Game #2097323

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+0 X
-1 TS

80% | 1319 X | 1512 TS

-4 X
-2 TS

66% | 1281 X | 1374 TS

-51 X
-3 TS

60% | 1272 X | 1322 TS

+15 X
-1 TS

59% | 1173 X | 1427 TS

-31 X
-1 TS

40% | 1159 X | 1245 TS

+41 X
+1 TS

84% | 1371 X | 1496 TS

+50 X
+1 TS

83% | 1391 X | 1463 TS

+10 X
+6 TS
59% | 1251 X | 1340 TS

+18 X
+4 TS

32% | 1067 X | 1289 TS

-33 X
+55 TS

NEW | 1053 X | 1028 TS

Chat log

00:00:13Dara jes rapupaska ei oo tiimissä
00:00:17VictoriaJrocks -potm
00:00:17Dara ckalle banni luna ihan vittuillaksee
00:00:17Jaikki joo
00:00:17Jaikki banni luna
00:00:17rezcomo omfg firoga leave now pls!
00:00:17Ckalle I don't speak finnish
00:00:17Dara tai no
00:00:17Ckalle -.-
00:00:17VictoriaJrocks wuut?
00:00:17Dara oh
00:00:17Jaikki ban luna
00:00:17Firoga omg rexcomo cheater
00:00:17Mercury why?
00:00:17rezcomo :DDD
00:00:17Jaikki rapuska allways plays it
00:00:17Dara rapuska is going 1st pick luna
00:00:17Firoga :D
00:00:17Ckalle nah
00:00:17Jaikki one hero he can truly play
00:00:17Ckalle need to ban huskar
00:00:17Ckalle we can kill Luna
00:00:17Mercury well thats good for us
00:00:17Ckalle but huskar is so OP rapuska they are italian naps
00:00:17Ckalle I ban Huskar
00:00:17Jaikki not anymore ignore them
00:00:17Jaikki -.- :D
00:00:21Jaikki jeejee
00:00:21Ckalle ^^
00:00:24rezcomo .it
00:00:25Jaikki idiot captain -.-
00:00:31Ckalle nono, we rape him
00:00:33rezcomo LitUANIA
00:00:33VictoriaJrocks dont you lag here?
00:00:33Planktoni lol italian at gc?
00:00:33Ckalle Luna is mega weak
00:00:33Jaikki i hope so y :D
00:00:33Ckalle he has 0 survivability before BKB
00:00:33Dara for true trolling double mid?
00:00:33Mercury well rez went plug i found this little paradise
00:00:33Ckalle and concidering Rapuskas playstyle
00:00:33Ckalle that will be like min 30 and bring my napolitan friends to ruin it
00:00:33Ckalle meaning we have 30 min of freekill
00:00:33Dara and since luna has so little range he could easily be killed by cm+something
00:00:33Planktoni don't u guys have anything nearer?
00:00:33Firoga ye
00:00:33Ckalle a cm + slardar combo mid or smth
00:00:34Dara cm+lina for example
00:00:35Planktoni u must lag lige hell
00:00:38Planktoni like
00:00:41Dara i can play cm no hb are awesome
00:00:48Ckalle k
00:00:52Planktoni get dirge
00:00:58TOo_LaZy omfg
00:01:00Planktoni any dirge?
00:01:00TOo_LaZy any1
00:01:01rezcomo no if my router dont restar is perfect
00:01:01TOo_LaZy panda?
00:01:03TOo_LaZy or whatever
00:01:04TOo_LaZy ill make it
00:01:06Planktoni any??
00:01:07TOo_LaZy im GOOD panda
00:01:07Ckalle why do u always random TOo_LaZy?
00:01:08TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:01:09TOo_LaZy -di
00:01:12TOo_LaZy coz i like random
00:01:14TOo_LaZy but im good panda
00:01:14Dara ckalle
00:01:16Dara what you want?
00:01:18TOo_LaZy i got most wins with panda
00:01:20Ckalle give SF
00:01:25rezcomo i will
00:01:25Jaikki mun phoenix
00:01:26Ckalle -swap 4
00:01:27Jaikki :(
00:01:28TOo_LaZy lina
00:01:30TOo_LaZy tuskar
00:01:32Planktoni my presös
00:01:33Dara -swap 1
00:01:35rezcomo fuckkkkeeeer
00:01:39Jaikki ai se sormus vai
00:01:45Planktoni se just :P
00:01:53Dara hmm
00:01:55Dara gimme aa
00:01:56Dara plz
00:02:01Dara or play it
00:02:02Jaikki u said u play cm
00:02:05Dara i know
00:02:10Dara get aa imo
00:02:14Dara want to swap?
00:02:17Jaikki nah
00:02:17Jaikki sry
00:02:19Dara k
00:02:26Jaikki double mid or?
00:02:26Ckalle good picks
00:02:27TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:02:28TOo_LaZy -di
00:02:31Ckalle not dual with SF
00:02:37Jaikki imba :D
00:02:38Ckalle rather CM top with some roaming then
00:02:39TOo_LaZy share
00:02:48rezcomo pullo io
00:02:48Ckalle cm
00:02:50Ckalle go top lane
00:02:51Ckalle for roam
00:02:52Ckalle :) nice
00:02:56Dara panda top
00:02:56TOo_LaZy yes
00:02:57TOo_LaZy sure
00:02:58TOo_LaZy IS OK
00:03:11Jaikki just rape that rapuska
00:03:16TOo_LaZy rapuska
00:03:17TOo_LaZy is noob
00:03:19TOo_LaZy like idiot in poker
00:03:25Jaikki ud pull? miss
00:04:42Firoga ss
00:04:55Firoga re
00:05:21Dara ffs
00:05:23rezcomo wp
00:06:05Jaikki gj miss
00:06:24Ckalle ss mid miss
00:06:55VictoriaJrocks mid iss
00:06:59Jaikki cm can u take aura
00:07:00VictoriaJrocks r
00:07:06rezcomo dimmi quando andiamo
00:07:07Dara y
00:07:10Jaikki ty
00:07:19Firoga ss
00:07:22VictoriaJrocks mid miss
00:07:23VictoriaJrocks re
00:07:29Dara needed to take block as 2nd dopo
00:07:33Jaikki y
00:07:36Jaikki its better
00:07:38Jaikki than u take aura
00:07:43VictoriaJrocks sf going bot
00:07:43Dara aa up chick?=
00:07:50VictoriaJrocks sf bot al tuo 5 go
00:08:14Ckalle dirge afk?
00:08:41Ckalle also freekills mid for u cm
00:09:07Firoga ss2
00:09:15Firoga re1
00:09:19TOo_LaZy say next to me
00:09:20TOo_LaZy and we kill
00:09:39VictoriaJrocks sf top
00:09:51VictoriaJrocks re
00:09:54VictoriaJrocks sf top
00:09:55Planktoni ss dirge
00:09:55VictoriaJrocks sf top
00:09:55Ckalle ss mid
00:09:59Ckalle re
00:10:07VictoriaJrocks re
00:10:21Mercury nvm
00:10:22TOo_LaZy eazy
00:10:27Dara aa
00:10:28Dara ulti top
00:10:29Planktoni re dirge ty
00:10:48TOo_LaZy lol
00:11:05TOo_LaZy let them pus a it
00:11:05rezcomo cm? miss re
00:11:22VictoriaJrocks mid miss sf
00:11:26VictoriaJrocks re
00:11:30TOo_LaZy stun him now and ik ill hoom go hook
00:11:52VictoriaJrocks mid iss
00:11:54rezcomo wave
00:11:59TOo_LaZy ss
00:12:00TOo_LaZy top both
00:12:04VictoriaJrocks mid miss
00:12:13TOo_LaZy gj
00:12:17Jaikki wtf
00:12:20Jaikki wju
00:12:27Jaikki why u didnt hit it miss
00:12:33Jaikki it takes only 5
00:12:34rezcomo tp top loll
00:12:45Ckalle care top
00:13:20rezcomo dai
00:13:29Firoga era troppo veloce per prenderla
00:13:34rezcomo :D
00:13:43Dara going to rege:P miss
00:14:40Firoga ss
00:14:44VictoriaJrocks md iss
00:14:47VictoriaJrocks re
00:14:50Ckalle afk?
00:14:55VictoriaJrocks typing you miss
00:15:00Ckalle ah :(
00:15:03Ckalle re.
00:15:09Ckalle my rune top
00:15:24Dara let me?
00:15:36VictoriaJrocks buu
00:15:38TOo_LaZy oh well
00:15:42TOo_LaZy my fault was no tp
00:15:48Ckalle 3 top
00:16:01TOo_LaZy wait
00:16:01Ckalle care
00:16:01TOo_LaZy i tp
00:16:02TOo_LaZy top
00:16:04VictoriaJrocks kil
00:16:11VictoriaJrocks so fail
00:16:14rezcomo ya
00:16:20VictoriaJrocks how can you fail that
00:16:22rezcomo i misscliked
00:16:26Ckalle I come
00:16:38Jaikki wtf
00:16:40Ckalle guys
00:16:40Ckalle wtf
00:16:57Ckalle panda u have agi treads btw
00:16:58TOo_LaZy sry
00:17:15Ckalle at least luna has low farm
00:17:26TOo_LaZy sec
00:17:28TOo_LaZy need pandas
00:17:30TOo_LaZy for such risky
00:17:31TOo_LaZy movements
00:17:31Jaikki ok :D
00:17:36Jaikki failedd
00:17:38VictoriaJrocks mid miss
00:17:41Ckalle ss mid
00:17:47Ckalle come on
00:17:50Ckalle don't suicide
00:17:54TOo_LaZy we kill
00:17:55TOo_LaZy now
00:18:04rezcomo ss
00:18:08Ckalle my dd
00:18:13VictoriaJrocks top beware
00:18:46Ckalle cool lag
00:18:59Dara it wasnt lag
00:19:02Ckalle yes
00:19:05Jaikki tp panda
00:19:07Ckalle I couldn't move my hero
00:19:07Dara you cant use ulti when theres that clock next to you
00:19:09Ckalle for like 10 sec
00:19:10TOo_LaZy where
00:19:12Ckalle I know u dickhead
00:19:15Ckalle but couldn't stopcast it
00:19:18Ckalle cus I was in a lagspike
00:19:31Dara b panda
00:19:43Mercury oh went b
00:19:53VictoriaJrocks nice ally you got mercury :o
00:20:02Mercury seems so ye
00:20:06Jaikki official
00:20:12Jaikki seal
00:20:13Jaikki of
00:20:14Jaikki vittu
00:20:15Jaikki mitä
00:20:17Jaikki paskaa
00:20:17VictoriaJrocks :D we need wards imo
00:20:47Firoga wards in base
00:21:07Dara b
00:21:21Jaikki go
00:21:23TOo_LaZy go kill
00:21:28Ckalle got lothar
00:21:34VictoriaJrocks i bet i die now
00:21:38VictoriaJrocks to invi never
00:22:07Jaikki äijä vaa kaots
00:22:08Jaikki katos
00:22:09Jaikki :O
00:22:23VictoriaJrocks RAPE
00:22:31TOo_LaZy b
00:22:31TOo_LaZy b
00:22:48TOo_LaZy WTF
00:22:52TOo_LaZy dara.
00:22:52Jaikki this team
00:22:53Jaikki :DD:
00:22:55VictoriaJrocks gj
00:22:58Ckalle u fucking retards
00:23:00TOo_LaZy mercury
00:23:01VictoriaJrocks rape it was
00:23:03TOo_LaZy u dont particiapte
00:23:04Planktoni yy
00:23:04TOo_LaZy with us ?
00:23:05TOo_LaZy no zombies
00:23:06Ckalle why the fuck would we fight there?!
00:23:10TOo_LaZy usuful ealry game
00:23:12TOo_LaZy u kill with them latyer?
00:23:18TOo_LaZy fucking idiot
00:23:20TOo_LaZy go farm
00:23:22TOo_LaZy u go DPS
00:23:28TOo_LaZy retard dirge
00:23:29VictoriaJrocks thanks
00:23:31rezcomo np
00:23:50VictoriaJrocks if come stun
00:24:19rezcomo bbbbb
00:24:49rezcomo mine was a suicide u should b bth :)
00:24:59VictoriaJrocks was just checking if could insta nevermore fast ;D
00:25:05rezcomo i saw
00:25:07VictoriaJrocks like to humiliate nevermore
00:25:19VictoriaJrocks hes always so pro on my team
00:25:25Firoga b
00:25:50VictoriaJrocks mid forest top b
00:25:57VictoriaJrocks they coming with 4
00:26:03VictoriaJrocks rape mid?
00:26:03Planktoni rape mid+
00:26:32Ckalle u the kind of dirge that doesn't have heal?
00:26:38VictoriaJrocks push tower?
00:26:40Planktoni sure
00:26:43Ckalle if u are. leave.
00:26:45rezcomo me pls
00:26:54VictoriaJrocks xD
00:26:56rezcomo aaaa
00:27:00Firoga soz
00:27:10rezcomo oom
00:27:17Firoga come
00:27:44Planktoni guys greedy
00:27:53Ckalle let me have souls...
00:27:53Firoga y
00:27:54Planktoni noticed
00:28:16Ckalle how can u possibly think AA needs farm over SF?!
00:28:20Jaikki lol
00:28:28Jaikki i get 0 lasthits
00:28:29Dara go gang their forest
00:28:45rezcomo mid
00:28:48VictoriaJrocks have to heal
00:28:50VictoriaJrocks fuckin 500hp
00:28:54rezcomo we w8 u
00:29:02Dara come here
00:29:09TOo_LaZy ty
00:29:16rezcomo panda dagger
00:29:53TOo_LaZy fuckitn
00:29:55TOo_LaZy q17
00:30:01Jaikki panda
00:30:04Jaikki why the fuck
00:30:05TOo_LaZy ineverknew
00:30:06Jaikki u dont
00:30:06TOo_LaZy that
00:30:06Jaikki hit
00:30:06TOo_LaZy it
00:30:07Jaikki the
00:30:07TOo_LaZy does
00:30:08Jaikki ball
00:30:09TOo_LaZy notkil
00:30:10TOo_LaZy thatshit
00:30:14TOo_LaZy icantusespace
00:30:14TOo_LaZy now
00:30:15TOo_LaZy wtf
00:30:16rezcomo care sf
00:30:17rezcomo lothar
00:30:21Jaikki I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:23TOo_LaZy fucku
00:30:25TOo_LaZy lastpick
00:30:26TOo_LaZy shithass
00:30:27TOo_LaZy aa
00:30:28VictoriaJrocks you should ff
00:30:28Jaikki phoenix tuhoo aina jos ei osata hittaa palloa
00:30:28TOo_LaZy cant
00:30:29TOo_LaZy even
00:30:30TOo_LaZy land
00:30:31VictoriaJrocks ckalle is useless
00:30:31Jaikki kuten tääl ei ikinä osata
00:30:36TOo_LaZy urar
00:30:37TOo_LaZy useless
00:30:38TOo_LaZy thats
00:30:39TOo_LaZy u
00:30:41TOo_LaZy idiot
00:31:12Jaikki ac phoenix :D stronk
00:31:16Planktoni yy
00:31:20Planktoni varo
00:31:38Jaikki toi armor miinus on paha
00:31:44Dara gather
00:31:46Dara got smoke
00:31:48Planktoni sepä just
00:32:10Jaikki WTF SF
00:32:12Jaikki ;DAS;DAS;:d
00:32:13Dara GJ SF
00:32:14Jaikki tää sf
00:32:15Dara fucking retard
00:32:16Jaikki on paras
00:32:17Ckalle I got 8 FPS
00:32:19Ckalle I can't play
00:32:20Jaikki I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:20Jaikki I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:28Jaikki "i got 8 fps"
00:32:30Dara I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:41Jaikki joku roti vittu
00:32:52rezcomo perdo un botto io sto game pd
00:33:04TOo_LaZy guys
00:33:05TOo_LaZy we cna win this
00:33:06TOo_LaZy but
00:33:12Ckalle I got 8 FPS and I'm still playing far from worst in the team
00:33:15rezcomo top with luna
00:33:20Dara =DDDDDDD
00:33:25Jaikki phoenix got gem
00:33:36Ckalle ye
00:33:39Ckalle and we have 0 wards
00:33:44Ckalle cus our support is stronK
00:33:53Ckalle but this sf is noob
00:33:55Dara well our carry is retard so whats the point to buy wards?
00:34:00Dara I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:07Ckalle good reasoning
00:34:11Planktoni ac too stronk
00:34:19Jaikki o xD
00:34:21VictoriaJrocks 500hp
00:34:36TOo_LaZy we had
00:34:37TOo_LaZy top lane
00:34:38TOo_LaZy under control
00:34:40TOo_LaZy i had ok farm
00:34:42TOo_LaZy but retard
00:34:42TOo_LaZy dirge
00:34:44Ckalle I raped mid
00:34:45TOo_LaZy couldnt come
00:34:52Ckalle had all cs and 1/0 hero stat
00:34:53TOo_LaZy wait for me
00:34:55Ckalle and +1 twr
00:34:59TOo_LaZy wait for me
00:35:01TOo_LaZy we can sitl ldo it
00:35:02TOo_LaZy b
00:35:08Jaikki just def base
00:35:16TOo_LaZy they ar e not that good we can do it
00:35:35VictoriaJrocks risk try mid?
00:35:37Jaikki coming then
00:35:52Jaikki Aa
00:35:54Jaikki kuolin xD
00:36:17Jaikki just ff
00:36:18Jaikki we cant win
00:36:21VictoriaJrocks WOU WOUU
00:36:21TOo_LaZy JUST FUCK OFFf
00:36:22Dara indeed
00:36:23TOo_LaZy RETARD
00:36:23Jaikki hieno kapu
00:36:26Jaikki ei voinu bannia lunaa
00:36:29Jaikki "rapetaan se"
00:36:32VictoriaJrocks piti huskar : (
00:36:38Ckalle rofl
00:36:41Ckalle I did rape mid
00:36:43Ckalle I got +1 twr
00:36:47Ckalle way more CS
00:36:52Ckalle more denies
00:36:53Ckalle more ganks
00:36:54VictoriaJrocks too bad you cant stop me after you leave mid
00:36:55Ckalle all runes
00:37:02Ckalle and 1/0 hero stats
00:37:04Dara you had tower?
00:37:09Dara you count lunas deny as tower
00:37:09VictoriaJrocks ;)
00:37:10Dara fucking moron
00:37:18VictoriaJrocks oh yea i denied mid :D
00:37:21Jaikki everyone is getting mad
00:37:23Ckalle yes, twrs are not a source of gold
00:37:27Ckalle it's a source of map control loool
00:37:54Ckalle but I guess u fucking newbs haven't played enough to realise such things yet
00:38:14Jaikki FÄ_ZDS*xkmv,
00:38:28TOo_LaZy I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:29Ckalle HEY
00:38:30Ckalle A SPELL
00:38:32TOo_LaZy go ff
00:38:32Mercury I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:34TOo_LaZy with this team
00:38:36TOo_LaZy go ff
00:38:40Ckalle too bad it's like 1 min too late
00:38:41Planktoni [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:38:41Planktoni [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:38:41Planktoni [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:38:41Planktoni [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:38:41Ckalle I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:42Dara shut the fuck up ckalle
00:38:44rezcomo questa ? stata brutta
00:38:49Ckalle wanna play me about it?
00:38:51Ckalle 1v1? CW?
00:38:58Ckalle 0 wards
00:38:59Ckalle 0 ganks
00:39:05Ckalle no help in teamfights
00:39:08Ckalle wrong skillbuild
00:39:11Ckalle your CM is WEAK
00:39:14Ckalle incredibly fucking WEAK
00:39:14Dara tell me how you win CW when our MAIN DPS IS TOTAL RETARD?
00:39:21Ckalle wtf
00:39:24Ckalle this is not a cW
00:39:28Dara indeed
00:39:30Ckalle I'm not a carry player in clan
00:39:31Dara so shut the fuck up
00:39:37Ckalle wtf are you talking about
00:39:43Ckalle logical phallocies all around
00:39:46Ckalle go fuck yourself
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