Game #1999615

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+51 X
+2 TS

47% | 1107 X | 1361 TS

+7 X
+13 TS

44% | 1154 X | 1264 TS

+6 X
+3 TS

43% | 1169 X | 1238 TS

+24 X
+3 TS

41% | 1094 X | 1294 TS

+35 X
+12 TS

8% | 894 X | 1169 TS

-46 X
-2 TS

91% | 1490 X | 1480 TS

-45 X
-3 TS

49% | 1173 X | 1312 TS

-20 X
-7 TS

22% | 1112 X | 1139 TS

+2 X
-31 TS
NEW | 1136 X | 1069 TS

-3 X
-27 TS

3% | 874 X | 1047 TS

Chat log

00:00:06Jaikki mom kapuna :D nyt kuumottaa
00:00:11Momdsiw you got this new guy -.-
00:00:15Jerkku kovat tiimit:FF:F:
00:00:20MariahCarry 485 cap
00:00:20Momdsiw you have 2 highest players :<
00:00:20MariahCarry :D:D:D::D:D:D
00:00:20Jaikki iha ok, mc on paikan yliarvostetuin
00:00:20Jaikki rankiltaan
00:00:20Momdsiw nii o
00:00:20Jaikki mOm
00:00:20Jaikki bannaa
00:00:20Jaikki bannaa
00:00:20Jaikki bannaa
00:00:20MariahCarry lich
00:00:20Jaikki bara ns Qop lich
00:00:20Jaikki tai ud
00:00:20Jaikki banni ud
00:00:20Jaikki se on homo.
00:00:20Momdsiw ns
00:00:20Momdsiw Ns
00:00:22Jaikki i aint even mad
00:00:29Momdsiw fuu
00:00:32Momdsiw i wanted it xD
00:00:34MariahCarry xD
00:00:35MariahCarry sick
00:00:36Momdsiw meen midii ud:lla
00:00:38MariahCarry that's funny
00:00:39Jaikki käy
00:00:56rezcomo IF SOME1 WANT BARA PICK ME WR
00:00:58Char no slark for 20 games now wtf
00:01:08Momdsiw get wl
00:01:11Momdsiw some aoe with me
00:01:16Momdsiw thrall enigma veno
00:01:33.-. what shall i take?
00:01:35Jaikki voisin uusia mun 17 2 statsit
00:01:37Tachyon what should i get? sk mby?
00:01:37Jerkku haluun nähä sun akashas enigma woods?
00:01:40MariahCarry some stunny
00:01:42Char y
00:01:43Jaikki 17 2 oli viimeks :D
00:01:43MariahCarry yea enig woods
00:01:46.-. luna?
00:01:46Jerkku y
00:01:47Jaikki et eihä siin
00:01:47Jerkku stun
00:01:51MariahCarry sven
00:01:52MariahCarry pls
00:01:55Jerkku ck
00:01:58Jaikki NO CK
00:02:01Momdsiw blah
00:02:03.-. ok :)
00:02:17Jaikki u should picked thrall
00:02:21Jaikki or axe or veno
00:02:25Tachyon ohh well
00:02:29Char did we get overpicked?
00:02:30Jaikki but kk then
00:02:32Jaikki lets plaY
00:02:44Jaikki kusen täl hiirel
00:02:49Momdsiw selityksiä
00:02:51Jerkku kusrt muutenki
00:02:55Jerkku kuset*
00:02:57Momdsiw no tuhoon täl hiirel
00:02:58rezcomo i pull
00:02:58.-. dont think so
00:02:58Jaikki imekää kullia
00:03:01Jaikki y
00:03:14Momdsiw furi saa kyl aika farmia
00:03:21Jaikki ei se saa mitää aikaa
00:03:22Jerkku no kankitaa sitä
00:03:22Jaikki oikeesti
00:03:26Jaikki mc o paska
00:03:38Char want me to pull?
00:03:49Jerkku mad invo
00:04:03Jaikki i aint eved mand
00:04:05Jaikki mad
00:04:27.-. need wards
00:04:29Char why he said u mad?
00:04:35Jaikki get that charge -.-
00:04:39rezcomo next
00:04:40Momdsiw naab
00:04:43Jaikki :D sanoin
00:04:49Jaikki se on nubu
00:04:51Momdsiw no ud mun pelatuin hero
00:04:54Jaikki niinno
00:05:22Jaikki tulee vitusti äxää ja tsää jos voitetaa
00:05:25Xove come gang sooon enigma
00:05:26Jaikki koska noil yli 90% ja uus
00:05:27Momdsiw mm
00:05:32Char ok soon
00:05:34Tachyon ss
00:05:34Momdsiw toi yks on vaa kov asälli
00:05:34rezcomo after pull ready==
00:05:37Jaikki y
00:05:38Momdsiw joka pelaa wr
00:05:38Tachyon re
00:05:42rezcomo wr
00:06:20Momdsiw miss mid
00:06:30Jaikki furi bot
00:06:52Momdsiw go top
00:06:58Jerkku sk stun
00:06:58rezcomo ss furi
00:07:57Jerkku miks kaikki ostaa nykyisin wl:lle lotharsin
00:07:58Char i pull and then gank ok?
00:08:02Jaikki uutta liittoa
00:08:05Jerkku niio
00:08:19Jaikki samaku nykyää lich bannitaa aina
00:08:25Jaikki vaik sitä ei oo muutettu aikoihi
00:08:30Jerkku mut se on rotta
00:08:38Jaikki enne se oli iha ok
00:08:41Jaikki nykyää imba
00:08:44Jaikki vaik ei oo muutettu :D:D
00:08:50Momdsiw onha
00:08:52rezcomo go
00:08:55Jaikki ei oo paljoo paskaakaa
00:09:01Momdsiw ei paskaakaa?
00:09:04Jaikki ei
00:09:06Momdsiw puolet tippu cd siitä creep deny skillist
00:09:19rezcomo go mid?
00:09:20Jaikki no se ehk iaino
00:09:26Jaikki mut ei sen takia sitä bannita
00:09:28Momdsiw saat joka wavesta yhen creepin pois
00:09:35Momdsiw iha sairas midii
00:09:39Xove go sk
00:09:39rezcomo gogogogogogo
00:09:41Xove come enigma
00:09:42Xove ss
00:09:47Jaikki sven
00:09:52Momdsiw b
00:10:06.-. nice
00:10:07Jerkku mitä vittuu
00:10:08.-. gj
00:10:08Jaikki mitä vittua
00:10:09Jerkku backaat
00:10:10Jaikki :DD;:D
00:10:12Jaikki backaan
00:10:12Jerkku ku meen
00:10:13Jaikki ?!?!
00:10:14Jaikki lol
00:10:17Jerkku :DD:D:
00:10:17Jaikki pistin sveniin ton paskan
00:10:19Jaikki ootko sokee
00:10:22Momdsiw mariah xD
00:10:25Jerkku meet vaan backiin ku menin niitten suuhun
00:10:28Jaikki mitä vittua
00:10:34MariahCarry just get imba heroes
00:10:35Jaikki mite sit muka kuolin
00:10:37Jaikki jos olin backis
00:10:39Momdsiw you get raped solo ud mid?
00:10:39MariahCarry fucking jerkoffs
00:10:40Jaikki valoja taas stun
00:10:46Momdsiw And im 15% like you say
00:10:46Jerkku no olit sillo backis ku kuolin
00:10:48.-. late
00:10:49Jerkku sit tappo sut
00:10:51MariahCarry u are
00:10:52Jaikki lol
00:10:53MariahCarry ud
00:10:56MariahCarry can own anyone
00:11:10Tachyon ss top
00:12:09rezcomo if u dotn follow me tell me
00:12:16Momdsiw if you dont have ulti mana
00:12:21MariahCarry ENIG
00:12:24MariahCarry OMRFG
00:12:27MariahCarry LOOK
00:12:28rezcomo he was dead if u slow him in time
00:12:28MariahCarry U FUCKING TARD
00:12:29Momdsiw we cant get him
00:12:37Jaikki come kill sven
00:12:38rezcomo nvm next time
00:12:48Momdsiw why dont you come with manma
00:12:51Momdsiw that you can ulti him
00:12:56rezcomo with mama??
00:13:01Momdsiw mana
00:13:04rezcomo coz he is fragile :D
00:13:08rezcomo i missed
00:13:13Tachyon ,
00:13:14Tachyon wr
00:13:15rezcomo go
00:13:21Momdsiw mid twr
00:13:27Jaikki b
00:13:28.-. hm
00:13:39Jaikki BARA
00:13:41.-. nice :D
00:13:41Jaikki D::D:D
00:13:44Jaikki wtf man
00:13:49rezcomo i thought ulti and gg
00:14:02rezcomo but u gone back so i tried but late :DDDD
00:14:24Char inc
00:14:30Jaikki pretty oom
00:14:32Char care bot
00:14:34Char 3 comin
00:14:41Momdsiw bot twr
00:14:43rezcomo tp top :DDDD
00:14:49Momdsiw k
00:15:06MariahCarry CYA FUCKING BOTCH
00:15:16Jerkku BOTCH
00:15:24rezcomo cd 5 sec??
00:15:37Momdsiw 20
00:15:45Jaikki :D
00:15:51Momdsiw blah
00:15:54Jerkku oli pakko vaan saaha se tower:D:D
00:16:02.-. gj
00:16:03Jaikki oisin selvinny mut ei jaksanu
00:16:08Jaikki lähtee
00:16:09Momdsiw why our carry buys wards?
00:16:09Jerkku reps
00:16:18Tachyon cause noone else does
00:16:25MariahCarry wards
00:16:27Jerkku ostetaan sit
00:16:28MariahCarry wr in your dreams
00:16:44Momdsiw def mid
00:16:47Momdsiw all
00:16:54Tachyon who first
00:16:55rezcomo gogogogogogo
00:16:57Tachyon k
00:17:06Tachyon i want to fight also lol
00:17:18.-. ..
00:17:18Jaikki sk
00:17:20Jaikki go farm
00:18:05Momdsiw push bot
00:18:17Momdsiw wl or qop goes meka
00:18:19Momdsiw so we can psuh
00:18:21Jaikki wl
00:18:26Jerkku i go loth first
00:18:29Jaikki vitut
00:18:32Jaikki turha item tolle
00:18:33Jerkku no TEE ITe
00:18:36Momdsiw ei mitää lotharia
00:18:37Jaikki en tee mekaa
00:18:40Jerkku menee jo
00:18:41Momdsiw liikutaa porukalla
00:18:42Jerkku teen sen
00:18:46Momdsiw iha turha itemi jos mennää 5
00:18:50Jaikki nii
00:18:51Jerkku iha sama
00:19:15Jaikki imba ward :D
00:19:24Momdsiw rosh
00:19:24Momdsiw rosh
00:19:28rezcomo gogogogogogogogogog
00:19:28Momdsiw all to rosh
00:19:29Momdsiw fast
00:19:30.-. kill
00:19:32Momdsiw charge
00:19:52.-. fuck
00:19:55.-. stun didnt hit
00:20:01Jaikki sk tank
00:20:10Momdsiw take sk
00:20:13Momdsiw or bara
00:20:16Xove gg
00:20:28Tachyon anyone gonna take invi?
00:20:31Jaikki e
00:20:32Momdsiw ye
00:20:36Jaikki vittu
00:20:40Momdsiw ^^
00:20:42Jaikki et tarvii oikeestaa
00:20:50Tachyon fck
00:20:53rezcomo heal meeeeee
00:20:58Momdsiw ¨push top or bot
00:20:58rezcomo fucking tard
00:21:02Jerkku nah
00:21:09Momdsiw go all top
00:21:10Jaikki ebun :D
00:21:12rezcomo coz u have to bring the kill so noob
00:21:18rezcomo so kik
00:21:19rezcomo kid
00:21:27Jaikki dota on paras :D ja lothars wl :D
00:21:35Jerkku nii o:D
00:21:40Jerkku itekki sitä mieltä et turha tälle
00:21:45Jerkku emt miks ees teen
00:21:47Jaikki miks sit ostit :D:D:D:D
00:21:55Jerkku muistan
00:21:55Momdsiw siis tarvitaa meka ja piippu
00:21:59Jaikki nii
00:21:59Momdsiw voin ite tehhä piipun
00:22:00Char def top
00:22:03Jerkku ku just itkin eyforialle kuinka turhal othar on
00:22:05Jaikki tee se meka
00:22:07Momdsiw ku mekan voi käyttää enigman ultissa
00:22:12MariahCarry sven
00:22:13MariahCarry to
00:22:16Momdsiw ja piipun kans
00:22:16MariahCarry top
00:22:21Momdsiw come top
00:22:48Jaikki tärkee invi oli
00:22:51Momdsiw oho
00:22:53Momdsiw se meni jo
00:22:57Jaikki kait ku healasit
00:23:29Tachyon fck
00:23:49.-. fk
00:23:59Jaikki äijjä on hyvä äijjä
00:24:16Momdsiw -ii
00:24:45Momdsiw ota bondsit nii tombin kaa tuhoo vitusti
00:24:51Jerkku otanki
00:25:00Momdsiw ku monet ottaa stattei tilalle
00:25:04Momdsiw uudet bontsit on kyl iha hyvät
00:25:08Jaikki bondsit on vitu kovat
00:25:31.-. thought he had revive
00:25:37Char he used it up
00:25:48Char care mid
00:26:06Momdsiw 5 top now?
00:26:32Jaikki wr is mad
00:26:35Char y
00:26:45Jaikki DW*ASD:AS:D;AS:DA
00:26:45Momdsiw lol
00:26:46Jaikki wtf
00:26:48Momdsiw :D
00:26:49Momdsiw hmm omg rageQuit
00:26:49Jerkku eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
00:26:49.-. :P
00:26:49Char is that good or bad for us?
00:26:49Momdsiw wl on helpoin pelaa ite :D
00:26:49Jerkku ei mua:(
00:26:49MariahCarry good
00:26:49MariahCarry for sure
00:26:49Momdsiw ja teit turhaaki
00:26:49Char pl
00:26:49Char ok
00:26:49MariahCarry cus i get the items
00:26:49Momdsiw itemiä
00:26:49MariahCarry and now
00:26:49Jerkku nii xDxd
00:26:49Momdsiw saadaa sulta lothari leolle
00:26:49Jaikki joko mut tai wl kantsii
00:26:49MariahCarry we can kill them easily when u ulti
00:26:49Jaikki mut kapu päättää :D
00:26:49Char hmm
00:26:49Jerkku no mä lähen
00:26:49Jerkku kyl
00:26:49Jerkku musta
00:26:49Momdsiw mee vaik jerkku sun ultia on helppo käyttää
00:26:49Momdsiw koitetaa puskee ny
00:26:49MariahCarry balance
00:26:49Jerkku mun pitäis
00:26:49Jaikki noni mees nyt vittuu siit
00:26:49Jaikki :D:D
00:26:49Jerkku E
00:26:49Momdsiw wl
00:26:49Momdsiw balances
00:26:57Momdsiw sk take lothar
00:27:01Momdsiw for dmg
00:27:09Momdsiw i pla yit
00:27:10.-. you get all the items?
00:27:17Tachyon k
00:27:32.-. or we teamuse?
00:27:32Momdsiw googog
00:27:33Momdsiw top
00:27:38MariahCarry i sell
00:27:39MariahCarry and then
00:27:40MariahCarry team use
00:27:49Char i could use treads b
00:27:56.-. -ms
00:28:02Momdsiw tuu qop base
00:28:08Jaikki käyn respa
00:28:18Momdsiw b agfter
00:28:19Momdsiw go bot
00:28:26Momdsiw b
00:28:48Char care
00:28:50Momdsiw qop tee sä ny se meka
00:28:56Momdsiw päästää varmaa läpi sil
00:28:58Jaikki e vitussa jaksatehdä mekaa
00:29:06rezcomo ill come
00:29:09Momdsiw tärkein itemi tähän pelii
00:29:14Char alot bot
00:29:14Jaikki mikset sä tee
00:29:19Momdsiw teen piipun
00:29:24Jaikki mitä sit
00:29:28Char ill ward top
00:29:29Momdsiw tarviin aghan
00:29:30Char nvm
00:29:34Momdsiw saada meiän aoe dmget
00:29:45Jaikki -_-
00:29:45Momdsiw come bot
00:29:46Momdsiw try end it
00:30:02MariahCarry go
00:30:04Jaikki shop
00:30:39Char i got my best
00:30:46.-. lol?
00:30:48Momdsiw :D? srsly sven
00:30:54Jaikki en käsitä
00:30:55Jaikki xD
00:31:09Momdsiw go in
00:31:13Momdsiw in
00:31:14Momdsiw in
00:31:14Tachyon brb shop
00:31:14Momdsiw sk
00:31:15Momdsiw in
00:31:15Momdsiw in
00:31:16Momdsiw noo
00:31:17Momdsiw no shop
00:31:19Momdsiw 2 dead
00:31:51Char pointless
00:31:52Char I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:31:57Jaikki ota ranged eka
00:32:01Momdsiw e
00:32:17Momdsiw b
00:32:20Char u cant outcarry them
00:33:03Momdsiw push mid next
00:33:11Momdsiw if you die use wl
00:33:13rezcomo mana and go
00:33:39Momdsiw sk save some mana
00:33:45Tachyon yeah i know i should
00:33:46Momdsiw goes mid
00:33:52Jaikki sk
00:33:54Jaikki come me
00:33:57Jaikki take bottle
00:34:04Tachyon ty
00:34:12Momdsiw come
00:34:12Jaikki take some mana and give back
00:34:15Jaikki y
00:34:30Momdsiw wait mdp
00:34:32Momdsiw next wave
00:34:32Momdsiw rush in
00:34:33MariahCarry hello
00:34:35MariahCarry jp`?? u there?
00:34:47.-. why u using leaver?
00:34:51Jaikki why not
00:34:58Char is he allowed out of base?
00:35:01Jaikki yes
00:35:25.-. they are too strong
00:35:29.-. I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge] I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:35:35Jaikki SDA:DASDAS:
00:35:36rezcomo wp
00:35:37Tachyon [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:35:37Tachyon [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:35:37Tachyon [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:35:37Tachyon [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:35:37MariahCarry I surrender! [4/4 of Scourge]
00:35:40Jaikki gg
00:35:57Jaikki i control wl
00:35:59Momdsiw momdsiw 1 mariah 0
00:36:00Momdsiw k
00:36:10Momdsiw you even had this super player wr :P
00:36:13Char my team failed
00:36:14Jaikki sanoin et o sukka :D
00:36:18Jaikki mc siis
00:36:19Momdsiw kyl mä tiiän
00:36:22Momdsiw meil on riitaaa aina
00:36:24Char i got all right ulties n stuff but team sucked arse
00:36:28Jaikki en tajuu mite se on noi korkeel
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