Game #2139060

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+53 X
+2 TS

84% | 1411 X | 1479 TS

+31 X
+2 TS

80% | 1371 X | 1447 TS

+6 X
+32 TS

80% | 1568 X | 1230 TS

+4 X
+3 TS

71% | 1266 X | 1461 TS

+23 X
+3 TS

54% | 1194 X | 1352 TS

-31 X
-2 TS

96% | 1596 X | 1628 TS

-11 X
-3 TS

76% | 1345 X | 1429 TS

-21 X
-2 TS

69% | 1275 X | 1429 TS

-23 X
-2 TS

64% | 1260 X | 1381 TS

-18 X
-2 TS

46% | 1109 X | 1366 TS

Chat log

00:00:04Planktoni -rd
00:00:06Momdsiw niil on vaa maxyt
00:00:10Vangelis OMG
00:00:12KIH y
00:00:14Vangelis so cool heroes
00:00:15Vangelis omg
00:00:16Vangelis !!!
00:00:17Vangelis he
00:00:17Planktoni any invoker?
00:00:17Vangelis picks es
00:00:17Momdsiw bannaa uudee
00:00:17Seppo13 kih tiny mulle
00:00:17KIH mut jos toi ei banni invokeria
00:00:17Seppo13 tuu mumblee
00:00:17Inuusini es ud ban
00:00:17Vangelis imo ban es
00:00:17KIH niin se pelaa ite
00:00:17KIH en voi pelaa ku ranne paskana
00:00:17KIH pelaan tinyn ite seppo
00:00:17Seppo13 rofl
00:00:17Planktoni or ud
00:00:17Seppo13 tuu mumblee
00:00:17Seppo13 buugie kans
00:00:17KIH invo
00:00:17Seppo13 on tääl
00:00:17Momdsiw anna aaa
00:00:17Momdsiw bannaa uud
00:00:17KIH -invoker
00:00:17Vangelis just ban
00:00:17Planktoni -ud
00:00:17Momdsiw its rmk
00:00:17Vangelis es
00:00:17Momdsiw No text
00:00:21Seppo13 INVO UD BANNED
00:00:23Planktoni es any?
00:00:28Momdsiw saanko sen
00:00:31KIH ai no ny seppo ottaa tinynsä
00:00:31KIH :
00:00:31Momdsiw pew pew
00:00:32KIH no joo
00:00:33Planktoni no one?
00:00:37KIH saat
00:00:38Momdsiw xD
00:00:41Vangelis i pick for someone
00:00:41Momdsiw ei otakkaa
00:00:41Seppo13 MYYYYY
00:00:47Vangelis inuusini
00:00:49Momdsiw pelaa pugna
00:00:50Vangelis can you play this
00:00:51Vangelis or reptile
00:00:52KIH emt
00:00:53Planktoni notorious seppo tiny
00:00:53Vangelis get me pugna
00:00:54KIH kattoo
00:00:56Inuusini noty
00:00:58Vangelis OMG
00:00:59Vangelis my pugna
00:01:00Planktoni too scared so must pick it out
00:01:02Vangelis SEPPO
00:01:05Vangelis go die in a fire
00:01:05Seppo13 YES
00:01:07Vangelis my pugna
00:01:11Seppo13 MY TINY FFS
00:01:14Vangelis get carry
00:01:15Vangelis maxy
00:01:19Momdsiw jotai kärriä
00:01:21Momdsiw oho onki traxi
00:01:21que2stress so why do u pick the heros u dont want?
00:01:23Vangelis like ck
00:01:23Vangelis ?
00:01:24KIH seppo ei tykkää vissii pelaa midii?
00:01:25Maxy I will venga carry
00:01:27Seppo13 e
00:01:30Seppo13 tuu mubmlee..
00:01:34KIH eeen
00:01:35que2stress get pit and lion
00:01:38Momdsiw mitä haluut
00:01:40KIH öö
00:01:42Momdsiw puck?
00:01:44que2stress lion
00:01:45KIH maiden
00:01:45Momdsiw lion?
00:01:47KIH maiden !!
00:01:47Vangelis this a cool hero too
00:01:48que2stress or maiden
00:01:49que2stress y
00:01:50KIH -swap 4
00:01:51Momdsiw iron maiden
00:01:51Vangelis but pugna coolller
00:01:52Momdsiw -swap 1
00:01:58KIH ootko mid vai meenkö mä
00:02:00Momdsiw teeks aurattoman maideni midii
00:02:02Planktoni a lot of weak heroes
00:02:04Maxy sk
00:02:05Maxy go top
00:02:06KIH eli meen
00:02:06Maxy es bottom
00:02:08Momdsiw voin mä
00:02:09KIH en oo auraton
00:02:10que2stress can i go top with maiden?
00:02:12KIH otan 4 1 4
00:02:19Momdsiw k
00:02:22Momdsiw ikha mite vaa
00:02:23KIH hm
00:02:23Inuusini no farm for the only lategamer?
00:02:27que2stress pugna
00:02:27Momdsiw oisko mul parempii levut
00:02:29Vangelis you
00:02:29Maxy lol :D
00:02:31Vangelis get farm top
00:02:31que2stress go bot with pit
00:02:33KIH nojoo
00:02:34Seppo13 imo aa top
00:02:35Maxy Dont worry
00:02:35KIH mee
00:02:36que2stress and u can megfa push
00:02:37KIH tota
00:02:37Maxy I will carry
00:02:38KIH eiku hm
00:02:40KIH =DDDD
00:02:41KIH vittu ny
00:02:45que2stress u can mega push their farmer
00:02:48KIH meen mid
00:02:49Planktoni share
00:02:49Inuusini i bet
00:02:54KIH mee alas ton yhe kaa
00:03:01Momdsiw sankarin
00:03:01Maxy You bet on?
00:03:04Momdsiw en ois halunnu
00:03:12Maxy hate pit!
00:03:34Seppo13 you pull
00:03:47Momdsiw tuun kakosel gang
00:03:49Momdsiw säästä manaa
00:04:00Maxy double pull
00:04:03Maxy is much better
00:04:29Inuusini tc?
00:04:36Inuusini with qb...
00:05:13Vangelis omg
00:05:16Vangelis i blocked my own spawn
00:05:27Maxy ^^
00:05:36Planktoni oom
00:05:38Maxy smth stoped my heal
00:05:40Maxy =O
00:05:46Momdsiw rune
00:05:47Momdsiw mid miss
00:05:49Momdsiw with rune care top
00:05:56Seppo13 sek
00:05:57Seppo13 tuun mid
00:06:01Seppo13 venaa aa
00:06:04Momdsiw ice vortexi
00:06:07reptile ss
00:06:08Momdsiw ahaha
00:06:09Momdsiw joku oli
00:06:25Planktoni 3 mid
00:06:26Inuusini tiny blind?
00:06:29Inuusini i pinged on both
00:06:31Inuusini pugna and AA
00:06:32Planktoni :)
00:06:39Momdsiw niil woods sk?
00:06:44KIH share chick
00:06:48Seppo13 emt
00:06:51Seppo13 se ei saa farmii topis
00:06:54Momdsiw onks top ollu solo
00:07:03Seppo13 alussa ei
00:07:06Seppo13 nähtävästi ny on
00:07:09Momdsiw k
00:07:09Seppo13 traxe
00:07:10Seppo13 kill
00:07:15Seppo13 gogog
00:07:15Seppo13 dive
00:07:35Planktoni comem i
00:07:37Planktoni mid
00:07:45Planktoni sk
00:07:47Inuusini sec
00:07:53Inuusini now
00:08:14Momdsiw ^^
00:08:17Momdsiw miss es
00:08:22KIH dontcha mess wif maiden
00:08:28Planktoni ss mid
00:09:03Planktoni cm missing
00:09:14KIH ss
00:09:15Rotkiv ss
00:09:16KIH care top
00:09:25Planktoni care bot
00:09:26KIH care
00:09:28KIH tiny with rune
00:09:49Maxy care
00:10:00Momdsiw rotkiv should max expulsion first
00:10:31Maxy triple!
00:10:37Momdsiw xD
00:10:49KIH xD
00:10:55Vangelis omg
00:10:56Vangelis i fail
00:10:59Vangelis -.-
00:11:28Planktoni cm missing
00:11:30KIH got silence
00:11:31KIH ?
00:11:33que2stress y
00:11:40Maxy need ward
00:11:43Maxy he'll focus me
00:11:44Maxy a lot
00:11:56Maxy bot
00:11:57Maxy 3
00:12:04Seppo13 push
00:12:47Seppo13 inc top
00:13:18Maxy gj
00:13:28KIH =(
00:14:01Seppo13 otetaa midi torni
00:14:32Seppo13 JAA
00:14:33KIH xD
00:14:45Momdsiw oisit nukennu tinyä suoraa nii se ois kuollu varmaa
00:14:48Seppo13 toivottovasti traxe kantaa
00:14:52Seppo13 ei se ois
00:14:57Momdsiw siin oli mun ulti kiinni
00:14:59Seppo13 ruvetaan puskee
00:15:01Momdsiw ja eiks toi yks healinu sitö
00:15:09que2stress ..
00:15:11que2stress any wards?
00:15:17Seppo13 kih kih
00:15:20Seppo13 vai carryyks
00:15:27KIH ostan
00:15:40Planktoni tele
00:15:55Seppo13 kih?
00:16:45KIH no ny sil o dagger
00:16:46KIH =
00:16:55Momdsiw oot aika tykin ruokaa
00:17:00Momdsiw mä myös
00:17:02Seppo13 ostappa wardei
00:17:34Vangelis got invis
00:17:39KIH plant
00:17:42Seppo13 torin
00:17:43KIH go all top
00:17:44que2stress 3 top
00:17:47Momdsiw tälläne 25mion ff taas
00:17:50Momdsiw 'kvarmakai
00:17:52que2stress ff
00:17:56que2stress 4 top
00:17:57Maxy tiny you know you deal more dmg
00:18:00Maxy when you cast both spells?
00:18:10que2stress u realize that im not getting any farm?
00:18:12Planktoni trololoo
00:18:13KIH y
00:18:16Planktoni play ur own game mb
00:18:31Momdsiw their sk free farmed whole game
00:18:37Momdsiw but in woods xD
00:18:39Planktoni i think i'm doing fine
00:18:40Momdsiw from lvl 2
00:18:41Seppo13 xD
00:18:49que2stress anyway i dont have anyting
00:18:52Vangelis tc
00:18:53Vangelis give mana
00:18:53Maxy i think insta kill is insta kill
00:18:54Vangelis plz
00:19:17Momdsiw 'varo tinyl blink
00:19:25Seppo13 go plant that ward
00:19:37Momdsiw gank with pit ult
00:19:45Planktoni lold
00:19:46Maxy b
00:19:46Maxy b
00:19:50Planktoni not that imba
00:20:01Planktoni my bad
00:20:14Seppo13 teen piipu
00:20:18Vangelis arghhh
00:20:19Rotkiv ma teen
00:20:20Vangelis had ulti on cd
00:20:21Vangelis ...
00:20:25Seppo13 tee sä meka
00:20:26Rotkiv ah tee ise
00:20:29Rotkiv k
00:20:50Seppo13 200g
00:20:51Seppo13 niin on
00:20:56Momdsiw wardit?
00:21:02Seppo13 my
00:21:12Seppo13 no otan topi
00:21:41Seppo13 shop
00:21:42Momdsiw pit ultui gank?
00:21:43Seppo13 then go fight
00:21:46reptile just push mid?
00:21:57Rotkiv k
00:21:59Rotkiv come ..
00:22:03Momdsiw gather gank with pit ult
00:22:07que2stress k
00:22:12que2stress w8 me
00:22:17que2stress go
00:22:19KIH carrymaxy )
00:22:21Momdsiw dont show creeps
00:22:25Maxy always
00:22:42Maxy you dont see this offen in di :D
00:22:46Planktoni b
00:22:47Planktoni b
00:22:47Planktoni b
00:22:53Seppo13 go
00:23:05Seppo13 push top
00:23:08que2stress i farm bot
00:23:12Maxy afk
00:23:14Maxy 30secs
00:23:16Vangelis -afk
00:23:27Maxy LOL
00:23:28Maxy OFC
00:23:29Maxy OFC
00:23:29Planktoni come top
00:23:35Vangelis toss me
00:23:36Vangelis ?
00:23:37Planktoni y
00:23:42Seppo13 tower and b
00:23:48Seppo13 gg
00:23:58Maxy who says that es needs blink
00:24:04Seppo13 nobody?
00:24:10Momdsiw everybody?
00:24:15Momdsiw anybodY?
00:24:17Vangelis wait
00:24:18Vangelis i get my dagg
00:24:19Seppo13 lothar es for the win
00:24:24Maxy ^^
00:24:30Momdsiw forcestaff
00:24:36Momdsiw you can go in even you get dmged
00:24:37Seppo13 dagon xdf
00:24:55Vangelis sk go tank?
00:24:56Planktoni dagon <3
00:25:17Seppo13 vittu te outplayaatte
00:25:38KIH oisit plankkis tehny forcen
00:25:47Seppo13 y
00:25:51Planktoni sen vois seuraavaks
00:25:52KIH seo sik
00:26:04Seppo13 kih osta wardei
00:26:08Planktoni melkein on rahat jko
00:26:36Seppo13 teen bkb
00:26:40KIH lothar diffu manta better maxy
00:26:41Momdsiw vedetää ff
00:26:41KIH D
00:26:46Maxy mbmb
00:27:14Momdsiw tappelet bot
00:27:21Momdsiw blah
00:27:31Rotkiv wtf aa
00:27:35Momdsiw :D
00:27:38Momdsiw Didnt watch my hero
00:27:40Vangelis mana
00:27:41Maxy A
00:27:41KIH !
00:27:47KIH :D
00:27:55Seppo13 endi on meidän imo
00:27:58Seppo13 turtlee vaa
00:28:08Momdsiw I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:12KIH ei oo
00:28:17KIH noil nii paljo stunnei
00:28:18KIH ja leoric
00:28:18Momdsiw siis noil on aika sick endi
00:28:44Seppo13 tuhoo se!
00:29:04Seppo13 let traxe farm
00:29:05Momdsiw just forfeit
00:29:08Seppo13 stfu
00:29:12Momdsiw :<
00:29:30Momdsiw venge beats us all in late
00:29:44Momdsiw pew pew
00:29:48Seppo13 :DD
00:29:53Seppo13 now im oom :<
00:29:58Rotkiv gang
00:30:00Rotkiv come to me
00:30:08Momdsiw go to pit
00:30:09Rotkiv come to me .. we gang bot
00:30:10Momdsiw gfang with hes utl
00:30:15Seppo13 im omm
00:30:15KIH atleast try to last hit
00:30:16KIH jesus
00:30:22KIH u autoattack and miss all creeps
00:30:24Momdsiw come trax
00:30:27Momdsiw walk to base
00:30:30Momdsiw pit
00:30:35Seppo13 oh lothar
00:30:36Seppo13 :s
00:30:45Seppo13 pit? :D:D:D:
00:30:46Momdsiw nice
00:30:47Seppo13 AHAHA
00:30:51Momdsiw retard
00:30:52Rotkiv wtf where ehere you
00:30:57Momdsiw why you dont check your hero
00:31:07Vangelis go
00:31:15Vangelis or not
00:31:21Planktoni that ward
00:31:32KIH ai sulki janggo
00:31:32KIH gg
00:31:34KIH :DD
00:31:39Momdsiw ^^
00:31:48Momdsiw ai sulki treads
00:31:49KIH q2s
00:31:51KIH u miss
00:31:52KIH all
00:31:53KIH lasthits
00:32:06KIH stop playin carry if u dont even try to lasthit
00:32:09Momdsiw mult puuttuu enää bottle ja wardi
00:32:12Seppo13 :DDD MA ARVASIN
00:32:12que2stress WRF
00:32:14Momdsiw ollaa sit samiksii
00:32:14Seppo13 MA ARVASIN :D:D:D:d
00:32:15Planktoni :)
00:32:21Seppo13 siltä puuttu 50g bkb
00:32:30que2stress why should i even try to alsthit
00:32:32Planktoni höhöhö
00:32:35Momdsiw I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:32:36Momdsiw I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:32:39que2stress if u even dont try to plant wardsß
00:32:43KIH :DDD
00:32:46Momdsiw come end
00:32:47Seppo13 :/
00:32:50KIH yea blame the team for shitty map awareness
00:32:56KIH notahax#2
00:33:23Vangelis gogo with 5
00:33:30Maxy sec
00:33:32Maxy coruer
00:33:33Momdsiw pit is lvl 12 and havent maxed expulsion
00:33:41Vangelis got agha lvl 16
00:33:43Vangelis -.-
00:33:50Seppo13 care
00:33:56Rotkiv come
00:33:59Momdsiw ulti gank
00:34:00Seppo13 no dust
00:34:14Rotkiv hgis invi ok
00:34:15Seppo13 no dust
00:34:16Seppo13 no kill
00:34:17Seppo13 got it?
00:34:44KIH stna
00:34:54Planktoni :)
00:34:57Momdsiw Keleper
00:35:04Seppo13 :DDd
00:35:24Maxy can't find cent
00:35:48Momdsiw move with 5
00:35:53Momdsiw Move with 5 and end pol0x
00:36:04Inuusini venge
00:36:05Vangelis go 5
00:36:06Vangelis mid
00:36:06Vangelis ?
00:36:24Maxy need to do
00:36:25Maxy smth
00:36:28Vangelis ?
00:36:30Rotkiv ok lets gang .. come to me
00:36:30Planktoni just join us?
00:36:36Vangelis VENGE
00:36:37Vangelis STOP
00:36:37Seppo13 kih
00:36:41Rotkiv lets see
00:36:41Vangelis stop farm
00:36:42Vangelis just go
00:36:43Vangelis ?
00:36:44que2stress htey rosh
00:36:55Vangelis rly
00:36:57Vangelis waste of time
00:36:59Seppo13 he bait
00:37:09Seppo13 idiots :DD
00:37:15que2stress ah cool
00:37:16que2stress mouse dead
00:37:29Maxy when i kill it we go
00:37:33reptile venge join mb?
00:37:34Maxy i take 2 lvls and 2k gold
00:37:39reptile omg..
00:37:54que2stress still no dust?
00:38:05Vangelis VENGE
00:38:06Vangelis plz
00:38:07Vangelis stop
00:38:08Vangelis wasting time
00:38:10Maxy WHAT?
00:38:11Maxy STOP SPAM ME
00:38:12Maxy OR I GO EMO
00:38:14Planktoni he's having fun
00:38:17Momdsiw we have no support heros
00:38:22que2stress true
00:38:22Seppo13 ye.. right
00:38:24Planktoni same as to play single player
00:38:29Vangelis ok
00:38:34Vangelis i will have some fun at our forest too
00:38:42Maxy glad to hear that
00:38:45Planktoni i won't :)
00:38:53Seppo13 mitäs sit buildais
00:39:01KIH hex shiva ac
00:39:01Seppo13 hexi varmaa
00:39:04KIH joku noist
00:39:10Seppo13 hex ac got it
00:39:37Seppo13 xD
00:40:03Seppo13 vittu
00:40:04Seppo13 <.<
00:40:12Seppo13 jos oisin selvinny
00:40:13Seppo13 gg noilel
00:40:14Maxy i top
00:40:15Maxy you mid
00:40:17Maxy we get both rax
00:40:19Maxy mid/top
00:40:23Vangelis nope
00:40:25Vangelis i get bot farm
00:40:32Momdsiw vittu jos oltais saatu kaikki alas ja meilt ei ketää ois ollu aika gg
00:40:35Maxy we still get it :D
00:40:36reptile :D
00:40:39Seppo13 nii just vittu
00:40:52Seppo13 wwpeee
00:40:56KIH mvp maxy
00:40:57KIH !!!
00:41:06Vangelis yeah, really useful venge
00:41:09KIH =DD
00:41:31Rotkiv I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:41:35Seppo13 bg
00:41:36que2stress my mouse :;D
00:41:39Seppo13 outpicked
00:41:48KIH gg!!!
00:41:49KIH I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:41:52Seppo13 I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:41:55que2stress [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:41:55que2stress [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:41:55que2stress [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:41:55que2stress [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:41:55que2stress I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:41:57Maxy gg wp
00:42:28Planktoni mag dagon ftw
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