Game #1951031

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+0 X
+1 TS

87% | 1442 X | 1497 TS

+12 X
+2 TS

73% | 1294 X | 1430 TS

-39 X
+2 TS

60% | 1223 X | 1343 TS

-14 X
+4 TS

43% | 1148 X | 1290 TS

-6 X
+15 TS

13% | 913 X | 1213 TS

+2 X
-1 TS

69% | 1274 X | 1454 TS

-7 X
-8 TS

67% | 1414 X | 1243 TS

+11 X
-2 TS

57% | 1208 X | 1328 TS

+46 X
-1 TS

54% | 1163 X | 1373 TS

+9 X
-1 TS

27% | 1002 X | 1322 TS

Chat log

00:00:17KredeC -clear
00:00:17PeterLars du en so :D
00:00:17PeterLars michael
00:00:17McNabb yep
00:00:17PeterLars ham den sidste er total dårlig :D
00:00:17McNabb ban potm
00:00:17GO_GO_I_TANK well bara obvious ban
00:00:17Arapiles any wishes?
00:00:17Arapiles yy
00:00:17Arapiles any wishes?
00:00:17Arapiles bara
00:00:17GO_GO_I_TANK who carry and with what?
00:00:17McNabb fu
00:00:17Arapiles u carry if u want
00:00:17Dota.m well
00:00:18Dota.m i can wl
00:00:18Arapiles i pick veno
00:00:21GO_GO_I_TANK i caried last 4 games no fun
00:00:31GO_GO_I_TANK i get u wl
00:00:38Dota.m or
00:00:46GO_GO_I_TANK wl good hero
00:00:51McNabb sk
00:00:53McNabb and sk
00:00:56Arapiles i can mid also
00:00:58McNabb get 2 sk
00:01:00Dota.m slc2 go lion lina ?
00:01:01McNabb hvorfor
00:01:03Arapiles not vs veno though
00:01:05GO_GO_I_TANK get me cent
00:01:05McNabb tar du nu den
00:01:05slc2 yea:D
00:01:07PeterLars fpordi jeg er god
00:01:10GO_GO_I_TANK carry cent ftw :D
00:01:11Dota.m kk
00:01:11McNabb ff
00:01:19GO_GO_I_TANK -swap 4
00:01:20Dota.m -swap 2
00:01:26GO_GO_I_TANK ranged last plz
00:01:28McNabb så meget imba i poolen og så vælger i det crap
00:01:29Arapiles ranged
00:01:30KredeC lanes?
00:01:31GO_GO_I_TANK lion or pugna
00:01:35Dota.m lion
00:01:38GO_GO_I_TANK pugna no good lion
00:01:39Dota.m gog
00:01:40KredeC lina er sgu da ikke dårlog
00:01:41Dota.m gogo
00:01:42Dota.m lion
00:01:45GO_GO_I_TANK lion y
00:01:45McNabb jo
00:01:56GO_GO_I_TANK sk
00:02:01KredeC me panda top?
00:02:03Arapiles sk go bot
00:02:07ATS_ stfu
00:02:10KredeC llers skal jeg solo top`?
00:02:11McNabb dont give a shit
00:02:11Arapiles wl or lion top solo
00:02:15GO_GO_I_TANK let warlock solo top
00:02:16Isdronningen oki doki
00:02:19GO_GO_I_TANK with me gang from woods
00:02:27McNabb er sur nu
00:02:33KredeC k
00:02:36KredeC hvorfor?
00:02:36McNabb tøse fornærmet
00:02:37GO_GO_I_TANK let warlock top
00:02:41GO_GO_I_TANK he so imba on solo lane
00:02:45Dota.m ats bot
00:02:45KredeC men ja mortred var et lorte pick
00:02:46McNabb fordi peter vælger det lort
00:02:50Dota.m so ranged on all lane ?
00:02:53GO_GO_I_TANK well i will be on lane also
00:02:57GO_GO_I_TANK yeah better
00:02:57KredeC super ringe pick
00:03:03FireMal -ma
00:03:06slc2 haste
00:03:11ATS_ let
00:03:11McNabb sk/ck blev ik valgt
00:03:13GO_GO_I_TANK take gang mid
00:03:14slc2 fb mid
00:03:14ATS_ it be
00:03:16McNabb utroligt
00:03:25Dota.m cent u pull ?
00:03:30Arapiles yy
00:03:30PeterLars care
00:03:30GO_GO_I_TANK y some
00:03:30PeterLars care
00:03:31PeterLars b
00:03:38Arapiles b
00:03:49ATS_ ff
00:04:53GO_GO_I_TANK i go boots and fuck em up
00:05:01ATS_ kill bot
00:05:12ATS_ ss
00:05:34KredeC ss
00:05:39ATS_ ss
00:05:50KredeC ss
00:06:24slc2 me lvl 3 then go
00:06:58slc2 b
00:07:02GO_GO_I_TANK gj
00:07:25GO_GO_I_TANK dohp
00:07:26GO_GO_I_TANK blind
00:07:28Arapiles ss
00:07:35McNabb ss
00:08:15GO_GO_I_TANK sorry
00:08:48Arapiles ss mid
00:08:56Arapiles care top
00:08:58McNabb ss
00:09:08Arapiles ss veno
00:09:22GO_GO_I_TANK found him
00:09:40GO_GO_I_TANK wow lion
00:09:41McNabb hi
00:09:41GO_GO_I_TANK is bad
00:09:53Arapiles why u not go b?
00:09:55Arapiles top
00:10:00Arapiles and then stay b when i come
00:10:05Arapiles o m f g
00:10:08McNabb 3 bot help
00:10:11McNabb him
00:10:20McNabb tp
00:10:20Arapiles rdy top?
00:10:48GO_GO_I_TANK gj
00:10:57KredeC still need help`?
00:11:03McNabb nej for sent
00:11:06slc2 veno first
00:11:09GO_GO_I_TANK donbt
00:11:11KredeC kk
00:11:12GO_GO_I_TANK sk almost dead
00:11:33ATS_ wtf
00:11:34McNabb AXE
00:11:36ATS_ you are doing
00:11:38ATS_ cmoin
00:11:39PeterLars han er noob
00:11:40ATS_ cmon
00:11:40McNabb ffs
00:11:42PeterLars ikke regn med ham
00:11:43GO_GO_I_TANK why are u staying with 5 hp
00:11:51ATS_ i had a lot
00:11:53GO_GO_I_TANK or like 200 hp
00:11:59GO_GO_I_TANK u had 30 %
00:11:59KredeC go
00:12:02GO_GO_I_TANK vs a veno lvl 7
00:12:03ATS_ you tank
00:12:06PeterLars b
00:12:06PeterLars b
00:12:07ATS_ allright
00:12:09GO_GO_I_TANK :D
00:12:13slc2 oom
00:12:32McNabb great guys
00:12:37McNabb fuck u suxs
00:12:55Arapiles gj
00:12:56McNabb ff
00:12:59McNabb noobbbbbbbbb
00:13:00McNabb ssssssss
00:13:18Dota.m ss top
00:13:30ATS_ tp
00:13:55McNabb no wards lina
00:13:59McNabb sucky pa pick
00:14:08McNabb gid jeg var gået i seng
00:14:11slc2 w8 me
00:14:11McNabb ffffffffff
00:14:12KredeC hehe
00:14:15Dota.m k
00:14:16Dota.m lina
00:14:19GO_GO_I_TANK wait
00:14:21slc2 yea
00:14:27Arapiles need new wards
00:14:44Arapiles ss
00:14:46Arapiles ven
00:14:50Arapiles re'
00:14:51Dota.m twr
00:15:17KredeC 4 top
00:15:43slc2 come here mana
00:15:46ATS_ lion come
00:15:54GO_GO_I_TANK nice
00:16:03McNabb wards?
00:16:06KredeC hehe
00:16:07McNabb stadig ik
00:16:10McNabb ?
00:16:12Isdronningen ss
00:16:17FireMal kommer
00:16:17GO_GO_I_TANK he has ulti
00:16:28KredeC jeg vil bare have manaboots
00:16:41ATS_ lion come
00:16:50GO_GO_I_TANK 'nice
00:17:03slc2 come get mid
00:17:05Arapiles yy
00:17:14PeterLars lol
00:17:35FireMal forget ward
00:17:37McNabb fail
00:17:37GO_GO_I_TANK doh
00:17:41FireMal never coming up
00:17:48Arapiles gj
00:17:49Arapiles all
00:17:58McNabb dont give a shit its .lost
00:18:06McNabb even before we startet
00:18:11KredeC y
00:18:17KredeC coz of 2nd pick
00:18:19ATS_ gang
00:18:21Arapiles on it
00:18:23Dota.m mid twr i got ulti ?
00:18:39slc2 'care
00:18:40McNabb i fucking ved vi har en mega noob på vores hold så vi spiller 5v4.. og så vælger i pa og lina
00:18:42McNabb gg
00:18:45GO_GO_I_TANK tak
00:18:52slc2 dansk?
00:18:55GO_GO_I_TANK y
00:19:03GO_GO_I_TANK halvt svensk
00:19:14GO_GO_I_TANK gopt daggert
00:19:24KredeC fatter ikke at du synes at lina er et dårligt pick
00:19:32McNabb HU7N SUTTER
00:19:35GO_GO_I_TANK got dagger
00:19:37Dota.m go ?
00:19:38slc2 need wl to start
00:19:38McNabb bred penis
00:19:41PeterLars ^^
00:19:43GO_GO_I_TANK nest
00:19:46GO_GO_I_TANK next
00:20:19McNabb imba lina bare bliv væk
00:20:32slc2 blink
00:20:58GO_GO_I_TANK worth it?
00:21:00GO_GO_I_TANK YES!
00:21:03PeterLars ^^
00:21:06Arapiles b
00:21:06Dota.m b
00:21:49Dota.m cent
00:21:50Dota.m bot
00:21:52GO_GO_I_TANK coming
00:21:54GO_GO_I_TANK running as a horse
00:21:56slc2 w8 for me
00:21:58Dota.m hahahaha
00:22:06GO_GO_I_TANK just go
00:22:09GO_GO_I_TANK with me
00:22:12slc2 u wont get him
00:22:13Isdronningen så hård er du ikke i nu peter ^^
00:22:16Arapiles ^^
00:22:19ATS_ gang topå
00:22:21slc2 sindsygt
00:22:28McNabb ENDNU?!??!
00:22:30slc2 ats dansk?
00:22:31Arapiles men det bliver jeg
00:22:32McNabb HAN HAR EN RING
00:22:35ATS_ no
00:22:36McNabb THATS IT
00:22:52McNabb gider ik det ego pick pis
00:22:54FireMal call ?
00:23:13GO_GO_I_TANK bottle?
00:23:13KredeC come
00:23:16Arapiles y
00:23:17GO_GO_I_TANK i take
00:23:19GO_GO_I_TANK go
00:23:20slc2 gank mortred
00:23:23McNabb du blir altså removed fra friends... mit hjerte magter ik det nab
00:23:31KredeC care
00:23:34PeterLars ^^
00:23:39FireMal fake
00:23:43PeterLars hvorfor så ond idag :D
00:23:47slc2 get him
00:24:02KredeC ciome
00:24:06KredeC mich
00:24:11Dota.m mid
00:24:13Dota.m go ulti
00:24:15Dota.m ?
00:24:33FireMal ff
00:24:40slc2 blink him
00:25:17GO_GO_I_TANK twr
00:25:52slc2 haha
00:26:22McNabb die
00:26:29McNabb ty
00:26:46ATS_ hel maybe
00:26:47Arapiles b
00:26:50GO_GO_I_TANK hehe
00:26:53ATS_ b
00:26:53Arapiles b
00:26:54Arapiles !!
00:26:55GO_GO_I_TANK b lion
00:26:55GO_GO_I_TANK plz
00:26:56ATS_ dont feed
00:27:02GO_GO_I_TANK ah
00:27:04GO_GO_I_TANK thats whats u wanted
00:27:13Arapiles b!!!
00:28:15GO_GO_I_TANK go
00:28:16KredeC jeg står og ser på det..
00:28:19Arapiles ^^
00:28:29GO_GO_I_TANK all is danish?
00:28:36Dota.m no
00:28:47PeterLars care
00:29:26ATS_ no mitä vittua
00:29:28FireMal gj
00:29:32ATS_ wtf lion
00:29:40Arapiles lothar venge
00:29:50ATS_ do you want to outfarm mort
00:29:52GO_GO_I_TANK we nice dagger team
00:29:58slc2 go him
00:30:20FireMal b
00:30:20PeterLars b
00:30:21PeterLars b
00:30:36McNabb fu
00:30:38GO_GO_I_TANK buy me a gem someone?P
00:30:39PeterLars ^^
00:30:45Dota.m 200 for agah
00:30:49GO_GO_I_TANK or u hold?
00:31:00GO_GO_I_TANK doh was hit
00:31:01McNabb im the one who hates atm not u guys
00:31:08McNabb let me be
00:31:21GO_GO_I_TANK tak tak
00:32:36Arapiles my
00:32:46GO_GO_I_TANK tp top
00:33:43slc2 illu
00:34:29GO_GO_I_TANK gem
00:34:33KredeC base
00:34:33GO_GO_I_TANK gem
00:34:35GO_GO_I_TANK warlock
00:34:36GO_GO_I_TANK gj
00:34:43GO_GO_I_TANK a bit agro lion :D
00:34:58Arapiles b
00:35:05ATS_ b
00:35:08GO_GO_I_TANK go roshan
00:35:10GO_GO_I_TANK we have gem and wards
00:35:18GO_GO_I_TANK and rockets :D
00:35:33ATS_ too risky
00:35:39ATS_ 1 jump and all dead
00:35:45FireMal go
00:36:24GO_GO_I_TANK b
00:36:40KredeC gem on lock
00:36:47McNabb look at my noob team
00:36:53McNabb so sad
00:37:02GO_GO_I_TANK re gem plz
00:37:07McNabb but care pa has bf after 30 min
00:37:11GO_GO_I_TANK can i gem?
00:37:25GO_GO_I_TANK gem`?
00:37:31GO_GO_I_TANK thansx
00:37:41slc2 scepter araiples?
00:37:46slc2 aripiles
00:37:46ATS_ we need to end
00:37:50Dota.m maybe we gotta end it soon
00:37:51McNabb gem bare for lille mig wl?!?!? tak jeg er smiret:D
00:37:52GO_GO_I_TANK yeah no carry
00:37:55Arapiles i go return dmg
00:37:57Arapiles or pipe
00:38:01Dota.m if mortred get bkb and more dmg we are dead
00:38:08ATS_ we are kind of overtime allready
00:38:24GO_GO_I_TANK b
00:38:48Arapiles ok goend soon
00:38:52KredeC care
00:39:04ATS_ all mid?
00:39:09Dota.m can we ? cap
00:39:11Arapiles yy
00:39:27PeterLars def
00:39:28PeterLars mid
00:39:37KredeC def kid
00:40:12ATS_ cent go in
00:40:21GO_GO_I_TANK tower rax
00:40:53GO_GO_I_TANK shito
00:41:06Dota.m sk?=
00:41:06McNabb :D
00:41:11Dota.m what a late ulti
00:41:48GO_GO_I_TANK bah
00:41:49McNabb gem
00:41:51McNabb gem
00:41:52McNabb guys
00:41:53McNabb gem
00:41:54Arapiles there goes the game
00:41:55GO_GO_I_TANK bad fight
00:42:01Arapiles y
00:42:06FireMal des gem
00:42:08McNabb go b axe
00:42:10GO_GO_I_TANK just need wards and entrance
00:42:15GO_GO_I_TANK gem on axe
00:42:16Arapiles well maphack phantom assasin wins everygame
00:42:17GO_GO_I_TANK ...
00:42:18FireMal des gem oder was
00:42:21GO_GO_I_TANK he mh`?
00:42:22McNabb kill it
00:42:25Arapiles kinda
00:42:32ATS_ no he gont
00:42:34ATS_ dont
00:42:34Arapiles he looks at others screens
00:42:38FireMal wards ?
00:42:40Arapiles here at the netcafe
00:42:43GO_GO_I_TANK lan?
00:42:43Arapiles = MH
00:42:44GO_GO_I_TANK hmm
00:42:47GO_GO_I_TANK well he still not imba yet
00:42:49GO_GO_I_TANK we can nuke him
00:42:58GO_GO_I_TANK focus veno first then him if possible
00:43:15ATS_ just dont die alone and try get them in 1 place
00:43:30GO_GO_I_TANK there is game
00:43:31McNabb nabs:DF
00:43:36Arapiles hvorfor ik ulti?
00:43:38GO_GO_I_TANK lets try
00:43:52GO_GO_I_TANK next
00:43:53GO_GO_I_TANK tower
00:44:17GO_GO_I_TANK lion stay b
00:44:19KredeC b
00:44:26Dota.m mortred bkb soon
00:44:37GO_GO_I_TANK let him trigger it for waste
00:45:16Arapiles gj
00:45:18Arapiles push now
00:45:20Arapiles mid
00:45:21McNabb axe u really need that blink
00:45:22PeterLars def
00:45:23PeterLars def
00:45:23PeterLars def
00:45:24PeterLars def
00:45:24PeterLars def
00:45:25GO_GO_I_TANK poush
00:45:29McNabb ¨and lina need to be there
00:45:30Arapiles mid puuuuush
00:45:38GO_GO_I_TANK i have dust for when they out
00:45:43McNabb b
00:45:45McNabb ffs
00:45:59McNabb u gonna die
00:46:11Arapiles too late now
00:46:15Arapiles we must ward up
00:46:17GO_GO_I_TANK ward then dust
00:46:20McNabb blink now axe
00:46:30FireMal got it
00:46:40Arapiles push top tower
00:46:42GO_GO_I_TANK lets dust
00:46:44PeterLars def
00:46:44PeterLars def
00:46:47GO_GO_I_TANK i mean
00:46:49GO_GO_I_TANK smoke
00:46:57GO_GO_I_TANK we have no dust
00:46:58slc2 no twr first
00:47:00McNabb they rosh
00:47:11KredeC gogogo
00:47:12McNabb axe blink in
00:47:39GO_GO_I_TANK fuck
00:47:42GO_GO_I_TANK confused
00:47:46Arapiles firemal owning us
00:47:48ATS_ nice opening
00:47:50ATS_ again
00:47:54Dota.m gg
00:48:13Dota.m we have loost this
00:48:15Arapiles lothars warlock will loose like 90% of your gameas
00:48:21GO_GO_I_TANK we have no carry... u have one
00:48:23ATS_ why
00:48:28ATS_ noobs cant end
00:48:32Dota.m gank and entre
00:48:41GO_GO_I_TANK new wards and dust plz
00:48:56McNabb i kept this game going 1v5 for 20 min early game.. why the fuck dident u end?
00:49:01Arapiles 250 to pipe
00:49:05McNabb peter
00:49:06McNabb rosh
00:49:07GO_GO_I_TANK dont answer him
00:49:08GO_GO_I_TANK lets try
00:49:11ATS_ cause zues
00:49:20GO_GO_I_TANK smoke now
00:49:21McNabb come all
00:49:23GO_GO_I_TANK come all1
00:49:31GO_GO_I_TANK check
00:49:34McNabb pa takes
00:49:39GO_GO_I_TANK wow
00:49:40Dota.m to late
00:49:40GO_GO_I_TANK lion afk
00:49:40Dota.m b
00:49:45KredeC just mid
00:49:47GO_GO_I_TANK -afk
00:49:52KredeC k i come btm
00:50:00slc2 nahh...
00:50:09KredeC go ffs
00:50:11GO_GO_I_TANK spread
00:50:13GO_GO_I_TANK let axe go me
00:50:13PeterLars ??
00:50:14KredeC why b?
00:50:15FireMal blink ?
00:50:18PeterLars hide
00:50:21FireMal rdy
00:50:25KredeC all mid then
00:50:26KredeC googoggo
00:50:31KredeC mid all
00:50:32KredeC go
00:50:43GO_GO_I_TANK ohj more solo we die
00:50:43Dota.m b
00:50:50GO_GO_I_TANK def tower yes
00:50:55GO_GO_I_TANK veno lina first
00:50:57GO_GO_I_TANK cant do shit with mortred
00:50:59GO_GO_I_TANK before they out
00:51:19FireMal b
00:51:19FireMal b
00:51:19FireMal b
00:51:20FireMal b
00:51:46GO_GO_I_TANK wow we suck
00:51:56ATS_ yep
00:52:50GO_GO_I_TANK bad play and bad items
00:52:55GO_GO_I_TANK i should have had shiva by now
00:53:00GO_GO_I_TANK and someone a guinsoo
00:53:02McNabb jeg er stadig sur
00:53:05PeterLars ^^
00:53:06PeterLars hvorfor
00:53:07KredeC haha
00:54:20Dota.m just ff
00:54:22Dota.m I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:54:23Dota.m I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:54:25Arapiles I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:54:30GO_GO_I_TANK yeah
00:54:31GO_GO_I_TANK just so sad
00:54:36PeterLars ^^
00:54:41Dota.m please
00:54:41PeterLars michael :D
00:54:42Dota.m I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:54:43GO_GO_I_TANK like 0 6 mortred
00:54:43Arapiles Peterlars banreguested by the way
00:54:45PeterLars er du sur :D
00:54:50PeterLars haha
00:54:55PeterLars han tuder over de taber :D
00:55:10GO_GO_I_TANK u looked screen?
00:55:18slc2 ja han gjorde
00:55:24Arapiles he did
00:55:25GO_GO_I_TANK oh mkb since last
00:55:26Arapiles all game
00:55:28slc2 han sidder her med mig arapiles og dotam
00:55:29McNabb lige meget nu eller?
00:55:33GO_GO_I_TANK fedt...
00:55:39FireMal oom
00:55:41Arapiles han undslap 5-10 ganks
00:55:47GO_GO_I_TANK han failede endda vildt i starten
00:55:48PeterLars bla bla
00:55:51Dota.m guys
00:55:55Dota.m can u ff
00:55:55Dota.m I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:55:57PeterLars se de tuder
00:55:58PeterLars ^^
00:56:04GO_GO_I_TANK well we were stupid also¨being caught by noob axe
00:56:07GO_GO_I_TANK I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:56:09McNabb hvordan skulle han kunne undslippe
00:56:11PeterLars de sagde ikke noget i starten
00:56:18PeterLars ^^
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