Game #1997004

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-8 X
+6 TS

85% | 1387 X | 1516 TS

+14 X
+10 TS

67% | 1343 X | 1315 TS

+27 X
+2 TS

54% | 1208 X | 1319 TS

-25 X
+26 TS

13% | 1002 X | 1109 TS

+3 X
+51 TS

6% | 976 X | 1055 TS

+14 X
-3 TS

79% | 1329 X | 1489 TS

-28 X
-3 TS

76% | 1338 X | 1442 TS

+21 X
-3 TS

36% | 1014 X | 1370 TS

+3 X
-3 TS

21% | 981 X | 1268 TS

-7 X
-49 TS

NEW | 948 X | 1132 TS

Chat log

00:00:19McDick ban nevermore
00:00:19McDick or TB
00:00:19verybad -slark
00:00:19McDick i silence now
00:00:19McNabb terror
00:00:25McNabb peter
00:00:27Nevari and the winner is
00:00:28PeterLars ja
00:00:28McNabb kan du sf mid?
00:00:31PeterLars ja
00:00:32Nevari OPASFUCKMAGUS
00:00:34McNabb godt
00:00:40PeterLars jeg kan alt :D
00:00:59PeterLars men det lang tid siden jeg har spilet ham her :D
00:01:13McNabb bara dagger/lothars og så bkb
00:01:16McDick võta mangus / sven
00:01:18PeterLars jaja
00:01:21PeterLars i know din noob :D
00:01:24McNabb get sven
00:01:25PeterLars hvis jeg får råd haha
00:01:32PeterLars cent wood?
00:01:37McNabb y
00:01:38Eksodick can
00:01:42McNabb cent woods
00:01:47sebralane veno solo?
00:01:51PeterLars mangus :D
00:01:52McNabb now eredar
00:01:55McNabb and we win
00:02:00Sander im no good with ere
00:02:12McNabb magnus
00:02:14McNabb then
00:02:17McNabb ok
00:02:18Sander ffs
00:02:23Sander autopick
00:02:29Eksodick :P
00:02:48Sander what items for ezalor?
00:02:54Eksodick chicken
00:02:56McNabb bot
00:03:03Sander shit, forgot
00:03:03PeterLars omg no chick
00:03:09Euforia jakiro dont skill passive
00:03:27McDick why?
00:03:34Euforia because ice path is better
00:03:35Euforia and nuke
00:03:45McDick okii
00:03:52sebralane ezal boots
00:03:53sebralane :d
00:03:54sebralane we wuin
00:03:55sebralane win
00:04:07McDick ups
00:04:11Sander i dont know ezalors built.. -.-
00:04:14PeterLars fuck hvor jeg hader den hero i midt
00:04:39Euforia dont amove
00:04:44Euforia last hit and deny
00:05:23Sander what shall i do to ezalord ?
00:05:28sebralane meka
00:05:30PeterLars chick !!!
00:05:32Eksodick support items
00:05:54PeterLars ss mid
00:06:08PeterLars re
00:06:43Homicida stun ready
00:07:01PeterLars where is that CHICK
00:07:07Sander base
00:07:19Sander at ring
00:08:24PeterLars 'ss mid
00:08:26PeterLars re
00:08:44sebralane say ss?
00:08:52PeterLars omg
00:08:52sebralane open chiken ezla
00:09:19PeterLars sss mid
00:10:03sebralane fakinhell
00:10:05McNabb lal
00:10:14McNabb greedy:D
00:10:19verybad ye
00:10:30verybad stupid creep agro turned me around as i was razing u
00:10:39sebralane ded
00:10:59McNabb ss top
00:11:47sebralane gg
00:11:50sebralane 100 hp both
00:12:01sebralane sander
00:12:02sebralane leav pls
00:12:04sebralane just go
00:12:06sebralane no ban
00:12:17sebralane sander leav
00:12:20sebralane go garena
00:12:21sebralane or ebnet
00:12:31sebralane useless auto attacker u are
00:12:33sebralane 0 brain
00:12:37sebralane just feed
00:12:39McNabb b
00:12:57PeterLars 3 mid
00:13:16McNabb cent b
00:13:21McNabb b
00:13:21McNabb b
00:13:44Eksodick ss top sniper
00:13:45Eksodick care
00:13:50McNabb awsome gank
00:15:02McNabb imba steal
00:15:07Euforia carry rhasta inc
00:15:09Eksodick b
00:15:09Eksodick b
00:15:09Eksodick b
00:15:10Eksodick b
00:15:16Eksodick so dead
00:15:27McNabb b
00:15:28McNabb b
00:15:28McNabb b
00:15:28McNabb b
00:15:29Eksodick b e<za
00:15:33sebralane ghe hot wards
00:15:43sebralane triple
00:15:54Eksodick god these guys
00:16:04McNabb go
00:16:31McNabb guys?
00:16:35McNabb i fight 4v1
00:16:38McNabb and u dont come
00:17:03Euforia jakiro u can nuke to fog
00:17:04Euforia man
00:17:06McDick zeus ulti
00:17:08sebralane gj
00:17:10sebralane i think
00:17:16PeterLars :_D
00:17:17PeterLars u 2
00:17:17McNabb there sure is some big noobs in this game:D:D
00:17:41Eksodick w8
00:17:52PeterLars b
00:18:02McNabb hmmm
00:18:04sebralane gg
00:18:06McNabb 5 there
00:18:09McNabb b
00:18:10McNabb b
00:18:34sebralane bitch
00:18:35PeterLars hgaha
00:18:36PeterLars ^^
00:18:42Euforia bob team cant kill dem
00:20:08McNabb cent we need u to get dagger
00:20:11McNabb not treads
00:20:58Homicida what should i do
00:21:07verybad treads blink bkb
00:21:11McDick u should make a hat
00:21:23McNabb why do u always have to be there wd
00:21:31Euforia im awake
00:22:33sebralane why vanku cent?
00:22:37Eksodick ..?
00:22:41sebralane dagger?
00:22:45Eksodick yes
00:22:47Eksodick need 200
00:22:48sebralane ur our inlt hope....
00:22:58sebralane farm it pls
00:23:02Eksodick no
00:23:03Eksodick I wont
00:23:07sebralane ok
00:23:26McNabb care
00:24:50McDick !votekick sander
00:24:56McDick Dosen´t work
00:25:19McDick dd
00:25:47Sander what item next?
00:25:50sebralane ezla wards
00:25:53PeterLars hex
00:25:56sebralane wards
00:25:58McNabb hex
00:26:39Sander veno, i gave u
00:26:46Homicida -ms
00:26:48McNabb k
00:27:27PeterLars b
00:27:42McNabb b
00:27:55McNabb b
00:28:59sebralane cent come
00:29:01sebralane mid
00:29:59McNabb bahh
00:30:00Eksodick lolz
00:30:07sebralane how did sf die? :S
00:30:16PeterLars that fucking blue bitch
00:30:20PeterLars he always wait for me
00:30:21sebralane they have gem or something?
00:30:23McNabb har du overhoved lavet en ulti endnu peter?
00:30:28Homicida sniper why u didn't let me kill rhasta
00:30:29PeterLars kan ikke
00:30:33PeterLars blå venter altid på mig den so
00:30:35Nevari wat
00:30:39Euforia wat
00:30:41verybad wat
00:30:45Homicida wat
00:30:49Euforia idd
00:30:53verybad it's a fucking team fight, son
00:30:54Nevari thats what i said
00:30:58verybad also, sniper > sven
00:31:24McNabb b
00:31:26McNabb b
00:31:27McNabb b
00:31:27McNabb b
00:31:27McNabb b
00:31:35McNabb wtf
00:31:38McNabb are u doing there
00:31:55sebralane wtf
00:31:56sebralane gem?
00:31:58McNabb blue has gem
00:32:00sebralane gg
00:32:02sebralane faking nice
00:32:09McNabb need to gather
00:32:12McNabb and go with 5
00:32:24PeterLars cent
00:32:27Eksodick yes
00:32:30PeterLars you just focus him
00:32:33Eksodick blue?
00:32:36PeterLars y
00:32:45Nevari wtf
00:32:53McDick stealer
00:33:40PeterLars omg
00:33:43PeterLars wtf are you doing
00:33:45McNabb why no blink cent?
00:33:48Eksodick disabled
00:33:54Eksodick he shot me all the time
00:34:01McNabb u killed gem?
00:34:09sebralane ok
00:34:11PeterLars y
00:34:16sebralane jep he killed gem
00:34:45McDick dude
00:34:48McDick i had already wards :D
00:34:59PeterLars more wards plz
00:35:07Sander base
00:35:17sebralane go mid all?
00:35:24PeterLars y
00:35:44McNabb mid
00:35:45McNabb tower
00:35:55McNabb wards
00:37:06McNabb ok
00:37:13McNabb we cant do shit untill sf get bkb
00:37:30Eksodick sniper is too fat :I
00:37:34Eksodick sf aint
00:37:35Eksodick so..
00:37:39McNabb sniper die easy
00:38:17McNabb go
00:38:18McNabb cent
00:38:48McNabb gg no sf ulti
00:38:49McNabb all game
00:38:49Eksodick wtf are these wards rhasta? :)
00:38:54Eksodick behind the tower
00:38:59sebralane misscliked
00:39:03sebralane wanted to def tower
00:39:16McNabb peter du blir nøst til at prøve ulti
00:39:20McNabb nødt
00:39:21PeterLars ja
00:39:26PeterLars har min bkb snart
00:39:32McNabb invis ind i klumpen og fyr den af
00:39:41PeterLars jeg får alt lort når jeg gøre det
00:40:04Homicida i make bkb then?
00:40:09verybad y
00:40:11Homicida k
00:40:18verybad if u got blink
00:40:21McNabb eza plant those wards
00:40:21Homicida got
00:40:57PeterLars b
00:42:08Homicida fak
00:42:10Homicida mana leak
00:42:16McDick sven :S
00:42:17McDick did it
00:42:29PeterLars gogo
00:42:30McNabb mid
00:42:38PeterLars jeg love that cent
00:43:06McNabb rax
00:43:45sebralane got rax
00:43:46McNabb well
00:43:47sebralane worht it
00:43:47McNabb got it
00:44:14sebralane ezla how about some boots?
00:44:14McNabb u know why we got it??!
00:44:16sebralane and new items?
00:44:17McNabb cause of wards
00:44:20McNabb only thiong
00:44:39McNabb k gather
00:44:44PeterLars def
00:44:45McNabb kom peter
00:45:08PeterLars mana
00:45:08sebralane i blink ulti if cent jumps
00:45:09McNabb cent fokus wd
00:45:09PeterLars pl
00:45:11sebralane i focus sniper
00:45:45McNabb b
00:45:46Eksodick b
00:45:51sebralane wd gem
00:46:10McNabb go
00:46:18McNabb b
00:46:25McNabb b
00:46:25McNabb b
00:46:25McNabb b
00:46:26McNabb b
00:46:27McDick b
00:46:27McNabb b
00:46:27McNabb b
00:46:28McNabb b
00:46:28McNabb b
00:46:31McNabb dont
00:46:34McNabb fight uphill
00:46:40Euforia RAGE
00:46:41Euforia xD
00:46:52McNabb gather
00:46:52McNabb lane
00:46:55McNabb b
00:46:56McNabb b
00:46:56McNabb b
00:47:01McNabb gather
00:47:07PeterLars we need more wards
00:47:20McNabb new wards
00:47:22Sander sentry or regular?
00:47:26PeterLars reg
00:47:54PeterLars b
00:47:54PeterLars b
00:48:01McNabb :D
00:48:03McNabb got rax
00:48:08McNabb all b
00:48:12verybad got ezalor!
00:48:16Nevari range rax pretty irrelevant
00:48:17McNabb gz
00:48:18sebralane hes nothing
00:48:20McNabb u got the noob
00:48:34McNabb cent
00:48:35McNabb FFS
00:48:37McNabb I TOLD U
00:48:42Eksodick chill
00:48:43McNabb LUCKY
00:48:52McNabb GO
00:48:53McNabb NOW
00:49:07Euforia sven i make bkb
00:49:09verybad sven don't make bkb
00:49:13Homicida k
00:49:15McNabb wards
00:49:17Eksodick need to push
00:49:26Homicida what i make then
00:49:33sebralane come
00:49:34sebralane i ulti
00:49:36McNabb kill
00:49:41Eksodick hmph
00:49:41verybad sny mby
00:49:47Homicida k
00:49:48Euforia mom buriza
00:49:50McNabb sf
00:49:51McNabb takes
00:50:01sebralane def top
00:50:07McNabb no push top
00:50:30McNabb rhasta come
00:50:31sebralane butter bkb manta
00:50:31sebralane gg
00:50:38Eksodick def mid
00:50:48Eksodick they are faster
00:50:48McNabb FFS
00:50:51McNabb WHY DONT U GATHER
00:51:20PeterLars rdy cent?
00:51:22Eksodick y
00:51:24PeterLars u jump
00:52:01Eksodick what a timing
00:52:03Eksodick with sniper
00:52:07sebralane i didnt get my ulti up :(
00:52:08Homicida fak :S
00:52:09Eksodick used his nuke same time
00:52:23sebralane i was disabled
00:52:25sebralane bounced
00:52:28sebralane between me and sf
00:52:31McNabb u just suxs mjan
00:52:32Euforia xD
00:52:48Euforia drop gem
00:52:59Eksodick rofl
00:53:12sebralane did we got gem?
00:53:15McNabb nope
00:53:19sebralane sucks
00:53:30McNabb gather
00:53:32McNabb dont go alone
00:53:34McNabb u will cdid
00:53:35McNabb die
00:53:39McDick gather
00:53:51McNabb cent
00:53:53Eksodick ?
00:53:54McNabb plz fokus wd
00:53:57Eksodick yes
00:54:00McNabb good
00:54:03Eksodick killed him last time
00:54:04McNabb rhasta plz ulti
00:54:21McDick charge bara !
00:54:21PeterLars i tele
00:54:26McNabb NO U DIE
00:54:43McNabb eza stay b
00:54:56McNabb cen tgo
00:55:54Euforia sf get souls so we can use requiem noob
00:56:15Eksodick should I upg pipe
00:56:29Eksodick or shiva hmm
00:56:56sebralane i make shiva i think
00:56:59Eksodick blue did you suicide on creeps?
00:57:00McNabb hey peter
00:57:03verybad y
00:57:06PeterLars ? :D
00:57:08Eksodick why? B)
00:57:08McNabb lad mig gå først næste gang
00:57:12PeterLars oka
00:57:12verybad bad spot
00:57:16McNabb og ulti
00:57:19McNabb jeg ofre mig
00:57:29McNabb b
00:57:49Eksodick should go mid cuz blue is bot
00:58:14PeterLars they got gem
00:58:18sebralane w8 for smoke
00:58:29sebralane gather
00:58:31sebralane here
00:58:36McNabb go
00:59:05Eksodick sf join us
00:59:06Eksodick AND B
00:59:17McNabb if they go us 4v5 we die
00:59:27McNabb push top then
00:59:36McNabb have to do something
00:59:43McNabb all
00:59:45McNabb cent
00:59:59Eksodick wait for mid to push
01:00:03McNabb and eza just stay b
01:00:07McNabb and spam nuke
01:00:50McDick gem
01:01:14Eksodick eza use your ulti
01:01:27PeterLars let go b?
01:01:33McDick Ezalor is noob, don´t use ulti :D
01:01:37McDick 0 time used..
01:01:41McNabb yep
01:01:50McNabb b
01:02:11sebralane rubicks stun fucked our battle up
01:02:12Eksodick sf should get blade mail also
01:02:12sebralane ffs
01:02:24McNabb peter
01:02:25McNabb rosh
01:02:25McNabb go
01:02:26McNabb nu
01:02:31McNabb nvm
01:02:35McNabb need ward there
01:02:44PeterLars kom invis
01:02:59McDick sniper
01:03:00McDick hmm
01:03:05verybad legit build
01:03:09McNabb b
01:03:11verybad if we lose snipa in ffite
01:03:14verybad we lose anyway
01:03:21sebralane top again
01:03:22sebralane ?
01:03:25McNabb y
01:03:27PeterLars wait for i heal
01:03:28McNabb cent b
01:03:30McNabb dont die
01:03:42Homicida turtle?
01:03:47sebralane 60 min game
01:03:50sebralane asdfg
01:03:56McNabb go top all
01:03:56Eksodick 500 fo ac
01:04:37McNabb NO
01:04:38McNabb TOP
01:04:40McNabb DONT DEF
01:04:58McNabb go throne
01:05:02McDick go
01:05:03McDick end it
01:05:21McNabb THRONE
01:05:37Nevari gg rapier
01:05:38McDick LOSERS
01:05:39verybad gg
01:05:39McDick LOSERS
01:05:40McDick LOSERS
01:05:41McDick LOSERS
01:05:42verybad SUCKAASS
01:05:43McDick LOSERS
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