Game #2001370

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+13 X
-1 TS

98% | 1713 X | 1639 TS

-27 X
-3 TS

85% | 1406 X | 1478 TS

+1 X
-3 TS

84% | 1369 X | 1516 TS

-14 X
-3 TS

69% | 1279 X | 1412 TS

-36 X
-2 TS

68% | 1331 X | 1341 TS

-11 X
+2 TS

100% | 1759 X | 1727 TS

+42 X
+2 TS

91% | 1504 X | 1502 TS

-27 X
+2 TS

81% | 1390 X | 1456 TS

+47 X
+1 TS

63% | 1175 X | 1456 TS

+21 X
+2 TS

58% | 1210 X | 1365 TS

Chat log

00:00:20Maier get ud
00:00:22Buugi wtf
00:00:23Maier for me
00:00:23Buugi cd
00:00:24Buugi =D
00:00:28Rakett buugi gogo morphling for meh
00:00:28Maier please
00:00:45Rakett ban ud
00:00:47Rakett maier wants it
00:00:48Rakett rly bad
00:00:52h0whigh i want it
00:00:55h0whigh give it 2 meee bby
00:00:57Buugi i want it too
00:01:12Maier FFFS
00:01:14Maier nota
00:01:16Maier you idiot ?
00:01:17NotAHax np
00:01:20Watari lich better
00:01:21Watari fag
00:01:22NotAHax yea..
00:01:23Maier goddamn cunt pointless piece of shit
00:01:26Maier not really
00:01:28Watari :DDDDD
00:01:28Maier endgame no
00:01:29NotAHax can retard shut up
00:01:31NotAHax ...
00:01:34NotAHax rly
00:01:35NotAHax shut up
00:01:39Watari you really don't know anything about this game, do you?
00:01:39TOo_LaZy sk mb
00:01:42Buugi u want mid morph?
00:01:42NotAHax he dosent
00:01:42Maier go fuck yourself pointless shit
00:01:47Maier watari stfu u cunt
00:01:52Watari lastpick rage
00:01:52Buugi rakket
00:01:52Watari yyy
00:01:53NotAHax xdd
00:01:59Rakett no
00:02:01Watari you think you're better than anyone else, look at your stats man
00:02:02Maier come vent u suka
00:02:02Rakett well i can
00:02:02h0whigh lol
00:02:04Buugi u are mid
00:02:05Rakett but its better
00:02:14spede last pick, just buy the chicken and shut the fuck up
00:02:16Watari oisko spectre?
00:02:23TOo_LaZy gimme gyro/sk
00:02:23Maier go fuck yourself, all you finnish cunts
00:02:26Watari paras endgame kuiteski
00:02:40Watari nyt sit vaa turtlee
00:02:43Buugi actually he goes trilane
00:02:44Buugi so morf can solo top
00:02:44Watari joku lina gyro
00:02:44TOo_LaZy oh yes
00:02:48Timu t
00:02:48Timu traaaaaaaa
00:03:01TOo_LaZy omfg
00:03:06TOo_LaZy who plays it
00:03:06spede howhigh you planning on lagging the whole game?
00:03:06TOo_LaZy ?
00:03:10Buugi i
00:03:20h0whigh no i hope not!
00:03:34Watari kunkka, lina, gyro, encha?
00:03:40Buugi gyro mid
00:03:40TOo_LaZy gyro for me
00:03:41TOo_LaZy ?
00:03:43Buugi sure
00:03:44TOo_LaZy ok
00:04:02Maier all you're good is for flaming ...
00:04:13Watari you're the one doing it
00:04:15h0whigh who play chen ? :S
00:04:16Watari just relax and play
00:04:18TOo_LaZy bugi
00:04:19Rakett BUUGI SAID
00:04:20TOo_LaZy i play gyro
00:04:22h0whigh k
00:04:23TOo_LaZy rakktet
00:04:25Rakett rofl
00:04:26Watari trust your captain, there's a reason he is there
00:04:26h0whigh i play ud ? :)
00:04:27Rakett this rizer
00:04:29NotAHax spede leoric
00:04:30Rakett ricer nota
00:04:37NotAHax im spectre solo midd
00:04:38Buugi ud idle bot
00:04:39Buugi vs 3
00:04:43Watari älä
00:04:44TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:04:44TOo_LaZy -di
00:04:45Buugi lina morf top
00:04:46Watari mielummi trilane :D
00:04:47Buugi imwoods top
00:04:48Buugi gyro mid
00:04:51NotAHax niin
00:04:55Buugi lina
00:04:57Buugi get chick
00:05:05NotAHax leoric jakiro lich top
00:05:12Maier trilane ?
00:05:13Maier ...
00:05:13NotAHax get wards chick
00:05:14NotAHax yes.
00:05:16Watari ehkä ei
00:05:18Buugi try not to feed bot
00:05:20Watari meillä on toi game ruiner
00:05:22NotAHax :DD
00:05:23Watari en kyl luota toho :D
00:05:23Buugi ill put u a ward
00:05:24h0whigh ye
00:05:25NotAHax ole ny hiljaa
00:05:27NotAHax kyl se osaa pelata
00:05:38h0whigh they will proly get free farm :S
00:05:41TOo_LaZy how u skill
00:05:42Rakett its
00:05:42TOo_LaZy gyro mid?
00:05:45Rakett not a problem
00:05:45TOo_LaZy rockets and
00:05:46TOo_LaZy rocket?
00:05:54Maier buugi forest
00:05:54TOo_LaZy misscle
00:05:56Maier we gotta gang
00:05:56TOo_LaZy and rockets?
00:05:59Maier much
00:06:00NotAHax taino hmm
00:06:00Watari käyn laittaa wardin sulle toho
00:06:01NotAHax tuu mun kans midii
00:06:04NotAHax no tuu midii mun kans
00:06:04Watari ok
00:06:11Timu gl& hf
00:06:17Watari huutakaa jos tarvitte apua top
00:06:20Timu -ii
00:06:21Timu -ma
00:06:25Buugi tri top
00:06:25Buugi mb
00:06:28Buugi care
00:06:30NotAHax mee toip
00:06:37NotAHax tääl gyro
00:06:39NotAHax mee to
00:06:39Buugi douls
00:06:42Watari koko ajan
00:06:49NotAHax prkl
00:06:50NotAHax sori
00:06:53NotAHax luulin et mopo midis
00:07:11Watari chen
00:07:18NotAHax ÖLET
00:07:19NotAHax LET
00:07:20NotAHax LEORIC FARM
00:07:30NotAHax JAKIRO
00:07:31Maier keenjus
00:08:26Rakett just spam nuke on specu
00:08:26Rakett mid
00:08:30TOo_LaZy yes k
00:08:33Buugi i come gang
00:08:34Buugi too
00:08:43Maier ss
00:08:59Buugi rocket him
00:09:02TOo_LaZy oom
00:09:04TOo_LaZy sec
00:09:05NotAHax moi buugie
00:09:13Buugi i deward
00:09:46spede lich why you hang back?
00:09:52h0whigh try
00:09:52h0whigh mid
00:09:54h0whigh come
00:09:54h0whigh chen
00:09:58Watari cause i'm dead if i get stunned
00:10:02TOo_LaZy bottle
00:10:03TOo_LaZy wait
00:10:04TOo_LaZy ok
00:10:05TOo_LaZy comign bottle
00:10:14Maier u can still nuke
00:10:15h0whigh kill
00:10:16h0whigh top
00:10:17h0whigh instead
00:10:20TOo_LaZy ss mid
00:10:22Watari y i'll start now
00:10:56Watari ud
00:11:02Watari they're gonna push top
00:11:35Watari jakiro wards please
00:11:48Watari ty
00:11:50spede nuke them
00:11:50Watari i can place
00:11:52NotAHax go lina
00:11:53spede what the shit
00:11:53NotAHax kill lina
00:11:54Maier nuke
00:11:54NotAHax guys
00:11:54Maier go
00:11:58TOo_LaZy ss
00:11:59NotAHax jakiro or lich starts
00:11:59TOo_LaZy mid
00:12:02TOo_LaZy re
00:12:03NotAHax and leoric last hits
00:12:08TOo_LaZy rune top
00:12:41Rakett hyvä burn
00:12:42Rakett :DDDD
00:12:50NotAHax mid miss
00:13:06h0whigh ss
00:13:07h0whigh bot
00:13:07Watari care nota
00:13:23TOo_LaZy almost
00:13:30NotAHax TUUN TAKAS MI
00:13:33Rakett stunni leori
00:13:44NotAHax mee vaan top hei
00:13:59Maier lich
00:14:00Maier ffs
00:14:02Watari omw
00:14:12Maier why there
00:14:13Maier ...
00:14:39NotAHax NOVA
00:14:48NotAHax mitä vittua
00:14:51NotAHax WATARI
00:14:52NotAHax onko vaikeata
00:14:53NotAHax nukee samaa
00:14:56Buugi he hsa vang??
00:14:56Watari öö
00:14:58Rakett stuni
00:14:58NotAHax tos oli ilmanen chen
00:14:58Rakett stuni
00:14:59Watari ei oo ehkä reachia
00:15:02NotAHax sua ei kiinostanu
00:15:04NotAHax juoksit perseesee
00:15:14Watari jos lina ois osunu muhu stun
00:15:15NotAHax tajuun et oot heikko
00:15:18NotAHax no vittu mä tiiän
00:15:18Maier sykka
00:15:20Maier sylla
00:15:20NotAHax mut sen voi väistää
00:15:21Maier meka ?
00:15:22NotAHax tiiätkö
00:15:24verybad no
00:15:25Watari no mä väistin sen?
00:15:27verybad just headress
00:15:27Maier k
00:15:29Watari sen takia jäinki jälkeen
00:15:38NotAHax väistit sewn sillä et olit hevon perseessä etkä auttanu yhtää
00:15:38NotAHax :DD
00:15:44Buugi how cna he farm
00:15:46Buugi vs gyro :O
00:15:57NotAHax cool gang bros
00:16:00Timu :DD
00:16:09NotAHax def midd
00:16:12NotAHax all
00:16:13NotAHax expect sylla
00:16:19Maier except **
00:16:19Buugi def bot
00:16:20Buugi ffs
00:16:29NotAHax GO
00:16:29NotAHax FFS??
00:16:36Buugi sylla rly fat
00:16:52Buugi raket go farm
00:16:53Buugi o we lose
00:17:07Buugi sylla top
00:17:08Buugi pushing
00:17:18Maier go hunt
00:17:19Maier forest
00:17:26Maier 3 are down
00:17:33NotAHax ¨poush midd
00:17:34NotAHax push midd
00:17:36Buugi push bot tower
00:17:41NotAHax lyö stonee
00:17:47NotAHax push midd
00:17:58Watari :DD
00:18:05Watari vittu melki kuolin
00:18:12Watari no kato mun hp
00:18:14NotAHax ..
00:18:29NotAHax JAKIRO LICH
00:18:31NotAHax keep ur fucking tps
00:18:32NotAHax rly
00:18:38Maier fuck off
00:18:43Maier whiny cunt
00:19:16Watari b
00:19:39Maier very gay picks
00:20:15TOo_LaZy what is our tactic
00:20:17TOo_LaZy maybe go gang?
00:20:26Buugi push towers
00:20:30Buugi with 5
00:20:34Buugi we win
00:20:37TOo_LaZy so come
00:20:38Rakett y.
00:20:38NotAHax i come with ulti
00:20:38TOo_LaZy gather?
00:20:40Buugi go top
00:20:45Watari soon ulti me also
00:20:46NotAHax ward here would ben ice btw
00:20:47Buugi morfling
00:20:49Buugi should farm all time
00:20:51Watari i go place
00:20:53Buugi not wander around
00:20:58Buugi we come push ur lane
00:21:01Buugi where u fam
00:21:03Buugi farm
00:21:12NotAHax PUSH MIDD
00:21:18TOo_LaZy so go push
00:21:30Buugi just go
00:21:31Watari def top then?
00:21:38verybad def
00:22:04Timu mana
00:22:12NotAHax why
00:22:13NotAHax you solo
00:22:14NotAHax srsly
00:22:17NotAHax you never there
00:22:20NotAHax when ur supposed to def
00:22:21NotAHax together
00:22:25Maier cos u pick shit for me
00:22:33NotAHax so you gameruin becouse i pick shit for you and ur frends
00:22:36NotAHax just gonna put banrequest
00:22:42Maier it's not gameruin
00:22:46TOo_LaZy b
00:22:49Maier but i dunno how to play jakiro best
00:22:53Watari well
00:23:00Watari you could've taken lich?
00:23:02Maier and i dont want anybody to teach me
00:23:09h0whigh invis
00:23:09Buugi lina can u buy wards
00:23:14NotAHax how about just come with team same time and use ur sets
00:23:17Timu ye
00:23:20Timu in a sec
00:23:25NotAHax FARMIN BOT
00:23:40Maier look @ levels mate
00:23:46Maier this is gg
00:23:49TOo_LaZy buy me
00:23:50NotAHax shut up
00:23:51TOo_LaZy mana to sell
00:23:51TOo_LaZy plz
00:23:52TOo_LaZy 1
00:23:53TOo_LaZy pot
00:23:55NotAHax ur talking with team spectre sylla
00:24:00TOo_LaZy t,y
00:24:06Buugi come all mid
00:24:10TOo_LaZy coming
00:24:19Watari wait
00:24:24TOo_LaZy u should wait for me
00:24:24TOo_LaZy imo
00:24:25NotAHax def
00:24:26NotAHax now
00:25:05Rakett maybe fucking heal me
00:25:06Rakett ?
00:25:30Watari gj
00:25:40TOo_LaZy sad fight
00:25:47Buugi i used all heals
00:25:51Watari mopo buybackas
00:25:55h0whigh me2
00:25:56Buugi need lbls
00:26:01Buugi and ward rosh
00:26:03Buugi cant let them
00:26:04Buugi have it
00:26:14verybad jakiro
00:26:17verybad i make mek afterall
00:26:23Maier thanks for telling
00:26:25Maier i go pipe then
00:26:28NotAHax nice
00:26:32Watari farmi
00:26:34NotAHax joo otan
00:26:42Watari tuun expaa
00:26:53Maier morph manta
00:26:56Maier dam
00:26:59Buugi go bot all
00:27:00TOo_LaZy push more?
00:27:00Maier mid again
00:27:00Buugi last tower
00:27:01TOo_LaZy sec
00:27:01NotAHax ÄLÄ KOSKE
00:27:02NotAHax MEE MIDII
00:27:08NotAHax sulla teleä ees
00:27:08NotAHax sdasd
00:27:15Watari tulee koko ajan
00:27:25Timu teled
00:27:29TOo_LaZy go bot
00:27:30TOo_LaZy anyway
00:27:35Watari koita ite joskus supportaa nii tiät ettei oo koko aikaa rahaa teleen ::D
00:27:40Maier nota
00:27:45Maier ill let u farm
00:27:48Maier but gimme exp
00:27:55Watari shall we?
00:27:57NotAHax maier
00:27:59Buugi they are not here
00:27:59NotAHax k
00:28:01Buugi they want counterpush
00:28:01NotAHax but be rdy to tele
00:28:04Maier aye
00:28:11Watari clear the creeps fast
00:28:13NotAHax GO
00:28:13Watari so i can ult
00:28:13NotAHax TELE
00:28:14NotAHax JAKIRO
00:29:00NotAHax kill
00:29:01Buugi rax
00:29:02NotAHax lina gyro first
00:29:05TOo_LaZy wp
00:29:06TOo_LaZy rly
00:29:06Watari ok
00:29:30TOo_LaZy 5
00:29:31TOo_LaZy sec
00:29:58Buugi b
00:29:58Buugi who can
00:29:58TOo_LaZy b
00:30:19TOo_LaZy next push we take rax
00:30:26NotAHax LET ME
00:30:28Buugi push other lanes first
00:30:29NotAHax stop
00:30:31NotAHax autoatth
00:30:33TOo_LaZy ok
00:30:41TOo_LaZy hes not goign radi
00:30:42TOo_LaZy i guess
00:30:43TOo_LaZy its good
00:30:54Buugi we need a pipe
00:30:59NotAHax aina kun
00:31:01NotAHax otat obsui
00:31:03TOo_LaZy who makes?
00:31:03NotAHax droppaa toisten itemit
00:31:03NotAHax eka
00:31:04NotAHax plz..
00:31:05Buugi ud
00:31:12NotAHax back
00:31:15verybad -ms
00:31:17NotAHax and dont
00:31:18NotAHax spellfarm
00:31:20NotAHax pushing lanes back
00:31:20TOo_LaZy i got
00:31:22NotAHax making farming harder for me
00:31:22TOo_LaZy leet hp
00:31:23TOo_LaZy ;D
00:31:24NotAHax and sylla
00:31:26NotAHax and leoric
00:31:29Timu gj
00:31:32Watari i go ward
00:31:35TOo_LaZy go mid ?
00:31:38Maier care
00:31:43Buugi i get creeps
00:31:44Watari y
00:31:48Maier lina incv
00:31:58TOo_LaZy warded
00:31:59Timu mana
00:32:03h0whigh cd
00:32:09Buugi gang
00:32:10NotAHax smoke
00:32:11NotAHax BUY SMOKE
00:32:16Watari come here
00:32:19NotAHax leave it
00:32:20NotAHax ei
00:32:21TOo_LaZy come
00:32:24NotAHax me käytetää sit jos ne menee rosh
00:32:25TOo_LaZy wards here
00:32:26TOo_LaZy .
00:32:27Timu ward
00:32:28Watari joo
00:32:30Watari katoin et ne menee
00:32:46NotAHax GO WITH 4
00:32:47NotAHax AND MSOKE
00:32:53TOo_LaZy go
00:32:53TOo_LaZy ?
00:32:54TOo_LaZy some lane?
00:32:59Watari take sentry
00:33:00Watari plz
00:33:00Buugi bot
00:33:01h0whigh they think we take rosh ?
00:33:02NotAHax SMOKE UP
00:33:03NotAHax AND GO
00:33:09Watari they got sentry
00:33:11Watari they see us
00:33:39h0whigh hahaha
00:33:40Watari i never got my ult up :S
00:33:40h0whigh target me
00:33:41Buugi rax
00:33:53h0whigh target me :D
00:33:55Watari luckily i have it now
00:33:55Buugi fast
00:33:55Buugi fast
00:34:07Rakett vali oled maier
00:34:08Rakett -.-
00:34:47Buugi b
00:34:59NotAHax :ddd
00:34:59NotAHax :ddd
00:35:00NotAHax :ddd
00:35:07Rakett if its so funny why u lose?
00:35:10Rakett scrub
00:35:14Maier cata
00:35:17NotAHax its funny how you wave there instead of just wawing to woods
00:35:19NotAHax and then you die
00:35:19NotAHax xdd
00:35:21Buugi take smoke
00:35:22Buugi form base
00:35:31Watari jakiro come
00:35:34Watari i go counter there
00:35:42Maier gimme a sec
00:35:59Rakett i dont mind dieing for a win
00:36:00Rakett is np
00:36:16TOo_LaZy u have a conforntation?D:
00:36:22Rakett with notahax?
00:36:36TOo_LaZy where
00:36:38NotAHax we need go
00:36:40NotAHax kill someof them
00:36:42NotAHax before they gather
00:36:42TOo_LaZy go rax?
00:36:43NotAHax with 5
00:36:46Buugi bot
00:36:47NotAHax GO
00:36:47Maier ud oom
00:36:48Watari npo
00:36:50Watari now
00:37:42TOo_LaZy ok next meet
00:37:42TOo_LaZy ;d
00:37:45TOo_LaZy they know we go bot
00:37:46Rakett well they caught us
00:37:48Rakett nothing else
00:37:48TOo_LaZy or maybe we go top ?
00:37:59Timu plant wards
00:38:02Maier go bkb quick
00:38:32NotAHax i farm
00:38:32NotAHax bot
00:38:35NotAHax leav
00:38:35NotAHax farm
00:38:35Watari k
00:38:39NotAHax go b
00:38:40NotAHax leave farm
00:38:42TOo_LaZy we move?
00:38:44TOo_LaZy ah u need creeps
00:38:59Rakett roshan
00:39:00Rakett ?
00:39:01NotAHax GO
00:39:02NotAHax WITH TEAM
00:39:04NotAHax they will push
00:39:04NotAHax soon
00:39:04Rakett with smoeke
00:39:06Rakett smoke
00:39:07Buugi y
00:39:17NotAHax SMOEK AND ROSH
00:39:17Watari care
00:39:19Rakett get
00:39:20Rakett smoke
00:39:20Buugi gathe
00:39:21Buugi here
00:39:21Rakett quick
00:39:22NotAHax GET SMOKE
00:39:23NotAHax AND GO ROSH
00:39:30Timu morph can wave in
00:39:37Maier gather
00:39:37verybad lich use frost armor
00:39:46Maier sylla
00:39:47Maier cmon
00:40:42Buugi b
00:40:57Rakett finish roshan
00:41:03Maier this is SO gg
00:41:05Watari now they got it
00:41:06TOo_LaZy how i surived:d
00:41:07Maier due to shit picks
00:41:07Watari no it's not
00:41:09Watari :D
00:41:12Watari we got spectre
00:41:30Watari need to focus chen, and morph
00:41:33Watari and lina
00:41:34Buugi gyro try getting some damage
00:41:34Watari last ud
00:41:38TOo_LaZy im doing it
00:41:38TOo_LaZy ;P
00:41:40Buugi teamfights ur orb is very good
00:41:44TOo_LaZy i know
00:41:46TOo_LaZy im doing it
00:41:46TOo_LaZy i said
00:42:00Buugi b mid?
00:42:03Buugi :o
00:42:12Timu wtf ud?
00:42:17h0whigh ops was shoppinh
00:42:23h0whigh and my hero was moving
00:42:34Maier push ?
00:42:36NotAHax y
00:42:37TOo_LaZy mid gone
00:42:38NotAHax get midd tower
00:42:38NotAHax and b
00:42:38TOo_LaZy ;)
00:42:41Buugi push lane
00:42:43h0whigh not rax
00:42:43NotAHax i go farm relic meanwhile
00:42:45Buugi counterp ush
00:42:45TOo_LaZy and tp
00:42:48TOo_LaZy push lane and tp
00:43:03Maier sk bkb
00:43:04Maier good
00:43:11NotAHax i farm top
00:43:13NotAHax I FARM TOP
00:43:15NotAHax dont touch creeps
00:43:39Rakett :D
00:43:42Maier lol
00:43:43Maier b
00:43:43Maier b
00:43:44Maier b
00:43:44Maier b
00:43:44Maier b
00:43:49TOo_LaZy need
00:43:49TOo_LaZy 700
00:43:52h0whigh need
00:43:52TOo_LaZy two hundred
00:43:52h0whigh 30
00:44:07Maier sum1 melee should get vladmir
00:44:11verybad we have
00:44:14Maier ah k
00:44:19TOo_LaZy sec plz
00:44:33h0whigh gather it ?
00:44:40Buugi gyro needs
00:44:41Buugi sec
00:44:43TOo_LaZy sec
00:44:46TOo_LaZy ok
00:44:53NotAHax i try get radi
00:44:54TOo_LaZy amsot done
00:44:55NotAHax then we fight
00:44:55TOo_LaZy and we go
00:44:57NotAHax tyr avoid before
00:45:04TOo_LaZy we go
00:45:05NotAHax farm top
00:45:12Watari they gonna mid
00:45:14Watari care nota
00:45:22Maier b
00:45:22Maier b
00:45:23Maier b
00:45:24TOo_LaZy not all
00:45:24Timu check
00:45:31Watari tp
00:45:35TOo_LaZy 1
00:45:36TOo_LaZy was here
00:45:39TOo_LaZy purple
00:46:41Buugi gyro tp
00:46:48Maier got pipe
00:47:02Buugi gj
00:47:02h0whigh hmm need that ghost scepter
00:47:07h0whigh im target nr 1 -.-
00:47:18TOo_LaZy crit
00:47:18TOo_LaZy work
00:47:19TOo_LaZy with orb?
00:47:22Buugi y
00:47:28Maier what now ?
00:47:29Maier agha ?
00:47:32Watari wards
00:47:37Watari so i can get agha
00:47:38NotAHax wards
00:47:39Maier go place
00:47:44TOo_LaZy ill make crystalis then
00:47:44Watari no slot
00:47:45Watari you have
00:47:46Watari you go
00:47:49Maier k
00:47:55Maier toüp
00:47:56Maier lina
00:47:56NotAHax i farm top
00:47:58Maier free kill
00:48:29Rakett expeceted
00:48:31Rakett expected
00:48:32Buugi go mid
00:48:35Buugi aegis
00:48:36Buugi 3 mjn
00:48:43Buugi i armor all
00:48:46Buugi withj ogre
00:49:12Watari gg
00:49:50TOo_LaZy hehe
00:49:51Watari haha
00:49:51Watari good
00:49:54Watari 10 sec
00:49:55TOo_LaZy but we won this np
00:50:46Maier gg
00:50:49TOo_LaZy no time
00:50:50TOo_LaZy to shine
00:50:51Watari not lost
00:50:51TOo_LaZy for me :(
00:50:52Maier actually vbg
00:50:53Buugi bot
00:51:22TOo_LaZy acutaly
00:51:23h0whigh lagg
00:51:23TOo_LaZy that
00:51:26TOo_LaZy fury
00:51:28TOo_LaZy is good on me
00:51:37Buugi actually ther are better items
00:51:39NotAHax buy smoke
00:51:40NotAHax and go rosh
00:51:41TOo_LaZy what?
00:51:42TOo_LaZy tell me :)
00:51:45Buugi buttefrly
00:51:53Buugi and crit
00:51:54TOo_LaZy costy
00:51:54TOo_LaZy :D
00:51:55Watari hmm
00:52:00Watari jakiro should stay and defend?
00:52:00Buugi more dps
00:52:03Maier go
00:52:05TOo_LaZy i know but easier
00:52:06Maier but take tp
00:52:06TOo_LaZy to make fury
00:52:07TOo_LaZy in this game
00:52:09TOo_LaZy consa push
00:52:15Maier dont matter anyway
00:52:17Buugi y
00:52:17Buugi np
00:52:17TOo_LaZy need mana regen
00:52:23Rakett roshan?
00:52:27NotAHax GO ROSH
00:52:30TOo_LaZy i would liek to end soon
00:52:35NotAHax GO GET UD
00:53:03NotAHax 'b
00:53:14TOo_LaZy lal
00:53:14NotAHax SMOKE
00:53:15NotAHax -.-
00:53:15TOo_LaZy i fucked up
00:54:37TOo_LaZy pus
00:54:39TOo_LaZy why we prolong
00:54:46NotAHax GO MIDD
00:54:47NotAHax WITH SMOKE
00:54:50Timu cause u died?
00:54:55TOo_LaZy well before that:d
00:55:00TOo_LaZy where do we meed
00:55:05NotAHax 1 need def
00:55:07NotAHax jakiro stay
00:55:17Maier take smoke then
00:55:35Maier rege
00:55:37Maier if any1 wants
00:56:02Watari need to focus that morph
00:56:24NotAHax get morph
00:56:26NotAHax go jakiro
00:57:08Watari next rosh is important
00:57:34TOo_LaZy sory
00:57:47TOo_LaZy it would be nice if agha
00:57:48TOo_LaZy gave u
00:57:50TOo_LaZy opportunity
00:57:51Buugi morf
00:57:51TOo_LaZy to take
00:57:52Buugi always
00:57:52TOo_LaZy ancients
00:57:54Buugi tkae illu of spec
00:58:02Maier get rege
00:58:03Rakett i am
00:58:05NotAHax no
00:58:06Maier for new rune
00:58:13Maier mby dd
00:58:26TOo_LaZy gather?
00:58:29NotAHax opkay
00:58:30NotAHax all midd
00:58:35NotAHax i will do wild build
00:58:41TOo_LaZy what do we do
00:58:43Watari and what is that
00:58:47Maier divine ?
00:58:49Buugi push top
00:58:49Watari :DDD
00:58:51Maier LOL
00:58:51Rakett suicide in for rax
00:58:52Rakett ?
00:58:54NotAHax theres no othcer change
00:58:55Timu y
00:58:55NotAHax if i die
00:58:57NotAHax w elose
00:59:05TOo_LaZy wait
00:59:06TOo_LaZy agtehr imo
00:59:11h0whigh onmw
00:59:12Timu nota with divine
00:59:13Watari focus morphg
00:59:17TOo_LaZy b
00:59:18TOo_LaZy def
00:59:18TOo_LaZy ?
00:59:20TOo_LaZy or?
00:59:21NotAHax SMOKE
00:59:22NotAHax UP
00:59:22NotAHax JAKIRO
00:59:28TOo_LaZy top
00:59:28Rakett inc
00:59:29Rakett top
00:59:29TOo_LaZy they come
00:59:30TOo_LaZy or u
00:59:30Timu they are cmong
00:59:47Buugi let other lanes push
00:59:50Watari rosh
00:59:57Watari dont go now
00:59:58Watari no ult
01:00:01Watari of speccie
01:00:03Maier chen no ult too
01:00:04Buugi go mid
01:00:05Buugi no spec ulti
01:00:21NotAHax bm idd
01:00:44NotAHax BUY SMOKE
01:00:54NotAHax FOCUS MORPH
01:00:55NotAHax ALL
01:01:28Watari gg
01:01:28NotAHax I surrender! [1/4 of Sentinel]
01:01:28NotAHax gg
01:01:30Rakett Gg
01:01:35Timu gg
01:01:48Maier thanks to ur shit picks we lost =)
01:01:52Watari no :D
01:01:53Watari tard
01:01:56NotAHax ur just retard
01:02:00NotAHax go play with ur fucking master rakett
01:02:02NotAHax best player of f.gc
01:02:07Watari picks were ok considering the pool
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