Game #1974884

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-25 X
-2 TS

98% | 1720 X | 1618 TS

+9 X
-3 TS

66% | 1271 X | 1378 TS

-6 X
-3 TS

53% | 1162 X | 1366 TS

-23 X
-5 TS

47% | 1148 X | 1291 TS

+15 X
-2 TS

32% | 1049 X | 1276 TS

-13 X
+2 TS

79% | 1402 X | 1407 TS

+15 X
+6 TS

72% | 1275 X | 1445 TS

+28 X
+3 TS

69% | 1288 X | 1398 TS

-18 X
+3 TS

65% | 1316 X | 1320 TS

+29 X
+16 TS

34% | 1114 X | 1221 TS

Chat log

00:00:08creeeeeee and it started wao :)
00:00:17NotAHax y i decided not to remove
00:00:17creeeeeee -clear
00:00:17NotAHax finished my sc2 game
00:00:17ESA_93 voisin roamaa ogrella
00:00:17EyeforanEye ban thrall pick es
00:00:17Strom -alche
00:00:17NotAHax lol
00:00:17creeeeeee mis võtad?
00:00:17sebralane nota u were good cap this night
00:00:17creeeeeee sb?
00:00:17NotAHax can someone play dirge/venge/es?
00:00:17sebralane do it again
00:00:17Strom huskar või sb
00:00:17NotAHax :p
00:00:17sebralane i wanna es
00:00:17ESA_93 ill go venge
00:00:17Idx i can go es
00:00:17ESA_93 ok pick es
00:00:17EyeforanEye ur gonna pick huskar?
00:00:17Isdronningen yeah you where damn good :D
00:00:17EyeforanEye can u pick him for me?
00:00:17NotAHax gay pool-....
00:00:17sebralane ban trall
00:00:17NotAHax no
00:00:17NotAHax i ban bara or huskar
00:00:17NotAHax but which is more annoing
00:00:17Isdronningen hukar
00:00:17sebralane bara
00:00:17sebralane :D
00:00:17NotAHax OR
00:00:17NotAHax I LEAVE BOUTH
00:00:17NotAHax MIND GAMES!
00:00:17EyeforanEye ?
00:00:17NotAHax hmm
00:00:17sebralane bara 2 sek from fountain to ur base
00:00:17Isdronningen hehe
00:00:17NotAHax -omni
00:00:23NotAHax mind games mr strom, mind games
00:00:27EyeforanEye xD
00:00:36NotAHax get bara
00:00:36Isdronningen hehe
00:00:39sebralane he falled for it
00:00:41EyeforanEye for me or for u?
00:00:42Idx bara and es
00:00:45ESA_93 who wants this?
00:00:45Idx jeez
00:00:47Strom for me
00:00:48IseeDeadPeople im the chicken bitch :S
00:00:49NotAHax someone wants
00:00:50NotAHax bara?
00:00:50EyeforanEye ok.
00:00:51NotAHax -swap 2
00:00:55NotAHax someone should play bara
00:00:55ESA_93 -swap 17
00:00:57ESA_93 -swap 1
00:00:58NotAHax can anyone play bara?
00:01:05Isdronningen i can try
00:01:07EyeforanEye can some1 swap me?
00:01:09Strom nice picks
00:01:10ESA_93 pick me ogre
00:01:13Isdronningen what you want
00:01:14EyeforanEye deadpeople?
00:01:14NotAHax no
00:01:15ESA_93 no
00:01:16NotAHax no ogre
00:01:20IseeDeadPeople no pls
00:01:22NotAHax get me naix
00:01:24IseeDeadPeople es to boring
00:01:28EyeforanEye euforia?
00:01:29NotAHax -swap 4
00:01:30Isdronningen -swap 1
00:01:33sebralane i go what?
00:01:33NotAHax -swwap 2
00:01:34IseeDeadPeople ill go phoe
00:01:35NotAHax sebralane
00:01:36ESA_93 -swap 1
00:01:37NotAHax wanna play venge?
00:01:38sebralane ds?
00:01:39NotAHax -swap 2
00:01:40EyeforanEye why.
00:01:40sebralane sure
00:01:40Euforia no
00:01:42EyeforanEye sk
00:01:42IseeDeadPeople ?
00:01:43Strom ogre good
00:01:46EyeforanEye SK
00:01:48sebralane what for vs?
00:01:53NotAHax get me clock
00:01:59NotAHax -swap 5
00:02:00sebralane -swap
00:02:02sebralane -swap 1
00:02:04sebralane -clear
00:02:14NotAHax venge top
00:02:18NotAHax bara you can solo?
00:02:22ESA_93 y
00:02:25Isdronningen i can try
00:02:30ESA_93 meen armlettiin
00:02:32ESA_93 deso
00:02:33Isdronningen but need gangs if it hard
00:02:33ESA_93 jne
00:02:41Euforia es pull pls
00:02:53ESA_93 jeba
00:02:53sebralane not dont fail me :D
00:02:59NotAHax i try
00:02:59NotAHax :
00:03:01ESA_93 ultilla suhun kiinni
00:03:05NotAHax take
00:03:06NotAHax come midd
00:03:12NotAHax lets try fb
00:03:15NotAHax but i dont have
00:03:17NotAHax ministun
00:03:18NotAHax gort rrocket
00:03:42NotAHax gj!
00:03:45Isdronningen nice
00:03:48Strom invi venge mid, cool beans
00:03:50NotAHax well done
00:03:52NotAHax go top now help ud
00:03:56sebralane u2
00:04:17NotAHax ud
00:04:23NotAHax try farm, get ur self manaboots,vang,hood
00:04:24ESA_93 lol
00:04:39NotAHax and obs fast ´+ chicke upgrd plz
00:05:18IseeDeadPeople chick up
00:05:50sebralane try again
00:06:05NotAHax gj!
00:06:06Strom so
00:06:08Strom venge mid again
00:06:08NotAHax let me take rune
00:06:16NotAHax let me
00:06:16NotAHax take
00:06:16IseeDeadPeople b
00:06:17NotAHax and lets go bot
00:06:18Strom now they going bot
00:06:27NotAHax sec
00:06:47NotAHax they know
00:06:48IseeDeadPeople ss
00:06:51NotAHax get midd again venge
00:06:57sebralane e8 for me
00:06:59sebralane then
00:07:01sebralane i sloe
00:07:03sebralane no boots
00:07:05NotAHax yy
00:07:23NotAHax level midd
00:07:24NotAHax i go gang top
00:07:26NotAHax just stay midd
00:07:26NotAHax level up
00:07:44Isdronningen care
00:07:51EyeforanEye imba nice.
00:08:06NotAHax omw
00:08:11Isdronningen im
00:08:12EyeforanEye ill go gang some.
00:08:12Isdronningen b
00:08:14ESA_93 y
00:08:14NotAHax ¨stun
00:08:14NotAHax stun
00:08:22NotAHax .
00:08:51NotAHax gj
00:08:57NotAHax : D
00:08:57EyeforanEye OMFG
00:09:02IseeDeadPeople ss
00:09:10Isdronningen naix
00:09:12NotAHax my bot rune
00:09:17Euforia obs
00:09:17Euforia get
00:09:19Isdronningen naix
00:09:37EyeforanEye upgrade chick
00:09:45creeeeeee 4 bot
00:09:46IseeDeadPeople great
00:09:47Isdronningen nice gj
00:09:48ESA_93 : D
00:09:48Idx wp
00:09:48NotAHax gj all
00:09:53NotAHax venge
00:09:55NotAHax head to midd
00:09:56NotAHax i can tele
00:10:27Idx 3 top
00:10:35IseeDeadPeople /...
00:10:49NotAHax fuck
00:10:51NotAHax need obs top also
00:10:57Euforia kill tomb pls
00:11:05creeeeeee was attacking it whole time
00:11:05NotAHax def top
00:11:06NotAHax venge come
00:11:07creeeeeee all 3 of us
00:11:17Strom kill ud
00:11:22NotAHax take
00:11:25NotAHax ör
00:11:26NotAHax wait me
00:11:27EyeforanEye wards.
00:11:40NotAHax k go
00:11:40NotAHax go
00:11:41NotAHax take and go
00:11:49IseeDeadPeople b
00:11:50NotAHax gogo
00:11:52EyeforanEye 2 inc
00:11:55NotAHax GO
00:12:06NotAHax stun
00:12:20NotAHax -.-
00:12:21sebralane gg
00:12:23sebralane 2000000 range
00:12:24NotAHax you wait too much with stun
00:12:25NotAHax :E
00:12:30sebralane on that es ulti
00:12:37creeeeeee well they only run around with haste as i see it
00:12:53IseeDeadPeople ss
00:12:56creeeeeee kill top es
00:13:01Strom I come top
00:13:04creeeeeee got ult
00:13:08creeeeeee in few sec
00:13:14EyeforanEye nvm
00:13:22Idx 3 top again
00:13:33Idx es inc mid
00:13:37EyeforanEye inc bot
00:14:09ESA_93 mana
00:14:11ESA_93 fuuu
00:14:19ESA_93 jees
00:14:26Euforia obs
00:14:26ESA_93 -cs
00:14:28EyeforanEye ye.
00:14:33IseeDeadPeople b
00:14:34NotAHax venge
00:15:05IseeDeadPeople wait
00:15:27NotAHax push
00:15:38EyeforanEye top go
00:15:38Isdronningen 3 bot
00:15:41NotAHax y
00:16:01NotAHax tele midd
00:16:02NotAHax ud venge
00:16:26NotAHax new obs plz
00:17:02NotAHax ud
00:17:03NotAHax coime
00:17:04NotAHax and tomb ulti
00:17:07Strom combos
00:17:07NotAHax lol
00:17:07Idx es inc
00:17:07creeeeeee timiong
00:17:07IseeDeadPeople wtf
00:17:07Strom lets do it
00:17:47EyeforanEye they got naix freefarming.
00:17:50Strom yea
00:17:52Strom lets gang that niax
00:17:56sebralane i swap u ministun
00:17:56NotAHax y
00:18:07Strom need backup for naix
00:18:13IseeDeadPeople afk
00:18:14IseeDeadPeople ..
00:18:16Euforia ...
00:18:21EyeforanEye omw.
00:18:24NotAHax i get b
00:18:30EyeforanEye warded.
00:18:40NotAHax yea push midd
00:18:40NotAHax gj
00:18:51NotAHax continue
00:18:52NotAHax they are bot
00:19:00NotAHax gnang
00:19:04EyeforanEye b.
00:19:04ESA_93 y
00:19:06IseeDeadPeople b
00:19:21EyeforanEye ff
00:19:26Isdronningen next :D
00:19:28NotAHax push
00:20:15NotAHax ;_;
00:20:17Idx does my tomb help out es's ult?
00:20:17Euforia yyy dont kill tomb
00:20:18Euforia again
00:20:19NotAHax yes
00:20:22NotAHax but ur tombs are goods
00:20:23EyeforanEye stfu u suck.
00:20:35NotAHax and
00:20:37NotAHax we are still winning
00:20:39NotAHax naix is ferefarming
00:21:04ESA_93 ferefarming for fictory
00:21:04NotAHax bara go sy next
00:21:07Strom ok lets go kill that naix
00:21:09Isdronningen ok
00:21:20NotAHax go
00:21:26IseeDeadPeople b
00:21:29IseeDeadPeople b
00:21:30IseeDeadPeople b
00:21:30IseeDeadPeople b
00:21:46NotAHax ward
00:22:00ESA_93 ill farm top
00:22:03NotAHax y
00:22:22NotAHax 3 midd
00:22:22NotAHax push bot
00:22:28Strom go kill
00:22:37NotAHax bb
00:22:43NotAHax tomb
00:22:44NotAHax ulti
00:22:44NotAHax go
00:22:49Isdronningen coming mid
00:23:13IseeDeadPeople n1 thral
00:23:19NotAHax ud you need some items
00:23:37Idx soloed against es and wl
00:23:39Idx kinda sad farm
00:24:07NotAHax ffs
00:24:10IseeDeadPeople n1
00:24:37Isdronningen come on
00:24:42EyeforanEye xD
00:24:44IseeDeadPeople xD
00:24:49Isdronningen :%
00:24:51Isdronningen ^^
00:24:54IseeDeadPeople b
00:24:54NotAHax -_-
00:24:55sebralane come one
00:24:58NotAHax stop solo man
00:24:59sebralane i lost control
00:24:59NotAHax .
00:25:01sebralane auto attacking
00:25:02sebralane ...
00:25:07ESA_93 y
00:25:17NotAHax tomb ulti
00:25:23IseeDeadPeople b
00:25:32EyeforanEye :(
00:25:33Isdronningen :D
00:25:49Isdronningen now we friends again :D
00:25:53EyeforanEye no!
00:26:02Isdronningen :(
00:26:02IseeDeadPeople deff
00:26:14NotAHax cha
00:26:26ESA_93 cha cha cha chäärebori
00:26:27NotAHax b
00:26:27NotAHax b
00:26:42ESA_93 k
00:26:47ESA_93 300deso
00:26:47NotAHax swap
00:26:54IseeDeadPeople gj
00:27:05creeeeeee FFS
00:27:08creeeeeee LOCK
00:27:10NotAHax stop solo uid
00:27:15Euforia ?
00:27:17NotAHax gio=?
00:28:02NotAHax b
00:28:04ESA_93 teen sen bkb
00:28:17NotAHax dam it
00:28:18IseeDeadPeople haha
00:28:18IseeDeadPeople gj
00:28:23ESA_93 ju
00:28:29sebralane need dust
00:28:29creeeeeee :)
00:28:50Isdronningen b
00:29:07Strom hmm, bara has quite good items
00:29:13creeeeeee naix deso armlet
00:29:23Strom well naix was freefarming all the time
00:29:25Strom so that's a given
00:29:29Strom but bara is surprising
00:29:30Euforia its quite obvious they freefarmed the whole game
00:29:37NotAHax ward up venge
00:29:45Strom lets gather 5 and push
00:29:49Strom we have nothing more to farm
00:29:52EyeforanEye no we need gang before push.
00:29:52Strom we need to kill tree
00:29:58IseeDeadPeople k
00:29:59Strom we don't need to gang anything
00:30:02Strom we have 4 imba aoe guys
00:30:02Euforia wd cant gang they obsed
00:30:03NotAHax vengee
00:30:06IseeDeadPeople wait
00:30:07Euforia we
00:30:08IseeDeadPeople i got smoke
00:30:12sebralane wadap
00:30:15IseeDeadPeople here
00:30:26IseeDeadPeople come
00:30:54NotAHax omw
00:31:10ESA_93 tomb earlier please
00:31:28NotAHax :DD
00:31:32sebralane we go 1by1
00:31:34sebralane and lose
00:31:36NotAHax y
00:31:57ESA_93 bara
00:31:59IseeDeadPeople es
00:31:59IseeDeadPeople b
00:32:00EyeforanEye charged
00:32:02NotAHax well ud is too weakalso
00:32:03sebralane bara shoud focus es
00:32:06sebralane b4 he ulties
00:32:12NotAHax y
00:32:12NotAHax or sk
00:32:19ESA_93 someone buy dust
00:32:30IseeDeadPeople def
00:32:31creeeeeee ty
00:32:42IseeDeadPeople np
00:32:45Strom care wl
00:32:46IseeDeadPeople b
00:32:46Idx regen top
00:32:56NotAHax i bottle
00:32:57NotAHax it
00:33:06Strom we need to push again
00:33:14Strom lets go get top tower
00:33:15IseeDeadPeople care
00:33:15NotAHax char
00:33:15NotAHax go
00:33:17NotAHax fight
00:33:18NotAHax midd
00:33:25Strom gather 5
00:33:30ESA_93 dust
00:33:30ESA_93 dust
00:33:31ESA_93 dust
00:33:32ESA_93 dust
00:33:36NotAHax ..
00:33:39NotAHax so none had dust
00:33:39NotAHax oll
00:33:50Strom top tower
00:33:55sebralane i had
00:34:00sebralane but was outa position
00:34:00ESA_93 use it earlier
00:34:23sebralane naix oly chance
00:34:28NotAHax wait
00:34:32IseeDeadPeople b
00:34:35IseeDeadPeople b
00:34:36NotAHax heal tomb
00:34:37IseeDeadPeople b
00:34:37NotAHax heal tomb
00:34:38NotAHax heal tomb
00:34:39NotAHax ..
00:34:40IseeDeadPeople b
00:34:40IseeDeadPeople b
00:34:45Euforia why
00:34:49EyeforanEye all live
00:34:52Euforia were full and i got golem
00:34:55Idx didnt know i can do that
00:34:56ESA_93 tuos
00:34:58creeeeeee go smoke
00:35:03Euforia and sk ulti
00:35:05NotAHax all midd
00:35:07NotAHax lets go with smoke
00:35:09NotAHax all here
00:35:12creeeeeee why glyph???
00:35:12ESA_93 ju
00:35:18NotAHax ALL HERE
00:35:19NotAHax FOR SMOKE
00:35:28Strom lets heal
00:35:28NotAHax and rosh
00:35:29Strom and push mid
00:35:36NotAHax next to rosh
00:35:37NotAHax so no vision
00:35:46NotAHax venge
00:35:47IseeDeadPeople care
00:35:47EyeforanEye ulti rdy
00:35:59NotAHax naix take
00:36:07IseeDeadPeople dont focus
00:36:09IseeDeadPeople life
00:36:13EyeforanEye no
00:36:16NotAHax go midd
00:36:19EyeforanEye focos venge/clock
00:36:33IseeDeadPeople tard
00:36:34ESA_93 imbaness
00:36:34EyeforanEye fucking noob,.
00:36:37creeeeeee idiot
00:36:44Strom def in base
00:36:46Euforia cant see map when u spam
00:36:48IseeDeadPeople y
00:36:49Strom dont get swapped
00:36:51NotAHax b
00:36:51NotAHax b
00:36:52NotAHax b
00:36:53creeeeeee why u farm even
00:36:54NotAHax stay here
00:36:55creeeeeee when they push
00:36:57sebralane i swap
00:36:59sebralane some1
00:36:59ESA_93 mind games
00:36:59NotAHax hmm
00:37:00NotAHax ok
00:37:10NotAHax no swap
00:37:11NotAHax come here
00:37:20ESA_93 come here
00:37:31IseeDeadPeople go kill
00:37:34IseeDeadPeople lock
00:37:35IseeDeadPeople come
00:37:39NotAHax venge
00:37:40NotAHax they sewe you
00:37:41NotAHax ..
00:37:42NotAHax lol
00:37:43Euforia keep the pro tips coming
00:37:44IseeDeadPeople go
00:37:45Euforia i rly need them
00:37:59IseeDeadPeople go
00:38:01NotAHax okay
00:38:02IseeDeadPeople u ogt ww
00:38:02Euforia why
00:38:03NotAHax naix wil get hes bkb
00:38:04NotAHax and we go
00:38:05Idx nice plan guys
00:38:13NotAHax just wait
00:38:15EyeforanEye pussys
00:38:17IseeDeadPeople go warlock
00:38:19NotAHax you are
00:38:21Euforia not going
00:38:30NotAHax bara..
00:38:32sebralane wadap
00:38:39sebralane gg
00:38:40NotAHax gg bara
00:38:41sebralane ilti rape
00:38:48NotAHax bara
00:38:49NotAHax ur just
00:38:50NotAHax ..
00:38:51NotAHax oh my god
00:38:52Isdronningen sry
00:38:54NotAHax we lost just becouse you werent here
00:38:56NotAHax well done bara.
00:38:56Strom 5:0
00:38:56sebralane I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:39:02Isdronningen that was my bad
00:39:24ESA_93 well, if we fight well next time, we can take mid from them
00:39:32NotAHax wait all
00:39:33IseeDeadPeople raxx
00:39:38NotAHax tomb
00:39:39NotAHax ulti
00:39:40NotAHax go
00:39:40NotAHax now
00:39:48NotAHax heal tomb
00:39:49NotAHax heal tomb
00:39:50NotAHax heal tomb
00:39:50IseeDeadPeople raxx
00:40:01IseeDeadPeople b
00:40:26Idx they didnt even get the tower
00:40:28ESA_93 Good entry
00:40:29NotAHax ca
00:40:34IseeDeadPeople def
00:40:40Strom instead of listening to last pick advice there
00:40:42NotAHax WAT
00:40:42sebralane omfg
00:40:44Strom you coul've helped me kill that tomb
00:40:48sebralane another mouse lag :D
00:40:50Strom and when I got swapped, help me
00:40:53IseeDeadPeople def
00:40:56IseeDeadPeople go def
00:40:58IseeDeadPeople all
00:41:07Strom def mid
00:41:10NotAHax iu jump
00:41:20NotAHax dust
00:41:43sebralane ffs
00:41:45sebralane i are linked
00:41:47sebralane and take damage
00:41:48sebralane gg
00:42:06IseeDeadPeople not bad
00:42:14IseeDeadPeople wtf
00:42:15Idx wp
00:42:15IseeDeadPeople tard
00:42:18Strom professional euforia
00:42:24NotAHax : D
00:42:26ESA_93 : D
00:42:28Euforia gosu
00:42:36NotAHax listen me guys
00:42:40NotAHax we need do this
00:42:42NotAHax I JUMP
00:42:43NotAHax with naix inside me
00:42:44NotAHax then
00:42:45Euforia teteekö toi hook damagee kaikkiin jotka on siin matkal
00:42:46NotAHax ud uses shit
00:42:47Euforia vai mitä
00:42:48NotAHax and you guys help
00:42:51NotAHax joo
00:42:55Strom gather 5
00:42:56Strom and push mid
00:42:58IseeDeadPeople y
00:42:59EyeforanEye y
00:43:00Euforia aika hulluu
00:43:09Isdronningen i go for bkb now
00:43:12NotAHax y
00:43:21NotAHax i finish pipe
00:43:24Euforia luulin et se pitää osu
00:43:26IseeDeadPeople here
00:43:26Euforia uu
00:43:28creeeeeee sec
00:43:31IseeDeadPeople b
00:43:32creeeeeee have to push back this
00:43:33IseeDeadPeople b
00:43:33EyeforanEye bkb naix.
00:43:40Euforia bkb doesnt work on naix
00:43:41Euforia D:
00:43:51EyeforanEye ofc it does.
00:43:52ESA_93 b
00:43:52Strom come on
00:43:53Strom people
00:43:55Strom come mid
00:43:58creeeeeee ok go
00:44:03NotAHax DONT SOLO
00:44:04NotAHax FFS
00:44:04ESA_93 b
00:44:04ESA_93 b
00:44:05ESA_93 b
00:44:05NotAHax WHY YOU GO
00:44:06sebralane ofc
00:44:07NotAHax BACK
00:44:08NotAHax BAXKC
00:44:08NotAHax BACK
00:44:09NotAHax BACK
00:44:11Euforia no it doesnt stack with rage
00:44:14IseeDeadPeople go
00:44:15NotAHax you need stop ur soliong
00:44:17NotAHax it losing game for us
00:44:22sebralane i warded
00:44:24sebralane i wasent solo
00:44:24EyeforanEye go mid
00:44:27NotAHax .........
00:44:30sebralane lucky that they had 5 there
00:44:40NotAHax tomb
00:45:01NotAHax gg
00:45:03EyeforanEye gooo
00:45:06IseeDeadPeople def top
00:45:07NotAHax euforia bdoor
00:45:10EyeforanEye nvm top
00:45:13EyeforanEye go throne
00:45:15NotAHax Creep wasent on range when you attacked
00:45:16Euforia was not
00:45:16IseeDeadPeople trall
00:45:17IseeDeadPeople top
00:45:22Euforia 800 range
00:45:27IseeDeadPeople trall top
00:45:28IseeDeadPeople u tard
00:45:30Isdronningen lol why you bdoor?
00:45:31EyeforanEye no
00:45:32EyeforanEye THRONE
00:45:35EyeforanEye ill go top.
00:45:37Strom stop blinking
00:45:49Strom b
00:45:50IseeDeadPeople tards
00:45:50EyeforanEye GO TRHONE!!!!!!!!!
00:45:55NotAHax b
00:45:55NotAHax b
00:45:56NotAHax ..
00:46:02NotAHax pff
00:46:05ESA_93 and again. :D
00:46:07Strom tp base?
00:46:13sebralane nice control of my hero
00:46:18NotAHax y i did
00:46:21Idx yay
00:46:22Idx noes
00:46:28NotAHax get rosh
00:46:28NotAHax bara
00:46:32NotAHax farm
00:46:32Strom I got swapped in middle of tp
00:46:34Strom but wtf guys
00:46:36Strom where are your tps
00:46:40Euforia cd
00:46:54IseeDeadPeople top push
00:46:55IseeDeadPeople gogo
00:47:02Strom nah, push bot
00:47:06Strom but regen 1min
00:47:07EyeforanEye dont be greedy
00:47:13EyeforanEye go mid n finish.
00:47:15IseeDeadPeople rosh
00:47:17Strom greedy+
00:47:22Strom psuhing mid would be greedy
00:47:29Euforia imo dont listen to them
00:47:32EyeforanEye yes " I WANT IT ALL" lets give them time to farm ever harder
00:47:36sebralane go mid?
00:47:40EyeforanEye just go finish.
00:47:40IseeDeadPeople gank
00:47:41IseeDeadPeople go
00:47:44NotAHax NO
00:47:44Strom this is not my first rodeo
00:47:44NotAHax GET B
00:47:45NotAHax ALL BACK
00:47:46Strom we will push bot
00:47:46EyeforanEye xD
00:47:49Euforia noobs never heard of mega creeps
00:47:57EyeforanEye hahaha u be quiet.
00:47:59IseeDeadPeople go bo
00:48:02NotAHax i get reg
00:48:06sebralane rocket top
00:48:08creeeeeee crix we already got ac
00:48:09creeeeeee :)
00:48:10creeeeeee go shiva
00:48:31IseeDeadPeople care
00:48:32Idx 150 til scepter
00:48:42Strom I'll be our rambo
00:48:44creeeeeee warlock
00:48:46EyeforanEye y
00:48:47sebralane naix baite
00:48:49creeeeeee attack tomb
00:48:51creeeeeee if its up
00:49:29sebralane I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:30NotAHax ud is just too weak
00:49:33NotAHax no items
00:49:34NotAHax anything
00:49:37creeeeeee ez
00:49:37ESA_93 I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:42IseeDeadPeople gg
00:49:44IseeDeadPeople team
00:49:47EyeforanEye gg
00:49:47Strom we had much better heroes
00:49:47EyeforanEye wp
00:49:48Strom aoe ownage
00:49:51IseeDeadPeople y
00:49:53NotAHax Retards won
00:49:53NotAHax I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:56EyeforanEye XD
00:49:56IseeDeadPeople haha
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