Game #1988319

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-64 X
-4 TS

82% | 1324 X | 1539 TS

-3 X
-3 TS

29% | 1029 X | 1294 TS

-37 X
-5 TS

28% | 1046 X | 1270 TS

-45 X
-17 TS

13% | 939 X | 1198 TS

-48 X
-17 TS

14% | 890 X | 1255 TS

+43 X
+4 TS

73% | 1281 X | 1437 TS

+35 X
+4 TS

65% | 1266 X | 1378 TS

+34 X
+6 TS

41% | 1108 X | 1297 TS

+41 X
+28 TS

5% | 984 X | 1016 TS

+52 X
+8 TS

6% | 836 X | 1189 TS

Chat log

00:00:13FireMal treant for me plzz
00:00:14Soulyah any1 roof?
00:00:17Jerkku ban it
00:00:17Vampi me invoker yes
00:00:17Soulyah i pick it
00:00:17Soulyah lol
00:00:17Jerkku k
00:00:17Vampi oh no
00:00:17Vampi me mort
00:00:17Soulyah i ban pit
00:00:17FireMal can you pick treant for me
00:00:17Vampi but how
00:00:17vutten ban or pick treant
00:00:17Empatia like wtf teams ? :D
00:00:17FireMal let me get treant plzz
00:00:17Soulyah check topic
00:00:17FireMal plzz
00:00:17Soulyah lol
00:00:17Soulyah cant do any better
00:00:17Empatia :D
00:00:17FireMal topick says pit lort
00:00:17FireMal lol
00:00:17Soulyah g00g0g ban
00:00:17xab 5%+6% = 11% mfw (H)
00:00:17Empatia naix
00:00:21Empatia someone wanted treant?
00:00:21Soulyah there is no
00:00:21FireMal empatia plzz pick treant for me
00:00:21Soulyah na
00:00:21FireMal me
00:00:21Soulyah ix
00:00:22Soulyah oh
00:00:23Jerkku lol
00:00:25FireMal i whant treant
00:00:25teh_re :D
00:00:25FireMal plzz
00:00:26Soulyah :D
00:00:30FireMal what you whant ?
00:00:42Soulyah plz
00:00:44Soulyah plz pick stuns
00:00:47teh_re no pa?
00:00:49teh_re :D
00:00:49Soulyah slardar venge
00:00:53FireMal lol treant not in our team
00:00:54Soulyah if u wana win
00:01:02Soulyah slardoorium
00:01:06Soulyah n2c3
00:01:08FireMal ff
00:01:42Soulyah -swap 5
00:01:43Char NOOO
00:01:43xab -swap 1
00:01:45Soulyah take abba
00:01:48Soulyah and w0n
00:01:50Soulyah or firebird
00:02:01Char i wanted to take gondar
00:02:07Empatia come venge
00:02:09Jerkku no need
00:02:24Empatia venge
00:02:25Empatia come here
00:02:38Soulyah im probably worst lina in gc
00:02:38-HewaL- why ?
00:02:40Soulyah svents lvl
00:02:47Char why did u take it then :S
00:02:47-HewaL- fb ?
00:02:48Empatia agreed
00:02:52Empatia y
00:02:57Soulyah cozz vs noobs
00:02:57Empatia you are terribad
00:02:59Soulyah i stil rock
00:03:07Soulyah its not even a word
00:03:11Empatia yeah it is
00:03:23vutten wtf
00:03:30Soulyah ss
00:03:32Empatia venge will come bot soon
00:03:32Jerkku slard u pull ?
00:03:40teh_re nope
00:03:51Jerkku warded
00:04:06-HewaL- omg axe CALL
00:04:22Char gj
00:04:23Jerkku onlu 1 top
00:04:24Char i blinked enoigh
00:04:27Char lol
00:04:31Soulyah y
00:04:33Soulyah :D
00:05:03Empatia pull
00:05:09-HewaL- i cant
00:05:13Empatia ??
00:05:19Soulyah poor attack animation
00:05:22Soulyah this shit has
00:05:23Vampi ss
00:05:33Empatia go pull
00:05:54FireMal omg
00:05:59Vampi ss
00:06:21xab b
00:06:27Jerkku gj
00:07:03Jerkku haha lol
00:07:16FireMal ss top
00:07:26Vampi ss mid
00:07:34FireMal b
00:07:35FireMal b
00:07:35FireMal b
00:07:36vutten lina has haste
00:07:36FireMal b
00:07:36FireMal b
00:07:36FireMal b
00:07:37FireMal b
00:07:37Soulyah go
00:07:37FireMal b
00:07:37Soulyah go
00:07:37FireMal b
00:07:38FireMal b
00:07:38Soulyah go
00:07:40vutten stop spam
00:07:46Soulyah :S
00:07:49FireMal sory
00:07:59Empatia hmm
00:08:07Empatia who the fuck designed roof :D
00:08:21Char what item for avernus
00:08:24Soulyah meka
00:08:43vutten hope u are winning bot lane :S
00:09:14teh_re triple pull :)
00:09:18Jerkku :P
00:09:33Vampi ss
00:09:38FireMal ss
00:10:05Vampi ss mid
00:10:05Soulyah stop imba gangs
00:10:06Soulyah :S
00:10:15Char ss bot
00:10:26Char SY isnt good?
00:10:41Soulyah could use a meka
00:11:19Jerkku lol
00:11:21-HewaL- there were ss there for i didnt come sry razor
00:11:59Empatia b
00:12:01Empatia bot
00:12:07Empatia ....
00:13:21Empatia ill farm bot
00:13:35vutten all ss
00:13:36Empatia stop autoattack
00:13:41Empatia and go gank
00:13:45-HewaL- ssry
00:13:47Empatia VENGE
00:13:58Empatia GO FUCKOFF
00:14:08Vampi ss top
00:14:10-HewaL- need ulti
00:14:23Empatia no you dont
00:14:56-HewaL- go fuck your self
00:15:02Empatia its yourself you mongoloid
00:15:44Soulyah lol
00:15:45Soulyah 5man gang
00:15:46Soulyah xD
00:15:48teh_re :D
00:16:11FireMal gang mid ?
00:16:32FireMal oom
00:16:33FireMal b
00:17:16Vampi gg
00:17:17Vampi fff
00:17:20Soulyah gg
00:17:54vutten someone swap to balance :D?
00:18:05vutten i know its not active
00:18:26Empatia wtb skillbans for gc
00:19:48vutten b
00:20:15vutten 3 or 4 ghere
00:20:36Char rofl at razor
00:20:39-HewaL- lol
00:20:42Soulyah :/
00:21:13Vampi just push and end plz
00:21:26Soulyah u just got overrated capt
00:21:28Soulyah notn else
00:21:42vutten we got rambo capt :P
00:22:01Empatia we got autoattacking farmer venge who when asked says he cant pull
00:22:04FireMal b
00:22:14Empatia who sports 0-3 with one assist
00:22:30teh_re oom
00:22:31teh_re sorry
00:22:33Jerkku axe is also strong
00:22:38Empatia y
00:22:38FireMal lol
00:22:46Empatia lvl 1 counter helix for fb
00:22:49Empatia so fucking stonk
00:22:52Empatia stronk
00:22:56Empatia if someone would hit him
00:23:25FireMal ff
00:23:27FireMal FF'
00:23:30FireMal FF
00:23:33-HewaL- ff
00:23:35xab cant
00:23:44FireMal feed on noobs
00:23:46FireMal abbadon
00:23:53FireMal and treant
00:23:57vutten i trust our capt will win this
00:24:04Soulyah :S
00:24:07Jerkku i think it too
00:24:07Vampi for sure
00:24:26Empatia i trust wc3 ai can last hit for me
00:24:35Empatia its sure does for venge
00:25:12FireMal wow pro cap
00:25:24Vampi wow pro axe
00:25:27Vampi wow pro venge
00:25:31FireMal empathia who is playing on your account
00:25:37Vampi wow pro sd
00:25:40FireMal im noob i have low precentage
00:25:52Empatia i play like a noob i have high percentage
00:26:04Empatia just testing your style
00:26:10Empatia how are we winning?
00:26:14Empatia oh wait we are not
00:26:26teh_re :)
00:26:26Soulyah omw mid
00:26:28FireMal fail
00:26:31teh_re now i managed agains 4v1
00:26:49Soulyah MAN
00:26:51Soulyah WTF U WAITING FOR
00:27:54Empatia holyfuck i purpose feed and firemal still beats me in deaths
00:28:02vutten :D
00:28:45Empatia I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:48Vampi I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:56vutten I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:05FireMal I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:10FireMal [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:29:10FireMal [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:29:10FireMal [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:29:10FireMal [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:29:10-HewaL- I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:37xab gg
00:30:45xab abba?
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