Game #2095856

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+10 X
+2 TS

98% | 1731 X | 1561 TS

-8 X
+2 TS

73% | 1332 X | 1404 TS

+37 X
+2 TS

63% | 1187 X | 1435 TS

+17 X
+5 TS

61% | 1198 X | 1415 TS

+42 X
+2 TS

52% | 1222 X | 1297 TS

-10 X
-2 TS

86% | 1420 X | 1492 TS

-18 X
-2 TS

80% | 1407 X | 1429 TS

-15 X
-2 TS

72% | 1256 X | 1461 TS

+12 X
-2 TS

69% | 1249 X | 1444 TS

-49 X
-2 TS

69% | 1312 X | 1372 TS

Chat log

00:00:17VictoriaJrocks -sf
00:00:17Soulyah i shall be ursa warrior!
00:00:17VictoriaJrocks :d
00:00:17WANKmaster jesus krist
00:00:17VictoriaJrocks i was thinking the same but ok
00:00:17WANKmaster u nigger
00:00:17Vangelis ursa voi meepo
00:00:17Vangelis kumba ma votan
00:00:17Luza jesus kristus nigger
00:00:17Soulyah christ*
00:00:17Vangelis voi cheni
00:00:17Vangelis :S
00:00:17Timu :D
00:00:17WANKmaster soulyah quiti
00:00:17WANKmaster plz
00:00:17Luza D
00:00:17Soulyah school education rocks +1
00:00:17Luza :D
00:00:17Luza xD
00:00:19Muli feil
00:00:20Luza no soulkeeper in the pool
00:00:20Vangelis wank
00:00:21Luza gg
00:00:21Momdsiw aa
00:00:21WANKmaster wd
00:00:22Momdsiw aa
00:00:22Vangelis mis mangid
00:00:23Vangelis ?
00:00:23Luza fail
00:00:24Momdsiw aa
00:00:24Luza :D:D
00:00:24Luza hyvä rapuska
00:00:24Vangelis WD SF BANNED
00:00:24WANKmaster veno
00:00:24WANKmaster VENO!!!!
00:00:24VictoriaJrocks wtf is banned
00:00:24WANKmaster NIGGERS
00:00:24Vangelis SF VENO BANNEd
00:00:24Momdsiw pickaa aa
00:00:24infect veno and sf banned
00:00:24Soulyah VENO SF BANNEd
00:00:24WANKmaster VENO
00:00:24Luza SF VENO
00:00:25WANKmaster veno sf
00:00:27WANKmaster go
00:00:27infect SF & vENO - BANNED
00:00:32Momdsiw oisit aa ottanu
00:00:35Timu banned?
00:00:36Luza maiden
00:00:36Luza me
00:00:37VictoriaJrocks ei mitää sellasia
00:00:37Luza maiden
00:00:43Timu venomancer and shadow fiend?
00:00:44infect sf and veno banned
00:00:47Luza :DDDD
00:00:49Soulyah ur chen too stronk!
00:00:49Luza -clear
00:00:55infect sf and veno and luza, gtfo
00:00:56Vangelis anyone
00:00:57Vangelis wants this
00:00:58Vangelis ?
00:00:58Momdsiw pick me aa
00:00:59Momdsiw can i aa
00:01:09Luza ma chen is too stronk
00:01:14Luza so ya want what
00:01:19WANKmaster get me
00:01:22mrk no rather
00:01:22WANKmaster kunkkler
00:01:24Luza AND
00:01:27Luza WANT
00:01:28Luza :D
00:01:29Momdsiw ?
00:01:31Vangelis KUNKKA
00:01:33WANKmaster kunkkler
00:01:34Luza -swap 1
00:01:35Vangelis infect
00:01:37mrk no
00:01:38Vangelis tahad piti?
00:01:38Momdsiw so no swap?
00:01:38WANKmaster -swap 3
00:01:41infect ei
00:01:45Vangelis k
00:01:47infect ei oska seda uut piti anyways nii hästi
00:01:52infect suht kasutu või nii
00:01:55Timu -ii
00:01:56Timu -ma
00:02:13Soulyah m woods
00:02:14Soulyah im
00:02:15Muli gang ursa
00:02:16Soulyah aa slotop
00:02:19Muli win games
00:02:19WANKmaster y
00:02:25Muli xDx
00:02:31Momdsiw aa would be nice lane with clock
00:02:31Muli carrydazzle
00:02:43Timu share
00:02:44VictoriaJrocks soulyah you will win this for us not me
00:02:45WANKmaster and ward rosh
00:02:49WANKmaster so ursa wont get it
00:02:50Soulyah lol
00:02:52Luza yy asap
00:02:53Soulyah i fotgot how to win'
00:03:01Luza juked
00:03:02Momdsiw press alt + q + q
00:03:08Momdsiw i heard its secret win combination
00:03:27Timu i heard it takes u to magical land of windows
00:03:44infect lane ursa
00:04:00Vangelis issand
00:04:04Vangelis miks ma clocki ei votnud
00:04:04Vangelis zzz
00:04:24Luza we need trilane top
00:04:37Luza we canat handle
00:04:38Luza :D
00:04:45Vangelis dazzle go top? :D
00:04:55Muli noo
00:05:14Soulyah :D:D
00:06:24Vangelis wtb brilliance aura
00:06:25infect ursa woods
00:06:26infect nüüd
00:06:34Luza im lvl2 m8
00:07:00infect go
00:07:01infect aa
00:07:35Soulyah !OFC"
00:07:37Momdsiw gj
00:07:55VictoriaJrocks mid miss
00:08:32VictoriaJrocks kunkka going top
00:08:33VictoriaJrocks or forest
00:08:35WANKmaster come
00:08:45VictoriaJrocks kunkka top or forest
00:09:09Soulyah ty
00:09:16VictoriaJrocks unkka still msis
00:09:17mrk ss2
00:09:18WANKmaster take
00:09:28VictoriaJrocks re
00:09:29Momdsiw old mym vs all stars game
00:09:30Muli aba ss
00:09:30Luza just go woods haras
00:09:34Momdsiw going on now :<
00:09:44mrk ss2
00:10:01infect ursa and aa ss
00:10:09mrk ss2
00:10:10mrk ss2
00:10:21WANKmaster ss
00:10:22WANKmaster mid
00:10:35Muli 1 ss down
00:10:36Muli aba
00:11:00mrk ss3
00:11:00Timu tera
00:11:03Luza bite?
00:11:07Timu huh?
00:11:08Luza byte
00:11:15Luza terabyte
00:11:20WANKmaster care
00:11:20WANKmaster bot
00:11:21Timu :D
00:11:21Luza AA
00:11:22Luza inc
00:11:22Timu nah
00:11:54Muli watt
00:12:05Timu :D
00:12:05Momdsiw Lol
00:12:10VictoriaJrocks kunkka miss
00:12:23Soulyah gang top
00:12:28Vangelis gg
00:12:28infect k
00:12:30Vangelis i tleed home
00:12:34Vangelis from base
00:12:35Vangelis gg
00:12:36Luza ok lets do dis
00:12:43Luza KILL
00:13:39Soulyah oh
00:13:40Muli TIMING
00:13:41Soulyah so many
00:13:41Muli ffs
00:13:59WANKmaster gj with wards ! :)
00:14:00VictoriaJrocks cant you just farm ;
00:14:02Muli 1-2 <.<
00:14:07Soulyah if they gang
00:14:08Soulyah no
00:14:10infect ma tean :D
00:14:12VictoriaJrocks youre in the lane
00:14:14Luza help
00:14:14Luza top clock killing me
00:14:14Luza :DD:D:
00:14:14infect 100 hp
00:14:14infect :/
00:14:14Timu soulyeah strikes again
00:14:16infect gonna be a nice game
00:14:16infect game
00:14:16infect i guess
00:14:16Vangelis g
00:14:16Vangelis a
00:14:16Luza leave u whore
00:14:16Vangelis m
00:14:16Vangelis e
00:14:23Soulyah im fine ty
00:14:31Momdsiw im not hungry
00:14:49VictoriaJrocks ff
00:15:37Luza tower
00:15:47Timu oom
00:15:51infect aa
00:16:00Vangelis 4 bot
00:16:10infect cm, ward their forest
00:17:07Luza whore
00:17:13Luza slut
00:17:17infect :D:D
00:17:17Momdsiw ^^
00:17:17Luza fag
00:17:17Muli ADOVJVDIDM
00:17:17WANKmaster no türa küll
00:17:17infect i will request
00:17:17WANKmaster pane quitti vittu
00:17:17infect pure gameruin
00:17:17VictoriaJrocks dont quit
00:17:17VictoriaJrocks youre
00:17:17VictoriaJrocks the
00:17:17VictoriaJrocks carry
00:17:17Momdsiw su nuubs
00:17:17Soulyah :D
00:17:17Soulyah FSAFASFSAF
00:17:17Soulyah need to reboot
00:17:17Soulyah su request ei aita
00:17:53Vangelis cd
00:17:57VictoriaJrocks 4 bot
00:18:06infect luza, ward their forest again
00:18:10infect lets hunt for ursa
00:18:59Timu gg abadon
00:19:01Timu ruin my farm
00:19:05Timu and not in battle
00:19:19Timu and dis kunkka
00:19:21Timu with traveles
00:19:22VictoriaJrocks why did you attack there
00:19:23Luza tra
00:19:29VictoriaJrocks worst place:D
00:19:57Muli omw
00:20:36infect hv wards
00:21:16WANKmaster dazzle
00:21:17WANKmaster why not
00:21:18WANKmaster heal
00:21:22Muli i did
00:21:23Timu gege
00:21:23WANKmaster or grave
00:21:25WANKmaster i mean
00:21:33Muli ye failed grave
00:22:01infect need some1
00:22:02infect with me
00:22:10Luza im here broski
00:22:12infect go
00:22:22Momdsiw -ms
00:22:53infect 4 wards
00:22:56infect in our forest
00:23:13Luza he planteed?
00:23:15Luza here?
00:23:16infect y
00:23:17Luza perhaps
00:24:08Timu seriously?
00:24:13Momdsiw ?
00:24:16Luza my regen
00:24:18VictoriaJrocks their cm is warding and antiwarding
00:24:18Luza if there is
00:24:19Luza regen
00:24:20Luza anymore
00:24:22Luza sluit
00:24:24Luza slut
00:24:25Momdsiw :<
00:24:32Momdsiw almost got your neck
00:25:01infect heal me
00:25:02infect kunkka
00:25:02infect hv wards
00:25:02Timu türa küll
00:25:03Luza whore
00:25:07Luza gay
00:25:07infect go mid ?
00:25:07Muli VIADGM
00:25:07Soulyah :D
00:25:08Momdsiw maydaygayday
00:25:14Soulyah we def mid?
00:25:21VictoriaJrocks if you got blink yea
00:25:36Muli so oom
00:26:00Timu kuhu ta läks
00:26:27WANKmaster muli
00:26:28WANKmaster wtf
00:26:29WANKmaster items
00:26:32WANKmaster make medallion
00:26:32WANKmaster lpz
00:26:34WANKmaster against ursa
00:26:47infect ursa dagger
00:26:48infect care
00:27:33Muli JAAA
00:27:37Muli kui vitun pitkä tuo jää on
00:27:47Momdsiw 3.5
00:27:53Luza OOM
00:28:12mrk I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:14Luza ursa outleved
00:28:18Luza overleved
00:28:21Momdsiw rosh
00:28:21Momdsiw ?
00:28:22infect push mid with wards
00:28:23Luza leveled
00:28:23infect easy
00:28:26VictoriaJrocks go rosh fast?
00:28:29infect well
00:28:30Soulyah y
00:28:31WANKmaster cant let ursa
00:28:31infect need 200
00:28:32Soulyah oom tho
00:28:33WANKmaster take rosh
00:28:34infect for agha
00:28:36Momdsiw i heal
00:28:40infect going
00:28:42WANKmaster HES GOING
00:28:43WANKmaster ROSH
00:28:48Luza IM OOM HEHEHHE
00:28:50infect mis teed seal
00:29:27Luza :D
00:29:29Luza XDDD
00:29:44infect go
00:29:44infect wd
00:29:44Luza oom
00:29:44infect no problem
00:30:27VictoriaJrocks kunkka was so bad mid
00:30:29infect agha wards
00:30:30infect jejeje
00:31:05Luza goona make medallion myself
00:31:11infect lothars
00:31:12infect dazzle
00:31:14infect like wtf
00:31:18Luza :D
00:31:20infect this is supposed to be silver game
00:31:20Soulyah wait for my bkb
00:31:20Luza and kunkka also
00:31:22Luza yeyeyey
00:31:23Luza me like
00:31:23Soulyah then i can destoryyy
00:31:27Vangelis kunkka lothars is good
00:31:27Luza enemies cant see em anyhow!
00:31:29Timu ;D
00:31:31Luza yes i know
00:31:42Luza meant that two
00:31:43Luza sucks
00:31:51infect hv wards
00:31:54infect so mid?
00:31:56Luza lets go then
00:32:00VictoriaJrocks illu
00:32:04Momdsiw oh rly
00:32:08Timu yarly
00:32:14Momdsiw jarili
00:32:16infect they will engange
00:32:17infect before
00:32:19VictoriaJrocks wait ura
00:32:21Soulyah im rdy
00:32:21VictoriaJrocks usra
00:32:53infect 2 dead
00:32:55infect dont b
00:33:05Timu I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:33:07VictoriaJrocks I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:33:11infect rax
00:33:13Luza madness
00:33:29Soulyah that - armor
00:33:31Soulyah so stronk
00:33:32infect suicide rax if u have to
00:33:43Muli oom
00:33:48VictoriaJrocks just ff
00:33:52Momdsiw I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:33:53Soulyah dont wana
00:34:02Luza b
00:34:19Soulyah pit needs to die
00:34:23Luza i make veil
00:34:28Vangelis b...
00:34:49Vangelis damn
00:34:50Vangelis forgot
00:34:53Vangelis grave
00:34:55Vangelis should have ultied
00:34:56Vangelis :P
00:34:57Muli ye
00:35:07Vangelis but when i realized that it was too late
00:36:15Muli y
00:36:40infect got top twr all by myself
00:36:43infect need candy now
00:36:49VictoriaJrocks wards on floro
00:36:51Luza i give u candy
00:37:03Luza icecandy
00:37:18Vangelis i wait
00:37:20Vangelis with malice
00:37:21Vangelis for ursa
00:37:30infect need some
00:37:30infect lane
00:37:31WANKmaster abba gem
00:37:32infect to go from
00:37:33Luza why are we
00:37:35Luza pushing mid
00:37:40Luza rather bot or top
00:37:52Soulyah go b4 rhasta wards?
00:37:57VictoriaJrocks no gonnna happen
00:37:58Timu k
00:38:56Muli bkb so lame
00:38:59infect cant push like that
00:39:03infect need wards for heroe damage
00:39:05Muli mid in
00:39:11infect next time when we push, then we should make like we go
00:39:14infect and let them come first
00:39:21Muli we need thath gem down
00:40:03infect u had meka lastfight?
00:40:07Vangelis i used
00:40:09infect we need
00:40:10Vangelis too
00:40:10mrk ah thoughtu had dust
00:40:10infect rosh
00:40:13WANKmaster rosh is
00:40:14WANKmaster up
00:40:15infect and he is prolly there
00:40:15Momdsiw i have gem
00:40:15WANKmaster ward
00:40:16WANKmaster iort
00:40:17infect so go fast
00:40:20Soulyah guard
00:40:20infect ward
00:40:21Soulyah da rosh
00:40:21infect there
00:40:21Soulyah ?
00:40:28Luza pretty risky
00:40:32Soulyah too risky tbh
00:40:36infect if ursa gets
00:40:39infect its more risky
00:40:52Muli b
00:41:25mrk target wards
00:41:27mrk ward
00:41:48WANKmaster GEM;
00:41:49WANKmaster TAKe
00:41:50WANKmaster GEM
00:41:56Soulyah i just cant get near them:S
00:42:01Luza roshyabn?=
00:42:02WANKmaster go look
00:42:05WANKmaster for wards
00:42:30Vangelis new fight
00:42:35WANKmaster y
00:42:40Muli who wants gem?
00:42:40Momdsiw gem cd :<
00:42:43Muli kunkka?
00:42:47VictoriaJrocks you sure it was taken?
00:42:50Momdsiw yes
00:42:51mrk ye
00:42:54Momdsiw destroyed
00:42:59mrk daz took it
00:43:17Muli b
00:43:18Muli b
00:43:20infect take
00:43:20Muli 2v5
00:43:20infect ward
00:43:21infect down
00:43:26Muli omw
00:43:28WANKmaster dazzle
00:43:29WANKmaster come
00:43:35Timu go ninja
00:43:36Vangelis rhasta
00:43:38Vangelis needs mana
00:43:44infect it regens atm
00:43:48infect need ward
00:43:50infect there
00:43:51Luza we need another lane down
00:43:54infect on the hill
00:43:59Luza holy schmoke
00:44:05Luza THEY DIDNT tAKe
00:44:06Luza now
00:44:07Luza they
00:44:07Luza did
00:44:32Muli i failed :S
00:44:34Timu gem on ground
00:44:35Timu lo
00:44:35Muli gem
00:44:36Muli gem
00:44:40Momdsiw ohh
00:44:56Luza b
00:44:57Luza run
00:44:58VictoriaJrocks blink
00:45:07Vangelis so
00:45:09Vangelis big fail
00:45:10Vangelis ...
00:45:12Luza np
00:45:13Luza :DDDD
00:45:13Luza xD
00:45:14WANKmaster D:D:d
00:45:14VictoriaJrocks I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:45:16VictoriaJrocks D
00:45:22Luza ?
00:45:22Luza :D
00:45:22Soulyah i heard u all alrdy
00:45:23Luza xD
00:45:24Muli i didnt notice my own hp was down ::D
00:45:27Vangelis where
00:45:28Vangelis was gem
00:45:32Luza i took it
00:45:33Vangelis where it is?
00:45:34Vangelis k
00:45:53VictoriaJrocks theyre so goddamn nerdy
00:45:57VictoriaJrocks even antiwarding WHOLE game
00:46:01Soulyah :D
00:46:04Timu luza is doing great
00:46:12VictoriaJrocks tässä pelissä oot kyl luza yrittäny nörttiyden rajan
00:46:15Momdsiw get gem to antiward their antiwards
00:46:20VictoriaJrocks ylitäny
00:46:21infect go top
00:46:21Luza :D
00:46:22infect imo
00:46:23infect easier?
00:46:25Vangelis no
00:46:26Vangelis bot
00:46:27Vangelis low hp
00:46:35Timu only in gc it is bad mannered to antiward
00:46:37Luza mite nii
00:46:40Timu or to pick omniknight
00:46:59Luza mä pelaan aina cm
00:47:02Luza jos se o poolis
00:47:06VictoriaJrocks kauhee antiwardaus ja gank
00:47:21Luza tällee sitä miinusta tulloo
00:47:24infect just keep me alive
00:48:15WANKmaster GG
00:48:19Luza Gg
00:48:19Muli :DDD
00:48:19Muli Gg
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