Game #2114866

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+56 X
+4 TS

96% | 1595 X | 1590 TS

-13 X
+4 TS

89% | 1567 X | 1389 TS

+37 X
+3 TS

64% | 1298 X | 1371 TS

+50 X
+5 TS

46% | 1161 X | 1298 TS

+9 X
+5 TS

21% | 1052 X | 1212 TS

-43 X
-4 TS

84% | 1375 X | 1501 TS

-29 X
-4 TS

80% | 1408 X | 1442 TS

-31 X
-4 TS

76% | 1330 X | 1439 TS

-42 X
-3 TS

55% | 1169 X | 1398 TS

+12 X
-4 TS

49% | 1145 X | 1350 TS

Chat log

00:00:14atte tuu frement net triloon
00:00:19McNabb ban tb
00:00:19atte want what?
00:00:19atte sk ?
00:00:19atte doom?
00:00:19Vangelis pick or ban spec
00:00:19atte tell me
00:00:19Maier get doom or spec
00:00:19Vangelis spec
00:00:19McNabb gonna go doom
00:00:19Vangelis 100%
00:00:19Vangelis 100% spec
00:00:19KolleBolle hmm ban spec or smth
00:00:19Vangelis it is just so imba
00:00:19McNabb u want it?
00:00:19Vangelis no
00:00:19h0whigh fuck spec
00:00:19Momdsiw ban pugna
00:00:19Vangelis want someone esle to play spec
00:00:19KolleBolle or ban doom pick spec
00:00:19atte mitä pelaat momdsiw
00:00:19Vangelis spec can 1v5 enemy team at level 11
00:00:19atte what you play strom
00:00:19Momdsiw emt
00:00:19McNabb lol
00:00:19Strom I'll go either bat or ck
00:00:19Vangelis it is just so imba
00:00:19Maier ära aja paska
00:00:19atte ok
00:00:19atte ck is good
00:00:19atte psec
00:00:19atte spec
00:00:19McNabb today
00:00:30h0whigh problem solved =)
00:00:32atte want crix?
00:00:34Momdsiw riippuu millasen farmerin otat
00:00:39Strom anyone want something?
00:00:39atte ehkä sf
00:00:42Momdsiw gimeme cm
00:00:42Maier get sik
00:00:43Momdsiw then
00:00:44KolleBolle well crix would be god
00:00:44Maier sk
00:00:44atte elderi wants cm
00:00:44McNabb gogo tc strom
00:00:46Maier and tuskar
00:00:47Momdsiw k
00:00:48KolleBolle but i cant rly play it...
00:00:55Momdsiw voin sk sit
00:00:57Maier tuskar + pugna
00:00:58Strom so who wants this?
00:00:59Maier pugna !
00:01:01Momdsiw elderi
00:01:01Vangelis you
00:01:03Vangelis want pugna
00:01:03McNabb bat
00:01:04Vangelis ?
00:01:05Maier sure
00:01:07Maier i can play
00:01:07Momdsiw right?
00:01:09Elderi y
00:01:12Vangelis give me
00:01:13Vangelis hmmm
00:01:15Strom ok give me batrider
00:01:16Maier last get dk and rhasta
00:01:17Vangelis 4th pick
00:01:19Momdsiw otakko
00:01:19Vangelis what will you get
00:01:19McNabb need bat
00:01:19Vangelis ?
00:01:20Momdsiw sf
00:01:21atte sf
00:01:24h0whigh rhasta8rc87+8
00:01:25Vangelis teh re
00:01:25atte -swap 3
00:01:26Strom baaaatrider
00:01:26Momdsiw -swap 1
00:01:27Vangelis what you playing
00:01:27h0whigh tc
00:01:28h0whigh rhasta
00:01:34Strom -swap 4
00:01:38Vangelis get me tc
00:01:38Maier mis tahad
00:01:42Elderi -swap 2
00:01:43Maier -swap 3
00:01:44atte last go jakiro or such
00:01:44Vangelis pick thd or rhasta
00:01:45h0whigh rhsata
00:01:45Vangelis imo
00:01:46h0whigh isn8ice
00:01:46Vangelis -swap 5
00:01:55KolleBolle well i hate jakiro
00:01:58KolleBolle ck is better
00:01:59KolleBolle imo
00:02:00KolleBolle for me
00:02:00h0whigh pugna
00:02:01h0whigh u
00:02:01h0whigh come
00:02:02h0whigh top
00:02:03atte well take ck
00:02:04KolleBolle or cent
00:02:05Momdsiw go centaur
00:02:06atte its strong hero
00:02:08Maier ya we own
00:02:16Maier i'm gonna lvl 1 decrep and max ward + blast
00:02:19Momdsiw ei ton käsis oo mikää vahva
00:02:20KolleBolle elderi weanna get wards?
00:02:27KolleBolle tolate :/
00:02:27Elderi y
00:02:28Elderi soon
00:02:28h0whigh y
00:02:29McNabb gg outpicked
00:02:32h0whigh u pull
00:02:36KolleBolle shuld be first iteem :P
00:02:41h0whigh we8are87+.o
00:02:42Maier i failed
00:02:45Maier forgot to buy chick
00:02:47Maier so sold items
00:02:56Strom share
00:02:59KolleBolle strom
00:03:08KolleBolle ive got serius problems with my mouse drivers....
00:03:16Maier gonna double pull
00:03:18Maier so support if u can
00:03:20Momdsiw ^^
00:03:21Maier if they come
00:03:22KolleBolle ive got dubble drivers so my mosue is pretty fucked
00:03:24h0whigh y
00:03:24h0whigh np
00:03:30Strom well uninstall them?
00:03:32KolleBolle if i remove one of them the mouse dont work
00:03:43Maier ss 1
00:03:46Maier re
00:03:47KolleBolle if i disbale its works so i can move it
00:03:59KolleBolle windows aouto install it
00:05:08Momdsiw ffs noob
00:05:12KolleBolle range?
00:05:17Momdsiw you were next to him
00:05:20Strom don't scare them now elderi
00:05:22Momdsiw when you went there
00:05:24Strom let me get some stacks on them
00:05:37Momdsiw you didnt even stun ?
00:05:59McNabb ss mid going top
00:06:00Maier gj
00:06:01Momdsiw vihaan linjattaa tälläsiä
00:06:01McNabb re
00:06:19h0whigh onmw
00:06:20h0whigh mid
00:06:20h0whigh lets
00:06:21h0whigh try
00:06:42teh_re bat miss
00:06:43Maier gj
00:06:44Momdsiw soz
00:06:50atte fucking vitun tuskar
00:06:52atte nii imba hero
00:06:56Momdsiw pyh
00:07:02teh_re -ms
00:07:21Vangelis still
00:07:22Vangelis miss
00:07:25h0whigh pull
00:07:26h0whigh pugna
00:07:29h0whigh b
00:07:29h0whigh b
00:07:30Maier ya
00:07:32Momdsiw asd
00:07:32McNabb :D
00:07:36Momdsiw ei menny tuotl ylhäält xD
00:07:42Momdsiw en kattonu sen tarkemmi vasta ku olin lähel
00:07:46Maier sf
00:07:47Maier coming
00:07:48Maier top
00:07:48Maier care
00:07:51Momdsiw voi piwwu
00:07:54h0whigh hes8mid87.s
00:07:59Maier oh
00:08:00Maier lol
00:08:15Maier i go maeka
00:08:23Momdsiw hit the stun
00:08:30Maier got mana ?
00:08:31Maier doubole ?
00:08:32h0whigh y
00:08:34h0whigh no
00:08:36teh_re miss
00:08:37teh_re csm
00:08:39teh_re cm
00:09:04Strom invi rune bot
00:09:10McNabb ss mid
00:09:12atte doom miss
00:09:20atte re
00:09:22teh_re bat cm miss
00:09:26Maier ah fail
00:09:38Momdsiw outplay xD
00:09:42Maier how is bot lane doing
00:09:44McNabb re
00:09:46Maier true
00:09:49h0whigh onmw
00:09:50h0whigh mid
00:09:51h0whigh lets
00:09:51h0whigh try
00:09:52h0whigh again
00:09:54McNabb y
00:10:04Momdsiw b
00:10:05Momdsiw b
00:10:06Momdsiw b
00:10:15Maier tuskar wtf
00:10:15teh_re re bat
00:10:17teh_re cm miss
00:10:18McNabb ?!??!
00:10:23teh_re re
00:10:24McNabb why dont u wait
00:10:27Momdsiw j
00:10:32Maier DOOM
00:10:37Strom elderi
00:10:40Elderi y
00:10:41Strom do you know how bat works btw?
00:10:44Elderi y
00:10:49Maier godfuckingdamn
00:10:50Momdsiw denyy
00:10:51Strom you should let me put like 4 stacks on them
00:10:52Momdsiw ehk
00:10:55Strom do not scare them away with your nukes
00:11:01Strom also, when I get 4 stacks on them
00:11:01Elderi pok
00:11:04Strom you need to be there to help me
00:11:06Strom not pulling
00:11:08atte ei ois pitäny denyy
00:11:09atte :D
00:11:09Strom we don't need pulling
00:11:13atte kelasin et kuolet tuskarin paskaan
00:11:14Maier come top howhigh
00:11:18Maier illu
00:11:20Momdsiw juu
00:11:23Momdsiw oisinv armaa selvinyn just
00:11:46atte b
00:11:47atte bat
00:11:50atte rhasta has sittck
00:11:53atte b
00:12:00Strom elderi, where did you go? :D
00:12:08McNabb ff
00:12:10KolleBolle fre kill
00:12:17atte wardit
00:12:36Momdsiw illu top
00:12:38Momdsiw ota nopee saat tupla rune
00:12:48Momdsiw top miss
00:12:55McNabb GO FFS
00:12:57McNabb ?!?!??!
00:13:01Momdsiw get boots
00:13:01Maier GO
00:13:16atte 4mid
00:13:19Momdsiw we coming
00:13:19Maier doom
00:13:20Maier sk
00:13:35Momdsiw ck use your fucking stuns sometimes
00:13:48Maier b
00:14:09Maier wtf
00:14:10Maier why
00:14:13Maier get b
00:15:02Maier rhasta
00:15:03Maier get stun
00:15:08Maier i mean nuke
00:15:08Momdsiw yllääl rune
00:15:12teh_re nope
00:15:14teh_re it sucks
00:15:20h0whigh fast
00:15:20KolleBolle sry
00:15:20atte haen
00:15:21McNabb GOD WE PLAY BAD
00:15:21h0whigh tp
00:15:21KolleBolle :/
00:15:21h0whigh tc
00:15:40Maier timing :D
00:15:40McNabb YES
00:15:40atte kaatu netti
00:15:40atte gg
00:15:40atte kuolin?
00:15:40McNabb DROP
00:15:43atte EI VITTU
00:16:05h0whigh w8
00:16:05Vangelis oom
00:16:06h0whigh i
00:16:06h0whigh tp
00:16:07h0whigh chill
00:16:08h0whigh dont
00:16:08KolleBolle items for CK?
00:16:09h0whigh go
00:16:09h0whigh 1
00:16:10h0whigh sewc
00:16:16atte hp
00:16:22atte -ma
00:16:25Momdsiw try get vanguard in this game
00:16:36Maier get the
00:16:38Maier tower
00:16:45Vangelis i am rly oom
00:17:02Momdsiw atte
00:17:13KolleBolle fuck ytard
00:17:48Maier run forest
00:17:49Maier run
00:18:10Maier tping
00:18:35McNabb why dont we have wards
00:18:41Vangelis we have wards
00:18:44Vangelis rhasta's ult
00:18:47Vangelis ever heard of it?
00:18:50h0whigh fun
00:18:51h0whigh guy
00:18:53atte bkb in base
00:18:54atte go
00:19:19Maier rasta
00:19:21Maier get wards aswell
00:19:24Maier i got a meka to finish
00:19:26Momdsiw i blink stun
00:19:26atte b uni
00:19:26Momdsiw go soon
00:19:29Momdsiw k
00:19:42Momdsiw teeks atte kans dagu
00:19:43Maier fucking please get wards ?
00:19:53atte joo
00:20:11atte bot tower
00:20:15McNabb gather
00:20:16McNabb all 5
00:20:19atte come all
00:20:19atte bot
00:20:25atte otan
00:20:32atte me
00:21:32Momdsiw fuck
00:21:37Maier we need twrs
00:21:46atte should we def?
00:21:49Strom can't
00:22:00Maier b
00:22:02atte got bkb ulti
00:22:08atte come bot
00:22:09atte i bait
00:22:31atte dagger on
00:22:36Momdsiw tuun expaa lvl 1 bottii
00:22:38Momdsiw 11
00:22:54atte def mid
00:22:58Maier b
00:22:59Maier mid
00:23:12Momdsiw rune bot
00:23:22atte alota vaa rohkeesti ultil
00:23:26atte ni tuun peräs
00:23:29Momdsiw kj
00:23:31Momdsiw j
00:23:39Maier def
00:23:39Maier mid
00:23:51Momdsiw wtf
00:24:17h0whigh nice
00:24:18h0whigh pougna
00:24:21h0whigh decypot
00:24:22h0whigh me
00:24:23h0whigh there
00:24:25Maier misclick
00:24:29h0whigh when8
00:24:29Momdsiw im oom
00:24:29h0whigh im,
00:24:31h0whigh going
00:24:31h0whigh 2
00:24:32Strom best b
00:24:33h0whigh ulti7,.d
00:24:36Maier =/
00:24:51Momdsiw mitehä mä sen mun ultin tollei kusin
00:25:16atte lvl16 soon
00:26:12Maier 100 meka
00:26:14Maier doom
00:26:15Maier go top
00:26:17Maier farm there
00:26:24h0whigh doom joinm us soon ?
00:26:34McNabb y
00:26:43Maier care top
00:26:44Maier rasta
00:26:45Maier please
00:26:48Maier get some wards too
00:26:51Strom 20s cd on ulti
00:26:56Maier u have cash
00:27:02Maier TEH RE
00:27:04Maier FFS
00:27:22Momdsiw i start
00:27:25teh_re i wont place them
00:27:28atte got no ulti
00:27:28McNabb i will
00:27:32KolleBolle ghj
00:28:09atte noni
00:28:11atte towers
00:28:11Maier holy fuck
00:28:26teh_re I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:27McNabb lol
00:28:29h0whigh hmm
00:28:29h0whigh okey
00:28:30Momdsiw ^^
00:28:30h0whigh lets
00:28:31h0whigh I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:28:44Momdsiw Deny ftw
00:29:30Vangelis I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:29:32atte :DDD
00:29:35Maier place
00:29:36Maier wards
00:29:37Maier doom
00:29:39McNabb y
00:29:45atte b
00:29:48atte ei ultei
00:30:03atte -ma
00:30:14McNabb try 5
00:30:15Maier gonna make pipe
00:30:21McNabb gather
00:30:27h0whigh cant
00:30:28h0whigh do
00:30:29h0whigh shit
00:30:29h0whigh now
00:30:34McNabb come
00:30:35Vangelis too little too late
00:30:40Strom they smoke?
00:30:42Strom rosh?
00:30:47atte dont think so
00:31:08Strom they near rosh anyway
00:31:08McNabb come
00:32:29Maier we need a better entry than ck
00:32:37McNabb need sk down
00:32:41Maier aye
00:33:07Momdsiw what you building ck
00:33:25KolleBolle vangurd and then manta
00:33:35Momdsiw k
00:33:37atte mul on hotti
00:33:42atte iha just
00:33:43Elderi mul o meka
00:33:50Momdsiw oisit tehny vaa linkeni
00:33:53atte e
00:33:54Vangelis go try again
00:33:55Maier smoke
00:33:55Momdsiw ^^
00:33:57Vangelis ?
00:33:58Maier and go their woods
00:34:06Vangelis bring
00:34:07Vangelis smoke
00:34:07Momdsiw noh tuun sun kaa leikkii
00:34:08Vangelis someone
00:34:10Maier no cash
00:34:26atte tarviin satasen
00:34:36Momdsiw ota pikivippi ancienteilta
00:34:41atte noni
00:34:41Maier bait
00:34:42Maier care
00:34:56atte still def?
00:34:59Momdsiw ye
00:35:01Strom ye
00:35:01Maier go smoke again
00:35:02Maier and woods
00:35:03atte ck
00:35:04atte fast
00:35:07Strom no doom & stuff
00:35:08Momdsiw our ultis destroys
00:35:13atte mee ultil
00:35:25Momdsiw y
00:36:32teh_re I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:36:37McNabb I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:36:41teh_re we cant kill sf even 3v1
00:36:41Maier [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:36:41Maier [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:36:41Maier [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:36:41Maier [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:36:41Maier I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:36:43atte gg
00:36:48Maier sf got fed
00:36:53Maier mid kinda...
00:36:54Maier failed
00:37:35Maier ah
00:37:37Maier sf has got
00:37:39Maier hot *
00:37:47atte kyl tää hotti oli hyvä
00:37:54Momdsiw juu
00:37:55atte tankitin iha vitusti tos vikas fightist
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