaster support would be nice for me
00:02:25WANKmaster but ok
00:02:33atte or pugna bot void omni top
00:02:41WANKmaster fuck it
00:02:47WANKmaster its svents and xenix bot
00:02:49WANKmaster i can handel
00:02:50WANKmaster i think
00:02:50marteffyo lol
00:02:52marteffyo fb
00:02:53marteffyo np
00:03:02Luza i trust u at top lane
00:03:04Luza go rape
00:03:07svents invis top
00:03:11MariahCarry pls don't
00:03:13SlikposeN -ii
00:03:13MariahCarry he's 13%
00:03:14Luza hey
00:03:15MariahCarry ^^
00:03:16Luza svents go top
00:03:19svents i go
00:03:22svents i plant wards
00:03:23Luza ok well fb
00:03:31svents cant
00:03:31SlikposeN cant
00:03:33Luza y
00:03:36Luza cunt
00:03:47WANKmaster trilane
00:03:47WANKmaster bot
00:03:49WANKmaster .. :D:D
00:04:14svents lagg omfg
00:04:50WANKmaster 0 farm
00:04:51WANKmaster for me
00:04:55marteffyo s.wap lines
00:04:55MariahCarry invis clock
00:05:16Luza ehm
00:05:20Luza omni came bot
00:05:50Luza im getting basilus
00:05:50Luza asap
00:05:52Luza i get money
00:05:55Luza OOM
00:06:20marteffyo yo engima fb come
00:06:30lumo 'go
00:07:02lumo siisti
00:07:05marteffyo epic blok
00:07:06svents ss2
00:07:09xenix- ss
00:07:17MariahCarry dd haste clock
00:07:23MariahCarry CARE TOP
00:07:24MariahCarry B TOP
00:07:38svents yeah nice miss now ffs
00:07:43MariahCarry ahahahahahahahhaha
00:07:47MariahCarry open ur eyes
00:07:48MariahCarry xD
00:07:51MariahCarry u could see him
00:07:55Luza :D
00:07:56MariahCarry every second since he left mid
00:07:57MariahCarry roflmao
00:07:58MariahCarry xD
00:08:03svents fck i was focusing pugna
00:08:04MariahCarry and i said
00:08:05MariahCarry in caps
00:08:06MariahCarry ahahah
00:08:19svents ss pugna
00:08:22svents clock to
00:08:25svents top
00:08:35Luza oom
00:08:57Luza take
00:08:57Luza tango
00:08:59marteffyo nigger line yo
00:09:23Luza arc
00:09:26Luza yesaaah
00:09:26MariahCarry ss mid
00:09:33marteffyo can some1 flying ?
00:09:39Luza ssbot
00:09:40Luza voi
00:09:40SlikposeN care
00:09:41SlikposeN clock
00:09:42SlikposeN miss
00:09:42Luza void
00:09:44xenix- ss
00:09:51svents void top
00:10:33marteffyo sec
00:11:05Luza omw top
00:12:35Luza they dual lane mid?
00:12:36Luza all time?
00:12:42Luza or wtf
00:13:00svents im gonna gank now with ulti
00:13:12Luza slikpåsen
00:13:13Luza tele ner
00:13:21lumo -apm
00:13:47Luza push
00:14:01xenix- goooooooo
00:14:23atte get wards omni
00:14:28svents go kill
00:14:58xenix- after
00:15:16Luza Efefefefe
00:15:36svents haha wand :D
00:15:49svents wtf
00:16:06marteffyo brb
00:16:11atte me2
00:16:14MariahCarry me top pls
00:16:37Luza -ma
00:16:40MariahCarry -ms
00:17:05xenix- care
00:17:28Luza INVIS
00:17:28Luza ppl
00:17:31Luza clock
00:18:07Luza arcane
00:18:08Luza sec
00:18:47svents magic wand didnt work ffs
00:19:03MariahCarry focus omni
00:19:04svents i go urn
00:19:16MariahCarry can't kill anyone long as he's alive
00:19:52Luza -ma
00:20:38svents kill neigma
00:20:45atte def
00:20:46atte mid
00:21:15Luza see
00:21:16marteffyo care bot
00:21:17Luza b
00:21:24Luza enigma teleing
00:21:41atte lesh
00:21:42atte lesh
00:22:28svents fast all
00:22:32MariahCarry in base
00:22:35atte b
00:22:38Luza they b
00:22:39Luza i know it
00:23:36atte mana
00:24:30svents wtf krobe rly
00:24:53Luza wtf
00:24:56Luza he didnt use hook earlier?
00:24:58svents krobe noob
00:25:00Luza fuck my life
00:25:24marteffyo got manas
00:25:34Luza need 1k fore blink
00:26:51Luza gonna get ma blink
00:27:24svents krobe lothars?:D:D
00:27:25atte come mid
00:27:25atte all
00:27:26Luza xDDDD
00:27:30atte omw
00:27:31xenix- lol
00:27:37Luza herp
00:28:08MariahCarry cd?
00:28:17Luza TOEER KROBE
00:28:17Luza gj
00:28:18Luza :D
00:28:26svents this krobe rly :D
00:28:29svents cant say nothing :D
00:28:34atte all bot
00:28:43xenix- what should i say ?
00:28:46atte mana
00:28:50marteffyo y
00:28:50MariahCarry "sorry i suck so hard"
00:29:05xenix- true with this krobe
00:29:07Luza got that
00:29:09Luza blink now
00:29:20Luza have ulti blink
00:29:21svents deff bot
00:29:21Luza pepwew
00:29:40Luza GO
00:29:44MariahCarry u need me
00:29:59svents lol
00:30:02Luza ehm
00:30:07Luza how the fuck did clock go there
00:30:11Luza fucking wards
00:30:12Luza :D:D
00:30:18Luza scepter
00:30:20Luza aaaa
00:30:23WANKmaster lol :D
00:31:12MariahCarry pig is pretty good at slowing
00:31:23svents used
00:31:24atte take
00:31:30Luza invis omni
00:32:33svents top farm any1?
00:32:36MariahCarry b
00:33:19lumo ei viitiny si blinkkaa
00:33:20SlikposeN finaly hes luck ran out!
00:33:33atte kaikki oli tuol metäs ku sielt ois voinu instaa es:än 2v5
00:33:42MariahCarry pls give me tp
00:34:23marteffyo chick
00:34:23svents kill
00:34:26svents have ulti
00:34:26MariahCarry bird
00:35:03svents np
00:35:08svents void died atleast
00:35:11Luza np it was svents
00:35:16SlikposeN :D
00:35:16MariahCarry :D
00:35:18svents fck off luza:D
00:35:21Luza :D:D:D:D
00:35:24MariahCarry what happened
00:35:25MariahCarry srsly
00:35:26svents ur my whore :D
00:35:35MariahCarry 'by smth
00:35:36marteffyo ops
00:35:43marteffyo tryed to help you : /
00:35:44MariahCarry since u didn't come ulti in the first place
00:35:46svents what i buy?
00:35:51svents any ideas?
00:35:58SlikposeN blademail
00:35:59SlikposeN or vangaurd
00:36:00svents i could kill courier
00:36:12atte manaa
00:36:15marteffyo cd
00:36:16marteffyo for a long
00:36:16MariahCarry no u couldn't
00:36:16Luza leave
00:36:17Luza mid
00:36:19Luza b
00:36:19MariahCarry u can't run that fast
00:36:23Luza dont go
00:36:23Luza we cant
00:36:28atte b
00:36:38xenix- bb
00:36:44atte b
00:37:09Luza SVENTS
00:37:15svents e
00:37:16svents AS
00:37:16svents asd
00:37:19svents this FOG
00:37:22svents rly
00:37:31MariahCarry yea damn fog
00:37:35MariahCarry must be a bug
00:37:37svents it was go look
00:37:39atte go rosh
00:37:39Luza damn for zomg fighting against 4
00:37:39marteffyo care mid
00:37:41Luza xDDDDDDD
00:37:41atte wards and rosh
00:37:44svents wanted to ulti clock
00:37:44Luza fogÄ
00:37:54marteffyo dagon enigma ?
00:37:55marteffyo lol
00:37:59atte void come
00:38:08Luza void is getting sum items
00:38:13MariahCarry gotta end
00:38:16MariahCarry with a good krob ulti
00:38:25Luza the word
00:38:26svents krobe no items
00:38:27Luza krobe
00:38:28Luza and
00:38:31Luza ulti
00:38:33Luza in sam sentence
00:38:34Luza is not good
00:38:37Luza thats
00:38:39Luza not gonna happe
00:38:41atte take
00:38:41Luza n
00:38:41atte rosh
00:40:29Luza I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:40:45Luza FUCK IT
00:41:00Luza xDD
00:41:09Luza fuck that clock rly
00:41:58marteffyo you and ure fcking daggon lol
00:42:01MariahCarry focus omni
00:42:01MariahCarry srsly
00:42:04MariahCarry before anyone else
00:42:06Luza i need
00:42:09Luza a good place to ulti
00:42:13Luza well
00:42:18Luza no aegis on sum fuckin
00:42:20Luza void
00:42:21Luza thjis time
00:42:25MariahCarry ye
00:42:30Luza INVIs
00:42:31Luza enigma
00:42:54Luza gg
00:42:55Luza I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:43:41Luza ff bors
00:43:43Luza bros
00:44:01svents krobe's iotems sucks so hardly
00:44:06Luza force :D:D:D:D:D
00:44:12svents :D:D
00:44:23Luza not a surprise that clocks items
00:44:25Luza rape
00:44:27Luza clock
00:44:27Luza rape
00:44:29xenix- I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:45:01Luza A AWHAT
00:45:01marteffyo solid end
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