Game #2111656

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+15 X
-3 TS

94% | 1655 X | 1474 TS

-18 X
-15 TS

80% | 1403 X | 1393 TS

+0 X
-19 TS

45% | 1180 X | 1252 TS

-34 X
-18 TS

32% | 1117 X | 1205 TS

-30 X
-30 TS

NEW | 1012 X | 995 TS

-13 X
+2 TS

71% | 1277 X | 1430 TS

+14 X
+2 TS

67% | 1285 X | 1376 TS

+17 X
+2 TS

63% | 1225 X | 1401 TS

+24 X
+1 TS

31% | 1017 X | 1341 TS

+40 X
+90 TS

NEW | 987 X | 1088 TS

Chat log

00:00:09Vangelis too lazy
00:00:13Vangelis can you play carry plz
00:00:14TOo_LaZy imo we loose
00:00:16TOo_LaZy i can
00:00:19-.- ggogo
00:00:19Vangelis BAN SILENCER
00:00:19TOo_LaZy get me
00:00:19-.- -sb
00:00:19TOo_LaZy sb
00:00:19Vangelis want alche maybe
00:00:19TOo_LaZy ill play alche
00:00:19Vangelis ?
00:00:19TOo_LaZy mid
00:00:19TOo_LaZy then
00:00:19-.- gogogo
00:00:27TOo_LaZy alche mid
00:00:28TOo_LaZy for me
00:00:30Vangelis -swap 2
00:00:34TOo_LaZy what u want
00:00:36-.- want smt?
00:00:36Vangelis ANYONE ES?
00:00:36TOo_LaZy WE NEED ES
00:00:40Vangelis ANYONE PLAYS ES?
00:00:43Vangelis TEHRE ATS
00:00:43TOo_LaZy es pugna
00:00:44Vangelis ?
00:00:45-.- fazt
00:00:47TOo_LaZy tiny
00:00:48Vangelis no get me panda
00:00:50TOo_LaZy es pugna tiny puc
00:00:52-.- saaay
00:00:53TOo_LaZy would win for us
00:00:55Seinis no one wants
00:00:55Vangelis get me panda
00:01:00Seinis u go midz?
00:01:01TOo_LaZy es
00:01:02TOo_LaZy some1?
00:01:02-.- yeah
00:01:04TOo_LaZy ES?
00:01:05Seinis :(
00:01:06TOo_LaZy ES 1?????????????????????
00:01:10Vangelis SLARDA
00:01:11Seinis u picked too slow
00:01:11Vangelis ?
00:01:14-.- well
00:01:15TOo_LaZy -swap 1
00:01:15TOo_LaZy gg
00:01:16Vangelis -swap 2
00:01:17TOo_LaZy we lost this
00:01:19-.- hoped some1 takes
00:01:20Motku what i pick
00:01:21TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:01:22Vangelis ats, sienfonelain
00:01:22TOo_LaZy -di
00:01:23TOo_LaZy ;D
00:01:24-.- something from me
00:01:24Vangelis get me slardar
00:01:27-.- and i can get clinkz later
00:01:27TOo_LaZy what?
00:01:27Sienionelain kk
00:01:28Seinis they are friendyl
00:01:30-.- so they wouldnt counter
00:01:31-.- but yea
00:01:31TOo_LaZy lol
00:01:31Seinis ok
00:01:32TOo_LaZy no more
00:01:33TOo_LaZy meele
00:01:34TOo_LaZy OMFg
00:01:36Vangelis NO GET ES FOR YOURSELF
00:01:37TOo_LaZy gg
00:01:38Motku uh oh
00:01:38TOo_LaZy puck
00:01:38TOo_LaZy es
00:01:40TOo_LaZy puck es
00:01:40Vangelis get es and puck
00:01:41Vangelis puck es
00:01:45TOo_LaZy niceee
00:01:45Motku drow wasn't a good pick maybe?
00:01:45Seinis if u put it that way
00:01:47-.- humm
00:01:49Seinis theyn they would answer
00:01:50Vangelis sienionelain
00:01:50Sienionelain not good with this
00:01:51TOo_LaZy chick
00:01:52Vangelis can you play es?
00:01:54Vangelis well
00:01:56-.- get
00:01:56-.- abba
00:01:58Vangelis swap with puck
00:01:59Vangelis ?
00:01:59-.- or tiny
00:02:03TOo_LaZy ats can u do
00:02:04Sienionelain worse eith it :D
00:02:05Vangelis i am pretty good with panda
00:02:06-.- or dark
00:02:07-.- seer
00:02:09Vangelis well
00:02:09TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:02:12-.- not that
00:02:12-.- :D
00:02:17Vangelis do you know what to build
00:02:17Sienionelain my panda better than es but however
00:02:18Vangelis ?
00:02:18-.- lost lanes
00:02:20-.- big time
00:02:20Vangelis -swap 5
00:02:22TOo_LaZy just make
00:02:24TOo_LaZy MANA BOOTS
00:02:24Sienionelain -swap 1
00:02:31TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:02:31TOo_LaZy -di
00:02:37TOo_LaZy get wards
00:02:38TOo_LaZy get tps
00:02:41TOo_LaZy dont farm lal game
00:02:44TOo_LaZy help friends
00:02:44TOo_LaZy :D
00:02:46TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:02:46TOo_LaZy -di
00:03:03Vangelis panda tell me, what are the hotkeys for panda ult stun and cycle
00:03:04Vangelis :D
00:03:12Vangelis cyclone
00:03:13Vangelis :D
00:03:15Sienionelain c
00:03:19Vangelis and
00:03:21Sienionelain and d?
00:03:23Vangelis y
00:03:27Sienionelain \o/
00:03:28ATS_ qwert
00:03:28Vangelis ok, you have played it before
00:04:21TOo_LaZy make flyign asap plz
00:04:33Vangelis i pull
00:04:35Vangelis from now on
00:04:36teh_re miss qop
00:04:48Seinis have some creeps
00:04:49Seinis :)
00:04:53-.- nice
00:04:53-.- :D
00:05:05Seinis bot rune
00:05:51-.- share
00:06:04-.- share
00:06:07Seinis i have
00:06:08Seinis shared
00:06:52Sienionelain b
00:07:30teh_re qop misses
00:07:31TOo_LaZy ss
00:07:37TOo_LaZy ss
00:07:37TOo_LaZy mid
00:07:38TOo_LaZy re
00:07:46Seinis päälle
00:07:50Vangelis pugna
00:07:52Vangelis can you flying
00:07:55Vangelis ah
00:07:56Vangelis nvm
00:08:15Sienionelain qop bot
00:08:18ATS_ y
00:08:44-.- gank mid
00:08:44-.- some1
00:08:47-.- easykill
00:08:49Sienionelain 3 bot need help
00:08:49TOo_LaZy ss
00:08:50-.- he just used ulti
00:08:50TOo_LaZy mid
00:08:50Vangelis how goes mid
00:08:51-.- as well
00:08:52Seinis i come
00:08:52Vangelis how goes bot
00:08:57-.- roger
00:09:05Sienionelain qop coming mid
00:09:29TOo_LaZy ]qop
00:09:30TOo_LaZy inc
00:09:55-.- :p
00:09:55ATS_ wards
00:09:57Seinis np
00:09:57ATS_ some1
00:10:00Seinis im roam akasha
00:10:00-.- yeah
00:10:02Seinis worst ever
00:10:02ATS_ es
00:10:02Seinis :D
00:10:03ATS_ wards
00:10:03TOo_LaZy coming from puck
00:10:06Vangelis es
00:10:06TOo_LaZy :D
00:10:07Vangelis wards
00:10:07-.- ur good
00:10:08Vangelis :D:DD:D
00:10:09TOo_LaZy whahaha
00:10:11TOo_LaZy es dagger
00:10:13TOo_LaZy maybe
00:10:16TOo_LaZy u wards
00:10:18Seinis tuun alas
00:10:19TOo_LaZy ss mid
00:10:20TOo_LaZy care
00:10:21ATS_ i will
00:10:27ATS_ when i get money
00:10:32TOo_LaZy who makes
00:10:34TOo_LaZy drums
00:10:35ATS_ be fucking retarded then
00:10:37TOo_LaZy and other aura items
00:10:47-.- trax
00:10:48-.- teraxc
00:10:49-.- trax
00:10:49-.- trax
00:10:50-.- trax
00:10:58TOo_LaZy go
00:10:58TOo_LaZy go
00:10:59TOo_LaZy go
00:11:01-.- damn dude :D
00:11:01Motku sry
00:11:02Motku was asleep
00:11:03-.- wake up
00:11:03Motku :D
00:11:07-.- :p
00:11:08Motku mass ping
00:11:09Motku to wake up
00:11:23TOo_LaZy gj
00:11:23teh_re 3hp
00:11:24-.- didnt get items b4
00:11:26-.- cuz had 2 chickens
00:11:27-.- in share
00:11:28-.- lol
00:11:29Motku yeah
00:12:13TOo_LaZy qop bot
00:12:13Vangelis stun cd
00:12:49Seinis gang bot
00:12:52-.- k
00:12:55Seinis not u
00:12:57-.- :D
00:13:04Seinis we are all at lan
00:13:06Seinis but sieni is too
00:13:08Seinis s oi cant talk at lan
00:13:17TOo_LaZy no dut no kill
00:13:22TOo_LaZy mid ss
00:13:24-.- care bot
00:13:26-.- mid miss 2
00:13:35teh_re -ma
00:13:39Motku can't survive top
00:13:43Motku 2x nukes with decrepify
00:13:47TOo_LaZy i come bot
00:13:50TOo_LaZy with dd
00:14:16-.- care bot
00:15:03teh_re oom
00:15:08Vangelis i go take top rune
00:15:13-.- kill
00:15:19TOo_LaZy b
00:15:33TOo_LaZy pro
00:15:34TOo_LaZy move
00:15:47TOo_LaZy go
00:16:04-.- get 1 slow
00:16:05-.- akashga
00:16:21Seinis ogipogi thought slow lvl 1 sucks
00:16:43-.- vs panda etc
00:16:46-.- not bad
00:16:51Seinis kk
00:16:53Vangelis get magic stick panda
00:17:17Seinis low 3 guys
00:17:29Vangelis b alche
00:17:50TOo_LaZy we must keep on pushing
00:17:50TOo_LaZy mid
00:17:52TOo_LaZy tt
00:18:04TOo_LaZy u hear me
00:18:06TOo_LaZy keeep on pushing
00:18:07Vangelis ye
00:18:09Vangelis all mid
00:18:16Vangelis they got 3 hard carries
00:18:18Vangelis :D
00:18:21Vangelis and 2 semi carry
00:18:24TOo_LaZy razor
00:18:26TOo_LaZy is a carry
00:18:28TOo_LaZy i make imba
00:18:29TOo_LaZy carry with him
00:18:38Vangelis slarda and qop aren't hard carries :D
00:18:39Vangelis imo
00:18:53TOo_LaZy slardar
00:18:53TOo_LaZy is
00:18:56TOo_LaZy guys
00:19:41TOo_LaZy b
00:21:22TOo_LaZy buy a
00:21:22TOo_LaZy mana
00:21:24TOo_LaZy to sell
00:21:25TOo_LaZy fast
00:21:32TOo_LaZy some1
00:21:33TOo_LaZy ffs
00:21:59TOo_LaZy go mid
00:22:01TOo_LaZy all togerher now
00:22:02Vangelis panda
00:22:03TOo_LaZy we fuck em good
00:22:05Vangelis you start the fight
00:22:08TOo_LaZy wait for me
00:22:08TOo_LaZy plz
00:22:15TOo_LaZy dagger soon
00:22:16TOo_LaZy ?
00:22:17TOo_LaZy vanga
00:22:21Vangelis 1.4k
00:22:23Vangelis so no
00:22:24Vangelis :>
00:22:35-.- killz midz
00:23:10TOo_LaZy come mid
00:23:11TOo_LaZy why u chase
00:23:13TOo_LaZy we loose like this
00:23:14TOo_LaZy idiots
00:23:20ATS_ wtf
00:23:22ATS_ idiot
00:23:24ATS_ dont run
00:23:30ATS_ fucking retard
00:23:43ATS_ easy kills and you run
00:23:48ATS_ fucking awesome
00:24:02TOo_LaZy u lsot
00:24:13TOo_LaZy this match
00:24:15TOo_LaZy with ur
00:24:16-.- mid
00:24:17-.- tower
00:24:17-.- go
00:24:17TOo_LaZy chasing
00:24:19TOo_LaZy we need to push
00:24:21TOo_LaZy and u fucking go
00:24:23ATS_ ime paskaa
00:24:23TOo_LaZy aroudn towerz
00:24:24TOo_LaZy gg
00:24:26ATS_ vitun idiootti
00:24:37-.- KILL
00:24:38-.- alche
00:25:00-.- guys
00:25:03TOo_LaZy no
00:25:03TOo_LaZy dust
00:25:03-.- srsly
00:25:04TOo_LaZy gg
00:25:06Motku didn't have hp
00:25:06TOo_LaZy i ff min 25
00:25:10Motku couldn't come
00:25:12Vangelis i need
00:25:48-.- care
00:25:51ATS_ b
00:25:55TOo_LaZy b
00:25:55ATS_ now
00:25:55TOo_LaZy b
00:26:01Vangelis alche
00:26:02Vangelis get gem
00:26:03ATS_ all buy dust
00:26:03Vangelis ?
00:26:03ATS_ s
00:26:03-.- kill em all
00:26:05-.- come trax
00:26:10ATS_ you fucking idiots
00:26:38TOo_LaZy go ff
00:26:39TOo_LaZy min 25
00:26:53ATS_ how you can fucking lose this
00:26:57TOo_LaZy U CAN
00:26:59TOo_LaZy when u do shit
00:27:00ATS_ stfu
00:27:00TOo_LaZy all game
00:27:00Seinis gj budbyh
00:27:02ATS_ retard
00:27:03TOo_LaZy running
00:27:03TOo_LaZy around
00:27:05-.- u2
00:27:06TOo_LaZy u fuckign shithead
00:27:06teh_re ats
00:27:07TOo_LaZy ruining
00:27:08TOo_LaZy all my games
00:27:09teh_re last fight
00:27:12teh_re u ultied in woods
00:27:14ATS_ hiljaa
00:27:14teh_re and went to base
00:27:15teh_re so please
00:27:17teh_re shut up
00:27:22ATS_ i was 50 hp
00:27:25ATS_ you moron
00:27:27ATS_ and sayed
00:27:42TOo_LaZy get aura items?
00:27:53-.- i take regen
00:27:54TOo_LaZy dont go in now
00:27:55TOo_LaZy i take bot
00:27:56TOo_LaZy and tp mid
00:27:57Motku soon lothar
00:27:58TOo_LaZy if needed
00:28:10ATS_ def
00:28:16-.- i take dmg
00:28:18-.- we kill mid
00:29:05TOo_LaZy mid go
00:29:20ATS_ docus trax
00:29:24ATS_ fcus*
00:29:26ATS_ vittu
00:29:27ATS_ ei si
00:29:37TOo_LaZy mid g
00:29:37TOo_LaZy take
00:29:38TOo_LaZy fast
00:29:42ATS_ focus trax and clinks pls
00:29:44TOo_LaZy all up
00:29:47TOo_LaZy b
00:29:47TOo_LaZy imo
00:29:49ATS_ and buy dusts
00:29:55TOo_LaZy b
00:29:56TOo_LaZy all uop
00:30:00TOo_LaZy we loose this coz we chase
00:30:02TOo_LaZy they want us to chase
00:30:42TOo_LaZy who makes auraS?
00:30:43TOo_LaZy vladi
00:30:43TOo_LaZy and
00:30:47TOo_LaZy drums?
00:30:53ATS_ aura in your ass
00:30:56TOo_LaZy dotn doe vange now
00:31:04TOo_LaZy dagger so soon
00:31:07Motku rune bot
00:31:13Vangelis got it
00:31:30TOo_LaZy gg
00:31:31TOo_LaZy I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:31:31Seinis =)
00:31:36TOo_LaZy go ff
00:31:36Seinis ice and fire
00:31:36TOo_LaZy plz
00:31:40TOo_LaZy can u ?
00:31:41TOo_LaZy go ff
00:31:42TOo_LaZy this is lost
00:31:48ATS_ stfu
00:31:56ATS_ and play
00:31:58TOo_LaZy this is lost
00:32:00ATS_ go with team
00:32:01TOo_LaZy u cant fuckign think a bit
00:32:03ATS_ hiljaa
00:32:10TOo_LaZy no dust no shit
00:32:13TOo_LaZy u chase that fucktard
00:32:18TOo_LaZy in wood when we must take towaz
00:32:23ATS_ stfu and play now
00:32:27Vangelis PANDA
00:32:29ATS_ pugna and es
00:32:30Vangelis you start fights
00:32:31Vangelis with ulti
00:32:35ATS_ dusts and wards
00:32:36Sienionelain gogo mid
00:32:40TOo_LaZy stay in back
00:32:40ATS_ how hard is it
00:32:40TOo_LaZy es
00:32:55Vangelis PANDA MUST START just jump traax or slarda
00:32:59Sienionelain yy
00:33:01Vangelis nuke and do ulti instant
00:33:16TOo_LaZy come
00:33:17ATS_ gather
00:33:44TOo_LaZy mid
00:33:44TOo_LaZy go
00:34:11ATS_ b
00:34:13ATS_ all
00:34:14ATS_ or
00:34:15TOo_LaZy b
00:34:26ATS_ gj panda
00:34:29TOo_LaZy ok
00:34:34TOo_LaZy go ff
00:34:35TOo_LaZy now?
00:34:36TOo_LaZy or
00:34:36TOo_LaZy ?
00:34:42ATS_ no
00:35:01Vangelis you carry
00:35:02Vangelis alche
00:35:02Vangelis gem
00:35:03ATS_ go mid all
00:35:10TOo_LaZy k
00:35:19Sienionelain no ulöti yet
00:35:23TOo_LaZy STAY NEAR
00:35:24TOo_LaZy DONT DIE
00:35:40TOo_LaZy btw
00:35:44TOo_LaZy i wanted to make lorthar
00:35:44TOo_LaZy first
00:35:46-.- GEM
00:35:47TOo_LaZy maybe fast rosh ?
00:36:01Motku alch got gem
00:36:12ATS_ wtf
00:36:15TOo_LaZy omfg
00:36:18TOo_LaZy COZ OF U
00:36:20TOo_LaZy FUCKTARDS
00:36:24TOo_LaZy NOTHING
00:36:25ATS_ why you fucking chase
00:36:26Vangelis i regen aman
00:36:26TOo_LaZy IDIOT TEAM
00:36:43ATS_ i ulti then panda and es
00:36:45TOo_LaZy i tell so many times
00:36:47TOo_LaZy and same sit
00:36:48ATS_ how hard is it
00:36:49TOo_LaZy happens
00:36:52Vangelis panda can start too
00:36:57TOo_LaZy jsut ulti them
00:36:59TOo_LaZy and kill
00:37:02ATS_ my ulti is better
00:37:03ATS_ start
00:37:04TOo_LaZy wait i take
00:37:05TOo_LaZy lorhart
00:37:09TOo_LaZy i dont watn to die
00:37:11ATS_ dont die now
00:37:12TOo_LaZy need 1k
00:37:19ATS_ now pls
00:37:24ATS_ dont go around
00:37:27ATS_ keep in line
00:37:39TOo_LaZy needd 700
00:37:41TOo_LaZy forl orhtar
00:37:42TOo_LaZy myself
00:37:57TOo_LaZy let me
00:37:58TOo_LaZy bot lane
00:38:00TOo_LaZy i take lorhar
00:38:02TOo_LaZy 400g
00:38:07TOo_LaZy WAIT FOR ME
00:38:09TOo_LaZy I TAKE LORHAR
00:38:09Vangelis MOVE TOGETHER
00:38:11TOo_LaZy FOR NOT TO DIE
00:38:12Vangelis COME WITH TEAM
00:38:15TOo_LaZy need 400
00:38:16TOo_LaZy b
00:38:19ATS_ team
00:38:21ATS_ wtf
00:38:21Vangelis WAIT AT TOWER
00:38:22Vangelis OMG
00:38:25Vangelis WAIT AT TOWER
00:38:28Vangelis PUIGNA
00:38:30Vangelis PUGNA
00:38:34TOo_LaZy b
00:38:35TOo_LaZy b
00:38:35TOo_LaZy b
00:38:38ATS_ team of morons
00:38:40TOo_LaZy B
00:38:41TOo_LaZy B
00:38:41TOo_LaZy B
00:38:43TOo_LaZy BACK
00:38:45TOo_LaZy IM NOT THERe
00:38:46TOo_LaZy IDIOTS
00:38:47TOo_LaZy VACK
00:38:48TOo_LaZy BACK]
00:38:52TOo_LaZy just die
00:38:54TOo_LaZy fuckign retards
00:39:10ATS_ sutn
00:39:12ATS_ weky'
00:39:15ATS_ ämjf '
00:39:25ATS_ vitun es
00:39:29ATS_ stunnaa
00:39:33ATS_ saatanan idiootti
00:39:45Vangelis go b
00:39:46Vangelis alche
00:39:49Vangelis PUGNA
00:39:49ATS_ es
00:39:50TOo_LaZy fuck u
00:39:50Vangelis idiot
00:39:51TOo_LaZy i go
00:39:51TOo_LaZy bot
00:39:53TOo_LaZy I FUCK U
00:39:54TOo_LaZy REATRDS
00:39:55ATS_ why couldnt stun
00:39:55TOo_LaZy u
00:40:01ATS_ and save me
00:40:04Vangelis mana problems
00:40:09Vangelis i had to use bottle
00:40:15ATS_ you had 50% of your mana
00:40:19TOo_LaZy where
00:40:21TOo_LaZy are fucking
00:40:21Vangelis no i did not
00:40:22TOo_LaZy shithead
00:40:22TOo_LaZy drums
00:40:23TOo_LaZy and vladi
00:40:24TOo_LaZy i asked
00:40:25TOo_LaZy ages ago
00:40:27teh_re -hhn
00:40:35teh_re /squeclh
00:40:40TOo_LaZy I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:40:44Vangelis MOVE WITH TEAM
00:40:45Vangelis plz
00:40:47Vangelis pugna no solo play
00:40:49TOo_LaZy coem
00:40:58ATS_ banreq after this
00:40:59-.- gooo
00:41:39Seinis we are in a stack
00:41:42Seinis we cant be ain a stack
00:41:43Seinis we are paper
00:41:44-.- y
00:41:45ATS_ how hard is that
00:41:48-.- well
00:41:50TOo_LaZy it itsnt
00:41:50-.- i wouldve killed em
00:41:50Seinis why do we even try to attack
00:41:51TOo_LaZy i told u ages ago
00:41:53-.- but i didnt have ulti
00:41:54Seinis we have the dmg
00:41:55Seinis for lategame
00:42:01Seinis we shouldnt try end it now
00:42:06ATS_ im not the proplem
00:42:07Vangelis DONT CHASE
00:42:13ATS_ b
00:42:16TOo_LaZy b
00:42:23-.- get gem
00:42:24-.- akasha
00:42:29Vangelis alche
00:42:30Vangelis take bot
00:42:38Seinis i will
00:42:41TOo_LaZy k
00:42:42Sienionelain fast then -.-
00:42:46TOo_LaZy so i make vladi ?
00:42:57Vangelis whatever
00:43:09Vangelis go move
00:43:09TOo_LaZy make durms es
00:43:10Vangelis with team
00:43:20Sienionelain making agha first
00:43:30Vangelis puck/pugna can
00:43:38Siegfried regen
00:43:45TOo_LaZy i need to heal
00:43:46TOo_LaZy sec
00:43:51TOo_LaZy fucking gem takes space
00:43:52TOo_LaZy for me :(
00:43:54TOo_LaZy WAIT FOR ME
00:43:58Motku we need to fight a guerilla warfare
00:44:02ATS_ i can take gem
00:44:03Motku can't win head on
00:44:05Vangelis no
00:44:07Vangelis you die too fast
00:44:10ATS_ lol
00:44:15ATS_ 2
00:44:18ATS_ time
00:44:20ATS_ too much
00:44:22TOo_LaZy go mid
00:44:30ATS_ wait
00:44:36-.- back
00:45:29Motku :DDD
00:45:39-.- foolish of me
00:45:40-.- to run
00:45:40TOo_LaZy make vladi some
00:45:41-.- bah
00:45:41TOo_LaZy rly
00:46:19-.- wagon
00:46:23ATS_ panda go vladi
00:46:28Vangelis no
00:46:30Vangelis he makes agha
00:46:31Vangelis first
00:46:33-.- dont
00:46:34-.- deny
00:46:34Seinis dont deny
00:46:37ATS_ after
00:46:38ATS_ that
00:47:02Vangelis ALL MID
00:47:18-.- gem
00:47:19-.- some1
00:47:21Vangelis panda
00:47:21Vangelis come
00:47:22Vangelis ...
00:47:26TOo_LaZy need mana
00:47:27Vangelis don't give entry again plz
00:47:27TOo_LaZy ;(
00:47:32Motku i can buy
00:47:33Vangelis got mana boots
00:47:42Motku but can't carry
00:47:50Motku sein has gem
00:47:51Seinis i have
00:47:51TOo_LaZy ac
00:47:52TOo_LaZy in 1k
00:47:59TOo_LaZy some1 got
00:47:59TOo_LaZy tp
00:48:00TOo_LaZy i dont
00:48:01TOo_LaZy coz i have
00:48:03TOo_LaZy thsi fucking
00:48:03TOo_LaZy gem
00:48:04Vangelis i do
00:48:07TOo_LaZy go mid
00:48:10TOo_LaZy push towwaz
00:48:19Vangelis panda jump asap
00:48:21-.- sry guys
00:48:22Vangelis slard/trax
00:48:23-.- but im not coming
00:48:42Vangelis RAX
00:48:46Vangelis I DEF HOME
00:48:49ATS_ es
00:49:08TOo_LaZy fucked up again
00:49:09TOo_LaZy gg
00:49:12TOo_LaZy im b
00:49:21ATS_ y
00:49:27-.- went well
00:49:30Seinis yep
00:49:35TOo_LaZy was were
00:49:36TOo_LaZy es ulti ?
00:49:46Vangelis I WENT HOME TO DEF
00:49:50TOo_LaZy lol
00:49:53TOo_LaZy ES WENT TO DEf
00:49:55Vangelis clinkz was pushing rax
00:49:55TOo_LaZy WHEN WE PUSH
00:49:59TOo_LaZy omfg
00:50:00Vangelis we can't lose rax
00:50:01Vangelis you know
00:50:01TOo_LaZy and we ewere
00:50:02ATS_ so what
00:50:06ATS_ we could hade
00:50:09ATS_ two lanes
00:50:11ATS_ and throne
00:50:11Vangelis nope
00:50:16Vangelis they have 2 side lanes up
00:50:17TOo_LaZy YES AFC
00:50:26TOo_LaZy we could go straight throne
00:50:27TOo_LaZy CAN WE PUSH
00:50:29TOo_LaZy THAT MID
00:50:37-.- -ms
00:50:44TOo_LaZy can wE?
00:50:44-.- got butter in 500
00:50:46TOo_LaZy do that now
00:50:47-.- we can push then
00:50:48TOo_LaZy two fucking
00:50:49TOo_LaZy rax?
00:50:54ATS_ or take towers first
00:51:01TOo_LaZy mid then towerz
00:51:05ATS_ get top
00:51:19ATS_ go top
00:51:20TOo_LaZy k top
00:51:20TOo_LaZy it is
00:51:23TOo_LaZy if needed to def
00:51:24TOo_LaZy i go
00:51:25Motku care
00:51:37Seinis rosh?
00:51:37-.- go top
00:51:38-.- defend etc
00:51:41Vangelis NO CHASE
00:51:43Seinis def top
00:51:44ATS_ y
00:51:46TOo_LaZy imo they rosh
00:51:50ATS_ so
00:51:51TOo_LaZy es wait
00:51:52ATS_ let it be
00:51:57Motku don't stack
00:51:58Seinis dont stack
00:52:35ATS_ i b
00:53:03-.- this sucked
00:53:07ATS_ b
00:53:08ATS_ all
00:53:12ATS_ o r go
00:53:13Motku yep yep
00:53:43Vangelis nice alche
00:53:44Vangelis :d
00:53:45TOo_LaZy omfg
00:53:45TOo_LaZy lol
00:53:46TOo_LaZy ok
00:53:48Motku gem
00:53:51TOo_LaZy all nice
00:53:52Seinis i take
00:53:53TOo_LaZy im fucking mad
00:53:55TOo_LaZy so i cant even
00:53:57-.- rosh
00:53:57TOo_LaZy play right
00:53:57-.- go
00:54:06Vangelis got new gem
00:54:15TOo_LaZy wow
00:54:16TOo_LaZy drums
00:54:17TOo_LaZy inc
00:54:19TOo_LaZy gooood
00:54:20Vangelis OMG
00:54:21-.- tank
00:54:22Vangelis i already
00:54:24Vangelis i had drums
00:54:25Vangelis ....
00:54:32ATS_ so what
00:54:33TOo_LaZy can we try go now again
00:54:37TOo_LaZy and take bot
00:54:38TOo_LaZy or smth
00:54:41TOo_LaZy and not run around
00:54:44TOo_LaZy stay focused
00:55:06Vangelis push top lane back
00:55:07Vangelis a bit
00:55:14ATS_ def mid
00:55:18-.- ok
00:55:21-.- lets take mid tower
00:55:21-.- with 5
00:55:33Vangelis lanes
00:55:35Vangelis pushing in
00:55:40ATS_ they
00:56:46TOo_LaZy b
00:56:48TOo_LaZy imo
00:56:49TOo_LaZy u die now
00:57:02Vangelis next round
00:57:03Vangelis no aegis
00:57:07Vangelis CARE
00:57:11TOo_LaZy hehe
00:57:15ATS_ maybe better stun ;)
00:57:21ATS_ you lag or what?
00:57:22TOo_LaZy try again now?
00:57:27Vangelis no i dea
00:57:28Vangelis just fail
00:57:30Sienionelain not yet my ulti
00:57:57Vangelis GEM
00:58:05-.- bah
00:58:08Vangelis CARE
00:58:09Vangelis TH
00:58:10Vangelis care
00:58:12Vangelis they coming
00:58:20TOo_LaZy lemme push bac top lane
00:58:20Vangelis carfe alche plz
00:58:21Vangelis slarda
00:58:55Vangelis give
00:58:57Vangelis alche gem
00:58:58Vangelis and go
00:59:19Sienionelain got vladi
00:59:23TOo_LaZy second
00:59:25ATS_ lol
00:59:27ATS_ too late
00:59:30Sienionelain well
00:59:35Sienionelain as soon as i got it
00:59:41ATS_ i have it allready
00:59:45ATS_ :DDD
00:59:46Sienionelain oh
00:59:48Sienionelain cool
00:59:49Vangelis WE NEED GEM
00:59:50Vangelis were is it
00:59:52TOo_LaZy second
00:59:54ATS_ bird
00:59:58Vangelis NEED IT
00:59:59Vangelis go b
01:00:01Vangelis we need gem
01:00:06ATS_ comming
01:00:16teh_re go bot?
01:00:19TOo_LaZy can u wait
01:00:21TOo_LaZy a second i ask u
01:00:23ATS_ take
01:00:27-.- care
01:00:28ATS_ wtf
01:00:28Vangelis TAKE GEM
01:00:30ATS_ some1
01:00:36Vangelis alche
01:00:38TOo_LaZy where isb ird
01:00:38Vangelis only you can tank
01:00:38TOo_LaZy ffs
01:00:42TOo_LaZy i come
01:00:43TOo_LaZy WAIT
01:00:45teh_re ...
01:00:47Motku they looking for entry
01:00:48teh_re u were full
01:00:48ATS_ wtf
01:00:50-.- y
01:00:50Seinis where is orb of venom
01:00:52teh_re wtf u doing
01:00:54TOo_LaZy give
01:00:56TOo_LaZy that gem now
01:00:57ATS_ wtf
01:01:06Vangelis PUGNA IDIOT
01:01:07TOo_LaZy WHERE IS GEM
01:01:23TOo_LaZy wait pugna now
01:01:28TOo_LaZy i go farm it
01:01:36ATS_ wait
01:01:38ATS_ b
01:01:38ATS_ b
01:01:38ATS_ b
01:01:38ATS_ b
01:01:39ATS_ b
01:01:46Seinis budby where is orb of venom
01:01:53-.- secret shop
01:03:01Vangelis DEF TOP
01:03:04Vangelis push top lane b
01:03:28Vangelis GATHER
01:03:34TOo_LaZy wait bruia
01:03:48-.- ok guys
01:03:50-.- buy dust
01:03:51-.- and we go all
01:03:51Vangelis don't die
01:03:52Vangelis alche
01:03:52-.- together
01:03:54-.- theyr forest
01:03:55ATS_ go bot
01:03:57-.- some1 buy it
01:03:58TOo_LaZy WAIT I GOR BURI
01:03:58ATS_ all
01:04:00-.- or we lose
01:04:01ATS_ together
01:04:02TOo_LaZy emm
01:04:03TOo_LaZy creeps
01:04:06-.- COME
01:04:15-.- gather
01:04:18ATS_ gem
01:04:21ATS_ take
01:04:21teh_re can we do something
01:04:26TOo_LaZy WAIt
01:04:26ATS_ es
01:04:26TOo_LaZy WAIt
01:04:27-.- Akasha
01:04:28TOo_LaZy I GHAVE
01:04:30TOo_LaZy HAVe
01:04:34ATS_ vaiha toi sticki ny vittuun
01:04:35ATS_ jo
01:04:35-.- duuude
01:04:39Seinis getting dust
01:04:39-.- i have it
01:04:41Vangelis give
01:04:42TOo_LaZy IDIOTs
01:04:42Vangelis panda
01:04:42-.- razor
01:04:43-.- come
01:04:43TOo_LaZy WHO DROPPED
01:04:44TOo_LaZy FFS
01:04:50TOo_LaZy WAIT I MAKE
01:04:51TOo_LaZy IN BIRD
01:04:56-.- roshan
01:04:57-.- come
01:04:57-.- all
01:04:59teh_re u so boring guy
01:05:04ATS_ kuinka tää voi olla näin vaikeeta
01:05:55-.- diz sucks
01:06:00Vangelis rofl
01:06:09-.- i come
01:06:09Vangelis take
01:06:10Vangelis rosh
01:06:19TOo_LaZy we chase
01:06:20TOo_LaZy agian
01:06:21TOo_LaZy go rosj
01:06:25Vangelis GO ROSH
01:06:32Vangelis GO ROSH
01:06:33-.- time to buy travels
01:06:51Vangelis give that gem away
01:06:52Vangelis alche
01:06:53Seinis all buy travels?
01:06:57-.- i will
01:06:58-.- at least
01:07:02Vangelis plz focus clinkz
01:07:03Vangelis in fights
01:07:10TOo_LaZy we go
01:07:11TOo_LaZy soon ?
01:07:15-.- push top
01:07:15-.- akasha
01:07:18-.- and tp base
01:07:18-.- after
01:07:19ATS_ go bot
01:07:22ATS_ or what
01:07:22TOo_LaZy wait
01:07:23TOo_LaZy all
01:07:31Vangelis give me gem
01:07:34Vangelis pugna
01:07:39TOo_LaZy any1
01:07:40TOo_LaZy gunso?
01:07:43teh_re got
01:07:54Vangelis pugna
01:07:55Vangelis give me
01:07:59TOo_LaZy got tps?
01:08:00TOo_LaZy i dont have space
01:08:01Sienionelain y
01:08:02Vangelis i got
01:08:02-.- go mid
01:08:02-.- guys
01:08:03ATS_ destroy another gem
01:08:04-.- i go top
01:08:07TOo_LaZy in base
01:08:08TOo_LaZy maybe
01:08:09ATS_ we dont need two
01:08:11teh_re dont
01:08:11TOo_LaZy they go mid
01:08:13Vangelis GO THRONE
01:08:13TOo_LaZy what we do
01:08:15TOo_LaZy go throne
01:08:22Seinis push
01:08:27TOo_LaZy gpo throne
01:08:46-.- base
01:09:11Vangelis 'THRONE
01:09:21Vangelis :DDD
01:09:24Vangelis ::DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
01:09:31Vangelis :DD:D:D:D:D:
01:09:33Sienionelain yeah ff in 25 min -.-
01:09:38Motku GG
01:09:39Motku D:D:d.sda.
01:09:41Sienionelain gg
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