Game #2035201

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-20 X
-1 TS

97% | 1630 X | 1622 TS

+9 X
-3 TS

84% | 1452 X | 1440 TS

+23 X
-3 TS

60% | 1239 X | 1361 TS

-32 X
-1 TS

53% | 1149 X | 1389 TS

-19 X
-2 TS

38% | 1136 X | 1256 TS

+38 X
+2 TS

89% | 1430 X | 1530 TS

+0 X
+3 TS

86% | 1360 X | 1569 TS

-31 X
+1 TS

84% | 1440 X | 1446 TS

+17 X
+2 TS

67% | 1345 X | 1313 TS

+35 X
+21 TS

20% | 1132 X | 1108 TS

Chat log

00:00:06WANKmaster take #2?
00:00:21EyeforanEye get es
00:00:21jakkihirki well you have better players in your team
00:00:21edgarass omg the same teams?
00:00:21edgarass lol
00:00:21jakkihirki es
00:00:21Ckalle dunno if I wanna babysit again
00:00:21Celcius 3rd game without wr..
00:00:21WANKmaster lycha
00:00:27edgarass kunkka for me pls
00:00:33Ckalle I wanna afk-farm
00:00:35Ckalle like Sniper
00:00:46Ckalle that ok?
00:00:50WANKmaster hmm
00:00:51Kastrup not with snip
00:00:51Celcius me zeus i think
00:00:52WANKmaster dunno
00:00:53Kastrup against Qop
00:00:55Kastrup thats just stupid
00:00:59jakkihirki take aa
00:01:01jakkihirki and veno
00:01:02WANKmaster razor is better y
00:01:04Ckalle ye
00:01:05EyeforanEye cant play aa
00:01:06jakkihirki good combo
00:01:06Ckalle figured
00:01:12jakkihirki pick it
00:01:14edgarass kunkkka for me pls
00:01:14WANKmaster veno aa
00:01:15jakkihirki to someone
00:01:15WANKmaster is nice
00:01:17WANKmaster imo
00:01:20Ckalle veno aa me tri
00:01:21Ckalle gg
00:01:33jakkihirki well they have it now :)
00:01:34Xove long lane
00:01:45Kastrup rhasta last?
00:01:50Celcius zeus
00:01:52Kastrup :(
00:01:53WANKmaster y
00:01:53Ckalle rhasta can't solo weaklane
00:01:54Kastrup not against that team
00:01:55WANKmaster zeuz is nice
00:01:55Kastrup imo
00:01:59Kastrup pit
00:02:00Kastrup pit
00:02:01Kastrup is great
00:02:04edgarass lanes?
00:02:06Celcius but borring
00:02:07WANKmaster lol there is pit :D
00:02:08EyeforanEye me krob bot
00:02:09Tao well they got weak heroes
00:02:15WANKmaster pit kinda imba now imo
00:02:18Xove they got doon
00:02:18Ckalle ye
00:02:20Xove y
00:02:21Ckalle he's imba
00:02:21jakkihirki and insane nuke power
00:02:22Ckalle but
00:02:24Kastrup razor?
00:02:25EyeforanEye razor aint that weak.
00:02:25Ckalle not fun
00:02:26Tao so do we
00:02:26Ckalle in any way
00:02:30Kastrup aren't we 3lane bot?
00:02:32Ckalle yes
00:02:33Ckalle we are.
00:02:35Kastrup are u with us?
00:02:38Ckalle ofc
00:02:40Kastrup thats fun
00:02:43Ckalle zeus on tri
00:02:45Ckalle made me giggle
00:02:45Xove we go for fb
00:02:54Kastrup thats why u didn't understand
00:02:55edgarass lucifer be rdy for my torent everytime
00:02:55Celcius i can solo like np
00:02:56Kastrup i*
00:03:05Ckalle ofc zeus is solo
00:03:11Ckalle razor is mega strong on tri
00:03:17Celcius idd
00:03:27edgarass ss
00:03:27edgarass care
00:03:42EyeforanEye veno
00:03:48EyeforanEye trilane bot.
00:04:06Tao 3 bot
00:04:08Ckalle AA WTF U DOING
00:04:11Kastrup deni
00:04:12Kastrup ing
00:04:30Xove this dont work
00:04:39Xove i go top?
00:04:39Ckalle u gotta attack...
00:04:40Tao go pull
00:04:54jakkihirki ckalle wants to win that bad?
00:04:57Xove ready zeus?
00:05:04Celcius sure
00:05:29jakkihirki ready
00:05:37Ckalle B
00:05:39edgarass ss?
00:05:52Ckalle come on AA
00:05:55Ckalle wtf are u doing
00:05:59Kastrup wTF?=
00:05:59WANKmaster miss
00:06:02Kastrup u blame em?
00:06:02Ckalle can I have top?
00:06:06Ckalle this guy is tarded
00:06:10EyeforanEye ill go pull
00:06:14Kastrup i was 1 scream for diing?
00:06:16Tao get rdy to shield me
00:06:18edgarass care
00:06:21Xove ss
00:06:21Kastrup chick?
00:06:21Kastrup where
00:06:23Ckalle it was on CD
00:06:24EyeforanEye wardblock
00:06:26Ckalle he had 20 HP
00:06:28Kastrup Lol
00:06:30Kastrup he had 400
00:06:30Rotkiv veno ss
00:06:31Ckalle u didn't attack
00:06:31Kastrup so su
00:06:32Ckalle u SUCK.
00:06:33Kastrup I DID
00:06:40Xove go again
00:06:46Xove doom
00:07:21Rotkiv kill zeus now
00:07:29Rotkiv zeus l6
00:07:32Kastrup share
00:07:32Kastrup chick
00:07:36Ckalle this lane is lost
00:07:37Ckalle I go woods
00:07:43Kastrup rofl
00:07:51Kastrup u go rambo
00:07:51Ckalle Kastrup never played support before
00:07:52Ckalle in his life
00:07:55Rotkiv zeus ss
00:07:57Kastrup lol i had 130 hp
00:07:58Rotkiv re
00:07:59Ckalle apparently
00:08:01Kastrup and they chase me
00:08:06Ckalle U DON'T LET ME FARM
00:08:08Ckalle retard
00:08:10Kastrup i took 3 cs?
00:08:11Kastrup rofl
00:08:19Ckalle u attack all the creeps
00:08:23Kastrup no
00:08:28Ckalle fucking my CSing up
00:08:33edgarass f
00:08:34edgarass ff
00:08:50Xove what razor`?
00:08:53Xove u doing?
00:08:55edgarass fuck we lost lane 2v 1 zeus
00:09:04Ckalle not playing with the worlds worst support
00:09:05Celcius rune
00:09:05edgarass care
00:09:05Celcius bot
00:09:08edgarass ss zeus
00:09:09jakkihirki mid miss
00:09:25Xove come
00:09:28Xove on
00:09:33Tao kill aa
00:09:45jakkihirki mid miss
00:09:50jakkihirki so you cut exp to get rune?
00:09:52Xove razor plz go btm
00:09:52Rotkiv veno ss
00:09:53Xove ffs
00:09:58Xove u ruin laens
00:10:01edgarass venu pulls
00:10:04Ckalle no
00:10:05Ckalle u did.
00:10:10Xove howe`?
00:10:10Ckalle we had strong tri
00:10:14Xove no
00:10:16Ckalle but u didn't attack
00:10:17Xove ¨it sucked
00:10:20Ckalle then decided to go away
00:10:25Ckalle leaving me with the retard
00:10:32Ckalle and less level then opponents
00:10:45edgarass u tards
00:10:47edgarass help maybe?
00:10:55Xove ¨ss mid?
00:11:02jakkihirki well i killed zeus fist
00:11:05jakkihirki first*
00:11:18edgarass yes but when they eere 2 killing me u two did nothing
00:11:27jakkihirki because i am little oom`?
00:11:36Tao :D
00:11:39EyeforanEye zeus veno bot.
00:11:39Celcius ^^
00:11:54Celcius new wards
00:11:57EyeforanEye edgar stop failing
00:11:58Kastrup got nothing
00:12:06edgarass fu
00:12:09Tao haha
00:13:01WANKmaster ss
00:13:01WANKmaster mid
00:13:04Tao go
00:13:07jakkihirki rune
00:13:09Xove ss
00:13:19jakkihirki sf inc bottom
00:13:29Kastrup late
00:13:30Xove gj come for steal
00:13:51Rotkiv can you torrent or what ?
00:14:03Kastrup more gank bot
00:14:03Kastrup plz
00:14:08Celcius ulti
00:14:11Celcius aa
00:14:12Ckalle kill?
00:14:14Kastrup lvl 5?=
00:14:21jakkihirki dont
00:14:35edgarass i cant fucking do shit against thiose fuckers
00:15:00Kastrup well leave bot lane completly?
00:15:02Kastrup or whaT?
00:15:04Kastrup im not doing that shit
00:15:06Kastrup got nothign
00:15:08Kastrup nothing..
00:15:34Celcius aa
00:15:37Celcius ulti
00:15:38Celcius taht
00:15:43edgarass ss
00:15:51Kastrup -2
00:15:53EyeforanEye upgrade chick some1
00:17:24edgarass warded
00:17:33jakkihirki yap
00:17:39Kastrup i leave bot lane btw
00:17:40Kastrup not going back
00:17:41jakkihirki sf get all rune
00:17:41jakkihirki s
00:17:43Xove u gou ult zeis
00:17:46Kastrup jno
00:17:53Tao i come mid
00:17:53Celcius some
00:17:53Celcius one
00:17:55Tao we gt mid
00:18:27Kastrup why?
00:18:35WANKmaster u need more farm
00:18:37WANKmaster than i ?
00:18:42jakkihirki hey
00:18:43jakkihirki comon
00:18:46jakkihirki aba
00:18:52Ckalle telling u
00:18:55Ckalle he's tarded
00:18:55EyeforanEye sry
00:18:59Celcius who ?
00:19:02jakkihirki thats really something
00:19:04Ckalle AA
00:19:07Ckalle taking farm over me and SF
00:19:12Tao i go bkb
00:19:16Kastrup taking farm?
00:19:17Kastrup WTF?
00:19:17jakkihirki go
00:19:19Kastrup i got 16 cs
00:19:19jakkihirki pipe
00:19:22EyeforanEye and hot
00:19:22jakkihirki and vank
00:19:23Kastrup so fucking shut up
00:19:25Kastrup u fucking tard
00:19:25EyeforanEye and shivas
00:19:31Kastrup u've been horrible
00:19:53Ckalle 0/4/2 AA kinda speaks for itself tbh
00:20:05Kastrup against 2 heros
00:20:07Kastrup over level
00:20:12Kastrup true
00:20:14Kastrup good info
00:20:15Kastrup idiot
00:20:16Ckalle VENO
00:20:18Ckalle omg
00:20:19Kastrup swefish fuck
00:20:21Ckalle guys
00:20:22Tao omw
00:20:25Ckalle you know
00:20:27Xove u suck so plz shutty
00:20:30Ckalle that you play support heroes?
00:20:33jakkihirki b
00:20:47Xove and that u playing carry?
00:20:53Ckalle yes.
00:21:23Rotkiv 2 top
00:21:38edgarass top tpwer?
00:21:45Tao w8 20 sec
00:21:51Tao dont go without my ulti
00:21:53jakkihirki krobe go farm bottom
00:22:09Xove ccome razor
00:22:32Tao def
00:22:38Xove go
00:22:53Tao never has ultied
00:22:55Tao go kill
00:23:00EyeforanEye to low :/
00:23:01Ckalle got the deny anyway
00:23:04Xove hj
00:23:06Xove fj
00:23:08Xove gj
00:23:09Xove lol
00:23:12Ckalle ^^
00:23:21Xove lets stop with the hating and get soem team spirit :D
00:23:24Kastrup nah
00:23:27Kastrup i still hate that fucker
00:23:34Xove omg aa
00:23:40Xove ur such a deuce
00:23:41Ckalle all of GC hates me
00:23:44Ckalle I don't give a shit :)
00:24:01Ckalle cus I'm one of those guys
00:24:06Ckalle who have real friends
00:24:09Ckalle in the real world!
00:24:36EyeforanEye upgrade chick some1
00:25:11Ckalle no way
00:25:12EyeforanEye fuck ya
00:25:14Xove for real?
00:25:20Ckalle revenge for the deny I guess :(
00:25:57Celcius so close
00:25:57Kastrup stick :|
00:26:02Celcius was stunned
00:26:06Kastrup b4 :)
00:26:11EyeforanEye lets kill some1
00:26:19Celcius dont think it would had helped :D
00:26:25edgarass sf lothar..
00:26:26Celcius cd on everything
00:26:29EyeforanEye no shit
00:26:34Tao long time ago
00:26:38Xove plan
00:26:40Xove ?
00:26:43Ckalle I farm top
00:26:47Celcius sf getting this linkin
00:26:47Ckalle can't kill him
00:26:48Ckalle ^^
00:26:52Tao go top tower
00:26:58jakkihirki i am little oom
00:27:03Tao me 2
00:27:08Xove sf
00:27:25Ckalle omg
00:27:27Ckalle 0.1 CD
00:27:28Ckalle fuck that
00:27:40EyeforanEye get twr top
00:27:42Ckalle aa ult
00:27:43Ckalle there
00:27:44Kastrup cd
00:27:45Ckalle = kill
00:27:50Ckalle def
00:27:57Ckalle they low
00:27:59Ckalle and oom
00:28:00Rotkiv b
00:28:11Celcius aa cmon
00:28:13Celcius with good
00:28:21Celcius razor
00:28:22Kastrup ¨
00:28:25jakkihirki well we need to go with five
00:28:28jakkihirki and aba cant solo anymore
00:28:31jakkihirki you have died too much
00:28:38Celcius wank you ever use razers ?
00:28:44EyeforanEye farm 200 more.
00:28:45WANKmaster no
00:28:47WANKmaster havent skilled
00:28:52Ckalle ^^
00:28:53Celcius ^^
00:29:11Ckalle I played a game yesterday with a no-hook pudge
00:29:12Celcius just never see you use em
00:29:15Ckalle he literally didn't skill it
00:29:54jakkihirki oom again
00:30:00Xove push?
00:30:15Ckalle 3v5 but sure
00:30:20jakkihirki b
00:30:24edgarass gop
00:30:30Tao qop get gem
00:30:35Tao all b
00:30:38jakkihirki dont have money now
00:30:53jakkihirki well now i have
00:31:02EyeforanEye i can prob carry?
00:31:04Celcius lets
00:31:05Celcius rosh ?
00:31:11Ckalle sure, got ward
00:32:15WANKmaster B
00:32:17EyeforanEye ¨ill go pipe next
00:32:19WANKmaster what u doin?
00:32:24Kastrup useless swefish fuck
00:32:25Tao iam goin pipe
00:32:26Ckalle apparently not attacking him
00:32:27WANKmaster qop has gem
00:32:27Tao dont go
00:32:29EyeforanEye ok
00:32:33WANKmaster i farm bot
00:32:54EyeforanEye lets get top twr
00:33:36Celcius omfg they rly hate me after last game -.-
00:33:42jakkihirki i go b
00:33:43Tao go next
00:33:44jakkihirki totallly oom
00:33:56Celcius aa you rly need to train your aa ulti :D
00:33:58EyeforanEye go b
00:34:01Tao b
00:34:01EyeforanEye twr
00:34:03Kastrup well they moved :P
00:34:07Kastrup only miseed two
00:34:55WANKmaster lolz
00:35:00Tao well should have gone b
00:35:05Kastrup np
00:35:06Tao i had pipe rdy almost
00:35:06jakkihirki really
00:35:09Tao :D
00:35:09Xove lol
00:35:24WANKmaster cmon aa :d
00:35:26Kastrup *SO CLOSE :D
00:35:33Kastrup didn't think zeus would atatck
00:35:39Kastrup ulti would have been more than enough
00:35:53EyeforanEye blade mail or save for hot?
00:35:53edgarass care
00:36:09Xove u tank'
00:36:15WANKmaster im coming
00:36:15Ckalle I know
00:36:16WANKmaster let me
00:36:16WANKmaster take
00:36:18Ckalle I got reg for it
00:36:25EyeforanEye prob
00:36:28Tao all go
00:37:16edgarass we were 4 sec late
00:37:29Xove lols
00:37:31EyeforanEye I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:37Ckalle illus bot
00:37:39Ckalle sf
00:37:40Celcius take
00:37:41Celcius razor
00:37:48Ckalle I'm dead...
00:38:09jakkihirki its just silly to leave them aa and veno
00:38:16Tao they are shit
00:38:19jakkihirki ok
00:38:23Ckalle rune bot sf
00:38:42Celcius pig
00:38:44Kastrup true
00:39:02Kastrup that wayy?
00:39:13Ckalle gem
00:39:13jakkihirki tale gem
00:39:16Ckalle on doom
00:39:24Ckalle dd
00:39:30jakkihirki silly zeys
00:39:44Celcius :/
00:39:45Ckalle neut kill ^^
00:39:49Celcius you like ?
00:39:56jakkihirki you are kinda shit now
00:40:07Xove got agha
00:40:07Celcius you mad ?
00:40:11jakkihirki nope?
00:40:29Tao all def bot
00:40:32EyeforanEye omw
00:40:34Celcius look assist mate ;)
00:40:42jakkihirki must be hard to get those
00:41:00Celcius well the hole team have aoe ..
00:41:20Celcius so..
00:41:22jakkihirki give it back
00:41:30jakkihirki lucifer
00:41:32Celcius lets get top
00:41:33jakkihirki gem
00:41:36Celcius or mid
00:41:44jakkihirki can i have back my gem?
00:42:11Ckalle AA?
00:42:18Kastrup just did
00:42:19Kastrup u fucker
00:42:38edgarass I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:40Rotkiv I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:55Celcius sry for that :)
00:43:01EyeforanEye edgar u should really stop playing dota.
00:43:03edgarass how the fuck we cant even kill sf
00:43:14edgarass omg
00:43:20edgarass thewir team is just better
00:43:29jakkihirki better players
00:43:30edgarass i hitted most torrents
00:43:33Tao you are the weak link here
00:44:03edgarass dont talk shit
00:44:55Kastrup WTF
00:44:55Ckalle omg, kunkka soon has his first item
00:44:58Ckalle we better be careful
00:45:31Xove y
00:45:43Ckalle doom already has his
00:45:45Ckalle shiet
00:46:01Xove lol u blocked so i missed
00:46:17Celcius WOP OWP
00:46:19Celcius AHFAHS
00:47:20Celcius razor har du snart items ?:)
00:47:25Ckalle ja då
00:47:26Kastrup nej han er elendig
00:47:45jakkihirki get new gem
00:47:47Xove i got pipe btw
00:47:48Xove razor
00:47:52Ckalle yeah
00:47:54Ckalle I know
00:48:10Ckalle I had this hood since min 9, not planning to make a pipe any time soon
00:48:33WANKmaster wtf
00:48:34WANKmaster doom
00:48:34WANKmaster goes
00:48:35Tao get rosh
00:48:42WANKmaster through bkb ??
00:48:50Celcius lol you dont know that ?
00:48:53Tao rosh
00:48:55jakkihirki see how bad they are
00:49:01Kastrup LINK!
00:49:02jakkihirki they are just raping us
00:49:05jakkihirki aa veno combo
00:49:07WANKmaster low
00:49:07Celcius thats why i said get linking sf..
00:49:08WANKmaster rosh
00:49:14Kastrup -ii
00:49:18WANKmaster u wont have him
00:49:19Tao hes doing rosh
00:49:19WANKmaster go b
00:49:23WANKmaster hmm
00:49:26WANKmaster i didnt know that
00:49:28WANKmaster :D
00:49:43Xove now u can :D
00:49:47Xove thx abba
00:49:49WANKmaster not
00:49:50WANKmaster :d
00:49:52EyeforanEye Np
00:50:00Ckalle we got mid rax also :)
00:50:04Xove god he got poor farm
00:50:05Kastrup omw
00:50:09Kastrup then we can
00:50:11Kastrup cmon
00:50:16Xove go farm some1
00:50:47Xove let go rax
00:50:58Ckalle enter mid?
00:51:03Ckalle just ignore sides
00:51:06jakkihirki I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:51:07Ckalle tree it
00:51:15Tao b maybe
00:51:22EyeforanEye nah let him die
00:51:45Celcius denie
00:51:47Celcius good
00:51:58Ckalle mu
00:52:00Ckalle my
00:52:02Ckalle comp
00:52:04Ckalle don't like endgame.
00:52:29Celcius ahah wtf wnak :)
00:52:35WANKmaster BOOMN
00:52:36Ckalle omg
00:52:42Ckalle AA just hit an ult
00:52:44Xove we should have raxed
00:52:49Tao push that mid
00:53:03Ckalle ye, didn't calculate for my lag
00:53:18Tao gett ower
00:53:19Xove this aa
00:53:26Ckalle Heart on Abaddon
00:53:28Celcius han snakker dansk :)
00:53:28Ckalle why the fuck?!
00:54:11jakkihirki i am still oom
00:54:12Tao b
00:54:15Tao all b
00:54:24Xove abba is fed
00:54:27Xove go?
00:54:36WANKmaster i need creeps
00:54:42Xove go top
00:55:14Ckalle top sf
00:55:15Ckalle souls
00:55:18WANKmaster yes
00:55:18Ckalle bot
00:55:20Ckalle *
00:55:27jakkihirki go fight
00:55:34Tao in base
00:55:34jakkihirki no only 3 now
00:55:38EyeforanEye quick shopp
00:55:40edgarass go go
00:55:57Xove I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:55:58WANKmaster well gg
00:56:01Celcius omfg they only go after me
00:56:06Kastrup lol
00:56:08Kastrup they went us all
00:56:10edgarass go go
00:56:15Rotkiv i go ac abba ..
00:56:18Celcius bliver doomed hver eneste gang
00:56:20EyeforanEye why?
00:56:23Rotkiv dunno ..
00:56:23Xove carris just failed..
00:56:23Celcius bliver snart sindsyg
00:56:26Kastrup jeg sagde fra start...
00:56:32Kastrup at abba bare blev fed
00:56:32Rotkiv but iam ..allready
00:56:33EyeforanEye let me plz :(
00:56:34Kastrup men ingen gad lytte
00:56:36EyeforanEye need the armor.
00:56:36Ckalle Xove, I thought u were carry?
00:56:39jakkihirki make mjöl
00:56:43Xove me?
00:56:44Ckalle at least u said so when u stole my farm...
00:56:51Xove lool
00:56:52Tao you need agha doom ffs
00:56:52Rotkiv abba make mjorn
00:56:55Celcius wank mby a tp on you ?
00:57:05Xove calle just keep playing support u are way better at that
00:57:11Ckalle I know.
00:57:30Ckalle but 90% of the games that I play support
00:57:31Ckalle I lose
00:57:37Ckalle cus nobody else can carry in #gc
00:57:39Kastrup 90% of your game u lose
00:57:40Ckalle or well
00:57:42jakkihirki get gem
00:57:43Ckalle 1 guy per team
00:57:44Kastrup thats nothing to do with support or not
00:57:46Ckalle but need 2
00:57:53Ckalle I got better win ratio then u
00:58:00Celcius razor you need butter or mkb..
00:58:03Rotkiv i got ac .. or i sell my stuff ?
00:58:04Kastrup nobody gets why.
00:58:08jakkihirki you get it
00:58:11Rotkiv k
00:58:12Ckalle why say such things when u can just look it up on the homepage
00:58:13jakkihirki you almoust have it
00:58:14Ckalle so retarded
00:58:15Tao and go agha ffs
00:58:18Celcius all bot ?
00:58:19jakkihirki :D
00:58:20jakkihirki lol
00:58:20Celcius or top
00:58:23edgarass anyone gem?
00:58:23jakkihirki no way
00:58:27Ckalle bot rather
00:58:28jakkihirki i can
00:58:30jakkihirki carry it
00:58:33Celcius veno
00:58:34Celcius now
00:58:43edgarass all mid?
00:58:44Xove rathr go with smoke first
00:58:46Xove and then go
00:58:49Celcius aa hvis du bare laver den der med 25% extra
00:58:51Celcius så det fint
00:58:56Celcius så knepper vi dem
00:58:56Tao care for smoke
00:59:00Xove come to me we smoke
00:59:32edgarass so shitty attack
00:59:33Xove ake
00:59:45Xove gogogogog
00:59:46Xove rax
00:59:53Ckalle bot?
00:59:57Kastrup go mid
00:59:58Kastrup and
01:00:01Kastrup i def top
01:00:05Kastrup im no use down there anyways
01:00:06EyeforanEye *my item :/:/ u pussy never
01:00:07Xove take rax
01:00:10Xove diont throne
01:00:11Xove u cant
01:00:28Xove rax plz
01:00:59Kastrup come to me
01:01:00Kastrup sf
01:01:07Xove i ate doom after gale and ult :D
01:01:37jakkihirki just wondering why dont you want to kill that sf`?
01:01:44jakkihirki go ff now
01:01:47Ckalle [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
01:01:47Ckalle [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
01:01:47Ckalle [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
01:01:47Ckalle [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
01:01:47Rotkiv I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
01:01:48Kastrup gg
01:01:50Kastrup owned
01:01:53Celcius WOOP WOOP
01:01:54EyeforanEye hahahaha
01:02:00Kastrup :P
01:02:00Ckalle OWNED BY MEGA AA
01:02:22Kastrup :P
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