Game #2000962

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-13 X
+1 TS

99% | 1769 X | 1646 TS

+2 X
+3 TS

82% | 1363 X | 1503 TS

-9 X
+4 TS

67% | 1293 X | 1364 TS

+29 X
+2 TS

67% | 1286 X | 1367 TS

+12 X
+2 TS

60% | 1215 X | 1395 TS

-33 X
-1 TS

92% | 1515 X | 1538 TS

+43 X
-2 TS

83% | 1363 X | 1512 TS

-25 X
-2 TS

78% | 1357 X | 1463 TS

+21 X
-2 TS

76% | 1338 X | 1441 TS

-14 X
-2 TS

56% | 1265 X | 1310 TS

Chat log

00:00:14PeterLars fuck er sammen med taberne :D
00:00:17creeeeeee -clear
00:00:17PeterLars tage es eller ban ham
00:00:17valiante i ban the weaver
00:00:17valiante vil du es?
00:00:17PeterLars nope
00:00:17NotAHax -ES
00:00:26valiante wd anyone?
00:00:44valiante supermamus
00:00:45valiante ur mid
00:00:46PeterLars omg
00:00:48PeterLars not again
00:00:52verybad wat
00:00:56PeterLars that bm
00:01:01valiante supermamus
00:01:02valiante ur mid
00:01:07creeeeeee visage u could solo bot
00:01:09valiante gj
00:01:10valiante wd ur top
00:01:11Momdsiw can i sylla
00:01:13valiante to babysit moi
00:01:20creeeeeee i'd like to axe forest
00:01:26creeeeeee get shaman?
00:01:29NotAHax RAZOR
00:01:30NotAHax momdsiw
00:01:31NotAHax ota razor
00:01:36valiante peterlars
00:01:39PeterLars 'ja
00:01:39valiante ur bot with xove
00:01:43valiante get sven
00:01:45valiante or something
00:01:46valiante and get wards
00:01:48valiante for anti pull
00:01:57curdi theres wards sitting at base
00:02:12Xove fcuk i buy chick asap
00:02:18SUPERmamus ...
00:02:19Momdsiw visage solos?
00:02:22PeterLars omg
00:02:23PeterLars buy it
00:02:25NotAHax vissii
00:02:25PeterLars sell items
00:02:26PeterLars haha
00:02:27valiante someone leave
00:02:27PeterLars :D
00:02:29valiante fast :D
00:02:31valiante and rmk
00:02:32Momdsiw kovi typerää razor silu linja
00:02:34Momdsiw kilpa farmausta
00:02:36curdi fuck that
00:02:38NotAHax nii on
00:02:45Nevari kui kilpa farmausta
00:02:46NotAHax mee downii
00:02:46verybad razori downii fagget
00:02:46NotAHax si
00:02:50NotAHax mee down momdsiw
00:02:52Momdsiw k
00:03:00curdi try fb mid
00:03:10Momdsiw illu gyro
00:03:19creeeeeee he will pullward
00:03:20curdi mm nvm then
00:03:24Momdsiw kk
00:03:54PeterLars harras
00:03:55PeterLars din so
00:04:05Xove spoiser
00:04:13PeterLars spis min diller
00:06:10SUPERmamus chick
00:06:12SUPERmamus needed
00:06:14SUPERmamus gonna lose
00:06:17SUPERmamus withoout
00:06:33Momdsiw stupid missile guy
00:06:50Momdsiw viper miss
00:06:59Xove done
00:07:26curdi nvm
00:07:27curdi hawk
00:07:50NotAHax gyro oli tääl
00:07:54Momdsiw oho
00:07:56NotAHax oho
00:07:58Momdsiw ne swappas
00:08:25SUPERmamus ss mid
00:08:37PeterLars du så dårlig :D
00:08:40Xove ja
00:09:12Xove det at jeg skulle tp hjem ødelage det lidt?
00:09:12SUPERmamus ss mid
00:09:25Momdsiw oon oom
00:09:27SUPERmamus care
00:09:40PeterLars hi bm :D
00:10:23Momdsiw treadit vai phaset
00:10:40Momdsiw ?
00:11:20Momdsiw axe could gank
00:11:21Momdsiw even once
00:11:32creeeeeee mby i could
00:11:32Momdsiw or?
00:11:39creeeeeee with some hp
00:11:46Xove ss
00:11:53creeeeeee have had like 3-4 min ~150 hp
00:11:56creeeeeee now i could y
00:12:01curdi epic
00:12:23NotAHax ..
00:12:24PeterLars haha
00:12:32PeterLars imba rocket :D
00:12:52SUPERmamus waa
00:13:09valiante lol wd?
00:13:13curdi lol i care
00:13:14curdi shit game
00:13:25Xove ss mid?
00:14:29Xove me pålz
00:14:33valiante can i go mid a bit
00:14:36valiante cant farm versus silencer
00:14:42Xove topå aur
00:14:43SUPERmamus let viper farm
00:15:20valiante 1 sec from ulti
00:15:32creeeeeee AMPOGJEWIGHNWEGPWH
00:15:32valiante gj
00:15:38NotAHax ;_;
00:17:17valiante WTF
00:17:22valiante HOW?
00:18:02PeterLars ll :D
00:18:55SUPERmamus viper get items and come with us
00:19:49Xove nice tp's
00:19:50valiante wd
00:19:55valiante ok dont
00:19:57Xove team!
00:19:59Xove are u therE?
00:20:07SUPERmamus lol
00:20:14Xove spammed for 1 min
00:20:39valiante i have ankh
00:21:50Xove go?'
00:21:56PeterLars lad ham kommme ud
00:21:59valiante i have jack shit farm
00:22:09Momdsiw help
00:22:23valiante omw
00:22:28valiante so lets go
00:22:48Momdsiw pitää varmaa huppu tehhä
00:24:01valiante let it push
00:24:01SUPERmamus go
00:24:20NotAHax TELEE
00:24:21NotAHax TELEE
00:24:21NotAHax TELEE
00:24:30NotAHax tapellaa
00:25:18PeterLars har du ank?
00:25:19valiante ja
00:25:20Momdsiw well axe son dagger
00:25:44curdi illu
00:26:02Momdsiw jaa miksi afkit bawsessa
00:26:19PeterLars fuck jeg er god :D
00:26:24SUPERmamus my
00:26:27Xove y
00:27:08NotAHax vittu mitä hikoilua
00:27:24Xove axe oom
00:27:31Xove tp
00:27:33valiante omw
00:28:06valiante no ankh
00:28:32PeterLars ^^
00:29:09SUPERmamus oom
00:29:38Momdsiw I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:41NotAHax ??
00:29:46PeterLars b
00:29:55Momdsiw hävitää 100-0 kukaa ei ees jaksa wardata
00:30:36curdi that silencer is so fucking retarded
00:30:38curdi cant use voodoo
00:31:24SUPERmamus go push?
00:31:35valiante ye
00:31:38valiante -cs
00:31:53curdi kill sile 1st in fights
00:32:36Momdsiw hes no dmg
00:32:38PeterLars hgvor er viper !!
00:32:43Xove her!!
00:32:44curdi bkb would be good vs that slow :s
00:32:55NotAHax focus the bm let razor farm
00:32:57NotAHax retards
00:33:05curdi :D vihane
00:33:10SUPERmamus aina
00:33:20SUPERmamus voitti tai hävisi
00:33:22Momdsiw mitä buildaan
00:33:25NotAHax hpt
00:33:28Momdsiw hotti?
00:33:49verybad ehk joku lifesteal skadi tms
00:33:54Momdsiw jk
00:33:58SUPERmamus wards
00:33:59SUPERmamus get
00:34:00curdi hmm gotta use maledict for razor
00:34:00NotAHax hot
00:34:01NotAHax imo
00:34:05Xove place
00:34:08NotAHax TAI SKADI
00:34:09SUPERmamus no space
00:34:20NotAHax skadi on kyl
00:34:22curdi i got plenty but cba going alone to their woods
00:34:27verybad tai sny lifesteal
00:34:43Xove omw
00:34:48Xove no joke
00:34:55Xove mid twer
00:35:03Momdsiw b
00:35:05Momdsiw base def
00:35:11PeterLars orrh hej viper
00:35:13PeterLars er du med i spillt e:D
00:35:15Xove hej :D
00:35:21Xove joiner nu :D
00:35:33PeterLars next toiwer
00:35:35Xove sry havde bare en lorte start
00:35:39valiante ?
00:35:54NotAHax axe
00:35:54NotAHax go
00:36:11curdi oh yeah they had aze
00:36:12curdi axe
00:36:26Momdsiw sk:lta on varmaa paras imee dmget?
00:36:59Momdsiw -cs
00:37:07Xove thats a tanky bird
00:37:27Nevari -st
00:37:36Momdsiw lemmee farm top
00:37:39valiante roshan
00:37:48PeterLars go rosh fast
00:38:25PeterLars lol
00:38:28valiante who takes
00:38:31PeterLars u
00:38:31curdi u
00:38:43Momdsiw plz some1 get wards
00:39:04curdi cant ward
00:39:08curdi rexx destorys
00:39:16Xove dont pudh
00:39:19Xove pusgh
00:39:20SUPERmamus b
00:39:22SUPERmamus b
00:39:36SUPERmamus go top?
00:39:39SUPERmamus tower
00:39:39Xove y
00:40:10creeeeeee def?
00:40:11NotAHax DEF
00:40:12NotAHax Y
00:40:49SUPERmamus GIO
00:40:49SUPERmamus *!1
00:40:50SUPERmamus 'ADS
00:40:50SUPERmamus ADSF
00:40:51SUPERmamus ASF
00:40:51SUPERmamus FA
00:40:51SUPERmamus ASDF
00:40:52SUPERmamus FAS
00:40:57SUPERmamus ASD
00:40:57SUPERmamus FASD
00:40:58SUPERmamus FD
00:40:58SUPERmamus AS
00:40:58SUPERmamus FZ
00:40:59SUPERmamus AS
00:40:59SUPERmamus XASFD
00:40:59SUPERmamus FASD
00:41:00SUPERmamus FAS
00:41:00SUPERmamus DF
00:41:00SUPERmamus FAS
00:41:01SUPERmamus FS
00:41:12SUPERmamus ..............
00:41:19SUPERmamus :d
00:41:25NotAHax ty for asnge recipe
00:41:27Xove focus pig!
00:41:52SUPERmamus lol
00:41:54SUPERmamus that was
00:41:57SUPERmamus horrible
00:41:59valiante that was loss
00:42:02valiante 3 fighting axe
00:42:04Momdsiw tää on kyl kova sk:ta vs
00:42:06valiante 2 important heros dead
00:42:09valiante bad go tho
00:42:09valiante puck
00:42:11Momdsiw voin imee dmg ku se on syntymäs uusiks
00:42:11NotAHax jep
00:42:15NotAHax tiiän
00:42:21curdi well cant do much if theres an axe on me
00:42:58SUPERmamus wd?
00:43:25Momdsiw nyt satanic vai
00:43:27NotAHax best team
00:43:28NotAHax scourge
00:43:33PeterLars ^^
00:43:34curdi :D vihane
00:43:36verybad joo
00:43:40PeterLars why so made :D
00:43:41verybad tai ainaki lifesteal
00:43:50NotAHax becouse you retards and im getting minus x becouse that
00:43:54PeterLars ^^
00:43:59PeterLars it our problem :D
00:44:04curdi ei ketää oikeesti kiinnosta jos hävitää kunhan sun peli menee vaa vituiks
00:44:09NotAHax xdddxxdxd
00:44:13PeterLars wd
00:44:15PeterLars wards
00:44:26curdi rexx destroys them
00:44:28curdi with book
00:44:53Xove in fights focus his pig
00:44:58valiante ye
00:44:58valiante fast
00:45:05SUPERmamus focu razor
00:45:13Momdsiw aegis vois olla poikaa kuha tulee roshabni
00:45:29SUPERmamus b
00:45:30SUPERmamus b
00:45:32SUPERmamus b
00:45:32SUPERmamus b
00:45:33SUPERmamus b
00:45:44valiante whats the plan..
00:45:49curdi get ur bkb
00:45:50SUPERmamus u are cap
00:45:51PeterLars let go with smoke
00:45:52curdi then we can go
00:45:55valiante fuck bkb
00:45:59valiante rexxar ulti
00:46:00valiante call
00:46:02PeterLars let go with smoke
00:46:02valiante axe ulti
00:46:29valiante lets wait for them
00:46:29valiante mid
00:46:44PeterLars come
00:47:12curdi sile fucks me
00:47:19valiante we all get fucked
00:47:20valiante gg
00:47:22valiante I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:47:22SUPERmamus I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:47:26Xove I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:47:29curdi I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:47:32curdi sile won this :(
00:47:38Xove can we fucking focus pig?
00:47:42SUPERmamus lol
00:47:48valiante clearly
00:47:52SUPERmamus miks oot tommone
00:48:09valiante ff yousef+
00:48:17Nevari -st
00:48:20valiante skal også til fodbold
00:48:23valiante gør mig lige en tjeneste
00:48:41SUPERmamus ff please
00:48:46valiante yousef kan du ikke ff?
00:48:47PeterLars no
00:48:48PeterLars why
00:48:50valiante please
00:48:55curdi [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:48:55curdi [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:48:55curdi [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:48:55curdi [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:48:55PeterLars I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:48:55valiante de har outpicked os
00:48:57valiante tak
00:49:08valiante all leave and no one gets x?
00:49:08valiante :D
00:49:17curdi who cares about x...
00:49:18PeterLars after u
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