Game #2008057

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+38 X
+2 TS

99% | 1726 X | 1638 TS

+8 X
+2 TS

91% | 1514 X | 1501 TS

+18 X
+2 TS

80% | 1376 X | 1418 TS

+28 X
+4 TS

45% | 1165 X | 1277 TS

+31 X
+3 TS

15% | 944 X | 1224 TS

-32 X
-2 TS

92% | 1537 X | 1541 TS

-55 X
-2 TS

84% | 1433 X | 1429 TS

-13 X
-1 TS

68% | 1222 X | 1457 TS

+13 X
-2 TS

59% | 1202 X | 1324 TS

-21 X
-8 TS

33% | 1097 X | 1261 TS

Chat log

00:00:07xab vahetame channi marko?
00:00:20Rakett mulle sf
00:00:20Rakett notahax.
00:00:20NotAHax no...
00:00:20NotAHax -LYCA
00:00:20valiante doom
00:00:24xab rakett unmute
00:00:26Rakett ei
00:00:28Rakett ma kuulan mlg
00:00:29xab miks?:d
00:00:32NotAHax MLG STARTS
00:00:33Xove sf aa
00:00:33xab mlg?
00:00:33NotAHax in 1 hour
00:00:34NotAHax wtf
00:00:36Rakett ?
00:00:39NotAHax live starts
00:00:39NotAHax 1 hour
00:00:47NotAHax its yesterday games going atm
00:00:47NotAHax lol
00:01:01xab i could play
00:01:03NotAHax k
00:01:05NotAHax get me ursa
00:01:05xab if no1 wants
00:01:13xab get him ursa
00:01:24Kastrup -swap 4
00:01:25Xove -swap 2
00:01:30xab k ill get u ursa
00:01:32NotAHax y
00:01:39xab -swap 1
00:01:39NotAHax -swap 5
00:01:45Xove i get chick
00:01:46valiante shadow demon ur bot
00:01:47Xove u get wards
00:01:51Rakett notahax
00:01:51valiante so u can throw away ursa with wisp
00:01:54Marko619 lanes?
00:01:54Rakett idra gonna get raped
00:01:56Rakett by mc
00:01:57Mykkzu il get mort
00:01:58Rakett MINCHUL
00:01:59Rakett son
00:02:00Mykkzu cba playing anything else
00:02:00valiante no
00:02:01NotAHax coolstory man
00:02:01Kastrup no
00:02:03NotAHax he alrdy raped mc himself
00:02:06valiante -.-
00:02:10Rakett mc had jetlag
00:02:11Xove get wards
00:02:14NotAHax yeah coolstory
00:02:16valiante get wards mortred
00:02:19h0whigh why the fuck mortred :S
00:02:21valiante instead of chicken
00:02:31NotAHax mc is cocky korean nothing else
00:02:35Rakett he's pro
00:02:41Rakett best protoss in the world
00:03:14Rakett got clap
00:03:15Rakett ?
00:03:17NotAHax n
00:03:20NotAHax have overpwoer
00:03:36Kastrup -2
00:03:44Rakett :DDD
00:03:48NotAHax )
00:03:56NotAHax you beter not fail now
00:04:15Xove go pull
00:04:23Mykkzu warded
00:05:57Xove only dagger when i coldfeet
00:06:02Mykkzu k
00:06:26valiante miss
00:06:26valiante na
00:07:15Kastrup -2
00:07:24Kastrup got healing
00:07:27Kastrup come
00:07:33h0whigh thx
00:07:37Kastrup mana
00:07:44Rakett miss
00:07:49Kastrup .-1
00:08:00h0whigh have mana bots in 350
00:08:22valiante miss na
00:08:45valiante care
00:08:46valiante na miss
00:09:32NotAHax NEED OBS
00:09:42valiante MOVE
00:09:43valiante io had haste
00:09:51Mykkzu im b
00:09:57valiante MISS NA
00:10:16xab rakett tglt ka räägi vendis
00:10:19Rakett ei
00:10:21Kastrup gj so far
00:10:27xab vhemalt miss ütle vendis
00:10:32Kastrup miss wisp
00:10:37Rakett tal oli haste ei arvanud et nii kiiresti tuleb.
00:10:46xab dd oli
00:10:52Rakett haste oli pudelis
00:10:58Rakett miss mid
00:11:02Mykkzu ss top
00:11:05Kastrup miss ttw
00:11:05Kastrup bot
00:11:07Kastrup re
00:11:35Rakett miks sa mu rune ära võtad
00:11:35Rakett ?
00:11:38h0whigh u have that suround thing ? :P
00:11:38NotAHax botm is
00:11:39NotAHax sd
00:11:43Kastrup ye
00:11:45Kastrup wont work
00:11:47Rakett m,iss sf
00:11:55NotAHax rakett gang how about?
00:11:58NotAHax bot 2 free kills
00:11:58Kastrup they have teath
00:12:02NotAHax top free kills moust likely also
00:12:04Rakett no i didnt get rune.
00:12:07valiante MISS NA
00:12:07h0whigh ah
00:12:07Mykkzu na miss
00:12:08h0whigh trye
00:12:09Mykkzu b
00:12:09valiante with rune
00:12:09Mykkzu aa
00:12:10valiante care top
00:12:12NotAHax you just go base,tele top ulti and rape?
00:12:12NotAHax lol
00:12:18NotAHax ur a fucking na
00:12:20NotAHax god sake
00:12:35Marko619 ss23
00:12:37xab ss
00:13:27Kastrup deni
00:13:27Kastrup deni
00:13:28Kastrup deni
00:13:29Kastrup deni
00:13:33NotAHax i bought obs
00:13:34NotAHax plant someone
00:13:38Kastrup b
00:14:08Mykkzu go b
00:14:16Marko619 tule siia
00:14:29Xove get btm
00:14:47Marko619 mul ulty ka
00:14:49NotAHax FF
00:14:50Rakett k
00:14:56Marko619 võtab torni
00:15:30NotAHax i even fucking bought them becouse it was too hard for you
00:15:41Rakett oom D:
00:15:52NotAHax if you fucking retard
00:15:53NotAHax estonians
00:15:54NotAHax could plant
00:15:57NotAHax thjose FUCKING OBSERVERS
00:16:07valiante anyone wanna ward
00:16:11Xove y
00:16:26Kastrup dd
00:16:57Dara all mid
00:17:32Rakett gopsu sf
00:17:34Rakett GOSU
00:17:40valiante what do u want
00:17:47valiante uve obviously had one intention in this game
00:18:01h0whigh kill bot
00:18:02Rakett To kill the world-class pro valiante? y
00:18:47NotAHax i go solo rosh
00:18:58valiante wards...
00:19:27NotAHax so op hero
00:20:13NotAHax roof
00:20:17NotAHax we need ur ulti
00:20:17Xove freefarming
00:20:18NotAHax in team fights
00:20:18xab yes?
00:20:21xab ye
00:20:25NotAHax radi is good plan
00:20:25NotAHax but just
00:20:27NotAHax tele midd example
00:20:28NotAHax use ulti
00:20:28NotAHax go farm
00:20:31NotAHax repeat when ulti rdy
00:20:53NotAHax go ulti
00:21:05NotAHax :d
00:21:12NotAHax BEST ULTI
00:21:19xab jaja
00:21:52Dara ROOF
00:22:24NotAHax b
00:23:28valiante GWERGBWERHb%¤R
00:23:30valiante THIS SD
00:23:51NotAHax cmoin man
00:23:52NotAHax rly
00:23:55NotAHax use ur fucking skills
00:23:56NotAHax with roof
00:23:56Dara gj retard
00:23:58NotAHax you could heal me up
00:24:00NotAHax or ulti before
00:24:01NotAHax ..
00:24:06xab im slow as hell
00:24:12NotAHax ur nuke have like
00:24:14NotAHax 300 aoe range
00:24:15NotAHax more
00:24:16Dara slow as braindead?
00:24:17NotAHax iuts imba
00:24:30xab yeh when ur blocking me
00:24:34Mykkzu sf sange?
00:24:36Dara you cant be blocked...
00:24:38Dara fucking moron
00:24:41Kastrup seems so right?
00:24:49xab ur a moron
00:24:53xab ursa blocked me
00:25:02Rakett :D
00:25:03Rakett n/c
00:25:17xab no tee mis tahad ees ta mul oli
00:25:35Rakett tal on phase boots ta ei saa sind blokkida
00:25:40Rakett + sul oli noboots
00:26:16Rakett k.
00:26:29h0whigh imba ? :S
00:26:41Rakett no i just didnt hit u for backstab dmg
00:26:45NotAHax ghfokpokghdlpkghfdlphfgdlppokhdfpkjghfpkljghf
00:26:50NotAHax need make
00:26:52NotAHax 5v5 fight
00:26:53NotAHax with roof
00:26:54NotAHax ulti
00:26:54NotAHax and nuk
00:27:03Dara i doubt roof evne knows how to use em
00:27:13valiante focus wisp first
00:27:14valiante always
00:27:14Mykkzu lte me farm top
00:27:47NotAHax wait
00:27:48NotAHax rocket
00:28:48NotAHax go
00:28:49Dara get mid tower
00:28:51NotAHax push tower
00:29:13NotAHax roof go ulti if you get 2-4 to ur ulti
00:29:23NotAHax duude
00:29:25NotAHax what you waitin
00:29:50NotAHax finaly
00:29:52NotAHax you use ur skills
00:29:59Mykkzu whgere the fuck is clock all the time
00:30:00Dara its not that hard
00:30:04valiante ^^
00:30:14Kastrup theres a guy whos able to hex
00:30:14NotAHax GET B
00:30:19Kastrup and shackle
00:30:23Kastrup and i used all my spells on them
00:30:33NotAHax CAN I
00:30:34NotAHax HAVE MANA
00:30:36NotAHax need mana
00:30:42NotAHax ty
00:30:43NotAHax i solo
00:30:45Rakett roof
00:30:46Rakett blink
00:30:59NotAHax ROOF GO MIDD
00:31:22Mykkzu I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:31:22Mykkzu gg
00:31:33NotAHax HEAL
00:31:34NotAHax THEA HEAL
00:31:35NotAHax ..
00:31:37NotAHax IT
00:31:38NotAHax SLOWS
00:31:39NotAHax ENEMY
00:31:40NotAHax AND HEALS
00:31:41Mykkzu soo retarded SF
00:31:41NotAHax UR ALLIES
00:31:43Mykkzu fucking yasha
00:31:49NotAHax ;_;
00:31:50Mykkzu or sange
00:31:51NotAHax go midd
00:31:51Mykkzu whatever
00:31:53Mykkzu shit item for sf
00:31:57valiante yeah well
00:32:00valiante cant get gold
00:32:02valiante needed hp
00:32:06valiante ive been ganged all game
00:32:09valiante had wards the first 6 mins
00:32:10valiante thats it
00:32:12valiante so can u stfu
00:32:14Mykkzu i had 0 farm because AA stole almost all creeps from me
00:32:23Kastrup I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:32:38NotAHax yo rhasta
00:32:39Mykkzu just ff
00:32:40h0whigh u pick mortred
00:32:41NotAHax come get raxs?
00:32:42Mykkzu im gonna play hon
00:32:43h0whigh lastpick ...
00:32:43Mykkzu cba with dota
00:32:47Mykkzu i dont care
00:32:47Marko619 ulty cd?
00:32:50Mykkzu its fucking GC
00:32:51Mykkzu full of jews
00:32:53Mykkzu and retards
00:32:58h0whigh like u
00:33:02valiante gg
00:33:05valiante ur lastpick
00:33:06NotAHax gege
00:33:07valiante and u get mortred
00:33:09valiante now hush
00:33:10Rakett Chobo
00:33:11valiante little kiddo
00:33:12Mykkzu oi
00:33:13Mykkzu i odnt care
00:33:15Mykkzu little jew
00:33:15Mykkzu :D
00:34:00Mykkzu just ff
00:34:03Xove I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:34:07h0whigh I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:34:12Xove [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:34:12Xove [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:34:12Xove [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:34:12Xove [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:34:12valiante I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:34:14NotAHax gg
00:34:18valiante gg
00:34:42NotAHax ur not allowed to
00:34:43NotAHax attack
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