Game #1936089
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Chat log
00:00:18 | Knaitti -clear |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw i go maguuus |
00:00:18 | Planktoni k |
00:00:18 | Planktoni ban bat? |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw what should i ban? |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw umm ok |
00:00:18 | Momdsiw omni |
00:00:18 | Planktoni ei jaksa itte sitä |
00:00:18 | Planktoni aika rasittava |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw or omni |
00:00:18 | Knaitti mitös meinasitte pelata |
00:00:18 | Iho that new hero? |
00:00:18 | ATS_ can you pick clock for me? |
00:00:18 | Knaitti osaako joku magusta? |
00:00:18 | Momdsiw omni tai bat |
00:00:18 | Jerkku voisin pelaa axen |
00:00:18 | Planktoni imo ei ne ota omni kyllä |
00:00:18 | Eksodick I can go dazzle |
00:00:18 | Planktoni maistuuko jollekki omni? |
00:00:18 | Momdsiw bannaa bat sit |
00:00:18 | Planktoni voin pikata poies |
00:00:18 | ATS_ maybe ban batrider |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw batrider |
00:00:18 | Knaitti or magus |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw oke otan uuden tai sit omnin sulle |
00:00:18 | Momdsiw en pelaa ainakaa omnia :D |
00:00:18 | Usires viperin vois |
00:00:18 | livingde4th ban rubick |
00:00:18 | Knaitti banni invoker |
00:00:18 | Usires jaksa paljo muita |
00:00:18 | livingde4th ai siel seki |
00:00:18 | Knaitti tuo planktoni pelaa varmaa invon |
00:00:18 | Momdsiw tylsä hero |
00:00:18 | Planktoni lolz |
00:00:18 | livingde4th ban invoker |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw otatko planktoni omnin? |
00:00:18 | Usires gängiä vaa |
00:00:18 | livingde4th voiks vaihtaa |
00:00:18 | Knaitti voi |
00:00:18 | livingde4th ban invoker |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw joo voi |
00:00:18 | Planktoni siiitä vaan |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw okei |
00:00:18 | Knaitti ku ei oo pikattu mittääö |
00:00:18 | Knaitti bat & INVO banned |
00:00:18 | BoNeshaw batrider invoker banned |
00:00:18 | Planktoni maistus clock kyllä |
00:00:18 | livingde4th ban invoo |
00:00:24 | Momdsiw ota se uus |
00:00:26 | Momdsiw va |
00:00:28 | BoNeshaw jooo |
00:00:30 | Momdsiw vaik se ei oo ees kova |
00:00:30 | livingde4th oon putke |
00:00:34 | Knaitti ill pick u that clock |
00:00:35 | livingde4th carryy sa |
00:00:36 | Momdsiw noi halus et pickaat sen |
00:00:36 | Planktoni se on ainaki hauska |
00:00:41 | ATS_ thanks |
00:00:46 | Planktoni omnin healit :) |
00:00:46 | BoNeshaw jooo hauska on, ja on toi nuke aika jeees |
00:00:46 | Eksodick mulle vois dazzlen |
00:00:54 | Momdsiw hookit pudgee vähä |
00:00:57 | Knaitti on kyl paskat carryt tääl |
00:01:03 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: on |
00:01:04 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys... |
00:01:04 | Knaitti someone pick omni |
00:01:11 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed n, q, x, z |
00:01:13 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys... |
00:01:23 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, t, x, z |
00:01:25 | Knaitti usires pelaa omni? |
00:01:28 | Knaitti tai crix |
00:01:29 | ATS_ mitäs haluat |
00:01:33 | Knaitti oota |
00:01:36 | Usires paskaa |
00:01:38 | Momdsiw prjkl mun sk |
00:01:40 | Knaitti vittu jos noi ottaa omnin |
00:01:40 | ATS_ ranged |
00:01:48 | Knaitti -.- |
00:01:49 | BoNeshaw momdsiw u mid? |
00:01:50 | Knaitti öö |
00:01:50 | Jerkku range |
00:01:53 | BoNeshaw or planktoni |
00:01:56 | Knaitti dk |
00:01:59 | Momdsiw planktoni imo |
00:02:01 | Planktoni k |
00:02:03 | ATS_ sure? |
00:02:05 | Knaitti juu |
00:02:08 | Knaitti -swap 5 |
00:02:14 | Planktoni pari meleetä |
00:02:16 | ATS_ -swap 2 |
00:02:17 | Jerkku on |
00:02:18 | Eksodick B() |
00:02:19 | livingde4th knaitti u mid? |
00:02:19 | BoNeshaw venge kunkka bot? |
00:02:27 | Momdsiw sure |
00:02:33 | Knaitti viperia vs? :E |
00:02:36 | Momdsiw tää ois kyl sunki kaa kova combo |
00:02:36 | livingde4th no rangeds cookie |
00:02:38 | livingde4th jep |
00:02:39 | livingde4th :( |
00:02:41 | Momdsiw heität ilmaa torrentaan vaa alle |
00:02:42 | livingde4th tee soulring |
00:02:43 | BoNeshaw mm nii ois kyl ollu |
00:02:44 | livingde4th ja firetä |
00:02:46 | livingde4th crepepei |
00:02:48 | Usires mä voin mennä expaa kans |
00:02:49 | Usires midii |
00:02:53 | Usires stormilla |
00:02:53 | BoNeshaw menivät vaan jo venge ja dazzle silleen |
00:02:58 | Momdsiw nii |
00:03:00 | livingde4th no ihan sama päättäkää mie haluutte |
00:03:02 | livingde4th mee vaa |
00:03:04 | livingde4th swapatkaa |
00:03:07 | livingde4th et dk saa farmia |
00:03:07 | Usires et saa kyl farmia vs viper |
00:03:11 | livingde4th dk top |
00:03:12 | livingde4th swap |
00:03:13 | livingde4th ffs |
00:03:15 | livingde4th afk |
00:03:15 | livingde4th sec |
00:03:15 | Eksodick -afk |
00:03:15 | livingde4th knaitti mee top |
00:03:15 | Planktoni -afk |
00:03:15 | Momdsiw ¨-afk |
00:03:15 | Momdsiw -afk |
00:03:15 | BoNeshaw -afk |
00:03:15 | Knaitti ? |
00:03:15 | livingde4th no et pärjää viperil |
00:03:15 | Iho -afk |
00:03:15 | Usires et saa farmia |
00:03:15 | livingde4th mee top |
00:03:15 | Iho -apm |
00:03:15 | livingde4th sk expailee |
00:03:15 | Knaitti no ok |
00:03:15 | Usires mä meen stormilla expaa |
00:03:15 | Momdsiw -apm |
00:03:15 | Eksodick -apm |
00:03:15 | livingde4th 321 |
00:03:15 | livingde4th re |
00:03:21 | Knaitti no 2 melee top :E |
00:03:21 | BoNeshaw u pull dazzle? |
00:03:22 | livingde4th share chick |
00:03:25 | Usires 5 melee team |
00:03:27 | Eksodick k |
00:03:28 | Knaitti :D |
00:03:28 | livingde4th tee soulring |
00:03:30 | livingde4th sil pärjäää |
00:03:35 | Knaitti ai mä? |
00:03:36 | livingde4th kova dkool |
00:03:38 | livingde4th imo y |
00:03:40 | Momdsiw mios |
00:03:41 | Momdsiw bot |
00:03:45 | Momdsiw re |
00:04:00 | Momdsiw lal |
00:04:02 | Momdsiw pudge oslo xD |
00:04:10 | Momdsiw unless axe is linging too |
00:04:22 | Knaitti anna mun farmaa |
00:04:28 | ATS_ tervviiiin |
00:04:52 | Knaitti joo tuol vie 0 m,anaa tuo nuke |
00:04:53 | Knaitti ja tekee dmg |
00:04:54 | Knaitti -.- |
00:05:04 | livingde4th jep |
00:05:05 | Knaitti 2 range |
00:05:07 | livingde4th regenii vaa |
00:05:08 | Knaitti vähemmä mä täl saan expaa |
00:05:17 | Knaitti tai rahaa |
00:05:19 | livingde4th no mähä oisin bannannu sen |
00:05:22 | livingde4th sä halusit invon |
00:05:28 | ATS_ joo |
00:05:43 | Momdsiw harras bit tak lvl 3 |
00:06:19 | Momdsiw care hooks -.- |
00:06:29 | Usires miss viper |
00:06:30 | Knaitti ats |
00:06:30 | Eksodick meen pulz |
00:06:32 | Knaitti anna mun farmaa? |
00:06:32 | Planktoni share |
00:06:36 | Usires re |
00:06:36 | ATS_ tarviin |
00:06:40 | Knaitti joo mut |
00:06:41 | Knaitti oon ainoa carry |
00:06:45 | Knaitti mä tartten tuhat kertaa eneempi |
00:06:48 | Eksodick joo |
00:07:09 | livingde4th ss |
00:07:26 | Usires tapetaa bot |
00:07:30 | Planktoni ss mid |
00:07:32 | Momdsiw axe miss |
00:07:33 | Jerkku venatkaam ua |
00:07:56 | Momdsiw sk bot |
00:08:00 | Momdsiw whos mid |
00:08:08 | Knaitti joo toi sai arcanet |
00:08:09 | Knaitti gg |
00:08:10 | Momdsiw sk their mid? |
00:08:14 | Planktoni t |
00:08:16 | livingde4th viaha lanee |
00:08:32 | livingde4th mis sun regenit |
00:08:33 | livingde4th dk |
00:08:47 | Momdsiw mikss |
00:08:50 | livingde4th gj |
00:08:54 | Momdsiw why you dont let me farm? |
00:09:01 | Planktoni midissä oli dk |
00:09:06 | Momdsiw s eon topista |
00:09:11 | Momdsiw pudge axe on botis |
00:09:12 | Momdsiw pudge inc mid |
00:09:47 | Momdsiw mid |
00:09:48 | livingde4th väistä |
00:09:48 | Momdsiw wake |
00:09:58 | Jerkku lol |
00:10:03 | Momdsiw wtfd |
00:10:06 | ATS_ otti ohjuksen |
00:10:09 | Planktoni ei oo buutsei |
00:10:15 | Momdsiw oisin torrentatnnu |
00:10:15 | livingde4th axe use ur brains faster |
00:10:22 | livingde4th u had no chance reaching him |
00:10:23 | Jerkku y sry |
00:10:25 | livingde4th i got hook.. |
00:10:32 | Momdsiw still miss bot |
00:10:59 | ATS_ ss 2 |
00:11:02 | Planktoni s many |
00:11:06 | livingde4th ss |
00:11:18 | Iho top care |
00:11:20 | Planktoni y |
00:11:25 | Momdsiw rune top |
00:11:30 | Momdsiw dk bot |
00:11:48 | Momdsiw tein jo unrnan :< |
00:11:48 | ATS_ ss 1 |
00:11:54 | Usires Lols dustia |
00:11:56 | Usires rontti |
00:11:56 | BoNeshaw ei se mtn |
00:11:58 | Momdsiw pudge inc |
00:11:59 | BoNeshaw kova itemi |
00:12:02 | Planktoni :) |
00:12:23 | Iho kunkka you need farm |
00:12:28 | Iho dont be too bussy |
00:12:30 | BoNeshaw kunkka freefarm top |
00:12:34 | Eksodick sk top |
00:12:36 | livingde4th ss |
00:12:37 | Momdsiw yes i need |
00:12:39 | livingde4th 3 |
00:12:41 | Momdsiw but you try take mine |
00:12:47 | Iho don be bussy |
00:12:54 | Iho fuck sake |
00:12:58 | Momdsiw stun? |
00:13:06 | Planktoni top rune |
00:13:11 | Momdsiw too good |
00:13:12 | Momdsiw you are |
00:13:42 | Knaitti 4 down |
00:13:43 | Knaitti one dead |
00:14:17 | Knaitti juuuu |
00:14:19 | Knaitti saa deffata ala tornia |
00:14:19 | livingde4th stun skoo |
00:14:23 | Planktoni hieno tele ol |
00:14:29 | Momdsiw je |
00:14:33 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys... |
00:14:37 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, t, x, z |
00:14:43 | Momdsiw eiks tol uudel herol oo iha homo hotkeyt |
00:14:46 | Knaitti miss 3 down |
00:14:52 | BoNeshaw mm zxc laitettu |
00:14:58 | BoNeshaw tarkotuksel ettei muil oo samoi |
00:14:59 | Momdsiw juu |
00:15:00 | livingde4th go venge from twr?= |
00:15:04 | BoNeshaw mut ei haittaa ku käyttää dotakeys |
00:15:11 | ATS_ failed hook allready |
00:15:26 | livingde4th sori |
00:15:29 | livingde4th meni vituiks :( |
00:15:32 | Usires y |
00:15:48 | livingde4th need obs |
00:15:49 | livingde4th anyone? |
00:15:58 | livingde4th def top |
00:15:58 | livingde4th guys |
00:16:12 | Planktoni kunkka tuus |
00:16:14 | Planktoni käydää hakee dk |
00:16:15 | Eksodick varo pudg |
00:16:16 | Momdsiw ju |
00:16:38 | Momdsiw en käytä laivaa |
00:16:40 | Planktoni ju |
00:16:52 | livingde4th tp cd |
00:16:53 | livingde4th def top |
00:17:02 | livingde4th def top fast |
00:17:03 | livingde4th now |
00:17:03 | Momdsiw miks et kiertäny :< |
00:17:08 | Momdsiw toista kautta |
00:17:16 | Momdsiw ku illus blockasitvat |
00:17:16 | Planktoni aattelin et saatas |
00:17:22 | Planktoni my bad |
00:18:04 | livingde4th saaks assisteista strenan vaik on kuollu? |
00:18:14 | Knaitti ööö |
00:18:18 | Knaitti pitäs varmaa saada |
00:18:23 | livingde4th sk hoida haukka |
00:18:26 | livingde4th tarjosin obsut ja smoget |
00:18:35 | livingde4th ei oo suppoi |
00:18:36 | livingde4th muita |
00:18:44 | livingde4th sk? |
00:18:48 | livingde4th wenaa |
00:18:50 | livingde4th voin heala |
00:18:51 | Knaitti ostanko bkb |
00:18:52 | Knaitti vai s y |
00:18:59 | Jerkku bkb imo |
00:18:59 | Knaitti tuo uus sy jopa tekee jotain |
00:19:08 | Momdsiw mid twr |
00:19:09 | Momdsiw go |
00:19:09 | livingde4th bkb ehk emt |
00:19:12 | Knaitti nii |
00:19:15 | livingde4th on meil toisaalt kyl tankkei |
00:19:16 | livingde4th emt |
00:19:17 | Knaitti bkb on pakko tehä noit vs joka tapaukses |
00:19:27 | Knaitti taino ei edes ole |
00:19:28 | Knaitti pakk oteh |
00:19:46 | Knaitti mid axe |
00:19:47 | livingde4th def mid all |
00:20:14 | livingde4th gg clock |
00:20:15 | livingde4th moron |
00:20:23 | Momdsiw wtf |
00:20:25 | Momdsiw plankotoni |
00:20:29 | ATS_ täh |
00:20:29 | Momdsiw healasin sua ja meet vaa b |
00:20:30 | Momdsiw huoh |
00:20:34 | livingde4th no tapoit mut |
00:20:35 | livingde4th idiootti |
00:20:39 | livingde4th työnsit suojal ton vittuu |
00:20:43 | livingde4th ku olin hookannu |
00:20:45 | livingde4th varman tapon |
00:20:49 | livingde4th oisit vaa lyöny sitäö |
00:20:54 | ATS_ sorp |
00:21:07 | Eksodick o |
00:21:12 | Knaitti teen s y |
00:21:12 | ATS_ piti laittaa pieru mut falesin sori |
00:21:14 | Knaitti sitte jotai ac |
00:21:21 | Knaitti tai mkb |
00:21:22 | Momdsiw spam armor dazzle |
00:21:25 | livingde4th huoh |
00:21:30 | livingde4th no ihsm |
00:21:44 | ATS_ b |
00:21:44 | ATS_ b |
00:21:45 | ATS_ b |
00:21:45 | ATS_ b |
00:21:45 | ATS_ b |
00:21:49 | livingde4th en ole sokea |
00:21:50 | Eksodick joku farm bot |
00:21:56 | Momdsiw i go |
00:22:03 | ATS_ ei sitä ikinä tiedä |
00:22:10 | Knaitti AXE blink soon? |
00:22:17 | livingde4th nop |
00:22:19 | livingde4th he goes vang |
00:22:22 | livingde4th no blink needed |
00:22:23 | Jerkku not yet |
00:22:33 | livingde4th why all axes make tnak items before blink |
00:22:38 | livingde4th u only need roh for farming |
00:22:41 | livingde4th then u should blink |
00:22:47 | livingde4th takes fiucking 30m that way |
00:22:57 | livingde4th and thats sad |
00:23:01 | livingde4th 4v5 for 30m |
00:23:16 | Knaitti ULTI? |
00:23:17 | Knaitti WTF |
00:23:22 | livingde4th well why not |
00:23:23 | livingde4th low cd |
00:23:28 | Knaitti well he was stunned |
00:23:31 | Knaitti and axe dont need that lasthit |
00:23:38 | livingde4th he sure needs dagger |
00:23:39 | Jerkku needed that for blink |
00:23:44 | Knaitti well needed it for something |
00:23:46 | livingde4th -st |
00:24:03 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys... |
00:24:06 | livingde4th come for smog |
00:24:08 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, e, x, z |
00:24:11 | livingde4th reuse |
00:24:12 | livingde4th knait |
00:24:31 | ATS_ 5 |
00:24:44 | Knaitti mine |
00:24:46 | Knaitti for s y |
00:24:50 | Jerkku ofc |
00:24:58 | livingde4th -st |
00:25:11 | livingde4th help clock |
00:25:11 | livingde4th fast |
00:25:45 | Momdsiw huh |
00:25:50 | livingde4th oikeasti painukaa vittuun mun edestä |
00:25:57 | Jerkku en ollu mä ny |
00:25:57 | livingde4th mull haste ja hook |
00:26:05 | BoNeshaw mitähä buildais |
00:26:10 | BoNeshaw forcestaffia guinsoota vai skadia |
00:26:16 | Iho guinsoo |
00:26:21 | Momdsiw guinsoo force vois olal kovat |
00:26:27 | Knaitti bkb ac or mkb or domi? |
00:26:37 | Knaitti mitäs teen |
00:26:56 | livingde4th emt kai se on sama |
00:27:01 | livingde4th bkb tietty paras |
00:27:02 | livingde4th mut ihsm |
00:27:06 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys... |
00:27:07 | Knaitti niin |
00:27:09 | Knaitti vois sen tehä |
00:27:09 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, t, x, z |
00:27:22 | livingde4th sit ihan sama mitä teet |
00:27:36 | livingde4th -st |
00:27:46 | Knaitti axe dont w aste mana for useless blinks plz |
00:27:53 | livingde4th 'def all |
00:27:54 | livingde4th tulkaa |
00:28:10 | BoNeshaw blink sk |
00:28:24 | Momdsiw :D |
00:28:25 | Momdsiw hook |
00:29:18 | livingde4th he took my hook |
00:29:19 | livingde4th care it |
00:29:20 | Planktoni niillä aika hyvät initiateherot |
00:29:25 | Momdsiw ju |
00:29:26 | Eksodick kusiset |
00:29:32 | Iho joo ja meillä levelit kusee |
00:29:34 | Momdsiw dazzlen ultia vaa kehii |
00:29:39 | livingde4th arcanes clock? |
00:29:40 | Eksodick tuossa kyllä taas oli vähä arpomista mennäänkö eikö mennä |
00:29:44 | ATS_ ' |
00:29:46 | livingde4th wait i buy item |
00:29:46 | ATS_ wana |
00:29:48 | livingde4th b |
00:29:49 | livingde4th now all |
00:29:50 | livingde4th b |
00:29:51 | Planktoni ei me oikein voida mennä millään |
00:30:01 | Planktoni tarvis saada gankit eka |
00:30:04 | livingde4th i take dd |
00:30:11 | livingde4th otan eka itemit |
00:30:12 | livingde4th ota sit |
00:30:24 | livingde4th hawk |
00:30:24 | Knaitti 900 to bkb |
00:30:29 | livingde4th ota hammer |
00:30:30 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys... |
00:30:37 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, t, x, z |
00:30:56 | Momdsiw need wards |
00:31:03 | Iho I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge] |
00:31:15 | Knaitti iha just 16lvl ja bkb |
00:31:16 | livingde4th got invis |
00:31:18 | livingde4th all mid? |
00:31:26 | Usires go |
00:31:29 | Knaitti sec |
00:31:30 | Knaitti 300 |
00:31:36 | Eksodick I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge] |
00:31:46 | Knaitti 100gp |
00:31:47 | Momdsiw nost ailmaa? |
00:31:50 | livingde4th come |
00:31:52 | livingde4th invis over soon |
00:32:06 | livingde4th fucking slowbies |
00:32:10 | livingde4th i could ult |
00:32:12 | livingde4th their weak heroes |
00:32:14 | livingde4th but u faggots |
00:32:15 | livingde4th farm |
00:32:18 | livingde4th go mid all |
00:32:19 | livingde4th got dd |
00:32:20 | livingde4th now |
00:32:25 | Knaitti ok |
00:32:44 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys... |
00:32:44 | Knaitti tower def |
00:32:46 | Knaitti if u missile |
00:32:46 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, r, x, z |
00:32:48 | Eksodick joo, heti ku tulee rahat :D |
00:32:54 | Eksodick iholla ny olis |
00:32:56 | Eksodick säästelee johonki |
00:34:02 | Eksodick heitin kaikki mitä löyty |
00:34:18 | Usires jaa ei pärjätty |
00:34:23 | BoNeshaw se meni hyvin |
00:34:25 | ATS_ ei näk |
00:34:27 | Momdsiw mitä kelasit buildaa |
00:34:28 | Momdsiw vipu |
00:34:28 | livingde4th no axe ei päässy sisää |
00:34:33 | Planktoni sny varmaa |
00:34:36 | livingde4th enkä mä hookkaa kunnol |
00:34:38 | livingde4th ku kaikki oli ees |
00:34:39 | Jerkku enni |
00:34:43 | Jerkku näki koko aja mis oltii |
00:34:53 | Momdsiw b |
00:35:14 | livingde4th -st |
00:35:25 | livingde4th kill viper |
00:35:37 | Usires pitää käydä refill |
00:35:44 | Usires varokaa sit |
00:36:15 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys... |
00:36:17 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, t, x, z |
00:36:22 | ATS_ hmm |
00:36:25 | livingde4th -st |
00:36:34 | Usires haen lvl16 |
00:36:36 | Usires alhaalta |
00:36:50 | livingde4th should we rosh |
00:36:53 | livingde4th its risky though |
00:36:59 | livingde4th i obs it atleast |
00:37:00 | Knaitti yes it is |
00:37:09 | Usires go tower |
00:37:12 | livingde4th need all |
00:38:50 | Momdsiw SD |
00:38:51 | Knaitti gj |
00:38:52 | Momdsiw ASD |
00:38:52 | Knaitti toer |
00:39:29 | Usires täytyy mennä b |
00:39:31 | Knaitti deniable |
00:39:32 | Knaitti mid tower |
00:39:37 | Knaitti 3 right |
00:39:39 | Knaitti fast kill tower |
00:39:41 | Knaitti b |
00:39:47 | livingde4th b |
00:39:47 | livingde4th b |
00:39:48 | livingde4th b |
00:39:54 | Momdsiw team str gonna beat us :< |
00:39:58 | Knaitti teen mkb |
00:40:00 | Knaitti vittuko ei tee mittää dmg |
00:40:40 | ATS_ motn bkb:ta? |
00:40:45 | Knaitti 2 saa tehä |
00:40:45 | ATS_ meillä? |
00:40:46 | Knaitti per tiimi |
00:40:48 | Knaitti mul 1 |
00:40:51 | ATS_ tiedän |
00:40:53 | ATS_ monta on |
00:40:54 | livingde4th et sä sitä tartte |
00:40:57 | ATS_ voinko tehä |
00:40:59 | livingde4th tee esim blademail mielummi |
00:41:00 | BoNeshaw sec |
00:41:00 | Knaitti et tartte sitä |
00:41:01 | BoNeshaw guinsoo |
00:41:02 | BoNeshaw shop |
00:41:04 | livingde4th et tartte |
00:41:04 | Iho rosh |
00:41:04 | Knaitti blade mail parempi |
00:41:05 | ATS_ ainiin joo |
00:41:11 | Knaitti ja agha |
00:41:13 | livingde4th axelle kans |
00:41:15 | livingde4th blademail |
00:41:16 | Momdsiw ill def bot |
00:41:17 | Jerkku joo |
00:41:20 | Jerkku teen seuraavaks just |
00:41:23 | Usires go |
00:41:25 | livingde4th come all |
00:41:27 | Iho i will go afk |
00:41:30 | Usires tarttis dustia kyl |
00:41:33 | Usires ettei toi kunkka riehu |
00:41:54 | livingde4th cant |
00:41:55 | livingde4th ffs |
00:41:58 | livingde4th need dust |
00:43:17 | Momdsiw i go teal |
00:43:20 | Planktoni rosh |
00:43:22 | Jerkku kuka |
00:43:24 | livingde4th axe take |
00:43:24 | Knaitti mä? |
00:43:26 | livingde4th u got slot |
00:43:26 | BoNeshaw they rosh or fake rosh |
00:43:26 | Jerkku ok |
00:43:26 | Knaitti ok |
00:43:30 | Knaitti axe |
00:43:46 | Usires ny on dust |
00:43:48 | Usires tapetaas |
00:43:49 | Momdsiw np axe took |
00:43:51 | Planktoni mihin sä kunkka jäit |
00:44:01 | Momdsiw ottaa creeps |
00:44:01 | livingde4th -st |
00:44:03 | Momdsiw ettei mee tornia |
00:44:07 | Planktoni tärkee |
00:44:10 | Momdsiw ^^ |
00:44:13 | Momdsiw luulin et ne on hitati |
00:44:15 | Momdsiw hitait |
00:44:21 | Planktoni kyljestä tulevat |
00:44:45 | Momdsiw hook some1 |
00:44:45 | Momdsiw again |
00:44:46 | Momdsiw xD |
00:44:51 | livingde4th hookwars |
00:44:55 | Jerkku :d |
00:44:55 | BoNeshaw :D |
00:45:10 | livingde4th top tower |
00:45:11 | livingde4th go all |
00:45:18 | livingde4th move it |
00:45:28 | Planktoni ootellaa nvaan |
00:45:50 | livingde4th axe just go in first |
00:45:52 | livingde4th u got aegis |
00:45:54 | Jerkku y |
00:45:56 | livingde4th care hook |
00:45:58 | livingde4th rememvber |
00:46:02 | livingde4th go axe |
00:46:18 | Momdsiw b |
00:46:50 | Eksodick mulkku iho :D |
00:46:56 | Momdsiw How you see me :D |
00:46:59 | Iho :D |
00:47:02 | Jerkku dunno :D |
00:47:10 | Momdsiw you have no detecT? |
00:47:11 | Usires Näkyvyyspölyllä |
00:47:18 | Momdsiw ahh |
00:47:20 | Momdsiw Crix had |
00:47:41 | ATS_ :DDDD |
00:47:47 | Planktoni I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge] |
00:47:48 | ATS_ gg |
00:47:50 | Eksodick kostoks jätin graven heittämättä |
00:47:53 | ATS_ funny |
00:47:59 | Jerkku vittukun mua hookitaan |
00:48:05 | Jerkku :D |
00:48:07 | livingde4th oot helppo |
00:48:08 | Momdsiw ET tarvii daguu |
00:48:20 | Jerkku b ? |
00:49:22 | livingde4th def at base |
00:49:23 | Knaitti sai quinsoon toi homo hero |
00:49:25 | livingde4th they will counterpush mid |
00:49:27 | Momdsiw driplets |
00:49:36 | Eksodick I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge] |
00:49:36 | Knaitti ats |
00:49:37 | livingde4th axebuy out if need |
00:49:39 | Knaitti rokcet top |
00:49:40 | livingde4th axe u go enough? |
00:49:41 | Knaitti so it will pysh |
00:49:47 | Knaitti rocket top |
00:49:51 | livingde4th well no need |
00:49:54 | livingde4th 20s only |
00:50:08 | Eksodick jou |
00:50:09 | Eksodick ki |
00:50:13 | livingde4th -st |
00:50:15 | Usires go after them |
00:50:16 | Usires with smoke |
00:50:18 | Planktoni otan topin |
00:50:21 | Usires someone get |
00:50:22 | Usires im full |
00:50:36 | Usires axe |
00:50:38 | Usires osta smoke |
00:50:39 | Usires ja tänne |
00:50:45 | Usires gäther |
00:51:02 | Usires voi kristus |
00:51:03 | livingde4th mid all |
00:51:03 | Usires ei sitte |
00:51:03 | livingde4th gogo |
00:51:15 | livingde4th gatgher |
00:51:17 | Momdsiw anna toan jotai 100g |
00:51:19 | Momdsiw crittii |
00:51:26 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: off |
00:51:28 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: on |
00:51:28 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys... |
00:51:35 | BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, d, x, z |
00:51:35 | Momdsiw blaah |
00:51:36 | Jerkku i have gem |
00:51:37 | Jerkku so |
00:51:51 | ATS_ oho |
00:51:53 | Momdsiw no money for rebuy |
00:51:57 | ATS_ creepit |
00:52:20 | ATS_ rax |
00:52:28 | Momdsiw planktoni rebuy? |
00:52:29 | BoNeshaw miks epicenter ei tullu :O |
00:52:32 | Planktoni 50 tarvis |
00:52:36 | Momdsiw :/ |
00:52:37 | Usires emt |
00:52:39 | ATS_ :O |
00:52:49 | Planktoni -apm |
00:52:54 | Momdsiw -apm |
00:52:55 | BoNeshaw ei taida toimia kaikkien skill kans toi |
00:52:55 | Iho -apm |
00:52:57 | Eksodick myy kanalta |
00:53:00 | BoNeshaw tai sit joku mini stun |
00:53:12 | ATS_ ei toimikka |
00:53:15 | Usires [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel! |
00:53:15 | Usires [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel! |
00:53:15 | Usires [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel! |
00:53:15 | Usires [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne. |
00:53:15 | BoNeshaw I surrender! [4/4 of Scourge] |
00:53:28 | Eksodick hyvä tää grave |
00:53:41 | Jerkku gege |
00:53:43 | livingde4th -st |
00:53:45 | Momdsiw I surrender! [5/4 of Scourge] |
00:53:45 | Planktoni gg |
00:53:45 | Momdsiw Gg |
00:53:50 | Usires gg |
00:53:52 | Knaitti vittu ac oli kanalla |
00:53:57 | Knaitti ei saanu siit x :< |