Game #2006904

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+4 X
-2 TS

98% | 1689 X | 1657 TS

-17 X
-2 TS

94% | 1547 X | 1577 TS

-29 X
-9 TS

72% | 1463 X | 1270 TS

-15 X
-15 TS

61% | 1346 X | 1257 TS

+13 X
-12 TS

30% | 1072 X | 1266 TS

+18 X
+2 TS

98% | 1641 X | 1638 TS

-18 X
+9 TS

94% | 1643 X | 1473 TS

+17 X
+3 TS

89% | 1486 X | 1478 TS

-9 X
+6 TS

71% | 1321 X | 1395 TS

+52 X
+26 TS

16% | 1030 X | 1147 TS

Chat log

00:00:06Chuck ogre doom naga
00:00:12KeLToS i can ogre
00:00:12marsbar2k am(cik) Qop slarder
00:00:13Zulu bara enigma riki
00:00:15atte trax ds cent
00:00:21.-. necrolic alche viper
00:00:21atte voin olla doomi
00:00:21KeLToS no
00:00:27rtg800 :D:D
00:00:29marsbar2k -swap
00:00:31satan-_- seeker dk chen
00:00:31marsbar2k -swap 4
00:00:31KeLToS -swap
00:00:33KeLToS -swap
00:00:36KeLToS -swap 3
00:00:39Chuck hmm
00:00:40KeLToS -clear
00:00:44atte voin olla doomi
00:00:45NotAHax wanna swap that pudge?
00:00:49satan-_- give me venge i give you dk?
00:00:50Zulu anyone bara riki or enigma ?
00:00:51satan-_- and we go lane
00:00:52KeLToS vittu
00:00:53.-. i take viper?
00:00:55.-. :)
00:00:56NotAHax hmm
00:01:00NotAHax k
00:01:02atte ds trax cent
00:01:04satan-_- -swap 1
00:01:05Chuck minkä otan
00:01:09atte emt
00:01:11NotAHax -swap 2
00:01:14Chuck trax
00:01:17atte cent ?
00:01:18Chuck meen alas sooloo
00:01:21satan-_- viepr let
00:01:22satan-_- me
00:01:23satan-_- chick
00:01:24Chuck anna drowi
00:01:25atte -swap 1
00:01:26satan-_- ok
00:01:26satan-_- nvm
00:01:27Chuck -swap 2
00:01:30Chuck magina top
00:01:30atte ^
00:01:31Zulu me woods
00:01:31atte 20sec
00:01:32NotAHax ^
00:01:35.-. lol
00:01:36.-. :D
00:01:47KeLToS solo bot
00:01:47KeLToS dude
00:01:48Chuck magina
00:01:48Chuck top
00:01:54NotAHax k come satan
00:01:54KeLToS no u top
00:01:56Chuck keltos
00:01:57satan-_- x
00:01:58Chuck u getting banned
00:02:00KeLToS ?
00:02:00Zulu trax better top
00:02:04Chuck MAGINA TOP
00:02:06Chuck OR BANREQUEST
00:02:08KeLToS democrasy
00:02:10atte mee toppiin vitun paska
00:02:12KeLToS fucking hore
00:02:20Chuck who the fuck u think u are?
00:02:26Zulu dude su
00:02:27KeLToS stfu cunt
00:02:33atte RE MID DONT CARE
00:04:55NotAHax a
00:05:18NotAHax wow
00:05:19NotAHax k
00:05:24atte ss
00:06:23marsbar2k venge roaming
00:06:24marsbar2k ss
00:06:24marsbar2k re
00:07:17satan-_- oom
00:07:24NotAHax k
00:07:38atte ss
00:08:18Chuck enigma pull and come gank behind
00:08:41Chuck come
00:08:59Zulu cunt
00:09:06atte tapetaa
00:09:19atte >DD
00:09:21atte ottanu
00:09:24atte ekan skillin maxiimi1
00:09:25Chuck :D
00:09:32atte nyt centauri
00:09:59KeLToS fuicking vittus
00:10:34KeLToS ss
00:10:54marsbar2k ss 2
00:11:09Chuck :D:D
00:11:57atte ss
00:12:18Chuck -2 bot
00:12:54KeLToS "wp"
00:13:02Zulu pudge our woods
00:13:04Zulu agian
00:13:37Chuck we need obs
00:15:54atte radi vai daggeri
00:15:57KeLToS stfu
00:16:08Chuck no en kyl radii tartte
00:16:12Chuck mul koht fullbuild
00:16:25Chuck ostan lothari nii saan tappoi
00:17:08atte just
00:17:11satan-_- tower
00:17:12satan-_- bott
00:17:12satan-_- fast
00:17:17Chuck this enigma rather farms blink than buys wards =)
00:17:19Chuck go kill urself
00:17:32Zulu what's more importend cunt fuck ?
00:18:04Chuck wardaa meiä mettä
00:18:16KeLToS mb if u cunts stop talking gay language
00:18:21Chuck stfu
00:18:24Chuck enigma go
00:18:29Chuck clarity
00:18:30Chuck blink ulti
00:18:53Zulu oom
00:19:28atte salkee
00:22:22Zulu gj
00:22:52atte toi on niin vitun vammanen
00:23:50Zulu oom
00:24:23satan-_- go
00:24:24satan-_- fast
00:24:24satan-_- it
00:24:26satan-_- has
00:24:26satan-_- 50
00:24:26NotAHax go
00:24:27NotAHax bot
00:24:27satan-_- hp
00:24:29NotAHax tower is denied
00:24:29satan-_- mid
00:24:30.-. denyed
00:24:31satan-_- taha
00:24:31NotAHax yellow denied it
00:24:34.-. *denied
00:24:34satan-_- kk
00:24:57satan-_- b
00:24:59satan-_- bott
00:24:59satan-_- hard
00:25:04satan-_- b
00:25:34Zulu go with me to plant wards ?
00:25:44Zulu care
00:25:56atte ylläri ettei blinkannu
00:26:34Chuck osta medallion
00:26:39Chuck ni tuhonn oi
00:26:40satan-_- b
00:26:51atte teen eka ton janggon
00:26:54Chuck j
00:27:02satan-_- how the fuck did she
00:27:03satan-_- get
00:27:05satan-_- thid huge
00:27:06satan-_- farm
00:27:06NotAHax so fat
00:27:07NotAHax i dont know
00:27:10NotAHax against pudge viper lane
00:27:11NotAHax 8D
00:27:11satan-_- it must be like
00:27:14satan-_- 200 creeps
00:27:19satan-_- +5 kills
00:27:20satan-_- :O
00:27:32NotAHax def
00:27:44Zulu ha pudge ?
00:28:32satan-_- hm
00:28:32satan-_- we
00:28:33satan-_- lose
00:28:33satan-_- bot
00:28:34satan-_- mid
00:28:45atte bkb
00:28:48satan-_- coming
00:28:49satan-_- mid
00:29:13NotAHax hienoo et retardit feedannu sua
00:29:42Chuck mitä bkb
00:29:59atte ei auta silence
00:30:06Chuck joo
00:30:18satan-_- b
00:30:23KeLToS 1
00:30:24KeLToS there
00:30:33satan-_- rosh?
00:30:42atte jee
00:31:00atte ja roshani
00:31:13atte miks et tee bkb
00:31:20Chuck nii teenki
00:31:50atte ei moro mitä noobeja
00:32:17satan-_- b
00:32:18satan-_- viper
00:32:22DangerZ gezus
00:32:31Chuck nica gang
00:32:39satan-_- damn i had dust
00:32:41DangerZ nice lane
00:32:42satan-_- you should wait -_-
00:32:55satan-_- guys
00:32:58satan-_- go bott tower
00:33:05satan-_- untill we have
00:33:06satan-_- aegis
00:33:08satan-_- -_-
00:33:21atte mennää viidel
00:33:33Zulu ulti in 10
00:33:40Chuck ostin sit sen perhosen
00:33:40Chuck xD
00:33:42NotAHax dont dien ow
00:33:43NotAHax midd
00:34:39atte vähä aikasemmin
00:34:57Chuck :D en kattonu et oot wellil
00:35:21Chuck jeejee
00:36:05Zulu no ulti
00:36:18Chuck vois ostaa sangen
00:36:19satan-_- b
00:36:20satan-_- trex
00:36:20satan-_- is
00:36:21satan-_- re
00:36:38atte oli hyvä et omat taas meni
00:36:39atte 4v5
00:36:49satan-_- b
00:36:50satan-_- trex
00:36:50satan-_- is
00:36:51satan-_- re
00:36:58atte ois voinu venaa ja tappaa kookojengin
00:37:05Zulu oom
00:37:08Zulu no ulti yet
00:37:09Zulu brb
00:37:14satan-_- we need t2 towers
00:37:16satan-_- and roshan
00:37:17satan-_- :o
00:37:20NotAHax well i dont know
00:37:22NotAHax can we win this anymore
00:37:25NotAHax traxex is so fucking fat
00:37:29satan-_- its7like
00:37:33satan-_- if we kill them one time
00:37:34satan-_- gg
00:37:36NotAHax y
00:37:37satan-_- same for us
00:37:38satan-_- if we die
00:37:42satan-_- go
00:37:43satan-_- bott
00:37:52atte mid rax
00:38:02NotAHax go midd
00:38:07satan-_- we
00:38:07Chuck tornit salee?
00:38:07satan-_- cant
00:38:09satan-_- -_--
00:38:12satan-_- get
00:38:15satan-_- rofl
00:39:09Chuck :P
00:39:14atte miks magina vaa kuoli siel
00:39:15atte opk
00:39:16atte ok
00:39:17satan-_- viper
00:39:18satan-_- def
00:39:28marsbar2k U mad nax ?
00:39:29Chuck aika naurettavaa tbh
00:39:32NotAHax oot niin vitun paska et häviitki viel
00:39:32NotAHax :DD
00:39:48atte kato meijä tiimin heroi
00:39:48satan-_- top
00:39:50satan-_- rosh?
00:39:50satan-_- when
00:39:51satan-_- is
00:39:54NotAHax katon teidän 400 + dmg trax
00:39:57atte omat osas pickaa meil 1 stunni
00:40:17atte mennääks viidel
00:40:17Chuck oisin voinu ostaa bkb ja endaa mut liia tylsä peli muute
00:40:18atte focus dk
00:40:24KeLToS NOW u can english
00:40:25KeLToS suck me?
00:40:45satan-_- dk
00:40:45satan-_- get
00:40:47satan-_- heart
00:40:48satan-_- :O
00:40:48satan-_- ?
00:40:51NotAHax näh
00:40:52NotAHax i get mkb
00:40:55NotAHax and satanic
00:40:55satan-_- b
00:40:57satan-_- anyway
00:40:58satan-_- b
00:41:00NotAHax yy man
00:41:04satan-_- mid
00:41:06NotAHax no
00:41:06NotAHax no
00:41:08NotAHax need get mana
00:41:09NotAHax go b
00:41:22KeLToS rosh is out
00:41:22satan-_- i7buy
00:41:23satan-_- gem
00:41:30atte tuu mid
00:41:30satan-_- or
00:41:32satan-_- no7need
00:41:34satan-_- give7me
00:41:34satan-_- dust
00:41:36satan-_- thral
00:41:37satan-_- pls
00:41:47NotAHax go def bot
00:41:48NotAHax with 5
00:41:48NotAHax and rosh
00:41:59atte with potm ulti or
00:42:00atte smoke
00:42:07satan-_- use
00:42:08satan-_- that
00:42:09satan-_- cant
00:42:10satan-_- like
00:42:10satan-_- stun
00:42:13marsbar2k inc
00:42:38atte ei sit ollu mun forcestaffii
00:42:41Zulu I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:58Chuck en tajuu miksei enigma voi venaa ja ultaa 5
00:42:59Chuck mut joo
00:43:00Chuck iha sama
00:43:02Chuck paskat herot
00:43:03satan-_- fast
00:43:05satan-_- bott
00:43:11atte paska tiimi ansaitsee hävitä
00:43:41atte vois doomaa dkn jos kerkeis
00:43:59satan-_- push?
00:44:03NotAHax no
00:44:08satan-_- make
00:44:08NotAHax i ne ed
00:44:09NotAHax mkb
00:44:09satan-_- trap?
00:44:20satan-_- i7swap
00:44:29satan-_- stay
00:44:42Zulu bait
00:44:52satan-_- can
00:44:53satan-_- you
00:44:53satan-_- buy
00:44:55satan-_- mkn?
00:44:56atte come all
00:45:00Zulu no ulti
00:45:03atte i ulti dk
00:45:06Zulu 25 sec
00:45:36atte on vaa stunnesi
00:45:39satan-_- get
00:45:39satan-_- bott
00:45:45Chuck enigma go
00:45:51Chuck dk viper
00:46:04satan-_- gg
00:46:07atte I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:11marsbar2k I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:12Chuck aika normi et toi voi ghost scepteraa bholes
00:46:13Chuck :DD
00:46:13Chuck I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:15atte mikä vitun sd
00:46:20Chuck no en tiiä :DD
00:46:20KeLToS fuck u finnish hos
00:46:33KeLToS what did u get out from going mid and talking finnish
00:46:34atte tulee vaa instapick magina
00:46:38KeLToS cunts
00:46:42KeLToS u suck more than somalis
00:46:55atte what did you get out of talking nigerian and instapicking shithero
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