Game #2070529

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+1 X
+3 TS

86% | 1466 X | 1458 TS

+38 X
+4 TS

73% | 1349 X | 1392 TS

+3 X
+11 TS
64% | 1271 X | 1358 TS

+27 X
+9 TS

59% | 1270 X | 1308 TS

+7 X
+4 TS

21% | 1007 X | 1243 TS

-26 X
-3 TS

89% | 1425 X | 1548 TS

+19 X
-3 TS

61% | 1176 X | 1440 TS

-47 X
-4 TS

53% | 1216 X | 1303 TS

+13 X
-3 TS

51% | 1136 X | 1381 TS

-17 X
-3 TS

51% | 1137 X | 1379 TS

Chat log

00:00:14PeterLars anyone es?
00:00:17Mykkzu me
00:00:17infect weaver doom pit es :)
00:00:17PeterLars oka
00:00:17infect ban them ALL
00:00:17Vangelis ban weaver
00:00:17Mykkzu or doom
00:00:17Vangelis just ban wvr
00:00:17PeterLars doom
00:00:17infect weaver
00:00:17infect doom anti weaver
00:00:17BoNeshaw y
00:00:17Vangelis you need to pick weaver, 100% pick it
00:00:17Dota.m ban aa
00:00:17Vangelis unless they ban
00:00:17BoNeshaw naah weaver hoW can xab silver?
00:00:17BoNeshaw i wanna aa
00:00:17Dota.m ok
00:00:17BoNeshaw weaver
00:00:17Dota.m so gogo ban
00:00:21xab ask smth easier
00:00:28Vangelis peterlars
00:00:31Vangelis what is you playing
00:00:32Vangelis ?
00:00:32extremewaari hmm
00:00:36xab gc homepage just sayd i can
00:00:36PeterLars dunno
00:00:39extremewaari mitähä sitä pelais
00:00:40Vangelis need to know now
00:00:40BoNeshaw tiny kiva
00:00:42PeterLars someone take pit no offence, its just Wierd imo
00:00:43Vangelis depends on my pick
00:00:44BoNeshaw tän kans
00:00:48xab i know
00:00:49Vangelis plz tell me what do you play
00:00:51Vangelis need to know
00:00:52BoNeshaw tai leoric
00:00:58PeterLars i play luna
00:01:03PeterLars someone take pit
00:01:05PeterLars pit
00:01:06PeterLars pit
00:01:08infect need some dps.
00:01:08xab i can u get pick then pit*
00:01:21xab k
00:01:22extremewaari panda venge
00:01:24Mykkzu get rhazta and luna last?
00:01:28BoNeshaw take mid soloer, i could lane with extreme hmm
00:01:31extremewaari sk
00:01:31PeterLars luna and venge thinking
00:01:36PeterLars giveme luna
00:01:40Mykkzu -swap 1
00:01:40PeterLars -swap 4
00:01:41xab what shud i take?
00:01:42infect dk...
00:01:44infect not dusa ok veneg
00:01:45infect :d venge
00:01:50xab -swap 3
00:01:52BoNeshaw shiit
00:01:58BoNeshaw get rhasta?
00:02:00Dota.m well i picked dusa after me -swap 5
00:02:10extremewaari i am only stun
00:02:11extremewaari -.-
00:02:15PeterLars magnus and venge
00:02:16PeterLars bot
00:02:16BoNeshaw + me
00:02:17Dota.m so don't blame me for take agi
00:02:19extremewaari and u
00:02:26infect 2 dps is fine
00:02:26PeterLars venge roam
00:02:26Vangelis i need a good start
00:02:27infect wanted dk
00:02:28Dota.m go mid aa
00:02:32Vangelis (good farm)
00:02:34Dota.m u can take luna easy
00:02:34extremewaari dusa go mid ill pull first, and then roam lvl 3
00:02:41Vangelis pit or venge
00:02:46BoNeshaw ye but i could lane with myy mate
00:02:47BoNeshaw tiny
00:02:47Vangelis could you get flying asap
00:02:47xab sup?
00:02:48infect let them own bot
00:02:50xab k yeyeyey
00:02:54infect i just try nto to feed
00:02:58Dota.m okok
00:03:07Dota.m go idea
00:03:11Dota.m but pugna let me farm plz
00:03:12Dota.m *:D
00:03:13Dota.m :D
00:03:16hibalunt mmm
00:03:18hibalunt noot
00:03:20hibalunt u pull
00:03:21Dota.m baah
00:03:27Dota.m tard
00:03:29BoNeshaw and dont decre targets when they are close to juggers whirl
00:03:32BoNeshaw :P CARE FB noone mid warded
00:03:52infect gg dd luna
00:05:32Dota.m lvl 3 go es
00:05:40Dota.m after pull
00:05:49Mykkzu miss jugger
00:06:02extremewaari oho
00:06:03BoNeshaw mun pitää eka
00:06:07extremewaari ju
00:06:11extremewaari ennakoin
00:06:49Mykkzu 2ra v6ta seda
00:06:53Mykkzu v6ta explusionit
00:06:53Mykkzu vms
00:06:59xab :O
00:07:06Mykkzu aed ja siis explusion
00:07:21infect ss mid sry
00:08:19Mykkzu ss top
00:08:23BoNeshaw gj
00:08:36extremewaari u2
00:08:44extremewaari chieck?
00:08:52extremewaari chick
00:08:52infect ss luna
00:08:54infect lbl 6
00:08:56infect no health
00:09:01Mykkzu miks aeda ei pannud
00:09:03Mykkzu oleks maha saanud
00:09:07xab misclickisin :S
00:09:14infect re
00:09:17xab küik ei kasuta dotakeysi :D
00:09:28extremewaari venhge ss bot
00:09:33extremewaari was dead
00:09:38infect mid omW
00:09:53hibalunt vs top inc
00:09:54hibalunt care
00:09:56extremewaari kohta manat molempiin
00:09:58Vangelis miss
00:09:58Vangelis tiny
00:10:05extremewaari nyt be rdy
00:10:09Dota.m b
00:10:15PeterLars ss mid
00:10:38PeterLars re
00:10:42Vangelis tiny re u need ganK?
00:10:57Vangelis me ?
00:10:57Vangelis no or ill gank mid
00:11:05hibalunt ss 2
00:11:06hibalunt care
00:11:11Vangelis tiny miss
00:11:12Vangelis care
00:11:17extremewaari tapetaan
00:11:37infect OMG
00:11:44infect i need wards or somthing
00:11:48infect cause this venge is annyoing
00:11:50Mykkzu omg
00:11:52Vangelis oom
00:11:58BoNeshaw ok
00:11:59xab rooma venti
00:12:06Vangelis only mana for nuke atm
00:12:35Vangelis :/
00:12:53PeterLars ^^
00:12:57BoNeshaw gj :P
00:12:59extremewaari heal me
00:13:03BoNeshaw ju
00:14:16BoNeshaw nice
00:14:29Vangelis b
00:14:46extremewaari omw
00:15:36Mykkzu TP BOT NO suicide
00:16:03Vangelis need
00:16:04Vangelis wards
00:16:28extremewaari wait
00:16:29extremewaari need mana
00:16:32infect y
00:18:00xab what shud i make?
00:18:10Vangelis wards
00:18:16Vangelis make wards by buying them
00:18:16Vangelis :D
00:18:41Dota.m well 3 top tp us pit nvm
00:18:55xab cd come
00:19:17Dota.m b
00:19:27extremewaari noni dagger
00:19:44PeterLars we need wards
00:20:00Vangelis venge and pit
00:20:01Vangelis can
00:20:03Vangelis you buy wards?
00:20:04xab i bought
00:20:08xab 2 sets cd
00:20:10xab :D
00:20:15xab need to place ;)
00:20:28Mykkzu got dagg
00:20:44xab take wards tooo?
00:20:51xab nvm
00:21:02infect es dagger
00:21:31BoNeshaw ei hitto ku oisin itekki ollu viel :S
00:21:34BoNeshaw tai se pallo siin alla
00:21:36extremewaari jep :/
00:21:49BoNeshaw kaikki ois instana
00:21:53BoNeshaw mut hyvä noinki
00:21:55extremewaari jep :D
00:21:59PeterLars set wards up plz
00:22:11xab on it
00:22:14xab blink where u need em
00:22:25extremewaari mennää gang top
00:23:15Vangelis got dag
00:23:17Vangelis too now
00:23:46Mykkzu u blink first then i come with ulti
00:23:58xab 1 of em was ther
00:24:15xab dd
00:24:38Vangelis wait
00:24:39Vangelis ulti cd
00:24:45Vangelis es
00:24:47Vangelis if you see
00:24:58PeterLars magnus
00:25:01Vangelis ...
00:25:27extremewaari mitäs tälle kannattaa tehdä?
00:25:30PeterLars GO AND FUCKING KILL'
00:25:40BoNeshaw hmm
00:25:51BoNeshaw piippu vois olla aika jees tähä
00:25:57extremewaari jep
00:26:37xab what shud i get?:O
00:26:44Vangelis shiva
00:26:45Vangelis or hex
00:26:46Vangelis or meka
00:27:06Dota.m b
00:27:07Dota.m b
00:27:35BoNeshaw okay
00:27:37BoNeshaw they got obs
00:27:54Dota.m ffs
00:27:59Dota.m to people with full hp
00:28:01Dota.m omfg
00:28:03Dota.m help me
00:28:15Mykkzu b
00:28:23Dota.m are you nab dusa
00:28:25Dota.m use spells
00:28:25BoNeshaw uurnaki on kova sille
00:28:26Dota.m ffs
00:28:31infect cd
00:28:32infect fuckface
00:28:43Dota.m cd 1 hour ?
00:29:18extremewaari hmm
00:30:00BoNeshaw he got lothars
00:30:50Mykkzu shiva or aga
00:30:53extremewaari teen nyt kyl ac enne ku teen piipun loppuun shiva imo... for jugger
00:31:07BoNeshaw hmm okei
00:31:16Dota.m leave mid
00:31:17Dota.m for me
00:31:26extremewaari bone ulti bot
00:31:29Dota.m me top
00:31:37BoNeshaw ok
00:31:41extremewaari ei tarvii
00:31:43extremewaari tapoin sen
00:31:45PeterLars fuck your mother
00:31:54Vangelis ult
00:31:55Vangelis 10 s
00:32:14PeterLars take tower
00:32:15Dota.m care
00:32:44Vangelis wait
00:32:45Vangelis for luna
00:32:54Vangelis meet luna
00:33:03Dota.m ffs
00:33:04Dota.m go 5
00:33:09Dota.m im not coming for fun
00:33:12Dota.m for all gio
00:33:13Dota.m away
00:34:12Dota.m this team
00:34:13Dota.m suck
00:34:23BoNeshaw tooo much piled once again ;S
00:34:33Vangelis use
00:34:43Vangelis firestorm
00:34:45Vangelis works on buildings
00:34:51Vangelis k nvm
00:34:52Vangelis b now
00:34:55Vangelis no luna
00:35:01xab want me to tp sb?
00:35:01extremewaari now him drop
00:35:01xab to smwher?
00:35:01infect we
00:35:01Vangelis go to luna
00:35:01infect fucked
00:35:01Vangelis let's go to luna
00:35:01xab k
00:35:01xab gather
00:35:01Dota.m if he drops
00:35:01Dota.m let me sell hes items
00:35:01Dota.m and get items
00:35:01extremewaari k
00:35:01Dota.m i need bkb
00:35:01extremewaari u can do it
00:35:01hibalunt ffs jugger
00:35:01hibalunt last thing u need is bkb
00:35:01Dota.m lol
00:35:01hibalunt u need attack speed and dps
00:35:01extremewaari he really needs that bkb
00:35:01xab im too low % to drop :(
00:35:01xab :D
00:35:01Vangelis well
00:35:01Vangelis you or venge
00:35:01Vangelis :D
00:35:01PeterLars pit
00:35:01PeterLars :D
00:35:01PeterLars sry :D
00:35:01xab probs me cuz im 21% :D
00:35:01PeterLars venge is my mate :D
00:35:01hibalunt there are just too many better items for jugger
00:35:01infect so
00:35:01infect I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:35:01xab np :)
00:35:01Vangelis well
00:35:01xab end it fast
00:35:01infect ?
00:35:01PeterLars we do
00:35:01Vangelis you did ok xab
00:35:01xab plz
00:35:01Vangelis so np
00:35:01infect bkb
00:35:01infect owns on jugger
00:35:01PeterLars they cant do anything without aa ulti
00:35:01infect they hv
00:35:01xab dont sell my item :D
00:35:01infect spell heroes
00:35:01Mykkzu y
00:35:01PeterLars i want your items :D
00:35:01PeterLars when do you have :D
00:35:01Dota.m thats what i try to tell
00:35:01xab :D
00:35:01Dota.m but pugna says
00:35:01Dota.m its bad
00:35:01PeterLars what*
00:35:01Dota.m i need attack spee
00:35:01Dota.m speed
00:35:01xab nothing special
00:35:01PeterLars ok
00:35:01PeterLars i sell them
00:35:01xab but if u sell it :D i will get loads of -x :D:D
00:35:01PeterLars to get gold :D
00:35:01xab bleh
00:35:01PeterLars no
00:35:01hibalunt yes, to attack between ur ulti slashes
00:35:01xab i do :D
00:35:01xab weird system
00:35:01PeterLars you dont get -x
00:35:01xab probs will :D
00:35:01xab mark my words:D
00:35:01hibalunt thats why u got bf
00:35:01PeterLars nope
00:35:01PeterLars :D
00:35:01hibalunt bf
00:35:01hibalunt in the first place
00:35:01xab well it was fun
00:35:01PeterLars you allready have 20 procent :D
00:35:01xab have no idea how i got to silver game :D
00:35:04PeterLars PIT
00:35:04Dota.m balance
00:35:04Vangelis lol
00:35:05xab k
00:35:07xab gg bb ;)
00:35:32Vangelis where
00:35:33Vangelis is bird
00:36:03Mykkzu where is the shiva recipe
00:36:27Vangelis go mid
00:36:28Vangelis finish
00:36:29Vangelis :D
00:36:44extremewaari b
00:36:53PeterLars come mid
00:36:54PeterLars all
00:37:07infect bkb
00:37:08infect ...
00:37:09infect luna
00:37:16Mykkzu venge ur vanguard block wont work with poor man shield k ill sell later thern
00:37:52Dota.m gg
00:38:27extremewaari dont move him
00:39:07Mykkzu il get refu
00:39:14Vangelis agha
00:39:15Vangelis better
00:39:16Vangelis imo
00:39:23extremewaari why u didnt make that bkb?
00:39:34Dota.m not enoug gold
00:39:35Dota.m btw
00:39:36Dota.m goog rosh
00:39:37Dota.m fsat fu :D
00:39:39Dota.m fast
00:39:41Vangelis go bot
00:39:42Mykkzu i like to be an ass
00:39:43Mykkzu :D
00:39:44Vangelis and finish
00:39:44extremewaari dont
00:39:46Mykkzu sec
00:39:51PeterLars all bot
00:39:52infect we need it
00:39:57Dota.m coem
00:40:00Dota.m comeffs
00:41:01Dota.m def
00:41:12PeterLars ggogo
00:41:59Mykkzu luna?
00:43:27Mykkzu go end it from bot
00:43:30Mykkzu yugger getting bkb
00:44:09Dota.m 700 for bkb
00:44:09infect b top
00:44:38Dota.m def bot
00:44:42Vangelis waot
00:44:43Vangelis for venge RUNNING LIKE THE WIND
00:44:56Dota.m need 200 and i come
00:45:22PeterLars juom
00:45:25PeterLars jump
00:45:27Vangelis i can't
00:45:28Vangelis jump 1
00:45:52infect I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:46:25Mykkzu gg
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