Game #2005597

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-8 X
-2 TS

97% | 1669 X | 1602 TS

-22 X
-2 TS

79% | 1381 X | 1433 TS

-34 X
-4 TS

33% | 1113 X | 1240 TS

-32 X
-13 TS

19% | 1115 X | 1091 TS

-22 X
-5 TS

9% | 913 X | 1174 TS

+41 X
+2 TS

64% | 1260 X | 1366 TS

+5 X
+2 TS

57% | 1222 X | 1345 TS

+17 X
+4 TS

55% | 1195 X | 1342 TS

+39 X
+2 TS

51% | 1106 X | 1410 TS

+21 X
+10 TS

34% | 1081 X | 1280 TS

Chat log

00:00:05Sepetos -ap
00:00:16Kanki tc come bot and pull
00:00:18Sepetos tc bot with weaver
00:00:20Homicida k
00:00:23eXcluzziver magina tide (pooling/wooding sometimes lane
00:00:24eXcluzziver up
00:00:29eXcluzziver zeus sk down
00:00:35Sniesk WTF
00:00:36eXcluzziver pick me barathum
00:00:39eXcluzziver we swap lol
00:00:40eXcluzziver mind fucked
00:00:48Sniesk -swap
00:00:49Kanki just stay alive top
00:00:50eXcluzziver -swap 3
00:00:51Kanki dont agre
00:00:52Sniesk -swap 3
00:00:54Sniesk -swap 1
00:00:56Sepetos share
00:00:57ATS_ take wards
00:01:01eXcluzziver was picking about lane u go
00:01:01ATS_ bot
00:01:05eXcluzziver and picked it
00:01:09Sepetos cm
00:01:14Sepetos get lvl2 already mana-aura
00:01:14eXcluzziver zeus down
00:01:15Zagor ?
00:01:16Sepetos and max it
00:01:20Zagor lvl 3
00:01:22ATS_ wards
00:01:26Sepetos take lvl 2 mana-aura
00:01:26Sniesk i have
00:01:30Kanki y
00:01:31Sepetos and lvl3 take other spell
00:01:33eWeresT o0n clich
00:01:34Sepetos then max mana.aura
00:01:34eXcluzziver ki take
00:01:34Kanki u dont need to agre top
00:01:35eWeresT on chick
00:01:40Sniesk i'll place
00:01:43Sniesk need to block pull
00:01:44eXcluzziver i take these 2
00:01:48Kanki blast mana cube
00:02:03eXcluzziver get teleports and help up lane will not be easy
00:02:06Sepetos easy lasthits with blast and sametime nuke opponent gg
00:02:10eXcluzziver sucky lanes
00:02:26rezcomo b
00:03:04rezcomo --1
00:03:11rezcomo re
00:03:17Homicida wtf
00:03:32eXcluzziver was being stupid :D
00:03:42eXcluzziver damn
00:03:45eXcluzziver hunger
00:04:05Sepetos midmiss
00:04:08Zagor ss
00:04:20Homicida no spawning :D
00:04:33Kanki its warded
00:04:52eXcluzziver missing mid
00:04:56eXcluzziver care top
00:05:05eWeresT gj tide
00:05:09Sepetos im invis
00:05:20eWeresT ahahaa
00:05:22eWeresT invis
00:05:47Sepetos cm flying
00:05:52eXcluzziver missing mid
00:05:54eXcluzziver re
00:06:03rezcomo eat
00:06:43Homicida hah
00:06:48Homicida 13 hp :D
00:06:50Sepetos sb top
00:06:58eXcluzziver wait tip
00:07:03Sepetos CARE TOP
00:07:04Sepetos midmiss
00:07:31Homicida what should i do?
00:08:16eXcluzziver damn lucky
00:08:35eWeresT whos things
00:08:37eWeresT on chick
00:08:55eXcluzziver b
00:08:55eXcluzziver b
00:08:56eXcluzziver b
00:08:59eXcluzziver inv
00:09:35Homicida what should i buy?
00:09:48Sniesk stun
00:10:14rezcomo down freefarm zzz
00:10:28eXcluzziver lucky nobo
00:10:29eXcluzziver tt
00:10:31eXcluzziver noob*
00:10:38eXcluzziver all runes
00:10:51Sniesk stun
00:11:08eXcluzziver nuke zeus
00:11:43Homicida gj
00:11:46eXcluzziver cool
00:12:16Sepetos gj
00:12:47Kanki share!!!!¨'
00:12:53Homicida wow sry
00:12:56rezcomo b
00:13:13Homicida missclicked
00:13:17Kanki mid tower?
00:13:21Sniesk go
00:13:53eWeresT get some dusts..
00:14:16rezcomo oom
00:14:19eXcluzziver same
00:14:20eXcluzziver b
00:14:27eXcluzziver get cm
00:14:57eWeresT all runes
00:15:01eWeresT now with haste
00:15:09Sniesk come top
00:15:10eWeresT just sick
00:15:12Kanki ill take bot
00:15:22eXcluzziver wait for sk
00:15:23eXcluzziver he has dust
00:15:28rezcomo go
00:15:32eXcluzziver wait
00:15:49rezcomo sorry
00:15:52eXcluzziver k
00:15:56eXcluzziver u got dust a
00:16:05eXcluzziver cm
00:16:05Sniesk charge
00:16:07eXcluzziver b
00:16:10eXcluzziver axe
00:16:12eXcluzziver is near
00:16:39Sniesk go
00:16:41Sniesk charge
00:17:08rezcomo b
00:17:17eXcluzziver sorry
00:17:31rezcomo no man i'm sk stun + ulti nothing else u have to win the game
00:17:44eXcluzziver try to get bracers dagger
00:18:03eXcluzziver lol
00:18:39Zagor ty for help
00:18:43eXcluzziver go axde
00:19:08Sepetos WTF BH
00:19:09Sepetos :DD
00:19:12Sepetos meganoob
00:19:28Homicida haha
00:19:39Sepetos worst bh ever
00:19:40eWeresT fucnking no mana
00:19:49eXcluzziver gj
00:19:52eXcluzziver like this they have no chanc
00:20:09ATS_ well axe overfeeded
00:20:20eXcluzziver dagger
00:20:23eXcluzziver and point booster
00:20:33Kanki wait me mid
00:20:35Kanki ore not
00:20:48eWeresT gj
00:20:57eWeresT remember
00:21:03eWeresT they are fucking 3% players
00:21:10Homicida rune
00:21:20Sniesk gj
00:21:31eXcluzziver he always fails
00:21:36eXcluzziver with his dagger slol4
00:21:41eXcluzziver atleast on me
00:22:01Sniesk gank
00:22:02eXcluzziver i charge some1
00:22:03Sniesk bara charge
00:22:03Homicida should i do bkb?
00:22:10Sniesk help
00:22:23rezcomo coming
00:22:51eXcluzziver fight
00:23:08eWeresT NP I TANK
00:23:20eWeresT idiots target me like crazy :D
00:23:24eXcluzziver ;d
00:23:26Homicida -ii
00:23:32eXcluzziver u usualy survive with fewhp
00:24:00eXcluzziver some1 will def
00:24:23eXcluzziver b
00:24:36eWeresT what item should i go
00:24:51eXcluzziver ;d
00:24:51eWeresT :D:D:D:D
00:24:52rezcomo yeah!
00:24:56eWeresT what item should i go
00:25:02rezcomo diffusal :DDDD
00:25:02ATS_ vanguard
00:25:07eXcluzziver fb me isnt enough to stop me
00:25:07eWeresT got it?
00:25:54Sniesk a bit overkill
00:25:56rezcomo to mw
00:25:56ATS_ wait
00:26:02rezcomo i heal
00:26:05eXcluzziver tower
00:26:10eWeresT zzz
00:26:20Kanki gj team
00:26:23Kanki well played
00:26:26Kanki keep on farming
00:26:26eXcluzziver axe will try to getme
00:26:27ATS_ wait
00:26:29ATS_ you stupid
00:26:40eXcluzziver i have vanguard
00:26:43eXcluzziver im not easy targer
00:26:51eXcluzziver same hp like me
00:26:53eXcluzziver u follow me to heal
00:27:25eXcluzziver quick frag
00:27:28ATS_ stopå
00:27:53rezcomo to me
00:28:04eXcluzziver mid
00:29:03Sepetos bh u doing what=
00:29:05eWeresT :D
00:29:10Kanki bh wtf u doing
00:29:12Kanki really
00:29:19Zagor he is retarded
00:29:22eXcluzziver no mana
00:29:25eXcluzziver all cds
00:29:25Homicida and he wanted bara
00:29:42rezcomo mass bracer sometimes work:DDD
00:29:46eXcluzziver yep ;d
00:30:11eWeresT rune top
00:30:15Kanki my bot gtfo
00:30:16eXcluzziver care
00:30:19eXcluzziver they are still strong
00:31:01Sniesk go
00:31:30eXcluzziver gogo mid
00:31:33eXcluzziver axe is down
00:31:40Homicida I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:44Zagor I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:45Sepetos I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:48eXcluzziver only this tower not mid
00:32:57Kanki rylai wards?
00:33:02rezcomo pls
00:33:06ATS_ what
00:33:11rezcomo nvm :D:
00:33:21rezcomo dagger min 31 :D
00:33:42Sniesk roshan?
00:33:49Sniesk i def top iin needed
00:33:51ATS_ they come
00:33:57Sniesk they come they die
00:33:57ATS_ axe allready leavedf
00:34:01rezcomo i dagger with ulti
00:34:10eXcluzziver not much they can do now
00:34:11eWeresT who take?
00:34:13Homicida I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:18Sniesk regen
00:34:21eXcluzziver got vladimir
00:34:23eXcluzziver gotta take
00:34:26Kanki kill zeus fast and levi
00:34:36Zagor levi has gfem\
00:34:50eXcluzziver wp sk most asssitss in game :D
00:35:02rezcomo not feeding too :D
00:35:07eWeresT zz
00:35:08eWeresT wartds
00:35:09eWeresT wards
00:35:10eWeresT here
00:35:11eXcluzziver carwe
00:35:14eXcluzziver b
00:35:21eXcluzziver wait for magina
00:35:31eWeresT 300 for butter -.-
00:35:37eWeresT lol
00:35:38eWeresT lol
00:35:39eWeresT lol
00:35:39eWeresT :D:D:D:
00:35:45eWeresT sick combo
00:35:56eXcluzziver 4 ded
00:35:58eXcluzziver dead
00:36:13Sepetos i kill em alone but u want so badly lasthit that then rest of them kills us all
00:36:16rezcomo wasnt ultraaa?
00:36:18Sepetos thats just wp all of u
00:36:23eXcluzziver b in
00:36:24eXcluzziver :
00:36:26eXcluzziver :
00:36:29eXcluzziver yea tht was perfect
00:36:30eXcluzziver como
00:36:50eXcluzziver nice timing
00:37:03eWeresT lets end this when u have ulties
00:37:13eXcluzziver catch some
00:37:15eXcluzziver and finish
00:37:16rezcomo 20 sec
00:37:20eXcluzziver not when they are 5
00:37:28eXcluzziver its not gang
00:37:29eXcluzziver they all together
00:38:12Sniesk push
00:38:52rezcomo ffaaaail
00:39:01rezcomo mega
00:39:05rezcomo b
00:39:36eWeresT nice
00:39:38eWeresT gem
00:39:39eWeresT :D
00:39:47ATS_ vastako huomasit
00:39:56ATS_ ollu joku 20 min
00:40:00eXcluzziver care
00:40:19rezcomo fuckeeeer
00:40:24ATS_ kiitti
00:41:50Homicida WTF?
00:42:03Homicida FAK TARDS
00:42:15eXcluzziver i need to get gem
00:42:16eXcluzziver ;d
00:42:21rezcomo stop go in 3 :D
00:42:22eXcluzziver o tide got
00:42:33eXcluzziver just go together
00:42:43eXcluzziver its not nice to let them think that theygot chance
00:43:24eXcluzziver looks like i could magina 1x1
00:43:26eXcluzziver ;dd
00:43:26ATS_ wait all
00:43:33eWeresT :D
00:43:40eWeresT need bkb :(
00:43:40Kanki go together
00:43:41eXcluzziver ok now
00:43:47eXcluzziver magina just go with us
00:43:47Kanki b
00:43:47eWeresT fast regen
00:43:48eXcluzziver i got vladimir
00:43:49eXcluzziver k go
00:43:58eXcluzziver btw i got vladimir so our 4 melee can hel
00:44:00eXcluzziver heal*
00:44:03eWeresT y
00:44:06Kanki rosh?
00:44:11Homicida its dead
00:44:30Sniesk -apm
00:44:33eWeresT lol idiot
00:44:33eWeresT D::DD:
00:44:53Kanki I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:55eWeresT gg
00:45:00eXcluzziver gg wp
00:45:02Sniesk -apm
00:45:05eWeresT -ap,m
00:45:05eXcluzziver -apm
00:45:06eWeresT -aom
00:45:08eWeresT -apm
00:45:09eWeresT asd
00:45:12eXcluzziver im calm player ;d
00:45:15ATS_ apm one handed
00:45:25eWeresT hmm
00:45:25eXcluzziver this is one hero control you dont need apm like in sc2
00:45:28ATS_ -apm
00:45:29eXcluzziver or wc43
00:45:33eWeresT my apm is sc like
00:45:33eXcluzziver one hero control
00:45:34eWeresT nooot
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