Game #2073495

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+28 X
+0 TS

85% | 1384 X | 1511 TS

+25 X
+2 TS

65% | 1312 X | 1326 TS

+17 X
+1 TS

63% | 1235 X | 1392 TS

+32 X
+4 TS

30% | 1133 X | 1201 TS

+54 X
+27 TS

NEW | 1041 X | 1077 TS

+2 X
-1 TS

79% | 1397 X | 1408 TS

-29 X
+0 TS

76% | 1379 X | 1397 TS

-42 X
-1 TS

51% | 1191 X | 1309 TS

-36 X
-1 TS

35% | 1081 X | 1302 TS

-37 X
-1 TS

13% | 955 X | 1195 TS

Chat log

00:00:10KolleBolle daydream?
00:00:15creeeeeee -clear
00:00:16Solisluu Just out of interest
00:00:16creeeeeee any 1 es?
00:00:16Solisluu is that you DaydreamsQ
00:00:16Solisluu ?
00:00:16KolleBolle i can play it
00:00:16DayDream no
00:00:16creeeeeee or roof?
00:00:16KolleBolle havent play new roof so
00:00:16KolleBolle dont know the skills :P
00:00:16creeeeeee mkay
00:00:16Vangelis liqvid
00:00:16Besiktas ban treant
00:00:16Vangelis what do you play
00:00:16Vangelis ?
00:00:16creeeeeee -roof
00:00:16Solisluu dunno yet
00:00:16Mercury lycan
00:00:16DayDream lycha?
00:00:16Vangelis if you plaay decent carry
00:00:16KolleBolle if they ban ES get lycan = fre win always
00:00:16Vangelis like am or whatever
00:00:16Vangelis or void
00:00:16Vangelis i go es
00:00:16creeeeeee cant let them get es
00:00:16creeeeeee lyca i mean
00:00:16Strom roof is so much more free win than lyca
00:00:16creeeeeee if they wont ban it
00:00:16creeeeeee i pick lyca
00:00:16Strom vangelis will pick lyca
00:00:16Solisluu id like to play es
00:00:16Vangelis :>
00:00:16Vangelis kk
00:00:16Solisluu but i quess we dont have any decent carries?
00:00:16Solisluu do we
00:00:16DayDream i can play crix
00:00:16Zagor ban?
00:00:16Mercury i can go carry
00:00:16Besiktas i can dazzle or lich
00:00:16Vangelis well
00:00:16creeeeeee kui lycat ei bannita siis sa midis strom
00:00:16Solisluu kk mercury carries
00:00:16Vangelis better if liqvid carry
00:00:16Vangelis ...
00:00:16Solisluu lycan
00:00:16Vangelis anyway pick es and sk
00:00:17Vangelis two first picks
00:00:19Mercury y
00:00:21Vangelis then i get carry for mercury
00:00:27Solisluu lich is good also
00:00:28Solisluu hmm
00:00:29creeeeeee for u kolle
00:00:30Vangelis lich sk
00:00:31Solisluu now i dont know
00:00:31Vangelis then
00:00:33Solisluu what thö fuck to do
00:00:38Vangelis LICH SK
00:00:43Solisluu who wants lich?
00:00:44Vangelis we get you carries later
00:00:45creeeeeee could use lich
00:00:46Besiktas me
00:00:46KolleBolle okey! get magina if possible and sven
00:00:54Besiktas i wil have lich
00:00:56creeeeeee tc
00:00:57Vangelis mercury i could play panda myself
00:00:57Besiktas what do you want ?
00:00:59KolleBolle tc to
00:00:59Vangelis or swap you sk
00:01:03Strom imawerid, got any requests?
00:01:04Mercury day want sk
00:01:08Mercury playp nada
00:01:10Mercury play*
00:01:11ImAweirdo doesnt
00:01:12ImAweirdo matter
00:01:16ImAweirdo for me
00:01:19Solisluu naga is shit
00:01:22ImAweirdo thnx for asking thp
00:01:22Besiktas liqvid what do you want to play ?
00:01:24KolleBolle so cree what you want?
00:01:25Solisluu hmm
00:01:26Vangelis void
00:01:28Vangelis tbh
00:01:30creeeeeee get me hmm
00:01:33Solisluu prob void y
00:01:34DayDream -swap 2
00:01:36Mercury -swap 4
00:01:37Solisluu dunno now
00:01:43Zagor void? naga?
00:01:44Vangelis ehm
00:01:45Vangelis ...
00:01:46Besiktas wanna void =?
00:01:46Solisluu get me dazzle
00:01:47KolleBolle fast :P
00:01:51Vangelis no
00:01:51Solisluu ill carry with it
00:01:51creeeeeee get me void then
00:01:54Besiktas allready picked
00:01:55Zagor k
00:01:56Vangelis dk ?
00:01:57creeeeeee aoe fun
00:01:58Vangelis kunkka?
00:01:59Solisluu --------------
00:01:59Besiktas what do you want ?
00:02:00Solisluu nah
00:02:02Solisluu we need ranged
00:02:02creeeeeee -swap 5
00:02:02KolleBolle -swap 1
00:02:05KolleBolle -swap 1
00:02:05Vangelis dk is range :D
00:02:05Solisluu tinker i quess
00:02:05Mercury w8 a sec
00:02:05Besiktas come
00:02:05Mercury my mouse doesnt work
00:02:05ImAweirdo sec
00:02:05Solisluu tinker
00:02:05Mercury il swap
00:02:05Besiktas k
00:02:05Strom there's a minute until creeps spawn o_O
00:02:05Strom and one guy in middle of picking
00:02:05creeeeeee soooo
00:02:05Zagor boring........
00:02:05Mercury ok try
00:02:05Mercury rdy?
00:02:05creeeeeee krt kes midi nel :S
00:02:05Solisluu so tinker
00:02:05Solisluu it is
00:02:05Besiktas k
00:02:05creeeeeee neil
00:02:07Solisluu -swap 5
00:02:08Besiktas -swap
00:02:09Solisluu lich am
00:02:11Solisluu and panda sk
00:02:11Besiktas -swap 1
00:02:12KolleBolle -clear
00:02:15creeeeeee so im top
00:02:17creeeeeee obsi mid
00:02:22Vangelis kollebolle es
00:02:25Vangelis can't go that good
00:02:26Vangelis :S
00:02:28Strom tinker midis
00:02:29Zagor share
00:02:31Mercury lanes?
00:02:36creeeeeee no sa siis midis
00:02:37Vangelis panda sk top ofc
00:02:39creeeeeee ?
00:02:40Solisluu y
00:02:43ImAweirdo where do i go?
00:02:47Solisluu panda sk shit lane
00:02:49Solisluu but if theyre noobs
00:02:53Strom no ma võin olla .... aga raske ma arvan
00:02:53Solisluu you might rack some kills
00:03:02Vangelis we won't vs dazzle void
00:03:17creeeeeee spammi oma kama kogu aeg :)
00:03:18creeeeeee astralit
00:03:28Besiktas ,magina no items :(
00:03:33Strom see ei võida tinkeri vastu
00:05:52Vangelis lvl 3 try dazzle?
00:05:55DayDream y
00:06:47KolleBolle pfff
00:07:01Besiktas miss 2
00:07:02Besiktas re
00:07:54Zagor stun
00:08:19creeeeeee kuda mid
00:08:23Strom kill top
00:08:27Strom go kill top
00:08:36Solisluu miss od y
00:08:37Solisluu sorry
00:08:47Solisluu didnt think he would gank
00:08:49Solisluu so early
00:08:51Strom gj dazzle
00:09:20DayDream ss destroyer
00:09:24creeeeeee rahulik freefarm
00:09:34Strom mid oli tango söömis võistlus
00:09:39creeeeeee :D
00:10:24Besiktas miss
00:10:28ImAweirdo that countdown
00:10:34ImAweirdo should stop in sphere
00:10:34ImAweirdo :D
00:10:38ImAweirdo ;(
00:11:11Strom MID MIS
00:11:28KolleBolle ff
00:11:35Besiktas gj bro
00:11:41Mercury u 2
00:11:56Zagor gang bot
00:11:59DayDream dest inc mid
00:12:05Strom tinker gets bot
00:12:07Strom if we don't gang him
00:12:38DayDream oom
00:12:47Besiktas ay
00:13:00Besiktas i wil denid
00:13:13DayDream ss dax
00:13:14DayDream saz
00:13:16DayDream daz
00:13:17Besiktas dazzle bot
00:13:22Solisluu ss dest
00:13:22Besiktas ulti in 20sec
00:14:05Mercury gj
00:14:08Besiktas u2
00:14:12DayDream ss void
00:14:24Besiktas mana boots or ?
00:14:28Vangelis ?
00:14:32Vangelis on lich
00:14:33Vangelis lol no
00:14:34Besiktas yea
00:14:37Besiktas what so ?
00:14:38Vangelis just meka
00:14:43Besiktas no bootS ?
00:14:43Solisluu meka and normal boots
00:14:50Besiktas treads `?
00:14:51KolleBolle lvl 9 bot :S
00:14:54Solisluu then later boots of travel maybe
00:14:56Vangelis rush meka
00:14:57DayDream pit top
00:14:57Besiktas k
00:14:58ImAweirdo ur bad
00:14:59Solisluu but its mega later
00:15:08Solisluu got my bot
00:15:09Solisluu alrdy
00:15:14KolleBolle miss 2
00:15:19Strom 3 top
00:15:30Besiktas help tinker
00:15:41Solisluu thö fuck???
00:15:51creeeeeee sup`? :D
00:16:15Besiktas nice
00:16:19creeeeeee no ei ole mana
00:16:24creeeeeee midagi teha ei saa :/
00:16:31Strom tinker on mingi 3x minema saanud 10hp-ga
00:16:31DayDream omw bot
00:16:32Strom praegu jälle
00:16:38creeeeeee ei saanud
00:16:39creeeeeee tapsin ta
00:16:41Strom a ok
00:16:43Strom hea
00:16:52creeeeeee olin invisega
00:16:57creeeeeee vend ootas siin et sulle lasthit panna
00:16:58creeeeeee vms
00:16:58creeeeeee :D
00:17:19Besiktas they are chickens
00:17:49ImAweirdo ok
00:17:49ImAweirdo ff
00:17:56Besiktas b
00:17:58creeeeeee Go home
00:18:22Strom lich no ulti
00:18:26Strom if we do it fast we could kill bot
00:18:26DayDream care
00:18:59Strom b es
00:19:02Besiktas gj
00:19:06KolleBolle fucking shit
00:19:08KolleBolle all in woods
00:19:58Strom dude got invi rune
00:20:01Besiktas agh next ?
00:20:19Solisluu y
00:20:20Zagor this es
00:20:27creeeeeee 2 nmiss mid
00:20:54Zagor daz u got grave?
00:21:00ImAweirdo ffs ofc
00:21:10Zagor use it sometimes then
00:21:14ImAweirdo ...
00:21:17ImAweirdo open ur eyes
00:21:18ImAweirdo sometimes
00:21:29Vangelis before agha
00:21:30Vangelis wards
00:21:33Besiktas k
00:21:35Besiktas i buy 4 now
00:21:42Vangelis i go tank
00:21:46Besiktas 25 sec
00:22:12Strom oh boy
00:22:27Strom we need pipe
00:22:27Strom fast
00:22:33DayDream got dagger
00:22:46Vangelis i got it soon too
00:22:50Besiktas i got it soon to
00:22:51Besiktas haha
00:22:52Besiktas no
00:22:54Vangelis :P
00:23:09Besiktas some one set wards
00:23:17DayDream dd
00:23:43creeeeeee ilus :D
00:23:44Besiktas lucky:D
00:24:08Besiktas void nice farm how ?
00:24:23Vangelis panda sk lane vs dazzle and void
00:24:27Vangelis + od ganked
00:24:31Besiktas k
00:25:21Besiktas i do not take kills
00:25:27ImAweirdo mana
00:25:34Vangelis wait
00:25:43KolleBolle caRE
00:25:51creeeeeee hahaha
00:25:54DayDream omg
00:26:10Besiktas stun fast
00:26:20Strom meh
00:26:27DayDream top push
00:26:36Vangelis needm ana
00:26:39Vangelis sk
00:26:48Mercury tinker go hex for void
00:26:53Strom is someone making pipe already?
00:26:55Strom we need it badly
00:27:01Zagor i can\
00:27:03Solisluu shivas
00:27:07Solisluu is anti void too
00:27:10Solisluu and makes my farm 2x
00:27:59Strom cree, sind oleks vaja olnud
00:28:09Solisluu !
00:28:10Solisluu ebin
00:28:10creeeeeee no
00:28:11Zagor I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:12Solisluu vidya
00:28:13Solisluu xD
00:28:14creeeeeee wtf was that
00:28:14ImAweirdo I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:28:16creeeeeee tinker
00:28:22Solisluu it was juke
00:28:34Besiktas lets end
00:28:42Strom we can win this if we turtle and get pipe
00:28:48Strom void > am in late game
00:28:54Strom not to mention od > all late game
00:28:56Strom but I have shitty farm
00:28:59Strom so lets focus on void
00:28:59ImAweirdo we wont survive till late
00:29:13creeeeeee well if they push
00:29:17creeeeeee then we can ez turtle
00:29:23Strom we need pipe to win fights
00:29:30creeeeeee yea
00:29:32Besiktas -ii
00:29:33creeeeeee pipe really needed
00:29:35Strom later on void can kill them all under chronosphere
00:29:36Strom but
00:29:41Strom until he's that strong, we need pipe
00:29:58ImAweirdo well still no sphere in team battles
00:30:02ImAweirdo it could save us as well
00:30:04Strom they coming mid
00:30:11DayDream omw
00:30:12Mercury b
00:30:23Mercury b for now
00:30:33Strom b
00:30:35Strom b
00:30:37Strom we need void guys
00:30:48Vangelis mana plz
00:30:53Strom remember, we are turtling
00:30:55Strom no need to chase
00:31:06Vangelis we should push
00:31:06Vangelis ...
00:31:09Besiktas yea
00:31:10Strom we have pit and es
00:31:11Strom jesus
00:31:16Strom this should be EASY turtle
00:31:18Strom lets make it happen
00:31:26creeeeeee go mid?
00:31:26KolleBolle just need to survive :P
00:31:30creeeeeee just 2 mid
00:31:30KolleBolle so i can make ulti
00:31:30Besiktas omw
00:31:40Vangelis need
00:31:41Vangelis all
00:31:42Vangelis am too
00:31:44Strom 3
00:31:45Strom our woods
00:31:46Strom lets go
00:31:49Strom ok too late
00:32:37Strom don't chase too much now
00:33:01Strom void top farm
00:33:26DayDream push midõ
00:34:25creeeeeee come
00:34:26creeeeeee kill
00:34:27creeeeeee now
00:34:31creeeeeee i start
00:34:52creeeeeee ES idiot
00:34:56creeeeeee why u run into chronos
00:34:57Solisluu xD
00:34:59Strom ah you all dead
00:35:01Strom niceer
00:35:06Besiktas nice ulti ha
00:35:07ImAweirdo gg
00:35:11creeeeeee i told u i start
00:35:15creeeeeee and u run into chronos
00:35:18creeeeeee gj
00:35:26Strom it's KolleBolle man, he's learning the game
00:35:34Besiktas i love lich
00:35:45creeeeeee learning it a bit too long ...
00:36:06Besiktas gogo ?
00:36:08DayDream b
00:36:09DayDream b
00:36:38Besiktas nice panda
00:36:38Besiktas :D
00:36:41Besiktas got aghanim :D
00:36:48Zagor gather for smoke pls
00:36:58Mercury i have too much gold:D
00:37:04Besiktas good
00:37:09Strom we don't need smoke to turtle really
00:37:21DayDream got agha
00:37:25Besiktas nice 2
00:37:30creeeeeee we need wardddsss
00:37:57Besiktas all bot ?
00:38:10Solisluu wait for all
00:38:20creeeeeee osssa vana kus nüüd hakkas laagima
00:38:21Vangelis need
00:38:22Vangelis magina
00:38:24Vangelis too
00:38:25Mercury w8
00:38:27Besiktas aag
00:38:27Vangelis for what
00:38:28Vangelis ?
00:38:29Mercury getting butter
00:38:30Vangelis just go
00:38:39Besiktas ¨nice
00:39:01Vangelis i go in
00:39:02DayDream panda u go
00:39:14Solisluu let mid push
00:39:33creeeeeee I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:39:46Strom oleks pidanud farmima
00:39:50Strom aga noh
00:39:52Strom mis seal ikka
00:39:53Strom I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:39:55creeeeeee frost armor keerab mul perse
00:40:05Strom ma mõtlesin, et proovin gangida hoopis
00:40:05creeeeeee as nii maas kohe
00:40:07Strom algus oli hea
00:40:08Strom aga
00:40:12creeeeeee jeap
00:40:15Strom defimisel oli sitt
00:40:17Strom ilma itemiteta
00:40:28creeeeeee mis seal ikka :)
00:40:55Besiktas b
00:41:03creeeeeee ikka niiiii aaeglaseks läheb
00:41:07creeeeeee kui frost armorit attackida
00:41:08creeeeeee jube
00:41:30Besiktas i like dota-gc its very serios
00:41:35Vangelis ?
00:41:43Solisluu sometimes y
00:41:44Besiktas nothing
00:41:48Solisluu sometimes everyone just solos
00:42:32creeeeeee peaks magama minema
00:42:34Solisluu gg wp
00:42:36Solisluu everyone
00:42:41Solisluu and strom
00:42:41creeeeeee 2 poole päeva jooksul 35,5 tundi tööd teinud :D
00:42:44Solisluu nice roaming with od???
00:42:49Vangelis Kollebolle
00:42:49Solisluu seemed to work pretty fine
00:42:51Vangelis 'ed
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